"Dong Dong~"

There was a knock on the door.

Luo Ning, who was engrossed in planning and forming formations based on the information collected by Jenny, did not raise his head and only said the word "progress".

He thought it was Redal or Elrond and others who came over, but he didn't expect that a gorgeously dressed girl who looked like a noble lady came in carrying a fruit plate.

"Who are you?" Luo Ning put down the pen in his hand.

The girl bowed, lightly opened her red lips, and said in a sweet voice: "Lord Viscount, I am the daughter of the Administrative Officer of the Boulder Territory. You can call me Betty."

As she spoke, she placed the fruit plate on the table, came to Luo Ning's side with a wisp of fragrant wind, and actually reached out to squeeze Luo Ning's shoulders.

"Lord Viscount, you've had a hard journey, and I'm here specifically to serve you."

Luo Ning frowned slightly, took a book and covered it on the parchment.

Although the other party's movements were gentle, and Luo Ning could still feel the soft touch on his shoulder, and although Luo Ning could vaguely feel the hot breath of the other party's breath hitting the back of his ears, he still felt a little baffled.

"Miss Betty."

Luo Ning pushed the other person's hand away and looked directly into the other person's eyes: "Did Kerien ask you to come here?"

Betty's eyes clearly flashed with panic. She didn't expect to be rejected. Didn't Sir Corian say that the man in front of her was very fond of men and women?
Why did she take the initiative to approach her, even intending to tease her, but her expression didn't seem happy at all?
She quickly walked away and stood on one side of the table.

Betty felt the coldness in Ronin's tone. Although she was the daughter of a political officer, she still lacked confidence in front of a real noble.

"The Baron said you were too tired, so he asked me to give you a massage, then help you wash up and take a nap."

"How to serve?"

Luo Ning's lips curled up slightly, "Does that include giving your body?"

After swiping, Betty's face turned red and she lowered her head shyly: "Yes, yes, I can do it anytime as long as you want."

Judging from the opponent's previous performance, it was obvious that he was a skilled veteran, but at this moment, he looked like an unexperienced girl.

"Corinn is really considerate."

Ronin smiled and then shouted outside: "Tom, David, come in!"

Tom and David, who were waiting not far outside, ran over quickly and subconsciously glanced at Betty, who was standing awkwardly aside.

"My lord, what are your orders?"

"You have been following me for more than a day or two. Why didn't you notify me in advance when outsiders came to see me? How are you on duty?"

Ronin's reproachful attitude was indeed criticizing the two of them on the one hand, and on the other hand he was doing it to Betty.

Faced with the lord's reproach, Tom and David immediately panicked and quickly knelt down on one knee, begging Ronin for forgiveness and explaining the reason.

It turned out that when they heard Betty say that it was Korien who arranged it, they thought that Luo Ning and the other party had already discussed it, so they did not stop her from letting her in, but they did not expect that there was a misunderstanding.

"From now on, even if a fly wants to come in, it has to come and report to me first. I will allow it before letting it in!"

"It's my lord!"

Tom and David were trembling. They had indeed handled the matter wrongly, and they should have reported it first.

Luo Ning waved his hand, "Take her out!"

Betty didn't dare to stay here longer after seeing this battle, and was about to go out in a panic.

"Take away the fruit plate!" Luo Ning added.

"Okay, okay..."

She quickly turned around, took the fruit plate and left quickly.

Looking at the other person's leaving figure, Luo Ning frowned and analyzed Kerien's purpose of doing this.

"Did he just send a woman because he simply thought I was lustful, or did he want to ruin my reputation?"

The war is about to begin. If Luo Ning gets into a storm like Selena because of a woman, Luo Ning's reputation will probably be as bad as Wiggins.

With the lessons learned from his predecessor, how could he make the same mistake again?
On the other side, Corian was very surprised when he heard Betty's report.

"Just back off."

Corian waved Betty away, but still couldn't believe it: "Betty's appearance is first-class. I didn't expect that Ronin could hold back and didn't attack. Could it be that he has really changed his gender?"

"It's possible. After all, he suffered a loss from Count Orson's granddaughter, and that's why he lost his right to inherit."

Brissot regretted: "In this way, the plan to ruin his reputation will be ruined."

"It doesn't matter."

Corian sat down, "There is not only one way to ruin your reputation. If this war fails miserably, his reputation will probably be even worse than his father's!"

"If the noble coalition is completely wiped out, as the commander, Luo Ning will probably be considered incompetent by all the nobles, right?"

These coalition forces, no matter how weak they are, are still the assets of the nobles. If they lose them, they will be somewhat heartbroken. Then there will be rumors about Luo Ning. In the evening, Elrond returned to Stone Castle and reported the information about the materials for the explosive potion.

It's a pity that the necessary potions cannot be found in Boulder City, especially the material "blood hemp grass" that no one in the Magic Energy Chamber of Commerce has heard of.

It seems impossible for Luo Ning to possess the explosive potion in a short time.

Luo Ning did not attend the dinner at Stonehenge Castle. Instead, he discussed with Redal, McCann and others how to set up camp.

This is their first war. They don't have to do many things, but they can also use this time as an opportunity to gain experience.

When people like Joffrey, Rogner, and even Tom grow up to lead the team in the future, they will also know how to deal with this aspect.

Sometimes improvement is not limited to strength, but also the ability to handle things.

The commander's absence from Corian's dinner seemed ordinary, but different people had different understandings of it.

Those knights or nobles who belong to other nobles naturally don't care, but three people like Toru, Philip, and Thorstein have to face it.

They were already aware of Luo Ning's attitude towards doing things. Even if a banquet like this before the capture of Chishan Town would damage the inviter's face, they needed to refuse it appropriately.

The next morning, Ronin summoned all the leading members, including Toru, Kerien and others, and held a meeting in the fortress of Stone Castle.

Although there were nearly sixty people attending the meeting, only a few high-end combatants could actually make the decision, and the other people in charge could only execute it.

"When marching and fighting, the first thing you need to do is to know your own situation."

Ronin took out the things he prepared yesterday and passed them around to Tolu and others.

"I have not moved the team with a complete knight squad, but I need to organize the other idle troops into a formal team, and assign the person in charge and allocate related matters."

Tolu took the parchment and read the words on it carefully. The more he read, the more shocked he became.

Luo Ning didn't attend the dinner party yesterday just to do this?

He couldn't help but secretly glance at the young man next to him. Could this kind of speed and way of handling things be achieved by a person who had never been on the battlefield?
"Sir Tolu, what do you think?"

Luo Ning asked: "If you feel there is anything wrong, you can make changes."

"I think your series of arrangements are very reasonable!"

As he spoke, he handed the parchment to Marvin aside. As deputy commanders, the two of them had to read it first.

"Lord Rulans asked Marvin and I to assist you. Now it seems that you may be able to preside over this war without us!"

After Marvin quickly browsed it, his eyes were full of shock.

He is a rough man and cannot do such fine work, but this does not prevent him from admiring those who can do such fine work.

"Toru is right, Ronin, I don't have any objections, just do as you say!"

He may not be satisfied with what he said, so he added: "I feel that an outstanding military strategist is about to appear in our Wushan territory!"

After saying this, everyone who had not seen the content of the letter became curious. What was written on this piece of paper that made the two commanders admire and admire it so much?
Corian was confused for a moment, is it really such an exaggeration?

Could it be that the Marquis made arrangements in advance to pave the way for Luo Ning?

But thinking about Betty's report yesterday, Ronin did write something on the table at that time, but the specific content was not seen by Betty.

"Viscount Marvin, can you let me take a look too?"

Marvin was startled. He had forgotten to pass it around and quickly handed the parchment to Corian.

Corian quickly took it and started reading.

I don't know if I don't see it, I'm startled when I see it.

I saw Luo Ning's formation number, leader, main members, and the tasks each team was responsible for written neatly on the parchment.

These tasks are not general, but fall into detail.

For example, some teams are responsible for investigation, some are responsible for defense, some are responsible for analyzing intelligence, some are responsible for maintaining security in the camp, etc.

In addition to the combat troops, Luo Ning also has a division of labor in logistics - craftsmen, cooks, grooms, and even cleaners have formations and responsible persons.

If a coalition of aristocratic troops was scattered like sand, if they really followed Luo Ning's rules and formations, the effect would definitely be stronger than if they acted independently.


Corian was shocked, but still wanted to find something wrong.

"Commander, I think there is a place that is not suitable."


Luo Ning didn't show the slightest anger when faced with the doubts, but behaved in a pleasant manner.

"If you have any opinions, Baron Corian, please put it forward and we can discuss it!" (End of Chapter)

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