In the recently concluded battle of the Polish Thieves, Viscount Vittorino of Point City did not attend, but sent his honorary knight Hamet Loew to lead the team.

Luo Ning only knew that this person was the Bronze Knight. Other than that, he had no special impression. He couldn't even remember the other person's appearance.

"This time, the Wushan Territory was victorious in wiping out the Poland Bandits. It is said that Master Hamet killed everyone in the battle. Even the second leader of the opponent almost died under his sword!"

The eyes of the man named Feili were full of yearning.

Most knights hope that they can wear armor and hold a long sword to kill everyone on the battlefield, but this is just a dream. In reality, not everyone chooses to go to the battlefield.

Because they know that they may die before the enemy reaches them on the battlefield.

"Lord Hamet has been following Lord Viscount for many years. This time he was finally promoted from an honorary knight to a baron due to his outstanding military exploits. Stranglethorn Valley is his territory."

Hearing the admiration in Feili's tone, Luo Ning smiled.

If he remembered correctly, during the battle to encircle and annihilate the bandit army in Boulder City, Hammett didn't even see Haldane, the second leader, right?

I just don’t know if these words are boasted by outsiders or come from the other party’s mouth.

Philip glanced at the carriage where Les was sitting and couldn't help but said: "I see that you seem to be familiar with Baron Hammett. His only son and lover are now in the team. Do you want to meet him?"

Luo Ning frowned.

The only son and lover, when these two people are put together, it seems that they are going to stage a drama of an illegitimate child turning into a good man?

The laws of this world clearly stipulate that illegitimate children have no inheritance rights.

Could it be that this Hammett dared to challenge the law just after he became a baronet?
Luo Ning shook his head. He was not interested in this kind of thing. "It is not a good habit to reveal your employer's identity information to outsiders."

After saying this, he walked into the tent that was set up.

Fili scratched his head, but couldn't get any useful information out.

But it was not without gain. From the fact that Luo Ning showed no respect to the baron, he knew that the latter's status was unusual.

As for revealing the identity of their employer, they were just entrusted by Knight Willie to send Rice and Peake to Thorn Valley, and it was not considered an employment relationship.

As night fell, the camp became lively for a while.

However, as everyone finished eating, they all began to return to the carriage to sleep, with only some people keeping vigil outside.

In the tent, Luo Ning sat cross-legged on the bed.

There was a piece of Warcraft leather placed flatly on the small table in front of him. At this moment, he was concentrating on drawing the spell scroll of the third-level magic detection wind.

Nowadays, Elrond focuses on the production of magic potions, and the output of spell scrolls is much less than before.

In order to generate income, Luo Ning had to take over part of it.

Speaking of which, he was now a mage, so it stood to reason that he could try to make a sixth-level spell scroll.

It's a pity that the production cost of a level 6 spell scroll is about 500 gold coins. The few gold coins in Luo Ning's pocket are only enough for him to fail dozens of times.

It is better to consider third-level and fourth-level spell scrolls. The production success rate is higher and you can make a lot of money.

Drawing spell patterns on Warcraft leather not only tests the magician's concentration, but also involves the magician's communication with the elements between heaven and earth when drawing.

This unique sense of immersion makes the magician very sensitive to the outside world.


Late at night, in addition to the sound of wind blowing leaves and the breathing of caravan members around him, Luo Ning suddenly heard the sound of many footsteps.

He thought for a moment, only to hear a sneer, and a piece of magic leather was burned away by the impact of the distracted magic power, as if being burned by fire.

Dozens of gold coins were wasted.

His success rate in making the spell scroll tonight was 100%. He thought it would be over after making this, but he failed once, which made him very unhappy.

But thinking of the continuous footsteps outside, Luo Ning released the wind of detection.

The early detection range of the Wind of Detection was at most two to three hundred meters. The magician could amplify the power of basic magic. Now Luo Ning can use it to sense situations within a range of nearly a kilometer.

I saw a group of people slowly approaching the camp four to five hundred meters away.


After traveling for so long, this was the first time he met a robber on the road.

"Tom, David."

Two figures immediately appeared outside the tent, "Sir!"

"Go and notify White and Fili to be alert. There is a group of people approaching four to five hundred meters to the southwest." The two were shocked, and immediately pulled out their swords and picked up their shields. David stood outside the tent. On alert, Tom ran over to inform others.

"stand up!"

He patted Fili and White on the face.

The two of them were running caravans all year round and slept very lightly. This beat suddenly made them wake up immediately.

"It's you?"

"Why don't you sleep this late at night?"

After all, they were a little unhappy at being interrupted from their rest, but neither of them showed it. They knew that the person in front of them was the young man's entourage.

"My master asked me to tell you that there are enemies approaching four to five hundred meters away in the southwest. I advise you to be on alert immediately."


The two of them saw that the people on guard outside were not asleep, and then looked at the tent. They suddenly felt that Tom was making fun of them.

"Brother, don't tell me that your adults can know things four to five hundred meters away in the tent?"

"Yeah, it's pitch black, where is anyone?" Although White was more cautious, he looked carefully in the distance and found no movement.

Obviously, neither of them took it seriously.

But at this moment, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

Sharp arrows shot through the air and directly killed the two night watchmen standing on the outside.

Everyone was shocked, and Fili and White also changed their expressions, and immediately shouted loudly: "Bandit... enemy attack! enemy attack!"

Suddenly, the camp was in chaos.

At this time, amid rapid and dense footsteps, dozens of figures rushed over quickly and surrounded the entire camp.

It is no longer possible to escape at this time.

"Quick, concentrate!"

Fili and White shouted, and the chaotic camp gradually regained some order.

People stood together, either with swords drawn or spears on guard.

But in this team of more than 20 people, there are only ten capable people, and they are no match for the opponent at first glance.

"Haha, I didn't expect you guys to be able to calm down."

Just hearing laughter, a tall man wearing light armor strode forward.

"He's from the Wolf Slayer Mercenary Group."

Feili's sharp eyes recognized the person's identity at a glance, and his expression darkened.

"Captain Bauer, when did the Wolf Slayer Mercenary Group start robbing?"


The leader of the mercenary group, Bauer, smiled disdainfully: "The mercenary group doesn't do such things."

"Then why did you kill our people?"

White warned in a low voice: "Aren't you afraid of offending Knight Willy?"

Mercenary groups are equivalent to "civilian forces". Some mercenary groups are strong and can even serve as mercenaries. However, under normal circumstances, they have a cooperative relationship with the nobles and rarely provoke the nobles.

Knight Willy is an honorary knight loyal to the Dennis family. He is also the lowest noble. The mercenary group usually gives him some face.

"Sorry, everyone here has to die today."

Bauer said coldly: "If you want to blame it, blame it on your team for taking in people who shouldn't be taken in."

White and Feili were shocked.

Everyone turned to look at Luo Ning. Some people had doubts in their eyes, but some had hatred in their eyes.

Just taking in three people to stay overnight actually brought disaster to the entire convoy?
"Watch what I do?"

Luo Ning felt baffled. Even if someone wanted to assassinate him, they would not arrange such a mercenary group that was not worthy of the publicity. (End of chapter)

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