The outside world, especially those who are unhappy with Luo Ning, although they don't know that Luo Ning has been promoted to Gold, they all know that he is a Silver Knight.

In this case, even if we want to assassinate him, not to mention gold knights, we should at least arrange a few silver knights.

At first glance, this mercenary group is local and cannot be that strong.

Therefore, Luo Ning concluded that the person the other party said should not be taken in was definitely not him.

"You don't have to look at me with such hatred, I'm not the person they want to kill."

Luo Ning walked out indifferently.

Tom and David stood on the left and right of Ronin. Although they knew that adults were not afraid of these lineups, the pressure on them was still a bit high.

Bauer saw at a glance how extraordinary Ronin was, and the two knights beside him. The armors they wore and the shields they held were not inferior quality.

"who are you?"

Luo Ning did not answer, but looked at a young-looking woman and a young child who were protected by White, Feili and others.

But everyone else was shocked by Luo Ning's words.

Bauer's eyes were still focused on Luo Ning. He didn't know the depth of this person.

Bauer shouted coldly, and the loud voice filled with fighting spirit made Fili tremble. He was just a junior knight who was stronger than ordinary people, and was no more than a child in front of the other party.

"Be careful, he is a senior knight!"

Everyone in the team knew that Pique was the only son of Baron Hammett, and Rice was the baroness who was about to become his wife.

Using fighting spirit is already showing a high opinion of the opponent.

"Bauer, she is the woman and son of Baron Hammett. Do you dare to kill them?"

Bauer's long sword was filled with fighting spirit and he rushed forward at an extremely fast speed. In his eyes, how strong can a young man be?

Feili tried to use Hamet to put pressure on the opponent: "Lord Hamet has bronze strength. Although you are a senior knight and have led a team to kill a pack of wolves, you have offended Lord Baron. You and your mercenary group cannot bear him. The anger!”

Luo Ning sighed and reached out to take Tom's long sword: "I originally planned to ignore the matter and ignore it, but what I got in exchange was that you pressed me step by step. In this case, I have to settle it with you. It’s my fault for destroying my belongings.”

Ball didn't respond, his face darkened.

His retreat made Ball feel that he was showing weakness.

Luo Ning simply gave the other party a choice: "I don't want to interfere in your affairs. Now I will leave here with my entourage. How about tonight's matter as if I didn't meet you?"

He smiled coldly, drew out his long sword, and said with murderous intent: "I said, no one can leave here alive tonight!"

He raised his hand and pointed at the two of them: "If I guess correctly, your target should be this mother and son, right?"

Someone is trying to take advantage of them. Isn't this a challenge to the Baron's majesty?
In the crowd, Ms. Rice's face suddenly turned pale, and she knew that things would not go as smoothly as she imagined.

"Shut up!"


Her son, Piqué, also shed uneasy tears and held her hand tightly.

"go to hell!"

This account naturally refers to the account for destroying the leather of Warcraft, but it sounds inexplicable to Bauer.

Fili quickly shouted loudly, since they knew that the matter had nothing to do with Luo Ning, they could only place their hope on this young man who looked extraordinary.

"too weak!"

Luo Ning pressed forward with a sword, and the moment he raised the sword, his whole body erupted with astonishing momentum, which was in sharp contrast to his gentle appearance before.

At this moment, Bauer only felt that he was being pushed up by a ferocious monster, and his whole body was extremely uneasy. The sword that was pressed by Luo Ning was as thick as a mountain, weighing him down and suffocating him.

He wanted to escape and beg for mercy, but it was too late.


The two swords collided, and the fighting spirit impacted. Luo Ning directly broke the opponent's sword, and then carried the embers to cut off the opponent's armor and shoulders. The fighting spirit even impacted into the opponent's body, destroying his heart.

Call ~
The strong wind caused by the collision lifted the hood on Luo Ning's head, revealing his silver-white hair, which looked so special under the moonlight and bonfire.


Bauer's pupils shrank, and a figure emerged in his mind, but his vision quickly darkened in the next second, and he fell to the ground with a rumble.

Others, whether they were White, Fili, or members of the Wolf Slayer Mercenary Group, did not notice the color of Luo Ning's hair, but were stunned by Luo Ning's sword.

A high-ranking knight, a ruthless man who slaughtered jungle wolves, was killed with just one sword?
Luo Ning handed the sword back to Tom: "The rest will be dealt with by the two of you. This is a training for you."

"Yes, my lord!"

Tom took the sword and rushed towards the mercenary group with David.

This group of people had been scared out of their wits by Ronin and had no intention of continuing to fight. They could only fight and flee in the face of Tom and David who were coming towards them.

At this time, Fili and White also reacted: "Brothers, come here and kill these sons of bitches!" For a time, there were countless shouts of killing in the forest.

The eyes of ordinary people who were not rushing to kill all stayed on Luo Ning.

A senior knight was killed so simply. How strong must this young man be?

"Hey, look at his hair."

Someone noticed Luo Ning's hair color. Silver hair is not unique to the Wushan family, but in Wushan collar, people can easily associate it with the Wushan family.

"Are you Lord Luo Ning of Wushan Castle?"

"Viscount of Wubei Territory?"

Although some people were asking, they were already kneeling on one knee, calling Luo Ning's name and expressing their gratitude.

But it was obvious that they were not very well informed and did not know that Luo Ning was now an earl.

"Everyone, get up, take care of the horses and supplies, and pack up the bodies of your companions."

Luo Ning gave a brief explanation and thought about going into the tent to rest.

"grown ups!"

Les was a little panicked and timid, but he still called out to Ronin.

"Is something wrong?" Luo Ning asked.

Les took her son and saluted Ronin: "Thank you for saving your life. My name is Les Norton, and I am Hammett's wife."

Les Norton, it sounds like the other person is also a descendant of a noble family.

"How did I hear that you are from Hamet..."

He glanced at Pique beside him, but did not say the word "lover".

But in this world, lover is not an offensive word.

"Yes, I was Hammett's lover before, and many people know it."

Rice said: "However, Hammett's wife and son died unexpectedly at sea a while ago. He was planning to marry me, so he took our mother and son from Willy Manor."

"Is there such a thing?"

Luo Ning said in surprise: "I died accidentally at sea. Did I meet a pirate?"

He was about to cross the Screaming Sea, so he naturally wanted to inquire clearly.

Les shook his head: "I don't know the specifics. Hammett only briefly mentioned in the letter that it seemed to be caused by the ship catching fire and sinking."

Luo Ning has never been on a ship in this world, but he thinks that the main body of the ship is still made of wood. If it catches fire at sea, it will indeed kill people.

"You seem to have other matters with me?"

The other party suddenly ran up to the newspaper's door and said these things. There should be other requests.

Seeing that his idea was seen through, Les quickly pulled Piqué and knelt down to Ronin: "Sir, I don't know if there will be another attack tomorrow, so I want to invite you to visit Stranglethorn Valley."

She lowered her head, "I know this is very rash, but I can't help it. Hammett has just taken over the territory and has many things to deal with. He doesn't have the time or manpower to pick me up."

She paused and continued: "I don't want my son to die in this whirlpool before he has had a comfortable day."

Luo Ning looked at the mother and son kneeling on the ground, and met the little boy's clear but pleading eyes.

His status is unusual. If he accompanies Rice and his son to the Thorn Territory, it will be helpful for Pique to become a regular official.

However, facing a mother's prayer and the innocent eyes of a little boy, Luo Ning still chose to agree.

Anyway, Stranglethorn Valley was on the route he wanted to take, so it wasn't considered a detour.

Moreover, Rice and Pique are not trying to grab the inheritance rights, so there is nothing wrong with sending them there.

"It just so happens that I also have something I want to ask Baron Hammett for a favor. I will accompany you to Thorn Valley tomorrow."

After getting the affirmative answer, Les looked happy and kept thanking Luo Ning. To be honest, she didn't expect that the other party would agree.

The team is all about profit, let alone the nobles. She has nothing to give to the other party.

"grown ups!"

At this moment, White ran back and said, "Your two followers are fighting an intermediate knight. I'm afraid something might happen, so I came here to inform you."

"And there are intermediate knights?"

Luo Ning frowned and walked over immediately.

Tom and David are both junior knights, and may be a little reluctant to compete with the intermediate level.

Luo Ning didn't want these two people to die accidentally during the training. (End of chapter)

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