Chapter 123 Jade Faced Man

The ancient Liu Xin method practiced by Liu Qi and Liu Shijiu, the first five levels of the heart method are exactly the same, the difference lies in the last two levels of the heart method.

When Liu Qi broke through to the seventh level, he had suspected that there should be follow-up exercises after the seventh level of the ancient Liu Xinfa, because compared with the exercise route of the first five levels, the last two levels of Xinfa passed on to her by Madam Mei were less effective. The route is a little too "easy".

If the early practice of internal strength is to open up a straight road in the meridians, then as the cultivation of internal power deepens, in addition to continuing to arduously open up the road, it is also necessary to open up countless branches on the already established road. Small roads are just like highways, national highways, provincial roads and country roads in previous lives.

The more roads there are, the wider the range that the Qi can travel, and the stronger the nourishment and control over various parts of the body.

Of course, what is more important is that these "roads" and the Dantian together build a huge Qi storage system in the warrior's body. Through the continuous circulation of Qi on the "roads", it can accommodate Qi that far exceeds the upper limit of the Dantian.

The last two levels of mind method practiced by Liu Jiujiu are in line with the basic laws of internal strength and mind method, and from Liu Qi's point of view, they are a very complete internal strength and mind method. If Liu Jiujiu has practiced to the seventh level, The strength will be better than that of a more average first-class master like Gao Yueyang.

"Is there something wrong with my internal strength?" Liu Shijiu saw Liu Qi's serious eyes and couldn't help but raised his eyebrows and asked.

Liu Qi sat upright and shook his head slightly, saying: "Your internal strength cultivation has been stabilized at the fifth level, but there seems to be some congestion in the meridians. Have you suffered any internal injuries recently?"

Liu Jiu's eyes showed surprise: "Can you also see this?"

"When running Qi, do you feel any slight discomfort in the two fingers under the ribs of the left abdomen? The knot is here." Liu Qi stretched out two fingers and pointed at the location she mentioned under Liu Jiu's right abdominal ribs.

Liu Shijiu pursed her thin lips tightly, urging the true energy to start flowing through the meridians. At the same time, she paid attention to the place Liu Qi pointed at. As the true energy passed through the meridians under Liu Qi's fingers, Liu Nineteen faintly felt A little numb...

Seeing Liu Jiu's eyes slightly opened, Liu Qi knew that he was right.

Liu Qi picked up Jing Ji in his hand, then stood up and walked a few steps towards the door, stopped, turned his back to Liu Jiuyun and said softly: "It's just a small problem, you can rest assured. This is a good way to regulate your breath, and it can dissolve the stasis in just two days."

That siltation was extremely secretive and not serious. Even without Liu Qi's reminder, Liu Jiujiu would quietly dissolve the siltation after running his true energy a few times, but it would just take a little longer.

"Many...thank you." Liu Jiu lowered her head after hearing this, feeling a little uncomfortable in her heart. Less than two hours after meeting tonight, she had received two more favors from Liu Qi, plus the favor from Donghe County. A life-saving grace...

"It's quite safe here. You can live here with peace of mind. Just remember... be careful in everything." Liu Qi saw her bowing her head in silence. After saying a word, Liu Qi opened the door and walked out.

Liu Qi had been paying attention to the movements outside. The third watch gong had been ringing for a while. Liu Qi calmed down, jumped up to the roof, and then headed towards the Danyang Palace in the west of the city.


"It's the fourth watch of the ugly season, it's freezing cold!"

"Dong, dong, dong, when-"

Listening to the sound of the clapper in the watchman's hand, Liu Qi walked through the thick night fog and arrived at the gate of Danyang Palace.

Her nose twitched and she smelled the faint smell of blood in the air.

Liu Qi raised her head and stared at the grand door of Danyang Palace. Two heavy breathing sounds could be heard clearly from behind the door.

She quietly submerged her body into the night again, looked up at the bright moon that had half of her face covered by clouds, and then walked silently towards the outer wall of the palace on the other end...

After climbing over the wall and entering Danyang Palace, Liu Qi saw the lights in the main hall brightly lit before landing, and several sturdy figures walking back and forth on the stone steps at the door.

Liu Qi approached the main hall silently, and heard a woman's cold and loud voice coming from the hall: "Mr. Shen, I have always respected your old man, and I hope you will never make it difficult for you to be beautiful."

"Protector Luo, I have already said that I just met that girl by chance and we got what we needed. Not to mention her whereabouts, I have never even taken the initiative to ask about her name." An old voice said with a bitter tone. The tone replied.

As soon as the voice came out, Liu Qi knew that the speaker was Shen Zhuang.

As soon as Shen Zhuang finished speaking, the tone of the woman who had just spoken suddenly became a little more stern: "Shen Zhuang, don't toast and eat as a penalty. Others may sell you some thin noodles from the Shen family, but in the eyes of our Changle Gang, Shen He is just a medicine seller."

"Hehehe..." Shen Zhuang's low laughter contained a hint of embarrassment, "Protector Luo was joking. No one in the world knows that I, Shen Zhuang, have been expelled from the Shen family."


"Who, get out!"

Liu Qi was listening attentively, when a loud shout suddenly came into his ears, and the energy in his body boiled. Liu Qi's eyes darkened slightly, and he held his breath to calm down the restless energy. He stamped his feet hard and jumped into the air!


A loud noise came from below, and a terrifying air wave whizzed past Liu Qi's skirt.

Liu Qi lowered his gaze and saw a huge gap suddenly appeared in the corner where he was standing. The candlelight in the hall poured out along the gap and fell on the gravel and bricks on the floor.

"Sneaky, get out!"

Liu Qi's face, which was still in the air, was instantly covered with a layer of frost. He pulled out of the sheath with a startling cry of "canglang", and a purple light suddenly appeared in his hand. Liu Qi's figure froze in the air, with his right hand holding the handle of the knife hanging down by his side. The purple light on the blade suddenly grew several inches.


Behind the wall, a majestic energy with rolling thunder was already rushing towards Liu Qi. Even though they were separated by a wall, Liu Qi could still feel the terrifying power contained in this energy.

Liu Qi was not one to sit still and wait for death. The true energy in his body was being stimulated crazily. The purple sword light was still expanding, and it had already covered the handle of the sword and enveloped Liu Qi's right hand.

Liu Qi's pupils turned a frightening paleness, and then his eyes suddenly opened. His right hand hanging by his side was suddenly raised in front of him and swung away. The sword light that had been prepared for use came out of the blade and struck at on the wall.


The wall was broken open by the sword light.

After the purple sword light broke through the wall, its power did not decrease at all. Countless sword energy swept out from the sword light, carrying the gravel that fell from the breach in the wall, and collided head-on with the roaring energy. !

The strength and sword energy collided, and the buzzing sound reached the ears, making people's hearts tremble. The stones wrapped in the sword energy turned into powder in an instant.


Seeing that the sword energy continued to turn into clouds and dispersed under the majestic wind, the purple sword light finally arrived and struck at the energy force with a sweeping force. The buzz from the collision of the two was even heard by Liu Qi. It was also a bit unbearable, and he unconsciously activated his Qi to form a barrier around his ears.

In the end, the majestic energy gained the upper hand. After wiping away the light of the sword, he still had the remaining energy to roar toward Liu Qi behind the cave entrance, but the power was no longer enough.

Liu Qi's body swayed and passed through the hole opened by the sword light on the wall. While avoiding the energy, he dodged and entered the hall. His eyes instantly locked on a majestic body. As soon as Liu Qi landed, she heard the sound of "thump thump thump" footsteps around her. Four strong men who were already in the palace, plus the two strong men who had just pushed the door open, surrounded her with sharp knives. .

Liu Qi, who was already surrounded, held a knife in one hand and looked at the majestic body intently.

She is a middle-aged woman with an average appearance, and her shoulders are bigger and stronger than those of ordinary men.

The middle-aged woman seemed to see that her men had surrounded Liu Qi, so she slowly retracted her left hand that was stretched out forward. The majestic aura lingering around her body instantly converged in her body, and then she looked at Liu Qi with a heavy look. A sneer appeared.

"Girl, why are you here..." Shen Zhuang sat cross-legged on the futon. After Liu Qi settled down, he recognized her, shook his head and sighed with a wry smile.

Upon hearing this, the woman glanced sideways at Shen Zhuang, and then moved her gaze to Liu Qi again, who was also looking at the woman coldly.

His hair was simply tied up in a bun on top of his head like a man's. He was wearing a cyan close-fitting short shirt, cyan wide-leg trousers, and a pair of black boots with flowing moire patterns.

Not only was he dressed like a man, but he also had strong features and a bold posture. He retracted his hands and held them in front of his chest. He looked Liu Qi up and down, and then said with disdain: "I wonder who this rat is, it turns out she is a girl." Film.”

But when her eyes moved to Liu Qi's right hand, her expression seemed frozen.

"Huh?" The woman stared at the Jing Ji in Liu Qi's right hand. After a moment, she frowned and made a suspicious sound.

The Jingji Knife is so easy to recognize, as long as the true energy is absorbed into the blade, it will emit purple light.

Sure enough, the woman's face changed, and a fierce light filled her eyes. She stared at Liu Qi and said coldly: "The remnant of the seventh heaven, haha, I have been a coward for hundreds of years and I can't help but come out."

Then the woman's eyes darkened again, and she glanced sideways at Shen Zhuang, as if she was recalling something. Then her face suddenly changed, and the fierce light in her eyes grew stronger: "You were the one who killed Tao Yan?"

Liu Qixiu raised her eyebrows, a little confused, but when she saw the terrifying aura overflowing from the other party's body, she immediately focused her eyes. The purple light on Jingji Dao instantly surged, and the power brought by the knife light instantly forced back the people who surrounded her. Six strong men.


One of them retreated a little slower and felt a chill on the side of his calf. He looked down and saw that the trouser leg had been cut open, and a tiny red line suddenly appeared on the calf covered with black hair. He watched helplessly as the red line turned into The blood waterfall...

The other people turned around when they heard what their companions were saying. Their eyes suddenly widened with horror, and they took another step back in unison.

The woman saw the actions of her subordinates in her eyes and showed dissatisfaction. However, looking at the condensed purple light in Liu Qi's hand, the woman couldn't help but have a dignified look in her eyes. She felt the terrifying light of the sword and snorted softly. One sentence: "A bunch of useless things!"

The woman waved her hand sullenly, signaling her men to step aside for the time being.

When the six strong men saw the movement of the woman's hand, their faces relaxed with relief, then they raised their swords towards Liu Qi and stepped back warily...

Liu Qi focused on them at this time, not because of anything else, but because he saw that they were advancing and retreating in an orderly manner. They were obviously not ordinary small sects, and coupled with the terrifying middle-aged woman in front of him...

The origin is not simple!

Horrible, this is the first time Liu Qi has used such words to describe his opponent.

Gein's aura was the first person Liu Qi had ever seen in his life.

"Zao Wang Temple, the second leader of the Baijiao Gang, Tao Hong, the jade-faced man." Seeing that her subordinates had retreated to the side, the woman took a step forward with her head held high, and came to a position less than ten steps away from Liu Qi, and asked with a stern look. , "What do you remember now?"

When she said this, Liu Qi remembered it!

There seemed to be a pretty boy in the Kitchen God Temple that day. There seemed to be a pretty girl named... The jade-faced man, before he died, he threatened himself, saying, "She will never let you go..." .

Now it seems that this so-called "she" should be the woman in front of me.

"Sure enough, it's you!" The woman kept staring at Liu Qi. When she saw the look of surprise on her face, she already knew that this woman was the murderer of Tao Liang. In an instant, a fierce light filled her eyes, and the pounds that had just been gathered in her body The overwhelming momentum suddenly lingered around him.

Liu Qi's heart trembled when she saw this. She suddenly felt that the aura of the woman in front of her was like a towering mountain, making her breathless. However, she did not show the slightest fear. As her true energy moved crazily, something began to flow in front of her. A hoarfrost-like aura emerged, and pale lines quietly climbed up on the pupils...

"What a condensed killing intent!" The woman's eyes suddenly showed a little surprise when she saw the white frost breath coming out of Liu Qi's body, and then she praised with a cold face, "I didn't expect that a beautiful woman like you, who is so shy in her sleep, would actually leave. So there are many ways to enter the Tao, interesting, interesting, hahaha..."

The woman suddenly laughed wantonly, but the fierce light in her eyes did not disappear at all. The laughter stopped abruptly. The woman said proudly: "If I give you another ten years of hard work, I, Luo Yuyan, will probably not be able to see you by then." I have to retreat, but it's a should never, absolutely shouldn't, kill my Tao Yan!"

"So what if I kill you?" Liu Qi, who had been silent all this time, looked into the woman's frightening eyes and replied calmly, "Since I entered the Tao through killing, there is no one in the world who can't kill me!"


The woman narrowed her eyes and saw purple light passing by, and the scream of a knife suddenly sounded in her ears.

Now that she knew that the powerful woman was the first person she had ever seen in her life, Liu Qi naturally would not do what she had done with Gao Yueyang before. She raised her hand and slashed out diagonally with the sword, which was the most powerful sword in the Seven Kills!

The purple sword light struck in front of the woman in the blink of an eye, and the manic sword energy contained in the sword light surged out instantly, completely covering the woman.

"Good sword skills!" The woman's angry voice came to Liu Qi's ears.


Liu Qi trembled all over, and the ringing in her ears was like the earth falling apart. She looked intently, and saw that the sword energy that was still overwhelming at the first sight had dissipated without a trace in an instant.

The sword energy dissipated, and the woman's majestic figure emerged, with black aura that was almost condensed into substance emerging around her body.

Liu Qi took a deep breath and watched as the Gang Qi around the woman surged and rolled like huge waves until it rolled towards the top of the several-foot-high hall, and then transformed into a giant beast that looked up to the sky and roared...

"Little girl, don't forget on your way to Huangquan. The person who is sending you to see the Lord of Hell is Luo Yuyan, the Zuo protector of the Changle Gang."

 It's a bit late, but there's still one more chapter.



(End of this chapter)

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