Chapter 124 Mysterious Elephant Step

Liu Qi responded that she was soaring high in the sky. It wasn't until she reached the top of the hall that Liu Qi discovered that the woman... should now be called Protector Luo. The body's aura was condensed into a huge figure that looked like ancient times. The giant elephant that emerged from the times.

"hold head high--"

Looking at the elephant trunk swinging high with a loud noise, Liu Qi seemed to hear the roar from ancient times.

But she was not moved by it at all, her face remained as calm as water without any change, her body stood steadily in mid-air, facing the huge mountain of Gang Qi beast, she was like a lone boat in the huge waves. .

But despite the wind and waves, this lonely boat still stood firm!

Liu Qi clenched the handle of the Jingji knife with both hands. As she slowly inhaled, a strong wind rose in the closed hall...

"What's going on? Where did the news come from?"


The sound of slight tearing of skin and flesh reached the ears of everyone in the hall. One of the disciples of the Changle Gang reached out and touched his forehead that had just been swept by the strong wind. It was warm when he took it. When he took it off, his palm was filled with dirt. Blood!


Painful wails instantly sounded in the hall, and everyone came back to their senses. What kind of wind was screaming in the hall and heading towards the woman in the air? It was clearly the sword energy that could kill people!

"Quickly exit the main hall, this is not wind at all, it is sword energy!"

I don't know who gave the order, Luo Yuyan's men immediately spread their legs one by one and fled towards the entrance of the hall, for fear of being a step too late.

At this moment, apart from Liu Qi and Luo Yuyan, the only one left in the main hall is Shen Zhuang, who is within the scope of Luo Yuyan's aura...

Old Shen Zhuang's face was full of shock. His slightly cloudy eyes looked at Liu Qi, whose figure was gradually blurring in mid-air. His dry and white lips opened and closed slightly, and he murmured to himself: "Maybe, she can really... …”

At this dangerous moment, what came to Shen Zhuang's mind was Liu Qi's promise that he would "seek justice for him with the knife in his hand." But when his eyes touched Luo Yuyan in front of him, all the emotions in his eyes instantly disappeared, and he quickly withdrew his gaze in silence. Bow your head.

No matter how amazing and beautiful this woman is, she is still too young after all, and her talent needs time to be realized.

And Luo Yuyan is such a genius who has fulfilled his talent.

Shen Zhuang sighed quietly in his heart, after tonight there will be one less talented young man in the world.

Just when Shen Zhuang was feeling sorry that Liu Qi was about to die here, Liu Qi had already taken the lead!

The purple sword light came out from the blade, and the sword energy that had been condensed around the body instantly overflowed, wreaking havoc through the hall with a shrill scream, and finally headed towards Luo Yuyan from all directions...

Crazy sword, wind and clouds!

Luo Yuyan didn't care at all about the sword energy coming from all directions, and stepped forward with a calm gaze. She saw that the giant elephant transformed from the gang energy stopped raising its nose and roaring, and suddenly raised one foot and stepped towards Liu Qi. !

Liu Qidun felt her heart sink, and when she raised her eyes, she saw the elephant's feet made of Gang Qi had already stepped on her head. She wanted to run away, but found that the air around her seemed to be solidified, and all retreats had been blocked by Luo Yuyan's breath. blockade!

"It's Xuan Xiang Tiao!" Someone from the Changle Gang disciples who had already hid outside the hall exclaimed.

"Xuan Xiang stepped on her and she was shattered to pieces. This woman... What a pity." One person glanced at Liu Qi's face and couldn't help but shake his head and said in regret.

Liu Qi's eyes flashed slightly, and she already knew in her heart that if she let this foot step down, she might really have to answer here today!

There is no need to hide such a powerful opponent anymore!

Liu Qi closed her eyes tightly and opened them in an instant. She saw that the pupils in her eyes were completely covered with a layer of paleness. The sword energy that was still traveling around him instantly returned to his body, and then the white frost breath in front of him became more solid. Until it completely condenses into Gang Qi in front of the body.


The moment the white frost energy condensed, Liu Qidun felt a slight looseness in the originally solidified space, and immediately jumped up and turned into an afterimage and left the place!


At the moment when the figure disappeared, the elephant's foot raised high suddenly stepped down, passed through the afterimage of Liu Qi, and stepped on the ground. The hard bluestone slab turned into powder in the blink of an eye, with even a trace of fragments None of them could be left behind, and the air waves stirred up by Gang Qi swept away the powder.

"Huh?" Luo Yuyan raised her thick eyebrows, but she didn't expect that the inevitable death situation would be broken.

Liu Qi's figure swayed in the air, the purple light in his hand suddenly rose several inches, and he ran towards Luo Yuyan with lightning speed. In the blink of an eye, he was within five steps of Luo Yuyan. He raised his right hand and sent it forward, with the white frost energy on his body. The moment Luo Yuyan's black Gang Qi collided, the purple light on the blade instantly faded away, and the blade with a pale aura penetrated Luo Yuyan's Gang Qi and headed towards her heart...

Luo Yuyan saw that her Gang Qi could not be blocked. Her expression changed and she swung out a single palm. Just before the blade was about to sink into her heart, she slapped the blade with one palm.


Liu Qi suddenly felt a tremor in the blade and almost failed to take it out. Then a powerful force came back from the sword, like a huge wave, it broke through the protection formed by the zhenqi on Liu Qi's hand and poured into his forearm. His muscles and veins began to wreak havoc in his body...

Liu Qi couldn't help but frown at the severe pain in his right hand, and immediately stretched out his right palm to fight with Luo Yuyan.

Bang, bang!

The two of them exchanged palms,

The true energy surged between palms, causing Liu Qi's figure to tremble slightly, while Luo Yuyan remained motionless.

Seeing Luo Yuyan chasing after her, Liu Qi's eyes darkened as he retreated with the force of the shock in his palm. The murderous intention that was originally fused with the true energy to form Baishuang Gangqi was instantly absorbed into his body, and then transported to his palm. Suddenly, Liu Qi wanted to repeat his old trick and penetrate Luo Yuyan's body with murderous intent!

The body-protecting Gang Qi can block all true Qi, but only the killing intent condensed with thoughts can ignore the existence of Gang Qi...

But Luo Yuyan seemed to have read Liu Qi's thoughts. At the moment when the white frost on her body faded, Luo Yuyan, who had chased in front of Liu Qi, raised her palms to strike, but suddenly she spread her arms and floated backwards. Fly away...

Liu Qi's eyes narrowed slightly, and her right hand, which had recovered a little, was suddenly raised in front of her. The purple light between the swords reappeared, and an arc of light was drawn in front of her, chasing after Luo Yuyan.

As soon as Luo Yuyan retreated, Liu Qi felt faintly that the victory of today's battle was determined.

The strong woman in front of her is a being who can crush her in all aspects. Even Liu Qi's proud performance in battle does not seem to take much advantage on her. The only killer who can hurt the opponent is Yi, and because of his caution, cannot play much role.

In short, the difference in internal strength cultivation is too much, and it can no longer be made up for by other aspects.


Liu Qi's eyes flashed as she watched Luo Yuyan turn over to avoid the arc light. She kicked her feet hard and dodged in front of the opponent faster than before. With a shake of her right hand, a purple light suddenly appeared in front of her.

Luo Yuyan opened her Gang Qi in an instant and stopped Zimang easily. A slight smile emerged from the corner of her mouth, but the laughter froze instantly because she saw Liu Qi's figure swaying and heading towards the gate.

"No!" The Changle Gang disciples who were watching saw Liu Qi coming, and their hearts jumped immediately, but Liu Qi was too fast, and they had no time to dodge!

Liu Qi's target is not them, but Shen Zhuang who stands with them. "You..." Shen Zhuang watched Liu Qi coming towards him, and was about to say something, but Liu Qi instantly tapped his acupoints.

Liu Qi reached out and grabbed Shen Zhuang's collar. She turned around and saw Luo Yuyan, with a cold face, striding towards her. She glanced at the stunned Changle Gang disciples at the door, then turned her right hand, and then As the blade trembled violently, and with a "buzzing" sound, countless sword energy surged out, covering these Changle disciples in an instant!

The big ones can't be beaten, but the small ones can always be bullied!

Liu Qi has never been a person willing to suffer losses!

Listening to the pitiful screams from the Changle Gang disciples, Liu Qi sheathed her sword and jumped away with Shen Zhuang in hand...

"Get back here!" Luo Yuyan saw that Liu Qi was about to fly to the eaves, so she shouted loudly, stretched out her hands together, and a powerful and violent breath suddenly surged out of her palms, chasing after Liu Qi's back. go.

Liu Qi suddenly felt a chill on his back, and then a strong suction force seemed to be pulling him back.

Liu Qi understood in her heart that this was Luo Yuyan's method, her eyes darkened, and she immediately turned around.


Purple light roared out from his waist. Liu Qi was holding Shen Zhuang in his left hand, and his right hand was already on the handle of the knife. A majestic aura suddenly bloomed from his body, and then he slashed out with the knife, followed by a dull sound in Liu Qi's chest. Humph, the purple sword light surged several times as soon as it came out of the blade, turning into an exaggerated purple giant blade and slashing towards Luo Yuyan at the entrance of the hall!


Luo Yuyan's ears twitched, and she heard the screams of the men beside her. She raised her eyes and saw the purple sword light approaching. She had no choice but to retract her hands, and then opened a semicircle in front of her body and spread her hands. Expanding out of the center, it not only swallowed up the raging sword energy around it, but the purple sword light that had already hit also turned into nothingness the moment it touched the gang energy.

Luo Yuyan saw that the sword light and sword energy had disappeared without a trace, so she stopped her power and looked up in the direction where Liu Qi disappeared. There was nothing except the silent night.

Luo Yuyan's eyes were focused and she murmured to herself: "Seventh it going to make a comeback again?"

If this is the case, she must immediately return to the main helm and inform the gang leader.


"Cough cough cough..."

Liu Qi took Shen Zhuang to a remote dark alley. After putting down Shen Zhuang's phone, he couldn't help coughing until his face turned pale and he spit out a mouthful of black blood.


Liu Qidun felt much better after spitting out the blood, but his right hand was still a little numb. Although he couldn't feel the pain, a bitter look appeared on Liu Qi's face.

After all, severe pain is better than numbness most of the time.

Liu Qi turned her head and saw that Shen Zhuang's eyes were bright in the night. She breathed a sigh of relief, and then reached out to untie the acupuncture points on Shen Zhuang's body.

"Girl, are you okay?" Shen Zhuang relaxed and suddenly felt that he had regained control of his body. Then he stood up and asked Liu Qi.

Liu Qi shook his head. Although the injury was serious, with Yue Ya around, he would be able to recover quickly, but at the cost of Yue Ya's energy being consumed a lot.

She sat down slowly with her back against the wall, put her left hand on the handle of the knife, looked up at Shen Zhuang and asked, "Where is Ying'er? I didn't find any trace of her when I sneaked into Danyang Palace."

Shen Zhuang fell into silence upon hearing this.

Liu Qi had already expected Shen Zhuang's silence. Her tone became colder for a moment, and then asked: "Did you be taken away by your 'friend' who lives in Danyang Palace?"

Shen Zhuang's eyes showed surprise, and he blurted out, "How do you know?"

As soon as the words came out, Shen Zhuang's eyes opened slightly. He realized that he had said the wrong thing, so he frowned and turned his head to the side, not daring to look directly into Liu Qi's cold eyes.

"Hahaha..." Liu Qi sneered, "You must have some knowledge of my identity. To tell you the truth, it's not me who is looking for your 'friend', but the person behind me."

"Alas!" Shen Zhuang closed his eyes in silence for a moment, then opened his eyes and sighed slightly, "Girl, I see that you are not a heinous person, and you are good at martial arts, why do you have to associate with...those people!"

In the past, they cooperated to capture the thousand-year-old jade ginseng, and later they rescued Shen Ying from the Zao Wang Temple. Although Shen Zhuang was a little frightened by the ruthless methods used in the Zao Wang Temple, they were all scum after all.

Overall, Shen Zhuang had a good impression of Liu Qi.

Fang Qingluan even came to Shen Zhuang on his own initiative and told Shen Zhuang that Liu Qinai was the leader of the Seven Killers of the Black Prison Sect, a notorious killer organization in the world. He hoped that he could cooperate with Feiyu Villa to bring Liu Qi to justice. Shen Zhuang thought about it carefully. I still excused myself.

Liu Qi never harmed him and even saved Guo Ying'er.

Secondly, it was also because of the illusory promise Liu Qi made at that time.

After Shen Ying was cured, the thing that Shen Zhuang couldn't let go of the most was the death of his youngest son, Shen Liang, and his wife. Although he knew that hope was elusive, he still had a glimmer of hope.

So even though she knew Liu Qi's identity through Fang Qingluan, she also learned that Lin Yangui of Feiyu Villa and Xue Yi, the former chief catcher of the Six Gates, died in her hands.

But Shen Zhuang still...


Seeing Liu Qi's silence, Shen Zhuang sighed again, then looked solemn and said in a deep voice: "I don't want to know about your affairs and your identity, and I won't ask any more questions. After the delivery of the elixir promised to you, , I hope you, girl, won’t disturb the old man and Ying’er’s life again.”

When Liu Qi heard this, she nodded slightly with an expressionless expression. This was why she brought Shen Zhuang out. After all, the old man still had her twenty-two Yuan-Guiding Pills in his hand.

"Mr. Shen, I still want to remind you." Watching Shen Zhuang turn his back, Liu Qi raised her head and said quietly, "If Ying'er is with your 'friend', I'm afraid it will be even more dangerous."

"As far as I know, there seem to be quite a few people looking for your 'friend'."

When Ying'er's safety was involved, Shen Zhuang's face darkened. When he turned around, he saw Liu Qi had stood up slowly.

"If I guessed correctly, your friend should be Zen Master Jinlong, the abbot of Jinlong Temple in Luozhou." Liu Qi looked at Shen Zhuang's expression and knew that he had guessed correctly.

(End of this chapter)

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