Chapter 133 Qixia Sect

Will Bai Ze be someone worthy of your respect?

Liu Qi's eyes flashed, and her hand gently rubbed the handle of Jingji's knife.

If Bai Ze was the person you respected, how could he not know the identities of Qingwu and Zen Master Jinlong?

Liu Qi glanced out of the corner of her eye and saw Bai Ze's face was gloomy, as if he was a little angry because of the conditions he proposed.

Could it be that he was deliberately pretending not to know so that he could trick himself into taking action?

Liu Qi recalled that at the Guanyin Temple in the afternoon, Mrs. Mei also asked her to help in the name of Your Majesty.

If this is the case, then Bai Ze's acting skills are not bad.

At least Liu Qi didn't see any flaws in his face.

"If you don't want to, just pretend I haven't been here."

Bai Ze did not compromise with Liu Qi and offered benefits like last time. He turned around with his back to the window, but his figure suddenly stopped.

"Did you know that Luo Yuyan, the left protector of the Changle Gang, has arrived in the capital recently and is living in Danyang Palace on the edge of the West City."

When Liu Qi heard the words, she slowly turned her head and followed the voice and looked at Bai Ze's back outside the window.

More than knowing it, and having already dealt with it.

Liu Qi's mind instantly recalled the oppressive feeling caused by the giant elephant transformed from Luo Yuyan's energy in the Danyang Palace that day.

If Liu Qi had not harbored murderous intent, he would have been trampled to dust by Xuan Xiang like a stone slab on the ground.

"For the sake of last time, I would like to remind you, General, that in the past two days, someone in the capital has been very generous in order to find out information about Liu Mansion."

After saying that, Bai Ze jumped into the air and then disappeared into the night mist like clouds.

Are you really just leaving?

Liu Qi raised her eyes and looked at the direction where Bai Ze disappeared, feeling disappointed in her heart.

But she still remembered Bai Ze's words in her heart.

According to Bai Ze, the person who spent a lot of money to find out about the Liu Mansion was Luo Yuyan from the Changle Gang.

Although Liu Qi still had doubts about whether Bai Ze was his superior's subordinate, she still believed that Bai Ze had not lied to her about this matter.

Because Liu Qi had already learned from Mrs. Mei in the afternoon that Linghu Shuo and Luo Yuyan had a past.

Could it be that Luo Yuyan already knew her identity from Linghu Shuo?

No, probably not yet!

Liu Qi shook her head slightly, denying her guess.

First of all, the time is not right.

The chief helmsman of the Changle Gang is far away in Huzhou, Jiangbei, thousands of miles away from the capital.

Even if Linghu Shuo found Luo Yuyan immediately after escaping from the capital, it was impossible for him to reach the capital in just a few days after traveling thousands of miles.

Secondly, if Luo Yuyan was really invited by Linghu Shuo to deal with her, her first thing after entering the capital should be to go to the Liu Mansion and kill herself directly, instead of going to Danyang Palace to find Shen Zhuang.

Finally, Liu Qi recalled that Luo Yuyan said personally in Danyang Palace that day that she came to the capital for the sake of the jade-faced man who died in the hands of Liu Qi in the Kitchen King Temple.

Various signs indicate that Luo Yuyan's arrival in the capital was probably just an accident and did not come specifically for Linghu Shuo.

As for why he is secretly inquiring about Liu Mansion now.

Liu Qi guessed that it was most likely that after Luo Yuyan arrived in the capital, she wanted to relive her old dream with her old lover Linghu Shuo, but found that Linghu Shuo had disappeared inexplicably, so she sent someone to investigate secretly.

The reason why Liu Mansion was found was because before Linghu Shuo disappeared, apart from the Liumen General Office, the last place he visited was Liu Mansion.

As if she understood the reason, Liu Qi gently held her chin with her hands, her eyes bright.

She wondered if Linghu Shuo had known that such a powerful helper would arrive in Beijing, would he still choose to escape from the capital overnight.

Even Liu Qi couldn't help but sigh, sometimes luck is also part of strength.

What if Linghu Shuo had not left the capital and Luo Yuyan had entered the capital due to the death of the jade-faced man?

If this pair of bad men and women join forces, Liu Qi may really die here.

After all, Liu Qi was already in danger when facing Luo Yuyan at that time. If there was Linghu Shuo beside him who could affect Liu Qi's true energy...

Thinking of this, Liu Qi couldn't help but shudder in her heart.

Just when Liu Qi was sighing that he was lucky, Chunyan suddenly appeared at the entrance of the hospital.

She looked around and saw no one in the courtyard, so she calmed down and hurried to the window sill where Bai Ze was standing just now, bowed and saluted: "Your Majesty."

After a moment of silence, Liu Qi raised her eyes and looked at Chun Yan's bun, and asked slowly: "Tell Zhang Cheng to ask all the wandering souls to stop their tasks in the past few days."

Chunyan's heart skipped a beat when she heard this, and she immediately raised her eyes and said in surprise: "Your Majesty, what happened?"

Liu Qi waved her hand: "Just do as I say."

After Linghu Shuo disappeared, the people from the Six Gates were already eyeing the Liu Mansion, and now the Changle Gang was added to the mix. Liu Qi felt that at this time, it was better for his wandering souls to be more cautious.

"Yes." Chunyan's eyes flickered for a while, but she finally lowered her head and continued the order.

After Chun Yan left, Liu Qi stood up, closed the window, and walked to the bedside.

Liu Qi sat cross-legged on the bed, with the Jingji Knife on the pillow and the Yuliu Knife on her legs, letting the warm and cool air from the blade continue to flow into her body, nourishing her meridians.

Her eyes suddenly became serious, and a flashing light curtain instantly appeared in her mind. As the light screen fluctuated, lines of words gradually appeared on the light screen.

It is exactly the mental formula of Yimu Shenjue!

Liu Qi didn't delay at all, and directly followed the heart formula to activate the true energy to circulate among the meridians.

The last two levels of mental techniques that Mrs. Mei passed on to her at that time were actually the first level of Yimu Divine Technique.

In other words, Liu Qi has already mastered the first level of Yimu Divine Art, and what she has to do now is to break through the bottleneck of the second level.

The process was much smoother than expected.

The second level pass was like a piece of tofu when faced with Liu Qi's majestic infuriating energy, which was washed away in an instant.

Liu Qi, who was sitting cross-legged, heard a buzzing sound in his chest, and then a powerful breath spurted out from his body, and then it was collected in his body again.

Liu Qi slowly opened her eyes, the gleam in her eyes was like a sharp arrow, almost ready to shoot out.

The second level is done!

And without the help of Crescent Moon’s feedback!

Liu Qi closed her eyes again, urging her true energy to flow into the newly opened "main road", and then flowed into the branches on both sides of the "main road"...

What she has to do now is to stabilize the second level.

Then, with the help of Yue Ya, you can step into the third level in one fell swoop and become one of the top masters!


Liu Qi kept practicing until dawn, until he felt a little upset, and realized that today's practice had reached a bottleneck, so he got up and stretched his muscles.

After exercising all night, not only did I not feel tired at all, but I felt refreshed all over.

At this time, there was movement outside the door. Liu Qi thought for a moment, then turned around and picked up the Jingji Knife from the pillow, walked to the counter, and wanted to put the Jingji Knife into the piano body, but when she raised her eyes, she accidentally I caught a glimpse of the bronze mirror on the side.

I saw the beauty in the mirror with ice-cold skin and picturesque features.

Liu Qi's eyes shone slightly, presumably because the beauty-preserving effect of the ancient Liu Xin Technique was in the same vein as the Yimu Divine Technique.

At this moment, Cuixiang's voice came from outside the house: "Miss, are you up?" Liu Qi looked away from the bronze mirror, and then replied softly: "Come in."

The door of the main room opened with a sound, and Chunyan and Cuixiang walked in one after the other.

Chunyan was holding the hot water Liu Qi used for washing up, while Cuixiang was carrying a heavy food box. It seemed that she had already gone to the kitchen.

After Liu Qi finished washing, she sat down directly and waited for Cuixiang to take the breakfast dishes out of the food box one by one and place them in front of her.

After Liu Qi sat down, she concentrated on eating.

After a while, when Liu Qi raised her eyes to pick up the vegetables, she saw Cuixiang waiting in front of the table, flipping the corners of her clothes with both hands.

Liu Qi suddenly raised her head and saw Cuixiang's beautiful eyebrows frowning, and her eyes sometimes flickered with worry.

Cuixiang also noticed that her young lady suddenly raised her head to look at her, then quickly lowered her head to avoid looking at her, and then asked in a buzzing voice: "Miss, have you eaten yet?"

"Yeah." Liu Qi looked away and responded lightly.

Cuixiang took a deep breath, then quickly cleared the dishes on the table, picked up the food box and left the room.

Liu Qizheng was sitting by the window sill, holding a cup of hot tea. She lowered her head to blow away the hot air from the cup. Then she raised her eyes and caught a glimpse of Cuixiang's back disappearing at the entrance of the courtyard.

Not long after, Chunyan, who was doing chores in the courtyard, watched Cuixiang leave, then dusted off her arms and came to the main house.

After entering the door, Chun Yan bowed unconsciously, walked slowly to Liu Qi, and respectfully replied: "This slave informed Butler Zhang early in the morning and conveyed your order to the Lord."

Liu Qi nodded lightly, took a sip of tea, and then asked in a deep voice: "How is the investigation of Cuixiang's matter?"

Chunyan replied: "We have found out clearly. It is Cuixiang's cousin who came here and wants to redeem Cuixiang's family from the house."

Liu Qi heard this and said calmly, "This is a good thing."

Liu Qi frowned slightly, and then asked: "But why does Cuixiang look so unhappy?"

Chunyan replied: " is said that Cuixiang's parents are unwilling to leave Liu Mansion, but want Cuixiang's cousin to redeem Cuixiang."

Liu Qi suddenly thought of something.

Since he can redeem Cuixiang's family as promised, it can be seen that Cuixiang's cousin who suddenly appeared has considerable financial resources.

So she asked: "Who is Cuixiang's cousin?"

Of course, Chunyan was well prepared and replied respectfully: "I have already checked and found out that I am a disciple of the Qixia Sect."

Liu Qi was somewhat impressed by the Qixia Sect.

That day when I was attending the jade ginseng auction at Tianhong Tower, Master Liuyun of the Qixia Sect showed up.

The Qixia sect was originally an unknown sect before the military order was broken.

But in the past ten years, he has become famous in the world because of his leader Liuyun Zhenren, and his reputation is almost as high as that of the famous sects in the martial arts world that have been famous for a long time.

There are even rumors in the martial arts world that Master Liuyun will become one of the new "Seven Stars" as the leader of the Qixia Sect.

Everyone in the world of martial arts knows that "one master, two masters, seven stars and five righteousnesses", among which the "seven stars" refer to the leaders of the seven sects that are recognized as the strongest in today's martial arts world.

Although it is just a rumor, it can be seen that the Qixia Sect is now very famous in the martial arts world.

Cuixiang's cousin, whose surname is Jiang Mingquan, has the same background as Cuixiang. He was originally a young boy in the house of another member of the family named Wang. However, because the son of the Wang's family was favored by the Qixia faction, he had already become the prince's personal bodyguard. Jiang Quan went to Qixia Mountain together.

Jianghu is a place where family background is highly valued, but at the same time family background is not valued at all.

The reason why there is such a contradictory statement is because no matter how big or small the forces in the martial arts world are, it is normal for them to take care of themselves.

If you are not born in a sect or family with a rich heritage of martial arts, even if you have good talent, but do not have superior martial arts to practice, you may not be able to become a master in your life.

But those who are truly talented will not let their pearls fall into dust.

For example, Kuang Dao Fang Hen more than a hundred years ago, or Luo Yuyan who caused Liu Qi to suffer a great loss...

Jiang Quan is such a pearl. He showed outstanding martial arts talent in the Qixia Sect, and was immediately accepted as a disciple by the leader of the Qixia Sect, Liu Yun Zhenren. He transformed from a handyman into a young martial arts talent.


Listening to Chunyan's story, Liu Qi felt that Jiang Quan sounded pretty good.

After he became successful, instead of severing ties with his humble relatives, he took the initiative to come to his door and offered to redeem Cuixiang's family.

Liu Qi asked: "Has Cuixiang met her cousin?"

Chunyan nodded.

Now that they have met, it would be too far-fetched for the other party to covet Cuixiang's beauty...

No matter how you look at it, Cuixiang can only be regarded as a middle-aged person.

Jiang Quanquan is a disciple of the leader of the Qixia Sect, so it is not difficult to find any woman he wants.

From this point of view, it is purely because of family affection.

Liu Qi couldn't help but nodded slightly.


Liu Qiwei waited until Cuixiang came back and welcomed Liu Xiangxiang first.

Liu Xiangxiang rushed into the main room in a hurry, and immediately drove the maid and the nanny out with a wave of his hand, then closed the door and approached Liu Qi with a mysterious face.

"Sister, something happened when Ruolan and the others went back last time!"

"Oh?" Liu Qi's frown instantly relaxed, but she still responded with surprise.

Liu Xiangxiang puffed up his face and said solemnly: "Do you know who did it?"

Liu Qi looked sideways and asked, "Do you know?"

Liu Xiangxiang nodded heavily.

Liu Qi's eyes flashed with emotion when she heard this, and just when she was about to frown, she saw Liu Xiangxiang take out a thin book from behind, with the four eye-catching characters "Jianghu Chronicle" written on the title page.

Liu Xiangxiang directly turned to the last page. Liu Qi glanced at it and found that the official sea arrest document was printed on it.

The target is none other than the "Seven Killers of Hell Gate"!

Although she already knew that she was wanted by the government and Feiyu Villa, this was the first time that Liu Qi saw her arrest documents. She couldn't help but feel a little curious, so she held her chin and read it carefully.

The charges are quite complete.

The Sun brothers, Xue Yi, Lin Yangui...

And it also included a picture of her.

When Liu Xiangxiang pulled out the single portrait, Liu Qi was really nervous, but after she saw the portrait, she was completely relieved.

Liu Qi guessed that this portrait should have been painted by Fang Qingluan, or that the artist painted it through Fang Qingluan's description.

 None today.

  The alliance leader's debt has not been fully paid, and has not been repaid at all.



(End of this chapter)

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