I use my daughter's body to cut down the rivers and lakes

Chapter 134 The elixir arrives in Beijing

Chapter 134 The elixir arrives in Beijing

Liu Qi and Fang Qingluan met more than once. Fortunately, every time they met, Liu Qi wore a black veil and specially changed her makeup. The only thing she worried about was her figure.

But when Liu Qi saw that the portrait in Haidu's document was not a full-length portrait, her last worry disappeared.

Liu Qi felt relieved and took a sip from the teacup. From the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of Liu Xiangxiang's expression of worry, as if he was worried about Fang Ruolan's safety.

It seems that the two have developed a friendship from their previous discussions.

As for the current situation of the Fang family, Liu Qi got some information from Liu Xiangxiang by making some insinuations.

The reason Liu Xiangxiang knew that Fang Ruolan was attacked when she returned that night was because the next day, in order to close the relationship with the Anlehou Mansion, the Zhou family sent people to deliver gifts to Fang Ruolan in the name of Liu Xiangxiang.

After the grandma who gave the gift went there, she discovered that the Anlehou Mansion had been heavily guarded, and the entrance to the street where the Hou Mansion was located had been blocked by officers and soldiers.

The grandma who gave the gift was found and detained by officers and soldiers because her whereabouts were suspicious. After some detailed questioning, the grandma who gave the gift was let go. Fortunately, the gift prepared by Zhou was still delivered to Fang Ruolan.

So early this morning, Fang Ruolan's letter was delivered to Liu Xiangxiang, and Liu Xiangxiang knew what happened that night.

Liu Xiangxiang couldn't help but sigh, "It is said that the 'Seven Kills' devil is cruel and inhumane, and anyone who hits her hands will escape death." Liu Xiangxiang couldn't help but sigh, "Fortunately, Sister Ruolan's second brother is not in serious trouble."

Cruel and cruel, inhumane...

Liu Qi, who was drinking tea, hesitated slightly.

Okay, she was cruel and cruel, she admitted.

But the dehumanization...isn't it a bit sensational?

That day, she only wanted to take Xue Yi away to get rid of the problem. It was the people from Feiyu Villa who had murderous intentions first and attacked with hidden weapons. If Yue Ya hadn't been there, Liu Qi might have died at that time.

She, Liu Qi, is not a fool. Is there anything wrong with killing someone on her own?

As for Lin Yangui flying to block the knife and die in place of Li Feiling, who was wielding a hidden weapon, that is their senior brother's business and none of my business, Liu Qi's.

As for Xue Yi, when he wiped out Xiliu Villa, he never thought that such a day would come.

We are all in the world, so who lives and who dies depends on his own abilities, right?

The cold light in Liu Qi's eyes disappeared and she drank all the tea in the cup.

If she was really inhumane, how could Fang Weixian survive?


In fact, Fang Weixian, who was recuperating in the Anlehou Mansion at this time, was also wondering about this matter.

Although he repeatedly emphasized that he was not injured, his frightened family members still forced him to stay at home. Even his usually calm eldest brother Fang Weining went to An Guo, who was in charge of the Beijing Camp, to declare his leave on his behalf.

But...he was really not injured!

As a member of the Beijing camp, Fang Weixian also participated in the recent martial law in Beijing, and because he was born in the Hou Mansion, Fang Weixian knew more about the reasons for the sudden martial law in Beijing than most of his colleagues.

In fact, when he saw that the person blocking their path that night was a masked woman holding a short knife, he suspected that the person was the "Seven Killers" who was jointly wanted by Liumen and Feiyu Villa, and was also under martial law in Beijing. source!

But...why don't you kill me?

Fang Weixian lay on the bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

Of course, it was not only this problem that troubled him, but also the last move the other party used before leaving. It was clearly the Fang family's sword technique, but it was far more powerful than the Fang family's sword technique.

Fang Weixian also knew a thing or two about the origins of the Fang family. Fang Weixian didn't have much memory or reverence for the legendary ancestor who had unrivaled martial arts skills but was responsible for countless murders.

In his opinion, a good man should be like the Great Patriarch of Qi, protecting the peace of the people of the world with the sword in his hand.

When he thought of this, Fang Weixian felt as if a fire was burning in his chest, and he couldn't sleep even more. He could only turn over again helplessly, just in time to catch a glimpse of a figure pushing the door open and entering.

"Brother!" After Fang Weixian saw the person clearly, he immediately turned over and sat up.

Fang Weining smiled, then walked slowly to the bed and sat down. He reached out and patted Fang Weixian on the shoulder: "I knew you couldn't sleep, so I came here to take a look."

Fang Weixian looked a little sad when he heard this: "Brother, let me worry about it."

Fang Weining and Fang Weixian look very similar. As the eldest brother, Fang Weining is even slightly taller. However, compared with Fang Weixian, Fang Weining looks a bit skinny, and his face is as fair as jade. Fang Weixian, with bronze skin, looks younger.

The gloomy look in Fang Weixian's eyes disappeared, and he asked in a deep voice: "Brother, you read a lot. Is there something I want to ask you?"

Fang Weining nodded gently: "You said it."

A look of hesitation flashed in Fang Weixian's eyes, but he gritted his teeth and asked: "The ancestor of our Fang family... really didn't pass down the complete martial arts inheritance?"

Fang Weining seemed to have expected that his brother would ask this question, and his expression remained calm as usual. He slowly stood up, turned his back to Fang Weixian, and said:

"Although my eldest brother is not a member of the martial arts world, I have heard some rumors about the 'Seven Killers' who has become famous recently, saying that she is the successor of the 'Crazy Sword'."

"It's not rumors." Fang Weixian shook his head and said in a condensed voice, "The last sword she made was clearly the sword technique of our Fang family. I started practicing sword skills when I was five years old. It has been twenty years now. I firmly believe that I can never do it. Wrong!"

Fang Weining turned around, looked at his brother, pursed his lips and said nothing for a long time, and finally sighed softly.


"So, you are wondering why your ancestors were so skilled in martial arts, but they only left a mediocre swordsmanship to the Fang family."

Fang Weixian couldn't help but his eyes darkened when he heard this.

The eldest brother has already said what is on his mind.

He instantly recalled the scene that night in his mind. That slender figure turned his twenty years of hard work into a joke with just one knife.

Fang Weixian lowered his head in silence, looking at his calloused palms with a hint of bitterness at the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this, Fang Weining reached out and patted his shoulder, and comforted him softly: "Don't think so much. Our ancestors had great martial arts back then, so they naturally thought further than we do. He has his own reasons for not passing it on."

"What's more..." Fang Weining's tone became more solemn, "If you want to be proud and proud in a noble family, it doesn't all rely on martial arts."

Fang Weining was well aware of the entanglement in his brother's heart.

Anlehou is different from other nobles.

The Fang family was competing with the Xiao family for the world.

Peace, peace, peace and contentment.

The title given to their Fang family back then must have had such a meaning.

Therefore, the Fang family has always been somewhat incompatible with other noble families, and was even ostracized in the early years of Da Qi.

But a blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise.

Being collectively ostracized by the noble family did not mean that the Fang family lost power. On the contrary, because they had no relatives in the court, they gained more trust from the emperor, and the Fang family gradually rose.

To this day, this exclusion still exists.

But... it may not be a good thing.

Fang Weining looked at his somewhat forlorn brother, with a fleeting look of deep meaning in his eyes.


Liu Mansion.

It wasn't until nightfall, after having lunch and dinner at Liu Qi's place, that Liu Xiangxiang reluctantly left at the urging of the nun sent by Zhou.

After sending Liu Xiangxiang away, Liu Qi returned to the room, only to see that the "Jianghu Chronicle" brought by Liu Xiangxiang was left on the table.

I don’t know if this girl is careless or if she does it on purpose.

Liu Qi picked up "Chronicles of Rivers and Lakes" and lowered his eyes to see a portrait underneath the book.

The person in the painting is covered in black gauze, with exposed eyebrows and bright eyes. You can tell at a glance that she is a beautiful woman. This is the portrait in the sea fishing document.

Liu Qi picked up the portrait and looked at it carefully. He had to say that the painting was not bad. It was indeed exactly the same as Liu Qi's dress when he went out before.

However, anyone who looks at Liu Qi, who is now extremely beautiful, will not associate her with the bright woman in the painting.

The makeup techniques taught by Mrs. Mei are still useful.

Liu Qi casually placed the portrait on the table, and Cuixiang happened to enter the room. When he approached the table, he lowered his head and caught a glimpse of the portrait on the table, and his eyes were instantly hooked.

"Ah, what a beautiful girl!" Cuixiang stared at the exposed eyebrows and eyes of the person in the portrait and couldn't help but praise.

Then he looked up at Liu Qi and asked with admiration: "Miss, did you draw this?"

Liu Qi did not answer Cuixiang's question, but asked calmly: "Cuixiang, do you think the person in this painting looks like me?"

Cuixiang shook her head without hesitation: "It's not similar at all."

Liu Qi's eyes flashed slightly, and she immediately stretched out her slender fingers to point on a line of words on the edge of the portrait, and whispered: "Look, what is written here?"

"Cruel...criminal...seven!" Before Cuixiang finished reading, her face suddenly turned pale, and her body froze in place as if she had been electrocuted!

The words "The murderer killed seven times" were clearly written next to the portrait.

"Miss, where did this... come from?" Cuixiang was so anxious that she almost cried.

Liu Qi's face remained calm: "Xiangxiang fell here today."

"Ah!" Cuixiang opened her round eyes in disbelief.

Seeing this, Liu Qi could only explain in a low voice: "Don't worry, it's not that Xiangxiang was so bold as to tear up the sea fishing documents posted by the government, but that there was a portrait attached to the "Chronicles of Rivers and Lakes" she just bought."

"After all... this 'Seven Kills Girl' is the most popular person in the capital recently!"


In the blink of an eye, it’s the third day of August.

There are only six days left until the ninth day of August to celebrate the birthday of the Duke of the State.

In the past few days, under Liu Qi's instructions, most of the wandering souls in the capital have entered a state of silence to prevent them from being found by the Liumen and Changle Gang.

It was rare for Liu Qi to have a few leisurely days.

But there was one thing on her mind.

Taking advantage of Cuixiang's absence, Liu Qi called Chunyan over and asked, "Is there anything going on at Shen Village and Xianju Tower?"

Chunyan shook her head and replied respectfully: "Nothing unusual was found in Xianju Tower, but... Shen Zhuang has started to come in and out of Datong Bank frequently in the past few days."

When Liu Qi heard the news, his eyes instantly lit up.

Datong Bank is actually the channel for communication between Shenzhuang and outside Beijing.

At this time, of course, there is only one big thing in Shen Zhuang's frequent communication with outside Beijing, and that is Liu Qi's elixir!

Is it finally here?


Liu Qi quickly suppressed the excitement in her heart, holding her chin in deep thought.

Shen Zhuang frequently visited Datong Bank. This matter could not be hidden from people like Fang Qingluan, and he might even have been targeted by people from the Changle Gang.

Fang Qingluan and Luo Yuyan both know that Liu Qi and Shen Zhuang have cooperated. Will they wait and wait for Liu Qi to come to their door?

Liu Qi slowly turned her head and looked at the guqin placed quietly on the counter.

Beijing has been silent for so long, and it’s time to get lively.


It was night, and at the entrance of the alley shrouded in night fog, a figure gathered like clouds of smoke.

Liu Qi paused at the entrance of the alley for a moment, then murmured softly: "Sure enough, he has been targeted."

Shen Zhuang lived in the fourth house on the left side of the alley, and there were heavy and long breathing sounds on the left and right sides and in the rooms opposite.

How could it happen that in an ordinary civilian alley, so many martial arts practitioners lived together.

Liu Qi snorted coldly, and then quietly turned into clouds and dispersed.


It was not yet Haishi, and Shen Zhuang was lying on the bed with many thoughts on his mind, unable to sleep.


Shen Zhuang's eyes narrowed.

A figure suddenly appeared next to the bed.

"Mr. Shen, it's me." Liu Qi's breath filled the air and he said softly.

Shen Zhuang suddenly sat up and exclaimed: "It's you!"

Liu Qi calmly replied: "Mr. Shen, there are a lot of people watching you."

She has used her own aura to shield the surroundings. Unless a top expert comes in person, it is impossible to hear the two people's voices.

Shen Zhuang's heart sank, as if he realized that his gaffe just now might have attracted the attention of others, so he quickly lowered his voice and whispered: "Girl, have you discovered those people too?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Shen Zhuang suddenly felt like an idiot, why would he ask such a stupid question.

I have seen this person's martial arts with my own eyes, so how could I not notice the people snooping in the houses on both sides.

Liu Qi gently stroked the blade of the Yu Liu Dao with his left hand, and then said softly: "There are two people in the houses on the left and right sides, and there are three people in the house opposite. Mr. Shen, your pomp is not small."

"What!" Shen Zhuang's eyes widened, "Is there anyone else in the room opposite?"

Liu Qi:......

Well, she just wanted to praise Shen Zhuang for his alertness.

Unexpectedly, Shen Zhuang was indeed alert...but not much.

Liu Qi didn't waste any time and directly brought up the topic: "Mr. Shen, are you ready for the Guyuan Pill you promised me?"

Shen Zhuang nodded and replied: "The Shen family has asked someone to transport ten Solid Yuan Pills to the capital overnight. They can arrive in Beijing as soon as tomorrow."

The Shen family...

Liu Qi glanced at Shen Zhuang suspiciously. Hadn't he been expelled from the Shen family by his eldest son?

But Liu Qi doesn't care about other people's housework. She just wants to get her elixir as soon as possible.

"But..." Shen Zhuang hesitated for a moment, and then said in a deep voice, "What the girl doesn't know is that Fang Qingluan of Feiyu Villa already knows that a batch of Solid Yuan Pills from the Shen family will soon arrive in the capital."

As if he felt the sudden coldness on Liu Qi's body, Shen Zhuang quickly explained: "Girl, please don't worry, I have not revealed any information about you, girl, to Fang Qingluan."

(End of this chapter)

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