Chapter 24 Seven Killing Crazy Sword
  "and many more!"

Liu Qi and the old man looked sideways at the same time when they heard the words, and saw a gleam in the eyes of Mrs. Mei who had just spoken to stop, and then said in a cold tone: "Master Dao, I wonder if I can let me have a chat with her?"

"Haha..." The old man suddenly laughed and said, "Mrs. Mei, the person the Black Prison Sect wants will not say anything even if 'Your Majesty' comes in person."

"Just chatting." Mrs. Mei replied calmly.

The smile on the old man's face gradually faded when he heard this, and the atmosphere suddenly became serious.


Xiliu Villa, backyard.

Liu Qi sat in front of the table with a calm expression, one hand resting on the handle of the knife on the table, looking coldly at Mrs. Mei opposite, with a trace of doubt in her eyes.

Mrs. Mei caught Liu Qi's gaze, then smiled softly and said: "You don't have to look at me like that. The old man sharpening the knife is not an alarmist. The King of Hell is the most powerful confidant of 'Your Majesty'. He wants to There is nothing I can do about the concubine I want."

Seeing Liu Qi's silence, Mrs. Mei looked her up and down, and then sighed: "At the age of less than twenty, I have practiced the ancient Liu Heart Technique to the fifth level. Looking at the entire history of Xiliu Villa, this talent is enough to win the championship. Top three!"

Liu Qi's heart moved slightly when she heard this. She didn't know until just now that the internal skill she had practiced over the years was actually called the Gu Liu Xin Method. Judging from the name alone, it was not unexpected.

At this time, Mrs. Mei's voice came to my ears again: "As soon as the Powu Order came out, the century-old Xiliu Villa was wiped out in an instant. Speaking of which, you can be regarded as the descendants of my Xiliu Villa."

"If I had known you..."

"Alas, it's too late now." Mrs. Mei sighed quietly, and then said with a solemn face: "The Black Prison Gate is no better than other places. Do not violate the rules in your daily behavior, otherwise the end will be worse than death!"

"The old man just now has no name and no surname. He calls himself the 'Old Man Sharpening the Knife'. He manages the entire Black Prison Gate on his behalf. He is also the only one who has contact with the Black Prison King."

"That red pill is the Qi Jue Heart-Eating Pill. Anyone who enters the Black Hell Gate must take this pill first. If there is no antidote to suppress it every fifteenth day, the poisonous insects in the pill will break through the pill and come out to gnaw inside. Fu organs until the host dies in pain!"

Looking at the expressionless Liu Qi, Mrs. Mei finally said coldly: "This pill... has no cure!"

Is there really no cure?
  Liu Qi's eyes flashed with gleam, and then his eyes glanced at the crescent moon mark on his left wrist.

"In order to facilitate your future actions, the Black Prison Gate will prepare an identity for you. Before that, the old man who sharpened the sword will stay in the villa to teach you the Black Prison Gate martial arts. However... I hope you will not waste the ancient willow mind method."

"This skill..." Madam Mei looked hesitant, and then continued, "In short, the inner peace of Guliu's mind will not conflict with the skills of the Black Prison Sect, and maybe they can benefit each other."

"I will teach you the last two mental skills, I only hope that you will have a better future..." As she said this, Mrs. Mei suddenly remembered that Liu Qi had returned to the Black Prison Gate, so there would be no future, so she spoke out the last two mental skills in a deep voice. .


The next day, Liu Qi watched Mrs. Mei and Liu Shijiu leave Xiliu Villa.

Liu Shijiu hesitated for a moment before getting on the carriage, turned to look at Liu Qi and seemed to want to say something, but with the words of Mrs. Mei in the carriage, "Let's go", she resolutely opened the curtain and walked in. .

"Hehehe..." A familiar low laughter came to my ears.

Liu Qi turned around and saw the wrinkled smiling face of the old knife sharpener, then walked past him with an indifferent expression and entered the gate of the villa.

Back in the room, Liu Qi looked at the neatly folded clothes on the bed and the long knife beside it.

This is all her belongings for more than ten years.

At this moment, Liu Qi's nose twitched slightly, and then she smelled a faint smell of blood.

When she rushed to the lobby following the smell of blood with a knife, she saw two masked men in black disposing of the bodies on the ground.

They are four deaf and mute women who have been cooking and doing chores for them for more than ten years.

When the man in black saw Liu Qi's appearance, a look of awe suddenly appeared in his exposed eyes, and then he stopped what he was doing and stood aside helplessly.

"They are my sword slaves." A hoarse voice came from behind. The old knife sharpener walked in with two knives on his waist and a wide-backed broadsword on his back. He didn't cough twice until he came to Liu Qi's side, and then continued: "You will be my hell in the future. The 'Master of the Seven Kills', they will see you like a dog seeing its master."

After saying that, the old man sharpening the knife waved his hand and signaled the two knife slaves to continue processing the corpse.

Liu Qi glanced sideways at the old man beside him, and then said coldly: "You guys go out first, and let me handle this."

As soon as these words came out, the two men in black paused in their actions and looked at the old man sharpening the knife.

"What?" Liu Qi said with a hint of sarcasm in her tone, "Didn't you say that meeting me is like a dog meeting its master?"

"Hehehe..." The old man turned his head, looked at Liu Qi with turbid eyes, and then laughed softly.

"Two losers!" The old man turned his head sharply and yelled: "Didn't you hear your Lord's order?"

The two men in black twitched their bodies wrapped in black cloth, then lowered their heads and fled from the lobby.

"I can't stay here too long. When will you be ready?" Only the old man sharpening the knife and Liu Qi were left in the lobby. The old man asked in a deep voice.

Liu Qi walked towards the corpse without saying a word, casually tore off the clothes of one of them, and wiped the blood stains off their faces. The twisted faces suddenly felt a lot more comfortable.

"Just tomorrow."


Outside Xiliu Villa, on an empty flat land, several piles of earth mounds looked very abrupt.

Four deaf and mute women, Liu Wu, Liu Jiu, and Liu Shisan, were lying under the mound without even a simple tombstone.

Liu Qi looked away from the mound, with one thought firmly in her mind: she would never end up like this.

A bright light flashed in her eyes, and then she stretched out her hand towards the old man sharpening the knife in front of her.

The old knife-sharpening old man laughed when he saw this, and then quickly took out the small jade bottle from his arms and poured a dark red pill into Liu Qi's palm.

The surface of the pill shone with a strange light against the white palm.

Liu Qi's eyes darkened, and he immediately put the pill into his mouth. With a "gurgling" movement in his throat, the pill was already in his stomach.

After seeing Liu Qi take the pill, the coldness in the eyes of the old knife-sharpening old man finally dissipated, and he burst into hearty laughter: "Hahaha..."

"Very good. If the sect master knows that he has such a capable general like you, he will definitely be extremely happy!"

"This is the antidote for one year. I will give the antidote to you on time at this time next year." The old knife-sharpening old man took out another jade bottle and handed it to Liu Qi.

"I can't stay here for too long, so you have to learn this set of 'Seven Killings' as soon as possible."

"As for your identity, it still needs some time to arrange."

"In the past few months, you should practice your sword in the mountains!"


The old knife-sharpening old man was busy explaining everything, but he didn't notice that a red light suddenly flashed on Liu Qi's fair arm, and then disappeared within the crescent moon symbol.

"Squeak—" Liu Qi's eyes darkened slightly, and her ears seemed to hear the desperate scream of the red bug with its claws and fangs before it was swallowed by the crescent moon.

 There is another chapter today, which may be late.

  (End of this chapter)

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