I use my daughter's body to cut down the rivers and lakes

Chapter 25 The 7th Miss of the Liu Family

Chapter 25 The seventh lady of the Liu family

In Yanziling outside Donghe County, the blue sky is as clear as water, and the dazzling sunlight scatters on the ground through layers of dense forests.


A strong wind swept past, and the hem of Liu Qi's light blue skirt swayed slightly. She slowly opened her eyes. A bit of cold light disappeared in an instant, and then her bare hands shook slightly, and the blade of the sword reflecting the mottled sunlight suddenly emitted bursts of cold air.

"Uh, uh, uh—"

A sharp and piercing buzzing sound suddenly erupted from the dense forest. Wherever the sword hit, there was a mess, and the big tree that the two hugged could not escape the fate of being broken at the waist.

bang, bang, bang...

"Wow, wow..." With a burst of noise, countless birds flapped their wings and fled into the sky in a hurry.


And the initiator of everything, Liu Qi, stood gracefully among the broken flowers and trees.

"This Seventh Style of Crazy Sword is worthy of the word 'Crazy Sword'." Liu Qi glanced at the sharp blade in his hand and couldn't help but thought to himself.

The old man who sharpened his knife did not stay at Xiliu Villa for long.

Before leaving, in addition to leaving a jade pendant symbolizing the Lord of the Seven Kills to Liu Qi, he also taught her a set of sword techniques called the "Seven Styles of the Crazy Sword".

The "Seven Moves of the Crazy Sword" only have seven moves in total. They can sweep across the world, pierce the clouds, swallow up the world, overturn rivers and seas, destroy cauldrons and sink ships, and the last six moves are combined into one "Seven Kills with the Crazy Sword"!
  Every move is a frightening killing move!
  What Liu Qi used just now was the Feng Juan Can Yun among the first six movements. What is important is that the sword takes advantage of the wind. The wind contains the power of the sword. Everything the strong wind passes will be turned into powder in the wind of the sword.

"If you can practice the Ancient Willow Heart Technique to the seventh level and reach the first-class state of controlling Qi, then if you use this move again, the strong wind will contain endless sword energy. Even if the opponent is made of iron, he will not be able to escape the end of being shattered into pieces. !”

After Liu Qi thought carefully, she couldn't help but look at the crescent moon on her left wrist, which had become yellow and shriveled.

Just after the old knife-sharpening old man left, Liu Qi used the energy of the crescent moon to upgrade Gu Liu's Heart Technique to the sixth level.

Although Mrs. Mei's words were not credible, Liu Qi decided to follow what Mrs. Mei said and still use the ancient Liu Xin Dharma as the foundation of his internal strength compared to the notorious old knife-sharpening old man from the Black Prison Gate.

The Seven Crazy Knife Styles naturally have a set of internal skills and mental methods that complement each other. However, Liu Qi took a closer look and found that the exercise route was too extreme and dangerous. Although the internal power cultivated with this method is extremely powerful, it will also bring negative effects to the body. There are many hidden dangers.

Moreover, Liu Qi has already achieved some achievements in the ancient Liu Xin Dharma, so there is no need to sacrifice the near and seek the far. As long as the skill is sufficient, he can make up for the lack of power.

Thinking of this, Liu Qi wiped the sweat from her forehead, then took out a jade bottle from her arms, poured two red pills out of it, and put it into her mouth with a bang.

This bottle of solution... oh no, it should be said to be a tonic. Half of it has been taken by Liu Qi.

As all the power of the medicine was absorbed by the crescent moon, Liu Qi lowered her eyes and saw that the crescent moon mark on her wrist seemed to become a little redder.

"It seems that the Qijue Heart-Eating Pill with the bug hidden in it must be powerful enough!" Liu Qixin thought.

Of course, it was impossible for her to ask the old knife sharpener for another one.

Shaking the empty jade bottle, Liu Qi carefully put it away. After all, the next time he would get the solution... the tonic would be nine months later!

Liu Qi stayed alone in Xiliu Villa for three months.

When she was lighting the fire on the stove, she couldn't help but think of the deaf and mute woman who had been silenced.

After a simple meal of cooking rice with half-cooked vegetables, Liu Qi, who was sitting alone in the lobby, suddenly said: "Come out, the sound of breathing has been lost."

As soon as he finished speaking, a black figure appeared from the door, and then respectfully clasped his fists towards Liu Qi and said, "I have seen your commander!"

Liu Qi didn't reply when he heard this, but took out the jade pendant in his sleeve and turned it around by the rope buckle.

Sure enough, when the man in black saw the jade pendant in Liu Qi's hand that symbolized the Lord of the Seven Kills, a chill ran down his back and a ray of awe appeared in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, your identity has been arranged!"

After saying that, he held a letter above his head, walked over respectfully, and placed it on the table in front of Liu Qi.

Liu Qi opened the letter and scanned it ten lines at a time. Then she gently twirled it with two fingers and made a "swing" sound. The letter suddenly burst into flames and soon turned into a pile of ashes under the eyes of the man in black.

The man in black, who was concentrating on the pile of ashes, suddenly shrank his pupils, and then he saw Liu Qi appearing beside him from the corner of his eye.

Liu Qi tilted his head slightly, and his tone was chilling: "I heard that even if I ask you to die, you will obey immediately, right?" The man in black took a breath, and when he was about to say something, he noticed that Liu Qi Qi had already stepped out of the lobby, and then a cold voice came.

"Let's go."


Late at night, Donghe County.

In front of a house, Liu Qi strolled over and then looked up at the big tree in front of him.

"Meow——" A black cat walked by on the wall of the next courtyard, seeming to have discovered danger, and then roared with its fur all over its body.

Liu Qi turned her head and opened her red lips slightly.

"Get out!" The word was so soft that only Liu Qi could hear it.

"Meow-" But the black cat on the courtyard wall suddenly let out a hysterical roar, and then rolled and crawled away from the courtyard wall in a hurry.

After making sure that no one was around to disturb her, Liu Qi tapped her foot lightly, and Yingying jumped onto the tree. The fallen leaves and broken wood were scattered by the force of her foot, and a dark iron box appeared in Liu Qi's sight.

still here!

By the moonlight, Liu Qi reached out and pinched the iron box with her five fingers, and pulled it out with a pop.

  After opening the iron box, the pitch-black blade bloomed with a captivating purple light the moment it came into contact with the moonlight.


Outside Cangzhou City.

The constant influx of refugees increased the pressure on the sergeants on duty at the city gate.

"Boss, what should we do if they break through the border together?" asked an officer and soldier who looked like a thin monkey.

"Fuck you!" The leader of the army swept away the refugees around him, and then said, "There are 8,000 troops stationed in Cangzhou City, and our Chief Lin of the Six Southern Provinces is personally in charge. Who dares to cause trouble? Who dares to cause trouble? dare!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a carriage was seen creaking and coming straight to the city gate.

The sallow-looking refugees all cast doubtful and envious glances, while the officers and soldiers at the city gate stood ready. The military leader who had just confidently shouted "Who dares" swallowed his saliva and then stopped the carriage.

"Master Zhizhou has an order that no one is allowed to enter Cangzhou City!"


The riding crop hit the military leader in the face!

Just as a group of officers and soldiers gathered around with spears, they heard a strong and powerful voice coming from the carriage: "If you don't have eyes, wouldn't you recognize that this is the carriage of the General's Mansion?"

General's Mansion?
  The officers and soldiers looked at me and me, all with doubts on their faces.


Only the military leader who was covering his face changed his expression. He sucked in a breath of cold air and at the same time, suppressing the severe pain on his face, he bent down and said with a smile: "My lord, please calm down. I was so blind that I couldn't recognize the carriage of the General's Mansion." .”

"You haven't released the level yet!" After saying this, the military leader angrily scolded his subordinates.


It wasn't until the carriage entered the city that it couldn't see where it was going. Only then did an officer and soldier cautiously ask, "Boss, what was that just now?"

"Hmph, how many general mansions can we have in Daqi?" The military leader sneered, and the whip marks on his face made his face look very ferocious.

At this time, Lin Shengchuan, who was sipping tea in the Cangzhou Yamen, suddenly saw a servant coming to report in a hurry.

"Sir, Miss Liu's seventh daughter was successfully brought back!"

(End of this chapter)

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