The Xu family follows Taoism and seeks longevity

Chapter 411: Fierce fight, find the weakness and kill with one hit

As the splashing sound continued, a lot of white bubbles suddenly emerged from the cave. As the water splashed, several monsters that looked like beasts, but not beasts, and looked like humans but not humans suddenly appeared.

Flesh wings grow on its back, and the pattern on its head strangely forms a pattern that resembles a human face. The pair of webbed webs on its chest extend straight forward like human arms, and its tail is like human legs. It is also divided into left and right parts to support them to stand, which makes them look like human hair and bones.

The big one is three feet tall and has three pairs of fleshy wings on its back. The medium one is two feet tall and has two pairs of fleshy wings on its back. The smallest one is only about one foot and has only one pair of fleshy wings.

Among them, the three-foot-tall monster exudes an aura that is at the Zifu level. There are six of them in total. The two-foot-tall monster exudes an aura that is equivalent to that of a foundation-building monk. There are more than forty monsters in total. The little monsters coming out of them are Exuding the aura of a Qi-training monk, this type is the most numerous, with hundreds of them, and there are constant sounds in the cave, and it is obvious that more are crawling out.

When these monsters first appeared, Yang Li stretched out his hand and the long-awaited flying sword weapon in his hand shone brightly and attacked the monsters.

However, these monsters did not dodge. They just raised their two-leg-like tails in an extremely exaggerated posture, and then faced them. Only two clanging sounds were heard, and the magic weapon flying sword was directly knocked away. , no harm was done at all.

Although it was not injured, Yang Li's attack just now completely angered it. Its long and sharp fangs quickly bite twice, and then a piercing scream came out, but it seemed like these monsters The way of communication between them, as its movements stopped, the five strongest monsters behind it jumped out and launched an attack on Xu Zhiyu and others.

"This is exactly the goal of our trip - the human-faced fish. Junior brothers and sisters, Fairy Zhu, and fellow Taoist Xu, stop them quickly. I will help you deal with them after I harvest the Coral King."

Fang Chao, who had been busy collecting the Antler Coral King, of course noticed the movement behind him. When he released his consciousness and saw the true appearance of these monsters, he immediately recognized them, and then immediately spoke to several people.

"Everyone must be extra careful. There is a venomous stinger in the tail of this monster. It will not be easily exposed to others, but you must be careful. If you are stung, it will turn into pus and blood in a matter of seconds. Be careful! "

Before he could finish transmitting the message, these human-faced fish had already come to several other people, and began to surround them with strange screams.

Because there are only six third-level human-faced fish, and there are exactly seven remaining Zifu monks except Wang Chao. Among the seven, Xu Zhiyu has the lowest cultivation level, so he did not choose a third-level monster as his opponent, but instead A group of second-level human-faced fish took action.

However, since there were hundreds of human-faced fish dispatched this time, although the seven of them blocked most of them, there were still many fish that slipped through the net. Under the orders of the high-level human-faced fish, they harvested the coral king. Wang Chao took action.

This forced him to temporarily stop picking corals, and then he took out a jade bottle-shaped magical instrument from the storage bag and offered it as a sacrifice. When he pulled out the plug on it, he saw a large amount of green smoke spraying out from it. It spread very quickly, instantly turning all the water in a ten-foot radius green.

As soon as the human-faced fish approaching him came into contact with these special seawaters, they seemed to be drunk, their bodies became swaying far away, and they all fell on the beach with their arms and legs stretched out, unable to get closer to him. Seeing this situation Fang Chao nodded with satisfaction and continued to control the black sword to cut the coral.

However, the sea water is flowing. Although his poisonous smoke has a good effect on the human-faced fish, less than two breaths have passed before the areas contaminated by the poisonous smoke flow to other places, unable to stop the remaining human-faced fish. Continue to attack him.

Seeing that the process of collecting the Coral King was interrupted again and again, Fang Chao also thought clearly. If he could not clean up these human-faced fish that kept causing trouble, then he would not be able to successfully obtain the Coral King.

Thinking of this, his eyes turned cold, and he took out a seal-shaped magic weapon from the storage bag. With the injection of magic power, Mu Ran became three feet in size, and began to smash it towards the place where the human-faced fish were densest. Seven or eight second-level human-faced fish were severely injured, and the most unlucky one among them was turned into minced meat.

However, although Fang Chao gained the upper hand against the human-faced fish, if we look at it as a whole, Xu Zhiyu's side is actually at a disadvantage, because they do not have an advantage in numbers, they are one-to-many, and the human-faced fish's defense is strong, so the fighting The place is under the sea, so the longer it takes, the worse it will be for them.

When Xu Zhiyu killed seven or eight second-level human-faced fish with the God-killing Thorn and an unskilled flying sword, he wanted to help Fang Chao pick the Coral King together.

Suddenly, a third-level low-grade human-faced fish emerged from the cave before, and suddenly rushed towards him. Fortunately, he did not relax his vigilance during the battle. He intercepted it with the help of his shield, and then calmly hid. opened.

Looking at the behemoth in front of him that was much taller than him, he had a solemn look on his face. The force of the impact from the shield just now made him clearly feel how powerful the big man in front of him was, and the opponent also had tough skin. Protection, it is difficult for ordinary attacks to damage it. This is the conclusion he came to from fighting against the second-level human-faced fish.

However, he did not believe that a monster would have no weaknesses, so he prepared to use probing attacks to determine the weakness of the human-faced fish.

Looking at the human monk standing motionless in front of him, the two giant tails of the human-faced fish suddenly started to squirm, and then continued to pounce towards him with a strange scream. It was frightening to see, but Xu Zhiyu was not only not afraid, but instead had a look on his face. Xi, he punched straight in front of him, preparing to face it head-on with his own strength, which was no less than that of physical cultivation.

But are things really that simple? The answer is of course no!

The moment his fist came into contact with the tough skin of the human-faced fish, a purple lightning flashing with sparks suddenly surged out of his ordinary fist, and then penetrated into its body in an instant.

Then a heartbreaking roar sounded in his ears, and then with a pop, two jets of black venom suddenly spurted out from the tail of the human-faced fish. The target was Xu Zhiyu, who had just succeeded in the sneak attack. Looking at his posture, he seemed to be preparing to kill him. He turned into poisonous water.

But of course Xu Zhiyu would not sit still and wait for death. Although he didn't know what these things were, judging from the rapid color change after contact with the sea water, he knew that they were extremely poisonous. He didn't want to be contaminated at all. He stepped back a few feet and stepped back. Then he quickly pinched the spell with both hands and pointed in front of him.

A thorn covered with thorns appeared in front of him, and then quickly entangled with each other, and finally formed a ball shape, spinning in circles in front of the venom. After a while, all the venom was contained inside, one drop at a time. Does not leak.

With a wave of his hand, the takraw ball made of thorns came to the coral forest hundreds of feet away, and then suddenly exploded. In an instant, venom was splashed everywhere, as long as the coral tree was stained with the venom. , will be corroded and melted away at a speed visible to the naked eye, which shows how toxic it is.

This also frightened Xu Zhiyu. If this kind of venom splashed on him, he would be dead. So to be on the safe side, he waved a few more wood spells and summoned several thorns, ready to deal with any attacks that might appear at any time. venom. However, the current situation of the human-faced fish is not much better. It was first hit by his Dacheng Thunder Technique, and then in panic, it spat out a mouthful of venom that had been accumulated for a long time. It is now in a weak stage, so it is temporarily unable to deal with him. Launched an attack.

However, Xu Zhiyu obviously did not expect this situation. When he saw that the opponent was standing there without launching an attack, he followed the strategy of immobilizing the enemy and kept moving his eyes around his body, trying to find out his weak points. Then kill with one hit.

"Strange, the lightning spell just hit the opponent without a doubt, but why does it seem unscathed? Could it be that this guy is immune to lightning spells? If so, we will be in big trouble this time. Let alone stealing the remains of the fourth-level human-faced fish, even whether I can escape is a question."

In the end, he still didn't want to believe that the human-faced fish was not harmed by the thunder method. He had taken a big risk when he used the thunder method on the seabed just now. If he failed, the thunder method might not hit the enemy. He did it himself. After all, sea water is conductive, which is why he dared to use lightning only after it came into contact with human faces, fish and flesh.

This can be regarded as a restriction for him. He cannot use lightning to attack the enemy unscrupulously like on land.

Then the test began, and he was seen constantly manipulating the flying sword, constantly launching attacks on the tail, head, throat, and even eyes of the human-faced fish.

Dangdang Dangdang!

The third-order flying sword pierced the body of the demon fish, and the sound of metal colliding with iron was heard, as if it could not cause any harm at all.

The human-faced fish did not just stand there stupidly waiting for the sword to be stabbed. Instead, it quickly crossed its left and right legs and then ran at an extremely fast speed. During its journey, countless corals dropped powder. It was aroused and left a series of white blisters behind it.

Seeing that it was no match for Xu Zhiyu, this human-faced fish decisively chose to escape. However, for some reason, the cave was relatively close to it, but it did not choose to escape into the cave. Instead, it left the battlefield and headed towards the coral forest. Got hit.

Looking at his other friends who were still struggling to hold on, he did not choose to rescue, but chased the human-faced fish in the direction in which it escaped.

The human-faced fish was like a fish in water in these coral forests, constantly moving up and down, hoping to get rid of the pursuing monks. However, its body was too big and it was not that flexible after all. Therefore, the distance between the two sides did not widen, but gradually gradually The ground has become much closer.

Of course, the human-faced fish escaping in front also noticed this situation. He became more and more violent in the coral forest, and his two poisonous tails whipped around like two long whips, blocking the way of it. All the coral trees were swept to the ground.

Just when one person and one fish were fighting each other and getting further and further away from everyone, Xu Zhiyu looked intently, and suddenly his eyes lit up, as if he had discovered something.

It turned out that the red coral in this coral forest was extremely hard. Although the tail attack of the human-faced fish broke all of them, they were not all broken into powder. He casually grabbed a broken coral and held it in his hand. The muscles on his arms bulged slightly, and he began to handle the coral with all his strength.


As his hand strength continued to increase, the coral branches that were originally as hard as steel instantly turned into powder and were then carried away by the flowing sea water.

And this also made him think of a way to deal with the human-faced fish, which is to compete with the opponent in terms of pure strength. Although he is not a pure physical practitioner, nor has he ever practiced physical training, but when comparing pure strength, he does not lose at all. It is even worse for the same level of physical training. This is inseparable from his continuous consumption of Tianyi Divine Water for decades.

And today it was time to test the results. He wanted to use the powerful power brought by his physical strength to compete with the human-faced fish.

Thinking of this, when the human-faced fish was blocked by a huge coral tree, he made a strong movement with his feet, and then intercepted it in an instant. Then he poured all the power into his arms and shouted:

"Beast, suffer death!"

There was a loud bang, and the sand where he was was surging. The next moment, Xu Zhiyu's figure disappeared from the place, and then appeared on top of the human-faced fish, waving his arms and smashing down wildly.

A trace of madness also flashed in the eyes of the human-faced fish. Not to be outdone, it shook its head, then raised a pair of fish webs on its chest that looked like human hands and came forward.

Then a huge roar sounded in the coral forest, and the aftershock made the surrounding sea water become turbid, making it impossible to see anyone for a long time.

With the strength of both parties, the human-faced fish that was originally standing on the ground was completely smashed into the deep pit underground.

Looking down, you will find that Xu Zhiyu's blow just now not only smashed the flippers of the human-faced fish to pieces, but also left a deep crack on its head, with a lot of black liquid inside. It's leaking out, and I don't know if it's brain matter.

Looking at the immobile monster fish below, he did not jump down rashly to check the situation. Instead, he stood in front of the pit, commanded the flying sword weapon, and inserted it fiercely into the head of the human-faced fish. Finally, in order to completely kill it, the flying sword pierced its body back and forth several times. Only after he was sure that it was completely dead did he put its body into his storage ring.

The excellent defensive power of this sea beast left a deep impression on him. Although it was defeated by his huge strength in the end, its performance in resisting the attack of magical weapons was still very good. He planned to take it back and find a A third-level weapon refiner peeled off its skin and made himself a pair of inner armor, which must be very effective in resisting magic weapon damage.

After killing the human-faced fish, he did not immediately rush back to join Fang Chao and the others. Instead, he took out two medium-grade spiritual stones and held them in his hands to restore his mana, while walking unhurriedly towards the battlefield of the battle. .

According to his estimate, this place is a hundred miles away from the Man-Faced Fish Cave. After he walks back, the mana in Dantian should be fully restored. As for whether there will be any casualties among other monks during this period, it will not be his. Thinking about it, after all, I am not related to them, and I don't have much friendship at all. (End of chapter)

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