The Xu family follows Taoism and seeks longevity

Chapter 412: Human-faced fish eggs and bones obtained

Chapter 412: Human-faced fish eggs and bones obtained

When Xu Zhiyu slowly returned to the battlefield, it was already two hours later. At this time, his mana had been restored to 7788%.

On the way here just now, while recovering his mana, he also found a demon elixir from the human-faced fish contained in the storage ring. The quality was very good, it was the size of an egg, and it was a third-level low-grade pill.

This is a good thing for refining elixirs. Here in Fujian, because of the scarcity of elixirs for growth, all kinds of sea monsters on the seabed, whether animal bones or meat, can be used to refine elixirs. This is what is called The backing of the mountain depends on the mountain, and the water depends on the water!

When he returned to the battlefield, he found that it was very chaotic. It turned out that after he left, dozens of second-order human-faced fish ran out of the cave. Several people who were already in an unsustainable situation were now in an even more difficult situation. .

Seeing this situation, he did not join the battle group immediately, but looked at the valuable Coral King. When he saw that it was still growing there, he breathed a sigh of relief. This kind of natural treasure, if It's possible that he must get it.

As his eyes moved downward, he discovered that Fang Chao, who was closest to the Coral King, was being surrounded and attacked by a third-order high-grade fish and more than a dozen second-order human-faced fish. Although his cultivation level was the highest among everyone, When facing a monster fish with the same level of cultivation as him and many helpers, he was still a little confused. However, he had many magic weapons and good methods, so he was not injured.

But Yang Like, who was not far away from him, was different. As the second-highest cultivator, he could not only deal with a third-level mid-level human-faced fish and more than a dozen second-level human-faced fish standing in front of him, but In addition, he can also use his spare strength to support several other junior brothers and junior sisters.

As a disciple of the late Jindan cultivator, Zhu Bingyu performed equally well. Although she was only a third-level practitioner in the Zifu, relying on her rich family background, she could throw out third-level spiritual talismans from time to time, and a long silk-like magic weapon was wielded by her. As it flew up, rays of light danced up and down, and within ten feet of it, as long as the human-faced fish touched it, it would be knocked back.

Next to Zhu Bingyu was Cheng Hong, the female disciple of Master Le Zhenren. She was currently wielding a small bell-like third-level mid-level magic weapon, shaking it from time to time at the swarm of human-faced fish surrounding her. As long as the demon fish was locked by the sound wave, it would fall to the ground and then never get up again. This also resulted in the corpses of several human-faced fish lying scattered under her feet.

Xu Zhiyu's safe return soon aroused everyone's curiosity, but basically they were mostly happy, because one more person would be more helpful.

Seeing that everyone had noticed him, he pondered for a while and decided to help Cheng Hong first, because she was in the worst condition at this time, her face was pale, and there was a deep wound on her back, although the bleeding had stopped. It stopped flowing, but it was still shocking to watch.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, jumped up directly, and attacked a second-level human-faced fish like a roc spreading its wings, still with bare hands. Now that he has found a way to deal with the human-faced fish, he will definitely Follow the same rules.


The high-speed movement brought up a series of water splashes, and the fist that gathered huge power hit the human-faced fish's tough body like a broken bamboo, directly hitting its chest until it collapsed, and then the flying sword came out of the body, poof! Plunge into his chest and kill him completely.

When Cheng Hong, who was facing the enemy, saw this scene, his face lit up with joy, and he immediately concentrated on dealing with the third-order fish monsters, leaving all the second-order fish monsters to Xu Zhiyu to deal with.

After such cooperation and division of labor, after a while, there were several more human-faced fish corpses around the two of them. Cheng Hong, without the constraints of the second-level fish demon, finally began to release her ultimate move. The burning wounds on her back kept reminding her. She, who caused these.

Then she summoned a pair of giant golden scissors, three feet long and three feet wide, from her storage bag. The yellow scissors were opened wide, and she aimed at the tail of the human-faced fish and cut it off fiercely.

"Click!" An unusually clear voice came out.

The fish's tail was broken off at the root. The severely injured human-faced fish first let out a hysterical howl, and then began to roll crazily. In an instant, red liquid and black liquid continued to gush out from its wound. The red was blood. , and the black one is of course extremely poisonous.

Those low-level human-faced fish, after smelling the blood of the high-level human-faced fish, seemed to be on stimulants. They didn't care about their opponents. They all swam quickly to the corpse of the third-level human-faced fish and started to He swallowed the blood in big mouthfuls, but the blood was more or less contaminated with the poison in the poison sacs at the tail.

Therefore, even though these low-level demon fish were happily devouring just now, in just a few moments, many demon fish were poisoned. Although they are all of the same kind, the poison in the third-level body is more powerful than that of the second-level and first-level demon fish. Too much, and they couldn't bear it. Although they didn't die on the spot, it had a great impact on their actions.

Xu Zhiyu and Cheng Hong looked at each other, and then launched attacks at the same time. This opportunity could not be missed. Just a moment later, dozens of human-faced fish that surrounded the two people had all fallen on the beach.

Several other people saw this scene and immediately said:

"Junior Sister Cheng, Fellow Daoist Xu, come and help me!"

When Cheng Hong heard this, without saying a word, she used the big scissors and rushed towards the senior brother who was in the most critical situation recently. Xu Zhiyu originally thought of taking down the Coral King first, but after thinking about it, he felt that this was possible. Will cause public outrage.

Therefore, he didn't think much about it. He dodged and headed towards Zhu Bingyu with a flying sword in hand. Among the remaining people, not only was she the weakest, but she was also in a very dangerous situation. There were many human-faced fish that were besieging her. She, although her magic weapon seems to be extremely powerful, can only be used to deal with the second-level demon fish. She is obviously unable to deal with the third-level monster, and now she is just struggling to hold on.

Moreover, he and Zhu Bingyu are the only outsiders here. The others are all senior brothers and sisters, and their relationship is much closer than them, so he also intends to have a good relationship with her. If he really encounters any difficulties, both parties can help each other. Not to be alone.

After coming to the battlefield and taking a look, Xu Zhiyu said:

"Xianzi Zhu, just concentrate on dealing with that third-order monster fish. Leave the other second-order monster fish to me."

After hearing this, Zhu Bingyu didn't show any pretense. She stretched out her hand and drew a circle in front of her body. With a swish, the long silk became more than ten feet long and turned into a green light. After flying up and down for a while, it headed towards the three people. The human-faced fish entangled and tried to tie it together.

But this is the bottom of the sea, which is the home of the human-faced fish. In addition, its body is extremely smooth. As soon as the long silk comes into contact, it will be rowed across. It will not be subdued in a short time, and the human-faced fish will also look for it. At the right time, he opened his mouth and bit Chang Ling, and the two sides fought fiercely for a while.

And Xu Zhiyu jumped up again and punched the second-order monster fish that was about to make a sudden attack. Then, as long as the second-order monster fish was close to Zhu Bingyu, he followed the same method and quickly defeated them. However, these monster fish were fierce. Not afraid of death, even if he is seriously injured, as long as he can still move, he will continue to pounce on him.

Another half hour passed like this. With Zhu Bingyu's unremitting efforts, he finally tied up and killed the third-level low-level human-faced fish. Not to be outdone, he also killed a dozen second-level monster fish. All dealt with.

However, there is still an obvious difference between the two people's states. Zhu Bingyu was panting from exhaustion, and the pressure on his body was unstable. It was obviously caused by too much mana consumption. It seemed that he had lost the power to fight again, but Xu Zhiyu was at this time. The mana in Dantian is still sufficient, and he does not show too much fatigue.

After just taking a short rest, he rejoined the battle. With his help, the others basically defeated their opponents. In the end, only Fang Chao and the third-level high-grade human-faced fish were left to fight. However, this time Time is coming to an end. The greatest advantage of human monks is that they can use various external forces. During the fight just now, when the fish demon was not paying attention, Yang Li secretly used a golden elixir talisman to transform into a giant sword tens of feet long, which almost split the human-faced fish in half, and Fang Chao also took advantage of it. Taking this opportunity, he launched a final attack on it.


As the head of the human-faced fish was cut off, the mermaid war finally came to an end. Everyone first gathered together and asked each other about each other's injuries, and then began to sit back-to-back, began to sit cross-legged on the ground, and meditated to recover. mana.

Xu Zhiyu's mana is basically full now. He originally planned to put the Coral King into the storage ring first, but he didn't expect that Fang Chao took it away first. Seeing this, he could only hold back his dissatisfaction and follow suit. I started to meditate, out of sight and out of mind.

When he opened his eyes again, he found that several other people, under the command of Fang Chao, removed all the useful parts of the human-faced fish on the ground, such as complete poison sacs and tough skin, and obtained dozens of them. , but only the second-level ones were seen. It is estimated that the third-level ones were all put away. In addition, in a basin-shaped wooden magic weapon, there was also a basin full of demon fish inner elixir.

The coral that Xu Zhiyu cared about the most was not put away by Fang Chao himself as he thought, but was also placed in a jade box.

Seeing so many trophies piled up together, and Zhu Bingyu and the others sitting not far away whispering, he still didn't understand that they were preparing to distribute the trophies.

Thinking of this, his heart moved and he stood up from the ground.

When the other monks saw that Xu Zhiyu had finally finished adjusting his breath, they moved towards where he was. Fang Chao, the leader, even said with a smile:

"Thanks to Fellow Daoist Xu's generous help just now, we were able to successfully eliminate all the masked fish. I think Fellow Daoist will choose the spoils this time. Do you have any objections?"

After he finished speaking, he did not forget to ask for the opinions of others, and several others agreed. After all, they had all been helped more or less just now.

Seeing no one objected, Fang Chao smiled at him and made a gesture of invitation.

He glanced at the trophies in front of him and realized that the ten-thousand-year-old Coral King was not in it. Some were only thousand-year-old ones. In addition, there were more than a dozen poison sacs, more than fifty demon pills, and seven third-level ones. pellets, and the rest are all second-order.

Mentally weighing the value between the third-order demon elixir and the thousand-year-old coral, he decisively chose the third-order demon elixir because this demon elixir was completely different from the others. Not only was it much larger, but it also had There is some faint gold emerging, indicating that this monster is only a thin line away from the fourth-level monster.

If they hadn't been a group of people who didn't respect martial ethics, and attacked in groups, and finally used golden elixirs and talismans to attack in a sneak attack, it might not be who was lying down in the end!

After he finished selecting, it was Fang Chao's turn. However, he did not rush to do it, but explained:

"Because that Staghorn Coral King is of great importance, its ownership should be determined by Master, so I gave it to Junior Brother Yang for safekeeping. I will give you an explanation when I return to Fangshi!"

He didn't know whether he said this to Xu Zhiyu alone or to everyone, but after he finished speaking, no one raised any questions. Xu Zhiyu did have objections, but after comparing the strengths of both parties, he still happily accepted it. Yes, in the world of immortality, the strong are respected, and the weak have no say.

Soon, the spoils in front of them were divided among them. Everyone had a look of satisfaction on their faces, and it was obvious that the harvest was not small.

Finally, it was the most important purpose of their coming here. After looking at the dark cave, everyone swam in without hesitation.

The cave is still very deep, and there are seven or eight forks in it that are connected to each other. The human-faced fish's nest is naturally at the deepest point, and they only swam for about a quarter of an hour. Then they came to the deepest lair.

There is a circular area simply piled up with coral powder. There are hundreds of light blue fish eggs the size of fingernails on it. There are also some spiritual lights flashing on it from time to time. If you use your spiritual consciousness to touch it, If you touch them, you can find that these eggs have very strong vitality.

"Could these be the eggs of the human-faced fish?" Zhu Bingyu asked an unquestionable question, so no one answered her.

Looking at these fish eggs, Xu Zhiyu had a look of surprise on his face. He was very clear about the combat effectiveness of these human-faced fish. Facing attacks from magic weapons, they could basically remain intact unless they encountered physical training or It is a super powerful scissor-like magic weapon that can cut off the twin tails, otherwise it will not be easily killed. It has extremely strong combat power. If you can raise some, it is also a good choice.

Thinking of this, he immediately approached the area, followed by Zhu Bingyu, and the people from Yang Jiugong were now focusing all their energy on finding the fourth-order human-faced fish skeleton.

Seeing that the opportunity was rare, he activated his magical power - the PoWan Fire Eye, and swept through these fish eggs one by one. He selected dozens of them with strong vitality and stronger spiritual energy fluctuations and put them into the storage ring. Zhu Bingyu did not You're welcome, I also packed a dozen of them.

At this moment, a message full of surprise appeared in their sea of ​​consciousness.

"Everyone, come on, I found the whereabouts of the bones!"

After hearing the message, the two of them identified the direction and swam toward a tunnel that led directly into the cave. The person who had just heard the message had just entered here.

Not far after entering the tunnel, two huge skeletons came into view. They were about ten feet long, and there was a faint golden color on the surface of the bones. Judging from their shape, they were not human-faced fish. It could also be judged from their size. It turns out that these two skeletons should both belong to the fourth-order human-faced fish.

After confirming, Fang Chao did not hesitate and took out a golden storage ring from his arms, put the two skeletons in, and said:

"Everyone, the mission of finding the bones has been completed, but now there are only five days left before the deadline given by Master, so we must get out of here as soon as possible and rush back as soon as possible."

Zhu Bingyu reminded them about the human-faced fish eggs. After everyone divided up all the fish eggs, they left the cave together and began to swim towards the outside of the coral forest.

(End of this chapter)

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