At the end of Qin, I became a son of the plane

Chapter 325, Autumn Harvest and Hu Hai’s Transformation

Chapter 325, Autumn Harvest and Hu Hai’s Transformation

Shusun Tong said: "If the four-hour working system is implemented in the world, it means that no one suffers a loss. The emperor's concerns are justified. From the time when my big man built the water conservancy spinning wheel and the textile loom, the whole The world's cloth production capacity has increased by more than ten times. If the wages of craftsmen are not improved, it is really possible to cause the economic crisis that His Majesty is worried about. "

Fu Sheng shook his head and said, "I don't believe this. There is only a time when goods are in short supply in this world, and there is no time when goods cannot be sold. Your Majesty, this is so unfounded."

Kong Kun thought for a while and said, "I don't believe that such a thing would happen even as a teacher."

For Kong and Yu, who had only experienced the era of material scarcity, the economic crisis was a bit contrary to their common sense.

Shu Suntong: "But if we don't support your majesty in this matter, the Mohist family will support your majesty. Now the people in Guanzhong are focusing on Prime Minister Zhang's debate, but they didn't realize that the Mohist family has been making constant moves during this time."

Kong Yu and Fu Sheng looked at Shu Sun Tong with strange expressions. Did the Mo family do anything during this time?

Shu Suntong: "A month ago, Qin Juzi recruited three female ink painters, named Feng Meng, Xiang Xin, and Zhao Mi. They are all female textile workers in Chang'an City."

Kong Yu said in astonishment: "Master Qin is not afraid of rumors?"

Even though the feudal ethics of this era were not as strict as those of later generations, it was still extremely rare to accept female disciples, let alone accept them so blatantly.

Only Confucian universities are desperately trying to expand their disciples. Under the academic concept of teaching without distinction, pig farmers, cattle herders, and even slaves are willing to teach as long as they are willing to learn Confucianism. Knowledge is rapidly downwardly compatible, resulting in Most of the scholars in the world are descendants of Confucianism.

The above are all stories about Mozi helping workers. Of course, most of them are female textile workers, helping female textile workers get their salaries back, or supporting female workers and their families of origin who escaped, and Mozi helped female workers who were bullied. The workshop owner was sent to prison.

Kong Yu said with a smile: "With the development of Mohism, my Confucianism has not developed. The development of the school must ultimately rely on one's own efforts. I am already over seventy years old this year. After this year's plan, I will formally resign from the imperial court. By then, I will I recommend you to become Zongzheng of the Han Dynasty.”

Kong Yu said: "If you don't retire, you will be disliked by others. Although the official retirement system was proposed by the Prime Minister, it is also the intention of the Emperor."

In short, in the past, the female textile workers in Chang'an City were bullied by the workshop owners and their families because they were weak and unable to fight back, but now they have the protection of the Mohists.

Kong Kun said to the two of them: "Teaching and educating talents is the foundation of my Confucianism. As long as the Han Dynasty continues to promote education, our Confucianism will not decline."

There are millions of craftsmen in the world, and they are increasing rapidly. If these people all become Mohists, even if they are supporters, the Mohist power will become extremely powerful. In addition, the imperial court wants to take industry as the foundation of the world and continue to allow the Mohist family to develop, fearing that the Mohist family will dominate the world. "

Then Kong Yu looked at Fu Sheng and said: "The Han people are investing more and more in education, and the emperor is paying more and more attention to education. Now there are tens of thousands of masters employed by the imperial court alone. Brother Wei plans to propose to the emperor. , raise the education to the level of Jiuqing, junior brother, you are the education order."

The two people wondered: "Is there anything wrong with these articles?"

Then Kong Yu said solemnly: "The etiquette of the Han Dynasty has been changed into a mess by the emperor, but the world at this time is still in the midst of great changes. Which etiquette is in line with the current world, and which etiquette is not in line with the current world? This is a lesson for me." I don’t know. I hope that after you become Zongzheng, you can improve the etiquette system of the Han Dynasty.”

Shusuntong said helplessly: "This problem is not a big deal. The key is that the Mohists have found the right way to develop. If the Mohists continue to do this, I am afraid that the Confucians will be surpassed by them.

Kong Yu and Fu Sheng watched together.

Guanzhong, September 13th, the fifth year of the Han Dynasty.

Fu Sheng said: "More than senior brother."

Shusuntong said in shock: "Teacher, you are in good health, why do you need to retire so early?"

What Shusun Tong is really worried about is that the Mo family has such a trend.

The reason why Confucianism can become a prominent school in the world is because they have found their own direction of development, which is what Confucius said.

As he spoke, Shusuntong took out the May issue of "Mozi Monthly" and said, "Teacher, please read the article above."

A good word about Confucianism here. Confucianism during the Warring States Period was still extremely advanced. Among the major schools at that time, Taoism was an elite school belonging to the aristocracy. Legalism was mostly taught by family members and taught very few disciples. Mohism was divided into three parts after the Warring States Period. It declined.

Shusuntong said solemnly: "Promise"

Shu Suntong smiled bitterly and said: "After the Mohist family accepted these three female disciples, in just two months, half of the female textile workers in Chang'an City became supporters of the Mohist family, and thousands of female workers became candidates for the Mohist family. The Mohist family in Chang'an The power of the city increased greatly."

The autumn day in the view was also extremely hot, cloudless and without a trace of breeze.

But the people in Guanzhong are overjoyed. After a hard year, the harvest season has finally arrived. The weather has been good this year. In addition, many villages in Guanzhong have borrowed money to build small canals, waterwheels and other agricultural production-increasing projects. The grain harvest in Guanzhong is generally good.

The Han court attached great importance to the autumn harvest. The emperor ordered that, led by Tingwei and Yushi Dafufu, the Forbidden Army also dispatched two battalions of soldiers as guards. The three parties formed an inspection team and went down to the grain collection points in various counties of the Han Dynasty to supervise The people pay for their food.

Among them, Guanzhong is the focus of the emperor, and almost every township will have an inspection team to strictly supervise it.

As long as a common person complained to the local government about excessive taxes, these inspection teams would immediately imprison the Han officials in the county and township, waiting for subsequent investigation and punishment, while the inspection teams would take over the autumn harvest affairs.

There are new changes this year. The debate in Guanzhong for more than several months has not only made Zhang Liang famous, but also has a huge benefit, which is the great development of the Guanzhong newspaper industry.

Before the debate, there were only three newspapers in the world, and each had a large number of supporters to maintain the circulation of monthly newspapers. Among the scholars, they saw that those who issued monthly newspapers were either the Han court or the Legalists and Mohists. Naturally, the monthly newspapers were Newspapers have become sacred. There are not many books to read in this era. Many people directly regard monthly newspapers as books and believe deeply in the contents.

But after the debate, people all over the world discovered that there is nothing sacred about a monthly newspaper. As long as you have money, you can register with the court and pay a deposit, and you can publish it.

The most important thing is that as long as you create a monthly newspaper, you can publish your articles in the monthly newspaper and let the world know about it. This is too tempting for scholars who want to go down in history and become one of the scholars.

You must know that even if they debated with Zhang Liang, not everyone is qualified to put their articles in the monthly newspaper and let Zhang Liang scold them. Even if they are scolded, it must be based on knowledge and qualifications. Those young Ph.D.'s are not qualified to publish their articles in monthly newspapers.

As long as you start a monthly newspaper, it will be easy to publish your own articles. So monthly newspapers in Chang'an City have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. In half a year, dozens of monthly newspapers have been added. The number of reporters in Dahan has officially exceeded thousands. Guanzhong Culture The world is a prosperous and lively scene.

But with more monthly reports, competition pressure will naturally increase. In this era, the cost of printing is too high, and there is no advertising technology tree. The cost of most monthly reports is very high. There is no support from wealthy people and no government support. , there were not enough readers to buy, and the monthly newspapers generally could not last more than three months, so soon Dahan's monthly newspapers dropped to only a dozen or so.

Of the dozen or so companies that survived, many still had deals.

There are many doctors in Chang'an City who are admirable for their profound knowledge at the age of Ph.D., but now they have to ask for help from new upstarts to invest in their monthly reports.

In the Han Dynasty, due to the rapid development of the textile industry, sugar making and other industries, a large number of nouveau riche people are wealthy. When they see such learned masters begging for themselves, you can imagine their excitement in their hearts. They spent hundreds of thousands of money, At the same time, he introduced his silly son to study under the master, so the needs of both parties were met.

Faced with this scene, Xu Fan almost called them idiots. Is this how newspapers develop?

I first wanted you to be a commoner censor, but you have all forgotten that if you all stay in the wealthy city of Chang'an, what kind of news can you find? How can you attract the people if there is no news?

So during this autumn harvest, Xu Fan summoned all the editors-in-chief of monthly newspapers and asked them to go to the countryside to collect news and supervise the Han officials' autumn harvest.

And in order to prevent them from collaborating with Han officials, Xu Fan also offered a large reward. For every Han official who was corrupt and violated the law, the court rewarded newspapers and magazines with 1 yuan.

Faced with the temptation of money, the editors-in-chief of these monthly newspapers sent a large number of young reporters into the villages of Guanzhong and Central Plains.

They were young and vigorous and did not know the money transactions involved. They had dreams and decided to become commoner censors and plead for the people. Some scholars even went to cheap villages. Finally, the first generation of reporters from the Han Dynasty It's a bit like what he remembers. Every autumn harvest is a huge test for the Han Dynasty. The entire Han Dynasty court experiences extremely strong pressure from top to bottom.

But it doesn't work if you don't do this. As a time traveler, Xu Fan knows very well that bureaucrats will definitely cause trouble for you if you don't watch them. If you watch them, they may not be peaceful. In short, they must keep an eye on them.

He has cut taxes, exempted himself from forced labor, and used food price protection. He just wants wealth to flow into the hands of the people at the bottom and make them become the middle class of the Han Dynasty. This is not to give money to corrupt officials.

However, the situation this year is very good. Not long ago, the Han Dynasty went through a wave of purges of rangers and arrested tens of thousands of rangers and their families. At the same time, they pulled out carrots and brought out the mud. The patrolling censors also knocked down thousands of protective umbrellas. It was a huge shock to all the Han officials in the world. Even if they did not remember to eat or fight, it only took a few months in total, which was enough for them to settle down for a period of time.

The situation gathered in front of Xu Fan from various channels was similar to what he thought. There were very few Han officials who had problems today, and the entire Han Dynasty's autumn harvest and tax payment went very smoothly.

But at the same time, another piece of data also left Xu Fan helpless. The price of food in the Han Dynasty had dropped across the board. In southern counties and counties, the price of food generally fell to about 35 yuan per stone. This was based on the premise that the Han Dynasty purchased a large amount of grain.

The price of food in the Central Plains has generally fallen below 70 qian per stone. In Qi, which was just hit by the war, the price of food has also fallen below qian. Now the highest food price in the entire Han Dynasty is in the border counties of Hebei, because generals like Han Xin settled in large numbers. Grain, the price of grain in the border areas still remains above yuan.

This price is very cost-effective for the Han Dynasty. Even with Qin Zhidao, transporting grain from Guanzhong to Jiuyuan County costs hundreds of dollars, which is equivalent to ten times the price of grain. In Dahan, where labor costs are getting higher and higher, the cost of transporting materials is constantly increasing.

However, there is also a good side. Due to loans from agricultural banks, the counties in Guanzhong have generally increased the production of grain and cash crops. Among them, grain production has increased by 2%, and cash crop production has increased by more than 5%. Apparently many people in Guanzhong have realized that growing grain It is no longer as profitable as growing cash crops. This is a good start for the people of Guanzhong.

September 23, the fifth year of the Han Dynasty, Chang'an City, Zhaoli.

"I, Hu Hai, am back again!" Hu Hai, who was sitting on the carriage when he came to Zhao Liwai, shouted.

"What's the name of the ghost Hu Hai!" a frightened villager said dissatisfied.

"Did you get into trouble again? Come here and ask Master Zhao for help." A villager joked.

Hu Hai jumped angrily and said: "What do you mean I got into trouble again? Others see me as rich and suppress me."

"I remember that last year you went to Shangjun because you were a profiteer and were caught by the Shangjun government. It was Mrs. Zhao who rescued you. I was there at the time." said a civilian who followed Fusu to Shangjun last year.

"Can you speak? What is a profiteer? Corrupt officials arrested the wrong person. I am innocent in the first place. Of course they will let me go."

Then Hu Hai pointed to the water channel: "You two put down your chopsticks and cursed. This year's autumn harvest in the village will increase by at least 5-6%. If it weren't for the loan I gave you, how could these water channels be built? You Where do I have this free time to chat here?”

Hu Hai's words really made them speechless.

This year, Zhao Li's grain growth has been higher than Hu Hai imagined. Because of the canals and waterwheels, Zhao Li's farmland is generally fully irrigated. In addition, the local Fusu has helped the village to produce a lot of crops based on the content of the "Agricultural Economics". Using soil and chemical fertilizers, Zhao Li's yield per mu was as low as three shi, and in well-cared-for areas it even reached four or five shi. Zhao Li's grain production capacity more than doubled.

Of course, although the food supply has more than doubled, the people in Zhaoli have not made much more than last year, because the purchase price of food in Guanzhong this year is only 51 yuan, which is only about half of last year. In other words, although the food production in Zhaoli has increased More than doubled, but the increase in income was only about one-tenth or two-tenths.

So soon some villagers said in frustration: "What's the use of harvesting more grain? I can't make much more money."

Hu Hai smiled and said: "What's going on, tell me and make me laugh too."

"You are looking for a fight!" the villager said angrily.

Hu Hai immediately waved his hands in a panic and said: "Don't retaliate for kindness and forget who helped you build the ditch. Moreover, you only know how to stay in Zhaoli, and your knowledge is shallow. How can you compare with someone who is knowledgeable and knowledgeable?" Tell me, maybe I can find a way to solve it for you and help you solve the problem, but I still don’t allow you to smile. "

The villagers hesitated. You said Hu Hai was incompetent, but he could help them get loans from agricultural banks and build a small ditch.

Don't look at the complaints of these farmers just now, but they are grateful to Hu Hai in their hearts. If it weren't for Hu Hai's help, Zhao Li's income this year would definitely not be as good as last year.

Among the eight villages in Zhaoli, they are the only ones who have increased their income. The income of other villages has dropped greatly. Many villagers are not even willing to sell their grain to grain merchants and eat it themselves. But this is just to vent. Firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea , except for food, they have to spend money to buy everything else.

But you said that Hu Hai is a capable person, but he is also extremely unreliable and always needs Master Zhao to rescue him. In the eyes of the villagers, Hu Hai is not a trustworthy person.

"Hu Hai, what are you talking nonsense here again?" Fusu came over and said at this time.

Hu Hai said: "We are just chatting."

After speaking, Hu Hai pointed to his carriage path: "My little brother said that if you can stand up, you can stand up. According to Guanzhong's current statement, a certain person's current net worth is a millionaire.

After speaking, Hu Hai got on his carriage and threw packages to the villagers.

The villagers caught the package and opened it and said in shock: "Rock candy?"

Hu Hai nodded proudly and said: "Yes, it is rock candy. You are lucky. A few years ago, only the rich could afford rock candy. Now it is a meeting gift given to you by someone. If you still haven't taken it, remember to inform them every time." A piece of rock candy.”

"You are really rich!" the villagers said in astonishment.

The current price of rock sugar is naturally not as high as gold before, but it is still 200 yuan, which is equivalent to the price of 4 stones of grain. For these villagers, rock sugar is an extremely precious luxury product.

"It's natural!"

Fusu saw Hu Hai's move and immediately pulled him into the carriage and returned to his home.

"little uncle"

Hu Hai saw Fusu's sons and smiled and said, "Be good, my uncle has brought you gifts."

After speaking, he gave them a piece of rock candy and two daggers for children.

"You are still young, so my uncle will buy you daggers. When you grow up, my uncle will buy you real swords and BMWs, so that you can travel around the world and increase your knowledge. You are my Zhao family's thousand-mile horse, and you can't be stuck here. Little Zhao Li.”

Fusu's two sons said happily: "Thank you, uncle."

Fusu asked: "Where have you been during the past half year?"

Hu Hai smiled and said: "Of course it's a business, otherwise how could I get this millionaire?"

Fusu looked hesitant. What business could be so profitable?

Hu Hai said angrily: "You can't believe me even once."

Fusu shook his head, obviously not believing Hu Hai.

Hu Hai said: "Didn't Chang'an City open a track carriage to Gaoling? I just bought Chang'an City's textile looms, wheelbarrows, and some Chang'an City products to Gaoling City, drank a head soup, and made millions of dollars. "

(End of this chapter)

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