At the end of Qin, I became a son of the plane

Chapter 326, Economic Deflation and Hu’s Investment Bank

Chapter 326, Economic Deflation and Hu’s Investment Bank

Fusu looked at Hu Hai with suspicion. Even if the business was so profitable, it could make him a million dollars in half a year. When did it become so easy to make money?

Hu Hai saw Fusu's face and felt that he was insulted and said angrily: "Brother, you have stayed in Zhaoli for a long time, and you have been infected by these stupid villagers. You don't understand the situation outside at all."

"Nowadays, big men are changing with each passing day. As long as you find the right outlet, you can make a lot of money. Although I don't have much ability, I have traveled all over Guanzhong in the past few years. As long as I find the outlet, of course I can make money. To put it bluntly, my knowledge More than you."

Today's Han Dynasty really looks like a later generation. Although people who leave the factory may turn into withered bones, they may also break out like Hu Hai. The social strata of the Han Dynasty have not yet been formed, so everything is very possible.

After speaking, Hu Hai pointed to an old-style spinning wheel in Fusu's home: "The big man has already made a water conservancy spinning wheel, which is dozens of times more efficient than this, and the textile machine is more than three times as good. But my brother's family is still using this thing." , You must know that the Gongshu family's equipment workshop is in Chang'an City, less than a hundred miles away from Zhao Li, but I didn't see my brother replacing the loom with a better one. "

Fusu's wife, Mengshi, advised: "It's so good, why are you arguing? I'm used to using this loom. Anyway, I usually have nothing to do, so just slow down."

Hu Hai was unconvinced and said: "Do you know that rice is expensive in Chang'an and the cost of workers is extremely high? Now the emperor and the Mohist family are promoting a four-hour work system, which has made the whole city of Chang'an panic. Many textile owners They all fled Chang'an City."

It was at this time that everyone discovered that the salary of female textile workers in Gaoling was even lower, and since there was a rail link to Chang'an City, the transportation cost was almost non-existent. Therefore, it is now popular to open textile factories in Gaoling City. The Gongshu family's textile machines can be sold at a price plus 30%. "

Logistics costs are extremely high in this era. Except for a few luxury goods that can flow across regions, most goods are produced locally and sold locally. A unified market like the market outlook does not exist at this time. As long as the goods are transported hundreds of miles, the price is completely They are different, so there is an old saying that no woodcutter will be sold for a hundred miles, and no millet will be sold for a thousand miles.

Hu Hai laughed and said, "Okay, I'll get it for you."

It can be said that the entire countryside of Dahan is experiencing a wave of rapid economic deflation. Fortunately, at this time, Dahan's economic main body is still the small-scale peasant economy, and the impact of economic deflation on the economy can still be withstood.

As a result, Gaoling, a satellite city of the Han Dynasty, became a depression for Han capital, and a large number of textile factories began to open in Gaoling.

The track has changed everything. Even if it is a wooden track, it can exponentially reduce the transportation cost to one-tenth of the original cost.

After that, he took his two nephews and gave each household in Zhao Li a portion of rock candy. After getting what they wanted, the children left quickly.

Jiang Tao rolled his eyes repeatedly, he was indeed so unreliable.

Fusu and the others came out of the yard, and a large group of people surrounded him. They were hesitant to speak, but a few children excitedly said: "We want to eat sweets."

The drop in food prices this year has been so extreme that many villagers do not want to sell food and want to wait until food prices rise before selling.

After several people drank tea, Fusu asked, "Li Zheng, just say what you have to say."

But the situation is not up to anyone. Other villages can wait, but their village cannot wait, because their village borrowed money from the bank and must sell grain every month to repay the debt.

Wang Wendao: "Although more and more grain is being purchased, the price cannot be paid. Our village still owes money to the bank. And looking at this, if there are no natural disasters next year, the price of grain will be even lower, and we will have to repay the loan." More."

Jiang Tao said: "Mugen said you can solve the problems in our village?"

Fusu took the two of them into his yard and asked Mengshi to make a cup of tea for them.

"Is Hu Hai here?" At this time, noisy voices came from outside Fusu Gate.

Hu Hai immediately said: "How can it be calculated like this? What we gave at that time was money. Food prices have dropped so much. Could it be caused by our bank? Our bank charges us whatever we borrow, but we don't make more money from you." "

After speaking, Wang Wen also looked at Hu Hai helplessly. When they borrowed money to build the canal, they didn't say they would pay it back with grain, but with money. As a result, all the extra grain they worked hard to collect this year went to agricultural banks. If grain prices continue to fall next year, they will lose even more. .

Hu Hai also has another identity as a clerk at an agricultural bank. He still retains this identity. Although there is no commission if he does not have business, this relationship allows him to quickly grasp business opportunities that others have not discovered. Hu Hai is Mugui. Being among the first batch of merchants, he naturally made the most generous profits.

The surrounding villagers heard Fusu's words and left in twos and threes.

Fusu said: "Li Zheng, come in and talk. You go back first and we will inform you after we have discussed it."

Hu Hai didn't understand for a while and asked: "What's the problem?"

The other villagers looked at Li Zheng and the pavilion chief, Li Zheng Jiang Tao, but the pavilion chief Wang Wen stood outside the yard a little embarrassed, wanting to say something, but was speechless.

Jiang Tao said: "We in Zhao Li are all real people, and we should pay back no one less. But the current situation is that the price of food is getting lower and lower. Is there any way you can solve this problem?"

However, Jiang Tao and the others do have some regrets. The modern commodity economy is extremely underdeveloped. Rural transactions are generally barter, and grain is the equivalent of the countryside. Therefore, farmers generally use grain to price items, and now the price of grain has dropped. Paying less than half is equivalent to Qin Banliang doubling their price.

Jiang Tao and the others thought it was a bit uneconomical to have to pay back the money for two more reservoirs when they only used the money for one reservoir.

Hu Hai thought for a while and said: "If the price of grain is low, you won't sell grain. If there isn't a waterwheel in the village, grinding the grain into flour and selling it to Chang'an City can increase the profit by 30%."

Jiang Tao said: "Our village has already done this, but the two water trucks are too busy."

This year, Zhao Li's annual supply of grain was 10 shi, which was simply not enough to grind. The village was quarreling every day over the right to use the two waterwheels. Finally, after discussion between Fusu, Jiang Tao, and Wang Wen, each family milled 100 kilograms of wheat, drawn by lot and queued up in turn.

Hu Hai pondered for a moment and then said: "Now the four most profitable industries in the entire Han Dynasty are the steel industry, the textile industry, the sugar industry, and the salt industry."

"The salt industry has been dominated by sea salt. People use the sun to dry salt and only produce a little land. It is a business without capital. All the major salt farms in the world cannot compete with these sea salts. The people along the coast have made huge profits." Hu Hai He said enviously that if Hu Hai hadn't been frightened by the incident in Shangjun and did not dare to leave the pass, he would have gone to the coastal counties to sell smuggled salt.

Jiang Tao: "We don't have this condition either."

Jiang Tao has eaten sea salt. It has less impurities and good quality. The key is that the price is only half of the original price. At that time, he thought it was the Han court that allowed them to eat such cheap salt. Now he realizes that they are just picking up the money. It's a pity for him. He could only look at it with envy. Zhao Li was too far away from the sea. If there was a sea within a hundred miles, he would definitely lead the villagers to seize a piece of land to dry salt.

Hu Hai continued: "Don't worry about the steel industry. We don't have the capital. Don't worry about the sugar industry. Sugar cane cannot be grown in Guanzhong."

Hu Hai counted on his fingers one by one and said: "If you want to make money, it is best to build a small textile factory. And this is also suitable for you. There are many women and children in Zhao, and they can spin. As long as you buy a new spinning wheel, If the textile machine keeps spinning, Zhao Li will be waiting to make money."

Then Hu Hai said in surprise: "The most important thing is that you can grow a few acres of hemp and raise a few more mulberry trees this year, so that the raw materials for the textile factory will be available. Anyway, food is not profitable, why don't you grow more mulberry trees?"

A small textile factory with hundreds of looms can make millions in just over a year. It can recoup its capital that year, and the rest is pure profit.

Even if you don’t want to spin, you can still buy a textile factory. Let me tell you, the price of silk and linen has doubled this year. The money you can earn from growing an acre of mulberry and hemp is several times that of food. With the development speed of the textile industry, it has risen to It's not impossible even ten times. "

Although Jiang Tao and the others were shocked by how much money the textile factory made, they still didn't dare to grow mulberry and hemp on the land.

Jiang Tao hesitated and asked: "If we don't grow wheat, what will we eat?" Wang Wen even shook his head and said: "Without money, we can still survive, but without food, hundreds of our Zhao Li family will starve to death."

This is the common view of Zhao Li and the people all over the world. It has only been two years since Xu Fan became the lord of the world. The people in Guanzhong have only had enough to eat in these two years. Hungry is the normal state of their lives. They instinctively want to use All lands grow food to satisfy their own appetites. This cannot change in a short time.

The reason why farmers are conservative is because the food on these lands is related to their wealth and life. How many people in the world dare to risk their wealth and life?
But Hu Hai is different. He has never been hungry since he was a child, and naturally he doesn't attach much importance to food. In his opinion, it is only natural to grow what he makes money.

Hu Hai pointed to the granary of the Fusu family and said: "There are hundreds of stones of grain in it, which is enough for my brother to eat for a year! I looked at Li Zheng's family and found that the granary of the pavilion chief's family is bigger, so there must be more grain. You have all been storing grain for more than a year. It is said that the imperial court's Lantian granary received 2000 million grain this year. The current situation in Guanzhong is that both the official granary and the private granary are full.

Are you afraid of famine? It’s not that they don’t want you to grow food, they just ask them to grow less food and more mulberry and hemp. If you are not willing to do this, then you will only deserve the poverty you are born into. "

Jiang Tao was so angry that Hu Hai was speechless.
Fusu frowned and said, "What are you talking about? The district chief also helped you when you were in Shangjun."

"I've told you the method. If you don't want to do it, there's nothing I can do." Hu Hai couldn't say any more bad words. Instead, he took his nephew and left here.

When there were only three of them left, Fusu thought for a while and said: "Li Chief, what Hu Hai said is not unreasonable. Now we have a canal in Zhaoli, and the yield per mu has reached 3 shi. We can support the family and have acres of fields." It's enough. If we plant another acres of land to prepare, leaving acres to plant mulberry and hemp can also solve a big problem."

Jiang Tao and Wang Wen thought for a while and said, "This matter still needs to be discussed by the whole village."

The textile industry in Han Dynasty developed rapidly, and Zhao Li could not be completely unaffected.

A good influence on Zhao Li is that the price of silk and linen has risen sharply, allowing Zhao Li to make more money.

The bad impact on Zhao Li is linen and silk prices, which have been reduced by half, which has reduced the income of the villagers in Zhao Li. In the past, men farmed and women weaved in Zhao Li. Selling cloth was one of the important sources of family income. But now because of the cloth Prices have plummeted. In addition to making their own clothes, villagers in Zhaoli generally no longer work hard to weave cloth. Instead, they sell silk and linen directly to textile factories.

In this way, the people in Zhaoli suffered more losses, and they lost a way to exchange labor for money.

The next night, all the residents of Zhaoli village held a meeting in the drying yard. Li Zhengjiang Tao talked about Hu Hai and Fusu's methods.

Although these villagers also want to make more money, they are more afraid of hunger and feel that Fusu's method is safer. They decide to increase the planting of mulberry and hemp next year, and then everyone will raise funds to build a small textile factory.

After the discussion, Li Zheng invited Hu Hai to the stage and asked: "Hu Hai, you said that the new spinning wheels and looms in Chang'an City are more efficient and our village wants to buy them. Do you have any good recommendations?"

Hu Hai smiled and said: "The best spinning wheels and looms in Chang'an City are of course the best ones from the Gongshu family. Their ancestor is the legendary Lu Ban. He fought against Mozi back then and was the best carpenter in the world. , their spinning wheels and textile machines are highly efficient and of good quality, and everyone who has used them gives them a thumbs up.”

"It's just that the price is very expensive. A 50-horsepower spinning wheel costs 1 yuan. If it is changed to a water-powered spinning wheel, it will cost 3 yuan. The new textile machine is slightly cheaper, but it also costs 5000 yuan."

"So expensive!" All the villagers in Zhaoli were shocked and speechless.

"Are the Gongshu people trying to steal money?"

"No big deal, we'll do it ourselves."

The spinning wheels of this era were basically made from a few wood chips, and the people in Guanzhong could make them at almost no cost. When they heard about spinning wheels costing tens of thousands or more, they couldn't stand it.

Hu Hai sneered and said: "The spinning wheel you made can only spin one yarn, and you don't know if there is a pound of yarn at the end of the day. The spinning wheel of the public loser can spin 50 yarns at the same time, and it can count quickly. The quality is good, what do you compare it to?”

"With your scrap pieces of wood, if it could be as efficient as the Gongshu family's spinning wheel, how could they sell it at such a high price? And I can tell you now, if you don't buy the Gongshu family's spinning wheel and loom, you will You can still make some money by selling raw materials with peace of mind.

But if you want to make money by weaving, you have to make a fool of yourself. You can weave one piece of cloth in a few months, but the Gongshu family's textile machine can weave three pieces of cloth in a month. How do you compare? Why the price of cloth in Chang'an City has dropped in the past two years is not due to these efficient textile machines. "

Of course, the efficiency gap between the old and new spinning machines is not as exaggerated as the dozen times that Hu Hai said, and is probably only about three times. However, the female workers in the textile workshop can concentrate on weaving, while the women and children in Zhao Li have to take care of the whole family and do the actual weaving. The time required to make cloth is very small, so it is naturally not as efficient as a textile factory.

Jiang Tao and the others had solemn faces. They thought that everything would be settled by talking to the villagers, but they did not expect that money would become their first problem in developing the industry.

The man has been recuperating for more than two years. Does Zhao Li have any savings? Of course he does. Every household in Zhao Li has a private warehouse, which contains at least a hundred shi of grain and as much as several hundred shi. This is because the price of grain in Guanzhong this year is too high. Low, the people in Zhaoli are unwilling to sell.

But they really don't have much money in their hands. Part of the money they earned from selling grain and working as a farmer in the past two years has been used to buy iron farm tools, renovate houses, and part of it has been invested in water conservancy facilities. They had food but no money, so they really couldn't afford these spinning wheels and looms.

Fusu thought for a while and said, "There are no agricultural banks. You can find a way to help everyone get loans from banks."

Everyone looked at Hu Hai expectantly.

But Hu Hai sighed and said: "Agricultural Bank will not continue to provide loans to our account until the first loan is fully repaid."

Li Zhengjiang Tao sighed and said: "Forget it, we farmers will earn some hard-earned money. It doesn't mean that the price of silk and hemp has increased sharply, we can still make money."

Hu Hai suddenly raised his eyes and said, "Isn't there no way?"

"any solution?"

"In this year, I have been working outside and made millions of dollars. With this money, I can still build a small textile factory. Well, for the sake of us being fellow villagers, I I will lend you this money and you will receive three cents interest per year.”

Jiang Tao and the others were overjoyed at first, but when they heard the three-minute breath, their faces turned ugly.

"Are we still from Zhaoli? The agricultural bank is only giving us two points of interest, but you actually said that we are three cents." The villagers in Zhaoli said angrily, fellow villagers, you shouldn't have lower interest rates.

Hu Hai cursed: "You people really don't know good people's hearts. Fortunately, I gave each of you a piece of rock candy when I came back. I'm so kind that I'm just feeding the dogs. I've made millions of dollars in this year. I borrowed I gave you a million for a year, but in the end I could only make 30. I lost 70 in and out. I am not a fellow villager. Who wants to suffer this loss? You still don’t know the heart of a good person, and you are not here either. Go out and ask around, who is willing to lend you money at such a low price, except those money-lenders."

Fusu thought for a moment and said, "Everyone, listen to me. If Hu Hai provides the money, I will provide the people, effort, and land to open this textile factory together. Hu Hai will occupy 50% of the shares in the textile factory, and we will occupy the remaining shares." ”

Jiang Tao said happily: "I think this is feasible. Hu Hai, you are a capable person in our village. You must help us."

Wang Wen, the director of the pavilion, even said with a smile: "You don't mean to say that you can get your money back in one year. This is also a big and profitable business."

Only Hu Hai frowned. He wanted to be a banker more than doing business. Why did he get sucked into it all of a sudden?

Hu Hai thought for a while, everything is difficult at the beginning. When the textile factory makes money, the worst he can do is withdraw his shares. This way he will make more money.

Even Hu Hai himself didn't expect that he would unintentionally open a new track.

(End of this chapter)

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