Brother Rong of Red Mansion

Chapter 106 Meeting with the village leaders

Chapter 106 Meeting with the village leaders

After walking on the canal for more than a month, November passed quietly and entered the twelfth lunar month.

The fleet led by Jia Rong finally entered the Mijin Ferry Pier in Shenjing City.

"We're home, we're home!"

After entering the vicinity of Shenjing City, all the escorting sailors on the deck could not help but cheer with excitement.

It's been half a year since I left this time.

All the sailors guarding the hospital missed Shenjing City and their families. Especially since they have experienced so much on this journey. Some people died in battle, some were promoted and rewarded for their meritorious service, and all of them had something to tell their families and brag about.

Even a bachelor can't help but feel excited when he sees Shenjing City.

The tribesmen in Jinling looked at the walls of Shenjing City and couldn't help showing their obsession, "Is this Shenjing City? The capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty! From now on, we will live in this city and become real people in the capital. !”


The first to disembark was Lin Daiyu and other female relatives. When the Rongguo Mansion's building boat docked, they picked up Lin Daiyu, sat in a small sedan, and wandered into the Shenjing City. They opened the curtains to see the bustling scenery.

Jia Yucun also said goodbye and led his servants towards the longed-for Shenjing City.

On the dock, only Jia Rong was left, calling Lifu to come over and help unload the ship.

Jiao Da, Sun Rui and other members of the nursing team, acting as supervisors, formed a long line, staring at the laborers with bright eyes, and occasionally yelling and cursing could be heard.

The things in that box were so valuable that they couldn't even afford to pay for them if they sold them.

"Grandpa Jiao, you are here to watch. I will take the people back first." It took most of the day to load the boxes and cages on the cargo ship one by one into the camel cart. On the Mijin Ferry Pier, people were coming and going. The families of twenty children were crowded together, not only unable to help, but instead shivering like quails in the cold wind.

In addition, there were a dozen guards on the side, holding black lacquered ashes jars.

When Jia Rong saw it, he ordered Jiao Da to lead Sun Rui and others back to the city first.

"Young Master, go ahead, don't worry, I'll be here." Jiao Da, who had snow-white hair on his temples but a strong spirit, immediately patted his chest and promised after hearing this.

Jia Rong nodded and left two team members for Jiao Da. Then he got on a Zhu Lun Hua-covered car, sat with Mei Xiang, Cai Wei and other girls, and led a part of the camel convoy and Jinling people to the Shenjing City in a mighty manner.


The prosperous and lively city of Shenjing is actually a place where households and people are prosperous at the feet of the emperor.

The Jinling people who came to the capital for the first time were all full of curiosity. Looking at the scenery in the capital, they felt that it was completely different from Jinling City, and everything they saw was new. Especially the wide Zhuque Street and the neatly arranged markets made the people of the Jinling people secretly marvel.

"It's really cold in this sacred city."

There were people from the Jinling tribe, clinging to each other. Even though they were wearing cotton-padded jackets, they still felt cold.

"Is this called cold?" After hearing this, the young man from Youning Mansion couldn't help but said, "Compared to the winter in Jinling, this is much warmer."

"That's true." The Jinling people have been walking for such a long time, especially when the cold wind blows on the canal. They really feel that the wind in the north is much warmer than the wind in the south of the Yangtze River. The wind from the south is moist and cold, blowing straight to the bones. This time on the ship, countless servants in the Ning Mansion were infected with the cold, and medicine was being boiled in the kitchen every day. Fortunately, we were well prepared, otherwise the wind and cold could kill us.


Entering Ningrongfang, the members of the old guard couldn't help but raise their chests and raise their heads without squinting, their eyes shining with pride.

This time they go out, they are very different, and they must let the relatives and friends of Ningrongfang take a good look at their majesty.

"Uncle Rong is back——"

After entering Ningrongfang, Jia Rong's team received the most solemn treatment. No matter pedestrians or people of the Jia clan, they all looked excited and joyful, cheering for each other, loudly announcing the news.

The voices came and went, gradually reaching Ning and Rong's mansion.

Of course, there are also discordant voices.

The family members of those who died in the Ning Mansion all rushed out at this moment, holding the jars of ashes and crying loudly, which greatly delayed the progress of the camel team.

"My son, my son..."

"The child's father..." "Husband..."

Seeing this scene, the common people in the streets and alleys were all filled with emotion. Everyone knows that going out this time is dangerous. Even Mr. Qiang was hit by a stray arrow and unfortunately passed away. What's more, these nursing homes.

Because of Jia Rong's advance instructions, the nursing staff holding the urn did not hand it over to the family members, but continued to hold it and move forward.

When they arrived in front of the main entrance of Ningguo Mansion, Lai Sheng, the general manager of Ningguo Mansion, led the stewards of Ningguo Mansion, large and small, as well as the village heads who had been waiting for a long time, lined up in several rows, and suddenly saluted respectfully and said hello loudly.

"Welcome Uncle Rong back home——"

Jia Rong got off the Zhu Lun Hua Gai and glanced at Lai Sheng and others in front of the main entrance, especially the unfamiliar figures, and couldn't help but smile and nod.

Then, he stepped forward and took Lai Sheng's generous hand, and said with a smile, "During my absence, Grandpa Lai will be in charge of the whole government. Thank you for your hard work, Grandpa Lai."

"My uncle's words are serious. There is a wife and eldest grandma in charge of the house, and the villain is just helping with some chores. Major matters still have to be decided by the wife and eldest grandma. Especially the eldest grandma, during the time when the uncle is away, she is shrewd. She is capable and experienced in handling affairs, and everyone in the house praises her endlessly. Even the old lady of Xifu praised my eldest grandma as the first-class proud person among the great-grandsons' daughters-in-law."

At this moment, Lai Sheng's face was smiling, but he did not take credit or be arrogant. Instead, his back was slightly arched, his attitude became more and more respectful, and he belittled his own achievements and continued to praise the management role of Youshi and Qin Keqing.

After hearing this, Jia Rong nodded with a smile, praised a few more words, looked around at everyone and said "Thank you for your hard work", and then walked into the main entrance with stars holding the moon.

Jia Rong entered the Ningguo Mansion, first went to the Xiangnan Hall to change clothes, then sat in the hall, met with Lai Sheng and other Ning Mansion stewards, and asked about the operation of the mansion during his absence.

Lai Sheng and other stewards sat on the left and right sides, all respectful, and only told them the major events that had happened during Jia Rong's absence.

With the two mistresses, Youshi and Qinshi, in charge, the house was generally in peace.

Especially Qin Keqing, who gradually took over the power of the house during Jia Rong's absence, showed her shrewd and capable side, and was praised by everyone in the house. Together with the Second Grandma Lian (Wang Xifeng) of the West Mansion, they are also known as the "two great housekeepers of the East and West Mansion".

In the past half year, Wang Xifeng's visits to Dongfu have become much more frequent. Every two or three days, I have to run to Dongfu to look for Qin Keqing. The two have similar temperaments and are the most outstanding among the daughters-in-law of the Jia family in terms of appearance, character and abilities. As a result, their relationship grew stronger day by day, and they gradually became good best friends who talked about everything.

For example, at this moment, Jia Rong learned that Wang Xifeng was also in the back house.

Oh? is it?

Jia Rong smiled, but resisted the urge to go to the back house, sitting in the hall and continuing to meet the village leaders.

The twelfth lunar month is approaching the end of the year, and Ningguo Mansion is facing the most important event.

Pay your autumn rent!

The expenses from the first month to September of the next year will all depend on the autumn rent of this quarter to maintain operations.

So as the New Year approached, the village heads near Shenjing City arrived one by one, driving large groups of camel carts, loaded with large amounts of goods and silver, to pay the autumn rent to Ningguo Mansion.

I also met with Mrs. You and Grandma Qin.

However, Ningguo Mansion is now in the midst of a power transition. They hadn't met Jia Rong yet, so no one left. They all stayed and waited to meet Jia Rong, hoping to leave a good impression.

At this moment, Jia Rong was meeting these people, and each of them warmly expressed relief. While flipping through the account books and lists, he asked for some details.

And secretly decided to go to the countryside of the capital after the Lantern Festival. Just like Jinling, visit the tenant farmers on the farm. Make your presence known and send some gifts to win people's hearts.

After receiving these village leaders, Jia Rong's business was finished.

Then he ordered Lai Sheng to find a large courtyard nearby and settle down families with twenty children.

Then, Jia Rong turned around and walked into the back house to meet You.

"I haven't seen you for half a year. I really miss home." Jia Rong sighed. Suddenly a feeling of fatigue hit her heart, her eyelids gradually became heavy, and she wanted to take a bath and have a good sleep in her own bed.

(End of this chapter)

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