Brother Rong of Red Mansion

Chapter 107 Hey, where is Aunt 2?

Chapter 107 Hey, where is the second aunt?

In the courtyard of Ning'an Hall, Jia Rong entered the back house. Qin Keqing, dressed in fine clothes, led Ruizhu, Baozhu, Chuntao, Huamei and other girls to greet Jia Rong.

Around Qin Keqing, there were also relatives such as Mrs. You, Second Sister You, and Third Sister You.

At this time, Mei Xiang, Cai Wei, Xiang Ling and Mrs. Zhen's master and servant had already taken the lead in meeting Youshi and Qin Keqing and told the general story of their trip to the south of the Yangtze River.

"Welcome my husband back home."

Seeing Jia Rong walking slowly from a distance, Qin Keqing and others immediately said a blessing salute to say hello.

"Welcome Master Rong back to the house——" All the servants, women and girls were all respectful and greeted Jia Rong with loud noises.

"Haha." Jia Rong laughed loudly, and his whole body was in high spirits.

He walked slowly and took Qin Keqing's hand. Looking at his wife's beautiful makeup, he couldn't help but his heart beat. His eyes showed passion and obsession, and he said with a smile,

"During this period, you have worked hard to be a good wife. I heard from Lai Sheng that the servants all praised you. You did a good job. I know that a good wife is capable."

After hearing Jia Rong's praise, Qin Keqing's eyes showed joy, and she couldn't help but smile, just like spring flowers blooming, making the whole yard more beautiful.

"My husband is too generous. It's all my duty. When my husband is away, I will naturally take care of the family business for him. What's more, I still have my wife to help me. The second aunt in the West Mansion will occasionally give me some advice." sentence."

Jia Rong smiled and nodded, "That's because my good wife is talented and has extraordinary understanding."

Qin Keqing shook his head with a smile, but stopped talking, leaving the opportunity to others.


Jia Rong turned her head and moved her eyes away from Qin Keqing's face, landing on Second Sister You and Third Sister You.

Second Sister You is wearing a set of turmeric, chrysanthemum and bamboo leaf pattern satin face-breasted jacket today, paired with an autumn fragrance-colored piping crab shell green stand-up collared jacket. The whole person is charming and charming, with a Shulan temperament. The style between the eyebrows and eyes is less tacky but a bit more elegant and dignified.

Next to her, Third Sister You is wearing a lavender-based, light-yellow cross-collared long coat with floral embroidery, paired with a vermilion cross-collared coat and a pink long skirt. He also has bright eyes and a smile on his lips. The whole person is charming and bright, without a bit of aggressive and unruly temperament.

It seems that the two sisters have lived in Ningguo Mansion for half a year, and have fully integrated into the environment, and have learned some "etiquette". He is no longer as unscrupulous and unscrupulous as he was when he first arrived.

In fact, you can't blame them both.

Second Sister You and Third Sister You have also been here several times in the past years. When Jia Zhen, Jia Rong, Jia Qiang, father, son, uncle and nephew saw it, they were like hungry wolves seeing meat. They wanted to pounce on them and take a few bites. They are not polite. .

When Second Sister You and Third Sister You saw that the men in Ningguo Mansion were not upright, they didn't like them very much. They would show their "vulgar" attitude in the countryside and tease and scold Jia Zhen and his son.

Just like in Chapter 63 of the original work, Second Sister You and Third Sister You have just appeared. Jia Rong asked for Amomum villosum to eat. Second Sister You chewed a mouthful of dregs and spat on Jia Rong's face. Jia Rong didn't take it seriously and licked it and ate it.

When the men looked so mean, the women also acted recklessly.

Now, Jia Rong's behavior style has changed, and Sister You and Third Sister have integrated into the environment, and unconsciously respect Jia Rong a little bit.

Just like this moment, Second Sister You and Third Sister You looked at Jia Rong with sweet smiles, standing behind Qin Keqing, as if they were his concubines. Jia Rong couldn't help but smile secretly and nod, muttering in her heart, "Well, Second Sister You and Third Sister You are quite mature."

But on the surface, Jia Rong still had a good attitude and said hello to Mrs. You first.

And when You Lao Niang saw Jia Rong going out, he became more upright and more heroic. She also smiled and nodded, and she couldn't help but praise him a few more times. In fact, it’s not just You Lao Niang.

All the female relatives present were looking at Jia Rong secretly, their eyes filled with strange light.

I noticed that he had grown a lot taller, and his body was a bit taller. He became taller and taller, his muscles bulged and strong, making him appear tall and capable. The whole person reveals a mature and stable masculine charm. He doesn't look like the handsome young man in his memory, but looks like a brave man with a stalwart body.


Jia Rong laughed loudly, this was also what he was most satisfied with.

During this period, Jia Rong's appetite increased greatly and she practiced martial arts every day. At the age of 16, she suddenly grew taller, reaching a height of five feet one inch and four quarters (175cm). Her whole body was strong and powerful. pressing.

When he looked at other men, he also had a bird's eye view, giving him a confident demeanor.

You know, the average height of men in the Zhou Dynasty was about four feet and seven inches (

Jia Rong's height of five feet, one inch and four makes him stand out from the crowd. From looking up to looking down to looking down. It feels so good!

Especially in Jinling City, when I see those blond and blue-eyed Western barbarians, I feel even more proud of "the Kingdom of Heaven" - where are these little dwarfs from? They come to my Kingdom to beg for food!

As for the few island businessmen he occasionally met, they almost laughed to death - where did the dwarfs come from! ?

After a brief chat with Mrs. You, Second Sister You, and Third Sister You, Jia Rong went straight to the main hall of Ning'an Hall to meet You.

"Jia Rong, please give my regards to my wife."

Entering the hall, he saw Mr. You sitting in the hall. Jia Rong knelt down and greeted Mr. You.

"Get up quickly."

You stood up and gave a gesture of support. After Jia Rong stood up, she looked at him in surprise. She kept looking at him and praised him, "Brother Rong has grown so much this time when he went out. He is also a lot stronger. Good, good, master." Have you and Brother Qiang been buried?"

Even though Youshi had already learned what happened from the mouths of Mei Xiang and other maids, she still asked politely.

"Don't worry, madam, they are all buried." Jia Rong nodded with a smile, then looked at the empty hall and said in surprise, "Huh? Didn't you say that the second aunt is here? Why don't you see her?"

"Your second aunt heard that Miss Lin from Yangzhou City was coming, so she hurried back to her house to see her." You said with a smile, a bit of teasing in her eyebrows.

Jia Rong suddenly understood as soon as she heard it.

Wang Xifeng didn't go to see Lin Daiyu, she was obviously taking the opportunity to please Jia Mu.

Although Wang Xifeng was Jia She's daughter-in-law and Mrs. Wang's niece, she was secretly supported by Jia's mother and single-handedly promoted to the throne of "housekeeper grandma" in the back house of Rongguo Mansion. She was considered a direct descendant of Jia's mother.

Now that Lin Daiyu is here, how can Wang Xifeng not go and see the excitement, observe Lin Daiyu, and take the opportunity to please Jia Mu?

Jia Rong couldn't help but look disappointed when she didn't see the second aunt of the concubine and fairy.

Then, Jia Rong talked with Youshi, Qin Keqing, You Lao Niang, You Second Sister, You Third Sister and other female relatives in Ning'an Hall for a while, then walked into the ear room and asked Mei Xiang, Chuntao, Caiwei, Xiangling The four girls took care of the bathing and bathing, and put on a set of "plain clothes and gold belt" hanging sacrificial clothes, preparing to distribute the pension.

When he walked out of the penthouse, Youshi, Qin Keqing and other female relatives were all shocked.

"Hey, why are you wearing mourning clothes again? Has someone passed away in any prince's house?"

(End of this chapter)

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