Brother Rong of Red Mansion

Chapter 110 Asking Mother Jia to suppress me?

Chapter 110 Asking Mother Jia to suppress me?

In Jia Rong's plan, the ethnography of Beijing is very important. It can be said to be an educational base for cultivating talents of the Jia people. It was impossible for him to leave such an important place to the control of others. He must hold it tightly in his hand to feel safe.

Therefore, Jia Dairu and Jia Rui must be kicked out!

However, due to Jia Dairu's seniority, Jia Rong did not fall out directly, but chose to "be polite before fighting". Send out the escort team to conduct military supervision over the clan. After arousing conflicts between the guards and the Jia schoolchildren, they took the opportunity to launch an attack and ousted Jia Dairu.

He succeeded.

In fact, he couldn't fail.

After all, Jia Rong is the heir to the Ningguo Mansion and the future head of the Jia clan. In terms of power distribution, Jia Dairu can be dismissed with just one word from him.

However, due to clan etiquette, he couldn't do that.

Need to find an "excuse".

Now that he had an excuse, Jia Rong stopped worrying about anything and kicked Jia Dairu and Jia Rui out of the game, bringing the ethnology of Beijing under his actual control.

Who dares to dissent?

At this time, Jia Rong's face was indifferent, and his eyes were like sharp swords, and he glanced at the Jia students coldly.

No matter who it was, they all lowered their heads in awe.

Including the gentlemen invited by Jia Rong, they all looked at Jia Rong in surprise. They understood his domineering majesty for the first time and did not dare to be perfunctory anymore.

"Brother Rong, how can this be done?!" Jia Dairu hit the ground with his cane.

His face turned blue and white.

"Why not?" Jia Rong looked at him sideways and said unceremoniously, "Fifth Master, the clan has given you such an important position as the master of the clan school. I just hope that you can educate your children well and serve the Jia clan well. Cultivate talents. But look, is this smoky place still a place for studying and practicing martial arts?"

As he spoke, he expressed his attitude directly.

"From now on, you and Jia Rui will no longer care about clan affairs." Jia Rong said with a cold face, "This is not Brother Rong talking to you. It's the person in charge of the Ningguo Mansion and the acting patriarch of the Jia clan. I'm informing you. I hope you can take care of yourself."

As soon as these words came out, Jia Dairu and Jia Rui's faces turned blue and white. They felt like mourning their heirs and lost the ability to argue.


Jia Dairu sighed, walked away with his cane, and was going to visit Jia Mu, Jia She and Jia Zheng in Rongguo Mansion, hoping to make one last effort.

Watching Jia Dairu and Jia Rui leave, Jia Rong's expression softened, she looked at the gentlemen, clasped her fists and smiled, "Gentlemen, please take them back and continue the class. If anyone is not serious in class or is stubborn and affects discipline, .Tell me and I will punish them.”

"Okay." The gentlemen returned the favor and led the Jia children into the classroom to start class again.

This time, classroom discipline was much better.

No one was stubborn or noisy anymore. They all shook their heads and read and read along with the gentlemen.

Jia Rong was supervising outside the door, lingering at the door and window several times, just like the dean inspecting, which only frightened the students and made them more correct.


The task of driving Jia Dairu and Jia Rui away and rectifying ethnic studies in the capital was not over, but just the beginning.

Jia Rong came from the Jia Clan's free school. She was very familiar with the dirty tricks in the Clan's school, and she also knew the level of these teachers very well.

Originally, he wanted to deal with a few irresponsible teachers.

But when he inspected this time, he suddenly found that the originally irresponsible lecturers were full of useful information when teaching in class, and the quality of teaching skyrocketed. Jia Rong was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized.

After all, the Jia family is the top martial arts family in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the gentlemen they invite are all outstanding in knowledge, or at least have the reputation of being a scholar. Even a Jinshi master would occasionally come to the clan school to give a few lectures and teach the Jia scholars the art of making eight-part essays.

However, the original system was too loose.

Those gentlemen came to take a look and found that the Jia Clan's Yi Xue was filled with dirt and was not a place to teach knowledge at all, so they all slacked off and only took money and did not teach seriously.

Now that Jia Rong is rectifying ethnic studies, those teachers know how powerful they are, so they all become serious and start telling the real facts.

Jia Rong listened for a while, couldn't help but nodded secretly, and gave up the idea of ​​dismissing several teachers.

"Should I say it or not, it's so well said."

After class, Jia Rong invited the gentlemen from the family school to a banquet, and all of them presented a Cheng Yi to express their gratitude to the gentlemen.

The gentlemen were very happy, with bright smiles on their faces and a bit more polite words.

Then, Jia Rong mentioned his "teaching plan."

"Gentlemen, in fact, most of the students in the clan school do not have the talent to study and become officials." At the wine table, Jia Rong talked in detail, "So, I want to reclassify the classes in the clan school. Those with outstanding talents will be Those who have ordinary talents, or those who are partial to subjects, will be put into another class to teach miscellaneous subjects such as business and economics, mathematics, abacus, astronomy, geography, military strategy, and other miscellaneous subjects. This way , even if you don’t get the honors, you can still do things, make money to support your family, and contribute to the family industry.”

The current education system focuses entirely on "eight-legged literature and art."

Regardless of teachers, students, or parents of students, the focus is all on the word "fame". Even if you don't have talent, you still have to work hard.

What a waste of talent!

Therefore, Jia Rong’s rectification plan for Jingcheng Ethnic Studies is to divide junior colleges into classes. From the single-form eight-legged essay education system, it is divided into many departments and colleges to form a family-style hybrid university.

Only in this way can we fully cultivate talents, discover more outstanding talents of Jia students, and put them in the most suitable positions.

Ethnology is the ethnic culture of the Jia clan. Since Jia Rong has set the tone, the gentlemen naturally have no reason to object. They all smiled and nodded in agreement.

Then, Jia Rong discussed the details with the gentlemen and supplemented his class division plan in detail.

I have to say that communicating with senior talents is very rewarding.

Even though Jia Rong's original idea was very good, there were still many loopholes in the actual plan. At this moment, all the gentlemen have found it and completed it bit by bit. He also took the initiative to recommend talents and recommended the professionals he knew to Jia Rong. Let Jia Rong invite him to come out and contribute to the Jia Clan Volunteer School.

Gradually, a complete plan came into being.

Just when Jia Rong finished eating and was about to invite people according to the list, the boy from Rongguo Mansion came to tell him that Jia's mother wanted to see him.

It was also revealed that Jia Dairu led Jia Rui to the door and cried out that Jia Rong was making a big fuss in the clan school today and dismissed him as the head of the school.

"Please ask Mother Jia to suppress me?"

Jia Rong sneered.

"Although Mother Jia is senior, she is just a woman. How can she control me?" Jia Rong shook his head and immediately left the Jia Clan Free School and went to Rongguo Mansion.

He wanted to see what this old ancestor would say to him.

(End of this chapter)

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