Brother Rong of Red Mansion

Chapter 111 The affection of mandarin ducks

Chapter 111 The affection of mandarin ducks

Rongguo Mansion, in the warm pavilion on the right wall of the south hall.

Jia Rong listened to Jia Mu's message, but did not go to Rongqing Hall to see her immediately. Instead, he first came to the main courtyard of Rongguo Mansion to meet Jia Zheng.

Although in terms of power structure, Jia Rong is the acting patriarch of the Jia clan, there is no need to be afraid of Jia's mother. When it comes to family relations, you can't have a tough attitude, let alone fall out directly. You need to pay attention to strategies.

"My grandnephew Jia Rong pays my respects to the second master."

Entering the warm pavilion on the right wall of the south hall of Rongguo Mansion, I saw Jia Zheng lying on the Arhat bed, with a maid beating his legs and reading a book.

"Brother Rong, why are you here free?" Jia Zheng looked a little surprised when he saw Jia Rong. He asked Jia Rong to sit down first, then after thinking for a moment, he said with a smile on his face, "But it's about clan studies. Son?"

Jia Rong stood up to thank the gift, sat down on a grain-wrapped chair, and smiled bitterly at Jia Zheng, "The second master is right, it's really because of clan studies.

"Over the years, the fifth prince has been in poor health and lacks energy, so he has only left the clan education to his grandson Jia Rui. However, Jia Rui has a lazy character and has always been ineffective. He only wants to please his buddies in the mansion and earn some money to spend. No one pays attention to the rules in school. Nowadays, no one studies, some skip classes, some skip school, fight in private, play six cards in class, and some men play with slaves and boys. It's really A place harboring filth and evil! It has only ruined the centuries-old reputation of the clan!"

Unconsciously, Jia Zheng's face gradually became serious. Hearing this, he was filled with shock and sat up from the Arhat bed.

After Jia Rong finished speaking, he said with an angry look on his face, "Is that really so?"

"It will only get worse." Jia Rong shook his head and said in a deep voice, "Second Master, think about it, the clan school has been established for more than a hundred years. Going forward, our Jia clan can also produce a few Jinshi. But in the past few decades, Not to mention Jinshi, there is no one who can be elected. In order to replace the will left by Shanggong, the Ning and Rong mansions took the path of civil servants. Logically speaking, the probability of us having civil servants should increase, but why have there been no civil servants in decades? ?”

Jia Zheng nodded after hearing this, with a solemn look on his face, "Brother Rong's words make sense. This is a matter related to the foundation of the Jia clan, so we shouldn't be too careless!"

Speaking of this, he sighed, "Over the years, I have also been surprised, and I have occasionally heard that the atmosphere in the clan school is not good, but I did not expect it to be so serious. Alas, Jia Rui is really a beast. I'm so tired. The reputation is damaged, and a lifetime of fame is ruined. Brother Rong, you did the right thing in this matter. The fifth uncle is old and should no longer be in charge of the school. Now that you have taken up this responsibility, I will do my best. I support you, just go ahead and do it.”

Jia Rong showed gratitude and bowed his head repeatedly to express his thanks.

This is what Jia Zheng is good at.

Being pedantic is pedantic, and being incompetent is incompetent, but your heart is right. As long as you talk to him well, you can get his support.

"Second Master, now the Fifth Master has taken Uncle Rui to Rongqing Hall and invited the old lady to question me. The grandnephew wants to invite the Second Master to come and make a strong statement in front of the old lady, so that the old lady will not be deceived by Jia Rui's sweet words. , let the family culture be corrupted by him again."

Jia Rong bowed his hands, asked Jia Zheng to come out, and put all the charges on Jia Rui.

After all, it is taboo for His Holiness.

Although the root of the corruption of the family culture lies in Jia Dairu, he is too senior, so he can only bypass him and chase Jia Rui alone.

"Okay, I'll accompany you for a walk." Jia Zheng nodded, quickly changed his clothes, and walked through the hall with Jia Rong to Jia Mu's yard.


At this moment, there was a deathly silence in Rongqing Hall. Jia Mu was sitting in the hall, showing a bit of anger, and suddenly asked, "Why isn't Brother Rong here?"

"I heard from my servant that Uncle Xiaorong went to see the master first." Beside her, the eldest girl Jin Yuanyang replied in a low voice, her tone was respectful, but there was a bit of worry in her eyebrows.

When it comes to Jia Rong, Yuanyang's emotions are complicated.

She never thought that she would be related to Jia Rong.

When Jia Rong went to Jinling, she received a letter from her parents, which said that her parents met Jia Rong and Jia Rong treated them well. She was very strange at that time. It wasn't until she saw another piece of paper sandwiched in the letterhead and a love poem written by Jia Rong to her on it that she finally understood the meaning of the letter. Uncle Xiao Rong is actually interested in her? Yuanyang was surprised.

But then, as Yuanyang pondered deeply, excitement arose in his heart. Jia Rong's figure left a deep impression on her heart.

Yuanyang is a son born in the Rongguo Mansion. Although he is currently serving Jia Mu, he will eventually get married as he grows older.

But what was distressing was that none of the elders and brothers in the house were up to par. She looked around and found no one she liked, which made her feel sad every time.

It wasn't until Jia Rong suddenly emerged that Yuanyang noticed him.

"Uncle Xiaorong from Dongfu seems to be a good choice." Yuanyang pondered like this for countless nights.

Just when she was secretly calculating and preparing to set up a line with Jia Rong.

This letter just happened to arrive!

In an instant, Yuanyang felt like a pie falling from the sky and hit her, and she almost fainted from excitement. It turns out that Uncle Xiao Rong is also interested in her?

Therefore, the love letter sandwiched in her parents' letterhead was carefully treasured by her. Every night when people were quiet, she would take it out and study it carefully, dreaming about Jia Rong's handsome appearance, and fall into a happy dream.

In this way, I don't know how many nights passed, and Jia Rong's figure was deeply rooted in Yuanyang's heart.

There seemed to be a subtle emotional bond between the two because of such a letter.

In particular, the last time Jia Rong came back to Beijing to visit Jia's mother in Rongqing Hall, Jia Rong deliberately avoided people, had a confrontation with her, asked Yuanyang sister why she didn't reply to her parents, etc., which made Yuanyang smile. Swear.

"Hey, it's none of your business if I reply to my mother-in-law's letter!"

The mandarin ducks laughed and cursed, but they were charming and charming. At that time, Jia Rong was tempted. Seeing that there was no one around, he quickly grabbed Yuanyang's delicate white jade hands, hugged her into his arms amidst Yuanyang's exclamation, and gave her a hard peck on the cheek.

"What a lunatic! He dares to cause mischief anywhere!"

Yuanyang was surprised. He didn't expect Jia Rong to dare to take action. He was filled with shyness and expectation, as well as a hint of excitement and nervousness. But he kept his sense and allowed Jia Rong to take advantage. After showing his affection, he broke away, rolled his eyes angrily, cursed with a blushing face, turned around and left briskly.

Since then, the "underground love affair" between Jia Rong and Yuanyang has been officially confirmed.

Their feelings for each other have grown by leaps and bounds, and they have each other in their hearts.

However, Jia Rong was busy with business and did not come to Rongqing Hall to look for her again. Yuanyang was still looking forward to the next meeting, but she didn't expect that Jia Rong made a big fuss in the clan school, actually let the guards beat people, and dismissed Jia Dairu's head school and Jia Rui's supervisor.

"It's terrible now. The old lady is really angry. Why hasn't Brother Rong come yet?" Yuanyang clenched her pink fists, with worry in her eyebrows, and looked out the door from time to time.

At the same time, the two little people in the green sarong were also watching the activities in the front hall through the wooden screen window. Jia Baoyu had nothing to do, he was just accompanying Lin Daiyu. But Lin Daiyu showed the same attitude as a mandarin duck, and was secretly worried about Jia Rong.

"Why aren't you here? Grandma is really angry." Lin Daiyu was secretly worried and couldn't help but look at Jia Baoyu. During this time, she gradually got used to being in Rongguo Mansion, and she also knew that Jia Mu valued Jia Baoyu very much. Her eyes flashed across the gold-inlaid jade on Jia Baoyu's neck, and a strange light shone in Lin Daiyu's eyes. Suddenly he smiled, Jia Baoyu was stunned and looked at her dreamily. There was a hint of disgust in Lin Daiyu's eyes, but she held back and said, "Baoyu, when grandma gets angry, go out and persuade her..."

Jia Baoyu was stunned and asked: "Why?"

(End of this chapter)

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