Brother Rong of Red Mansion

Chapter 112 Jia Baoyu: Reading? What a nonsense!

Chapter 112 Jia Baoyu: Reading? What a nonsense!

"Idiot!" Lin Daiyu rolled her eyes angrily, "Don't you know being angry can harm your health? Grandma is getting old. As long as you persuade her, she will definitely stop getting angry."

"That's it." Jia Baoyu suddenly realized and said with a smile, "I still care about me."

Lin Daiyu's face froze, but she resisted not looking at him.

Now, although Lin Daiyu and Jia Baoyu are both raised by Jia's mother in the Bisha cupboard. But Lin Daiyu had a bad impression of Jia Baoyu. Because as soon as Lin Daiyu entered the house, Jia Baoyu made a big move and asked Lin Daiyu if she had any jade. When she found out that she didn't have any jade, he immediately tore off the gold-encrusted jade from her neck and threw it to the ground.

At that moment, Lin Daiyu was really frightened.

From then on, Lin Daiyu respected Jia Baoyu, coaxing him in everything and never daring to make him angry.

It also gave rise to the sad feeling of "lending to others".

But he longed for Jia Rong and Dongfu even more, and treated Jia Rong more and more differently in his heart.

It's just that Jia Baoyu doesn't know all this.

He thought Lin Daiyu treated him differently.


"Master and Uncle Xiao Rong are here."

Soon, a girl reported the news in Rongqing Hall. The next second, the cotton curtain was opened, and Jia Zheng and Jia Rong walked into the hall to greet Jia's mother on the beauty's couch.

At this time, Jia Dairu and Jia Rui were also sitting aside. When they saw Jia Zheng and Jia Rong coming over, they couldn't help but frown.

The same is true for Jia Mu.

Even Jia Baoyu in the Bisha cupboard was frightened.

When he saw Jia Zheng entering the hall, he quickly shrank his head and was so frightened that he went back into the Bisha cupboard. He no longer dared to look at the scene outside, and even forgot what Lin Daiyu told him.

If it was just Jia Rong, he could still give him some advice.

But when Jia Zheng came, how could he dare to show up? It was too late to hide.


Jia's mother also didn't expect that Jia Rong actually persuaded Jia Zheng and entered the hall to give him a platform.

Suddenly, Jia Mu frowned.

"Brother Rong, you are so arrogant. You have been calling for so long and you haven't come. Is it because the old woman can't call you anymore?" When Jia Zheng came in, Jia's mother was a little angry. But she, an elder, had waited for Jia Rong for so long. Still holding a fire in his heart, after Jia Zheng and Jia Rong said hello, they immediately launched an attack.

Jia Rong bowed respectfully and said, "What did our ancestors say? It's just that we had to discuss with the second master the serious matter of rectifying the family history, so it was delayed for a while. The great-grandson is in charge of the Ningguo Mansion and carries the burden of the entire family. Even if At present, I am only the acting clan leader, but I don’t dare to slack off.”

When Jia's mother placed the records of his elders in front of him, Jia Rong immediately concealed his identity, intentionally or unintentionally revealing his identity as the head of the Ningguo Mansion and the acting head of the Jia clan.

He discussed serious matters with the second master.

As an old woman, no matter how senior she is, what will happen after a while?

At this moment, what Jia Rong revealed was this.

No one in the hall was a fool. They all heard what Jia Rong meant. They couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, but then frowned deeply, as if they had met Jia Rong for the first time.

"He actually dared to stand up in front of the old lady!" Yuanyang and the other girls were secretly surprised when they saw that Jia Rong was so bold and dared to stand up to Jia's mother.

At the same time, the girls suddenly realized that Jia Rong was the acting patriarch of the Jia clan and the head of the Ningguo Mansion. He could indeed compete with Jia's mother in terms of power structure.

He is different from the master in the mansion.

Jia Mu and Jia Rong are not related by blood, and they belong to two houses. Even if they are older, they can't control him.

In an instant, Yuanyang's eyes lit up and his nervous mood relaxed.

The same is true for Lin Daiyu in the Bisha cupboard.

"It has to be Brother Rong. Even the old lady dares to stand up to him. It's so domineering." Lin Daiyu, Yuanyang, and the girls in the hall couldn't help but be secretly excited.

Mother Jia's face was livid, she looked deeply at Jia Rong, and her breathing became rapid.

When Jia Zheng saw this, he frowned. He felt that Jia Rong's words were too rude and he could not speak to his mother like this anyway. But when he saw his mother angry and sitting next to him, he immediately held up his hands and said seriously, " Mother, Brother Rong is indeed discussing business with the child.

"I don't dare to hide it from my mother. There is indeed a lot of trouble in the clan school. In recent years, the fifth uncle has grown old and has nothing to do, only leaving the clan school to Rui Ge'er to take care of it. But this evil obstacle only cares about flattering and coaxing The guy in the house is stubborn and doesn't care about all kinds of trivial matters at all. He only makes the family school a mess. I get angry when I hear it.

"Baoyu is getting older, and I was still thinking about letting him go to the clan school to study and improve. I didn't expect that it would be like this in the clan school. Wouldn't putting Baoyu in it harm him?

"It just so happens that Brother Rong is going to rectify the clan school. I think it's good. Once the rectification is completed, there will be rules in the clan school. Even if Baoyu goes away, he can only study obediently and not be greedy or stubborn."

Obviously, Jia Zheng also knew the fate of Jia Mu.

That is Jia Baoyu!

Jia Zheng has complicated feelings for this brother who was "born with a jade in his mouth".

As an official, he is very aware of the taboos on this kind of thing. If it weren't for Ning Rongjia's family, he still has some old connections in the military and some friendship with the royal family.

How is Jia Baoyu still alive?

Even now, Jia Zheng does not dare to vouch for the royal family's attitude towards Jia Baoyu.

After all, Jia Baoyu is truly a banished immortal who was "born with a jade in his mouth". On the one hand, he was afraid that he would be too good, which would arouse the jealousy and suppression of the royal family, and bring great disaster to the Ningrong Jia Mansion and the Jia Clan.

On the other hand, I have expectations in my heart, hoping that Jia Baoyu will show his extraordinary ability, make progress in studying, practice martial arts and strive to be the first, so that he can restore the glory of his ancestors and do a great career.

Such contradictory psychology caused Jia Zheng's special attitude towards Jia Baoyu.

So he allowed his mother Jia to pamper him. He was still raised in the house at such an old age, and he never went to the clan school. He only played with his elder sisters and secretly tasted the rouge on their lips.

He even said the infuriating words "Men are made of clay, women are made of water".

Now, Jia Rong wants to rectify ethnic studies.

Jia Zheng is a hundred supporters.

That is to say, we can rectify the clan school, or we can take the opportunity to let Jia Baoyu go to the clan school to study.

Hearing the word "Baoyu", Jia's mother was subconsciously attracted to her attention. Even the anger caused by Jia Rong disappeared without a trace. She couldn't help but listen carefully.

After listening to Jia Zheng's words, she was surprised and said, "Is there really such a bad situation in ethnic studies?"

She looked at Jia Rui beside Jia Dairu.

Seeing that he was a handsome man, his manners were elegant, and his speech was coherent and gentle, which left a good impression on her.

Are you pretending to coax her?

Thinking of this, Mother Jia frowned and suddenly felt disgusted with Jia Rui. She directed all her anger towards Jia Rong on Jia Rui, with obvious hostility in her eyes.

When Jia Dairu and Jia Rui saw this scene, they couldn't help but feel restless.

"I'm afraid it's more serious than what Brother Rong said." Jia Zheng sighed and shook his head, looked at Jia Dairu and said, "Fifth uncle, it's not my nephew who doesn't respect you. Family studies are really too important. Brother Rong carries the burden of generation. It is the clan leader's responsibility. He wants to rectify the clan's school, and I should give him my full support. Please step down from your position as head of the school."

Hearing what Jia Zheng said, Jia Dairu couldn't help but cry and said, "I have been a tutor for so many years. I have no credit but hard work. How could this happen..."

He was still relying on his old age, and others could not do his job because of his seniority. However, Jia Mu, who was sitting in the hall, could not tolerate him and couldn't help but scolded him, "Fifth child, how old are you? Why are you still crying like this in front of the younger generation?" What do you look like! You are too old, why are you still controlling the school? Retire early and give the opportunity to the young people. Rui Geer, you are a maggot-eating evil, you dare to deceive even my old lady, you are really a damned person. Yes! Why don't you help your grandpa back home quickly? My old lady is getting older and can no longer see this crying scene. I still want to live for two more years..."

Jia Mu had been holding back a lot of anger, and now she let it all out.

He only scolded Jia Dairu's ancestors and grandsons, asked Jia Rui to support Jia Dairu, and left with a face full of fear and anxiety.

After Jia Dai's ancestors and grandsons left, Jia Mu breathed a sigh of relief. Yuanyang brought her a cup of warm tea. Jia Mu took a sip and calmed down the anger in her chest before looking at Jia Rong.

"Brother Rong, you said you need to rectify the family education. How many days will it take?" Jia Mu asked, "Baoyu is indeed getting older. His nephew Lan Geer has gone to school, so I can't keep him any longer. It's just that if the family science is really so bad, then I won't be willing to let Baoyu go out and be deceived by those bad maggots."

Seeing that Jia Mu was no longer angry, she took the initiative to ask him something, as if to give him a step up. Jia Rong quickly smiled and said, "Old ancestor, it's the end of the year, let Uncle Bao spend the New Year in peace. Spend some more time with ancestors. Day. When the New Year is over, you can ask Uncle Bao to come over, and I will let him enter the elite class directly."

"Elite class?" Jia Mu was confused, "What does this mean?"

Therefore, Jia Zheng and Jia Rong reported their plans for the rectification of ethnic studies to Jia Mu in detail in Rongqing Hall, and they only nodded their heads in response to what Jia Mu said.

"Okay, okay." Mother Jia nodded with a smile, "Brother Rong is indeed a capable person. It's hard for you to come up with such a method. Indeed, smart children like Baoyu and Brother Lang are only one in a million. . Most of them are still as unsatisfactory as Brother Cong and Brother Huan. There is no hope of being named in the imperial examination or the gold list. I only hope that they can learn more skills in ethnic studies, and they will be successful when they grow up in the future. When the family goes out to live, they can also support themselves.”

"What our ancestors said is that the great-grandson has exactly this idea." Jia Rong smiled and nodded.

Just when the atmosphere in the hall was harmonious, Jia Baoyu in the Bisha cupboard puffed his lips angrily and couldn't help complaining, "Brother Rong, you are really messing around! You have nothing to do to straighten out your clan studies. Now. Okay, the conversation is all about me. Studying? What a waste of time! I am such an innocent person, why don’t I stay here and play around with my sisters? Why do I have to go to study to study for the imperial examination? Craftsmanship! I don’t want to be an official. I’ll just be a coward like them, smelling like tacky copper. Elite class? Oh my, it’s obviously a class for officials and fans! Boy Rong really did me a lot of harm!”

Jia Baoyu complained for a while, and finally looked at Lin Daiyu, hoping to be comforted by Sister Lin.

"What do you think I should do?"

Jia Baoyu said expectantly.

"This is what the gentlemen agreed upon. What can I do as a niece who is dependent on someone else?" Lin Daiyu smiled bitterly and shook her head, holding the handkerchief with a timid look on her face. The occasional glint in his eyebrows revealed a trace of disdain, "I'm really spoiled. I don't even want to study and make progress. I can't even compare to Brother Rong."

Thinking like this, Lin Daiyu's eyes flickered and she continued to pay attention to the movements in the front hall.

Attention is focused on Jia Rong.

Looking at his handsome and tall appearance, Lin Daiyu squeezed the handkerchief tightly and her eyes were in a trance. It seemed like she was recalling the days when she and Jia Rong were playing chess, chatting, and having fun every day at Lin Mansion in Yangzhou and on the boat in the Canal Tower.

Compared with the days when I was in jail and living under someone else's roof. That period of time was one of the few happiest, freest, and most unrestrained days in her life.

Jia Rong is different from his father, different from Jia Mu, and different from Baoyu.

He has clear eyes and a smile on his lips. He treats girls very well. He is very tolerant and respectful, but he is not like Baoyu who loses his temper at every turn.

Being with him is happiness.

Jia Baoyu was also kind to girls, and his attitude was very low. Just because of Jia Mu's existence, even if a girl was wronged, she could only endure it and coax him and apologize to him.

In Jia Rong's case, there is no need.

Not to mention herself, Jia Rong respects Mei Xiang, Cai Wei, Xiang Ling, and even Mrs. Zhen sincerely, plays with them, and works with them.

He often talks, explains his knowledge, and has novel viewpoints that make people’s eyes bright.

"Of all the men in the world, I'm afraid they can't compare to Brother Rong." Lin Daiyu held her face in her hands, feeling secretly melancholy in her heart, "It's just that you gave birth to me before I gave birth to you. But he is already married, and he is still as good-looking as a fairy. . Oh, it’s really distressing..."

(End of this chapter)

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