Brother Rong of Red Mansion

Chapter 136 Sharecroppers: Eat meat

Chapter 136 Sharecroppers: Eat meat

Jia Rong fought fiercely all night in the back house, barely sleeping, and did not fall asleep contentedly until the sky became dark.

In the brocade tent, there were white flowers, and the sound of deep breathing could be heard.

Several famous Ningyuan prostitutes, including the most beautiful lead dancer, were all too tired.


Jia Rong has good recovery ability. Although he fought hard all night, he slept deeply for two hours, and all the fatigue in his body disappeared.

When it was Chenpai time, he opened his eyes, stretched, turned over and sat up.

Seeing that several women beside him were still sleeping soundly, he smiled softly, stepped over the entangled bodies of the women, and got out of bed, putting on his shoes.

Then he called the maid to help him wash and bathe.

While he was washing, several girls on the bed woke up one after another. Seeing that Jia Rong had gotten out of bed, they quickly started dressing.

The master has already gotten out of bed, so what reason do they have to stay in bed?

Jia Rong ignored them, washed and dressed himself, and ordered someone to prepare breakfast.

The breakfast is very rich, not bad compared to Ningguo Mansion. There are more than a dozen dishes, most of which are local specialties in Liaodong, giving Jia Rong a fresh taste.

Even the rice porridge was made from Yu Tian Rouge rice, which made Jia Rong look at it a few more times, but she didn't say anything and kept her head down to eat.

After eating and drinking, Jia Rong left the back house and went straight to the front hall.

The first thing he did was to check on the guards and Beijing camp officers, asking them how they slept last night and whether they had enough breakfast.

The escort team of more than a hundred people was arranged in two large courtyards on the left and right of the front yard. On the left were the Jia clan members, and on the right were the servants such as Jiao Da and Sun Rui.

The officers of the Beijing Camp were arranged in the two courtyards at the back, which were the so-called guest rooms.

Seeing Jia Rong coming, all the officers and guards of the Beijing camp all smiled and thanked Jia Rong for last night's arrangements.

It can be seen that they are very satisfied.

"As long as you are satisfied, hahaha." Jia Rong smiled and walked back to the front hall, met Wu Jinxiao and others, and began to check the accounts.

These accounts are the books of Heishan Village’s household registration, including Ding Tianmu.

Everything was prepared "in advance" by Wu Jinxiao.

Jia Rong flipped through it roughly, asked about a few key points, and then skipped it.

Seeing that Jia Rong didn't make a fuss, Wu Jinxiao and his son and all the stewards all smiled and breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that it was fooled."

The stewards thought to themselves.

Only Wu Jinxiao, because he was "beaten" by Jia Rong when he came to Beijing to pay the rent, knew Jia Rong's methods, so he did not relax his vigilance and still served him respectfully, wanting to know the real reason why Jia Rong came to the outside world. Purpose.

Yes, the real purpose!

The dignified Duke of Ningguo Mansion braved the severe cold and snow to visit the farmland, buy new farm tools for the tenant farmers, and set up a cattle rental shop...

Do you believe this kind of thing?

Jia Rong must have another purpose for coming here.

I just don’t know if it’s good or bad.

Wu Jinxiao was worried in his heart, but on the surface he became more and more respectful, pretending to be his slave and serving his master Jia Rong well.

Jia Rong is very satisfied with this.

In fact, there was no need to check the accounts. He also knew that Wu Jinxiao and other village bosses must be a lot dirty in private, and had embezzled a lot.

However, he has to use people after all, and he cannot kill them all in a hurry.

There is no end to the killing of corrupt officials.

I had an idea in my mind that when it was time to push for performance, I would cut off two of them at random and leave them to the people at the bottom to vent their emotions. At the same time, I would collect the stolen money and the matter would be over.

Want to kill them all, Hai Qing He Yan.

That's not very realistic.

After all, if the water is clear, there will be no fish.

Therefore, when Jia Rong came to Guanwai, he had no intention of going on a killing spree.

The most important thing is to sort out the industry.

Soon, Jia Rong took Wu Jinxiao and others, as well as a group of escorts and Beijing camp officers, and went to the countryside in person to interview the tenant farmers.


Today, something strange happened in Heishan Village. The Duke of Ningguo Mansion, who came from the capital, actually went into thousands of households and fields, talked cordially with the tenant farmers, and asked about important land.

What a surprise.

What's even more surprising is that Lord Ning has a gentle smile and speaks nicely. He doesn't put on any airs and always laughs loudly to comfort everyone.

Then, rewards were distributed!

Each person was rewarded with a pound of rations and a bolt of linen.

Oh my God!

In an instant, all the tenant farmers were so excited that they couldn't help but kneel down and kowtow to Jia Rong, wishing him a long life and a long life as a prince.

Jia Rong smiled and accepted it.

After visiting each family, many rewards were given out. After hearing this, the tenant farmers in Heishan Village all talked about it. Their fear of the noble master dissipated, and they were eager to give it a try. They were somewhat looking forward to Jia Rong coming.

A pound of rations and a bolt of linen.

Although there were not many things, it was enough for everyone to eat a few more mouthfuls, and to wear clothes to avoid the cold.

Sir Alex is a good man.

Soon, Jia Rong's reputation gradually spread among the tenant farmers in Heishan Village.

And Jia Rong's reward is not over yet.

At noon, Jia Rong ordered people to cook in the fields again, slaughtered more than a dozen pigs and sheep, stewed white rice, steamed white-flour steamed buns and flower rolls, and personally led the distribution.

Meat! Rice! flour!

When the tenant farmers smelled the rich aroma of meat and received a bowl of broth, a bowl of rice, white flour steamed buns and flower rolls, their hearts were filled with happiness.

I couldn't help but feel the soreness on the tip of my nose and red eyes, and suddenly burst into tears. I was extremely grateful to Jia Rong, and shouted loudly, "Your Majesty, Lord, and Lord forever!"

In the fields, this kind of grateful shouts came and went, one wave after another.


The members of the escort and the officers of the Beijing camp who followed Jia Rong to distribute broth, rice, steamed buns, and flower rolls saw the heartfelt smiles and gratitude of the tenant farmers.

The strange feeling in my heart rose again.

Then, he worked harder.


However, there are also more interesting things to see. In the fields, there were tenant farmers who devoured the broth. Soon their stomachs were churning, and they couldn't help but vomit and have diarrhea. They ran into the green rice valleys and started to solve the problem on the spot.

Some people even feel it after just a few bites, and they can't help it even if they want to.

But he couldn't bear to put down the bowl.

I could only grit my teeth, with a trace of cruelty flashing in my eyes, squatting in the field, vomiting and defecating, and eating hungrily.

Don't talk about Jia Rong.

The escort team and the officers in the Beijing camp were all shocked.

Wu Jinxiao and others showed disgust in their eyes and quickly persuaded Jia Rong to leave.

"Haha, eating, drinking and defecating is a big deal for people, what's the important thing." Jia Rong shook his head, turning a blind eye to the vulgar things in the countryside, and continued to distribute broth to everyone.

When everyone saw it, although they shook their heads secretly, they also admired Jia Rong inexplicably.

"Guiguzi" says, "It is great wisdom to endure what ordinary people cannot endure and endure what ordinary people cannot endure!"

Seeing Jia Rong's calm expression as usual, everyone was filled with emotion. They felt more and more that Jia Rong would achieve great things in the future, and strengthened their confidence in following him.

As a result, he turned a blind eye to the roughness in the countryside and started doing things like distributing rice, steamed buns, and flower rolls.

Wu Jinxiao and others, on the other hand, were increasingly worried.

The more capable the master is, the more afraid they are.

But things have come to this, and we can only take one step and see one step.

(End of this chapter)

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