Brother Rong of Red Mansion

Chapter 137 Jia Rong: Do I need evidence to do something?

Chapter 137 Jia Rong: Do I need evidence to do something?

Jia Rong walked in Heishan Village for three days and gave out rewards for three days, so that the tenant farmers could receive both rain and dew.

Then, Jia Rong got angry!

Several members of the escort team suddenly tied Wu Jinxiao's nephew in front of Jia Rong.

Wu Jinxiao and his son were shocked when they heard this and hurriedly came over to ask what happened.

"In the past few days, when I went down to visit, the tenant farmers had a lot of opinions on you. Especially your nephew. I heard that he was tyrannical and lawless in the village. He dared to kill people casually. Those who died in his hands There are hundreds of tenant farmers and homeless people.”

At this point, Jia Rong shook his head and sighed, "I didn't expect it to be so murderous!"

At this time, nephew Wu Jinxiao was tied up in the hall and his mouth was stuffed with a cloth. He was kneeling on the ground, trembling with fear, and looking at Jia Rong with fear on his face.

Seeing Wu Jinxiao and his son coming over, he couldn't help sobbing and talking, hoping that Wu Jinxiao and his son would save his life.

This is the only son of Wu Jinxiao's third brother.

His third brother was also a slave of the Jia family, but he died of illness early, leaving only this child.

Wu Jinxiao kept him by his side, and he was a little spoiled. He was a little lawless on weekdays, but he didn't expect that one day he would fall into the hands of Jia Rong.

"Master, you must not believe those cheap slaves, you can't believe their words!"

Wu Jinxiao's son was the first to speak loudly.

But Jia Rong shook his head, "I don't care whether he did it or not. I'm not the boss of the Ministry of Punishment. I care about evidence. Anyway, he has caused public outrage, and I have to give an explanation to the tenant farmers."

"It's not just him.

“The tenant slaves also have great opinions on you.

"It's just that I'm not an unreasonable person. If I want to manage such a large Zhuangzi, I must be stricter in my methods. It doesn't hurt.

"However, tenant slaves are my private property. If you kill them so casually, you must give me an explanation. Wu Jinxiao, choose three stewards for me. They will be like your nephew. They have committed public outrage. I There will be a public trial later, and we will give an explanation to the tenant slaves."

Jia Rong said nonchalantly.

After listening to Jia Rong's words, Wu Jinxiao and his son were stunned for a moment, and suddenly their expressions changed, feeling a kind of fear from the bottom of their hearts.

From Jia Rong's nonchalant tone, they understood the underlying message.

First, your nephew is dead! Stop wasting your breath!

Second, I know how dirty you are in private, but I don't care. At least, not on the surface.

Third, I want to win over the tenant slaves. In other words, the tenant slaves on the farm are my private property, and you are also a group of slaves and have no right to deal with them.

Fourth, choose three people for me. I will kill people and give the tenant slaves an explanation!

After understanding Jia Rong's implication, Wu Jinxiao and his son felt despair.

Jia Rong is so cruel!

Begging for mercy? Jia Rong blocked the road directly.

Begging for mercy? Jia Rong doesn't care.

So, according to what Jia Rong said, tell us the names of the three stewards? ——Really speaking, what do the stewards below think of him? There is a crisis of confidence in their unbreakable alliance of political interests.

"My master, this move is really cruel, it can be said to be a blow to the bottom of the pot!" Wu Jinxiao clenched his fists, secretly frightened in his heart, but after thinking about it, he directly revealed the three names without any hesitation.

"Dad!" Wu Jinxiao's son stared at Wu Jinxiao with wide eyes and disbelief. It seems to be saying, why did you really say it?

But Wu Jinxiao ignored his son, and instead bowed his head respectfully, showing a well-behaved attitude.

Seeing this, Jia Rong couldn't help but smile and nod. Seeing Wu Jinxiao's son's fearful and uneasy expression, he couldn't help but shake his head and said calmly, "Learn more from your father. This is what it means to be mature and prudent, and do things in a measured way."

After saying that, he sent someone to kidnap the person.

After a while, the three unlucky guys were tied up and kneeling in the hall.

They kowtowed and spared their lives, but Jia Rong ignored them and directly called everyone to go to the public trial stage. After a while, the public trial stage had been set up, and the tenant slaves in the countryside were also summoned by the escort to come to the stage to watch the ceremony.

"What happened."

"I heard that there was going to be a public trial, and my lordship arrested Mr. Wu."

"Really or not? Why did Sir Wu arrest Young Master Wu? No matter how powerful Young Master Wu is, would he still dare to offend Sir? My God, he is too courageous!"

"Oh, is he ever timid?"

Not long after, I saw a large number of people approaching in the distance. The tenant slaves under the public trial platform fell into silence for an instant, and they all shut up and stopped talking.

Then, under the gaze of pairs of eyes, Mr. Wu and the three stewards were tied up and brought to the public interrogation platform. They knelt down and had their heads pressed. Four officers from the Beijing camp were holding broadswords and posing as if they were going to be executed.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene. They didn't expect Lord Ning to be serious and actually want to kill people!

But for some reason, his blood boiled all over his body, his face gradually turned red, and his breathing became rapid.

It was an inexplicable expectation.

Immediately afterwards, Jia Rong went to the public trial platform and counted the charges of the four people in front of the tenant slaves in the audience.

One by one, there is the name of the victim and the details of the crime. Occasionally, the victim's family members and even tenant slaves are invited to come forward and give their own testimony, mainly to exaggerate the emotion.

Soon, with Jia Rong's best efforts to exaggerate, all the anger in the hearts of the tenant slaves under the public trial was brought out by Jia Rong.

"kill him!"

"kill him!"

"kill him!"

Among the tenant slaves, Jia Rong arranged several caretakers in advance to guide everyone's emotions.

Things went smoothly and in the direction specified by Jia Rong. There was an uproar under the public hearing platform. All the tenant slaves shared the same hatred and glared at Young Master Wu and the three stewards. Thinking of the evil things they had done on a daily basis, they felt filled with anger.

He couldn't help shouting loudly, as if he wanted to vent his anger.

Seeing that the fire was almost done, Jia Rong waved his hand and gave an order. The four officers from the Beijing camp suddenly swung their swords. There was a "puff" sound, and a stream of hot blood spurted out from the necks and mouths of the four people, and the four skulls fell to the ground.

The bloody scene did not frighten the tenant slaves. Instead, it made their blood boil and their whole bodies felt relaxed.

When the master comes, Qingtian comes!

At this moment, under the public trial stage, the sound of crying could be heard. It was the family members of the victim who were crying.

Seeing this, Jia Rong walked down the court and once again expressed condolences to the victim's family, which made the victim's family cry even harder and kowtow in gratitude.

Immediately afterwards, Jia Rong distributed a "pension" to each victim's family in public.

"I'm late." Jia Rong had a natural expression, holding the dirty hands of the victim's family members, and said loudly, "As long as I am here, no one will dare to kill you at will, and no one will dare to bully you at will. You! As long as you work hard, everyone can have enough to eat, wear warm clothes, and live with dignity!"

As soon as the words fell, countless tenant slaves couldn't help but burst into excitement and cheered loudly.

The members of the escort team and the officers in the Beijing camp were also moved with emotion when they saw Jia Rong being so benevolent and righteous.

Only Wu Jinxiao and his son, as well as all the stewards, could not help but feel horrified when they saw Jia Rong performing so hard to win the support of the tenant farmers.

"Master, what on earth is he going to do?" Someone was confused and was about to ask Wu Jinxiao and his son. But he suddenly remembered that three of the stewards were "betrayed" by Wu Jinxiao and his son. He immediately stopped and subconsciously kept a distance from Wu Jinxiao and his son.

Looking at their father and son, indifference and hostility appeared for the first time.

Just as Wu Jinxiao guessed, since he betrayed the three stewards, the lower-level stewards had a "crisis of trust" in him.

(End of this chapter)

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