Brother Rong of Red Mansion

Chapter 144 The End of Diao Nu in Ning Mansion

Chapter 144 The End of Diao Nu in Ning Mansion

Ningguo Mansion, in the warm pavilion on the left wall of the south hall.

When Jia She and Jia Zheng came in, Jia Rong was lying in the brocade tent. When he saw them coming in, he immediately stood up and saluted.

"Brother Rong, lie down quickly and don't get up."

Jia Zheng said quickly.

Before, he and Jia She thought that Jia Rong was deliberately pretending to be sick.

Unexpectedly, Jia Rong was lying on the canopy bed, her face was slightly pale, and her lips were slightly chapped. She actually looked bad.

"First Master, Second Master, why are you here?"

Jia Zhengdao: "The old lady called you, but you didn't go. The old lady was angry and thought you were deliberately exaggerating, so she sent me and I over to take a look."

"Brother Rong, what's going on?" Jia She asked.

"Alas." Jia Rong sighed, handed dozens of statements from the accountant to the two of them, and said: "Today, someone reported that the fourth house was colluding and embezzling public funds. I sent someone to investigate, but I didn't expect it to be true! Basically none of the housekeepers in the house are good. Over the years, they have taken advantage of their positions to enrich themselves with public money and falsely receive money. I don’t know how much they have embezzled. According to my estimate, it is at least hundreds of thousands of taels."

"How many?"

In an instant, Jia She and Jia Zheng's eyes widened.

In fact, the masters of the two mansions knew about the corrupt behavior of the stewards in the mansion.

However, because they rely on them to run the house, they take a little bit to subsidize some household expenses, and the masters tacitly agree to it.

Even if they don't take it, the master should reward them with a share.

As a steward of the Duke's Mansion, you must act with dignity, otherwise you will lose the dignity of the Duke's Mansion.

But the two brothers never expected that Lai Sheng and others would collude together and actually embezzle so much...hundreds of thousands of taels? This is no small number! Even though they didn't understand economics, they were shocked.

Especially Jia She.

He is independent and is slightly more concerned than Jia Zheng.

But the money he handles is only 70,000 to 80,000 taels a year. Lai Sheng and others' greed for money is actually more than their master's annual expenses?

Is this still a slave? He's clearly a thief!

Soon, Jia She's eyes flickered, a little ready to make a move.

But as soon as the thought came to his mind, he suddenly remembered that although he was the Duke of Rongguo Mansion, he had moved out.

The current master of Rongguo Mansion is Jia Zheng.

"Second brother, the Ning Mansion is not as greedy as the rest of us. How much more greedy are Lai Da and others? After you go back, it's time to send someone to investigate." Jia She said with a smile.

"Yes." Jia Zheng nodded and said with emotion: "It's really shocking."

"Without further delay, let's go back." Jia She said hurriedly that he would facilitate this matter and send someone to help and share the credit.

When Jia Zheng saw Jia Rong's face was pale and sweating like rain, he was also concerned and said: "You are not in good health. Take good care of yourself in the past few days and don't worry about it. Don't make your body so angry because of a group of slaves."

"Yes, my grandnephew will remember the second master's teachings." Jia Rong nodded while lying on the bed.

Then, brothers Jia She and Jia Zheng left one after another.

Seeing brothers Jia She and Jia Zheng walking away, Jia Rong suddenly jumped out of bed and cursed in a low voice: "Fuck, you almost burned me to death!"

It turned out that in order to pretend to be sick, he put a few Tangbaozi in the brocade quilt and deliberately covered himself with sweat.

Jia Rong changed her clothes and returned to the Xiangnan Hall to meet with "Jia Qiong", "Jia Chen", "Jia Lin", "Jia Heng", "Jia Ling", "Jia Chang", "Jia Ping" and other elites of the Jia clan.

Now, all the housekeepers in Ningguo Mansion have been arrested and imprisoned for interrogation.

All the servants and maids were in panic.

Jia Rong assigned people to take charge of affairs temporarily and take charge of each house.

Several people were also sent to help Jiao Da to search his house and count the property of Diao Nu in Ning Mansion. ****

In the next few days, Ningguo Mansion kept moving.

In a small independent courtyard, Lai Sheng and others were detained separately. Sun Rui continued to be tortured and interrogated. The screams came one after another, which made people shudder.

Even when I pass by the gate of that small courtyard, my body trembles and my hair stands on end.

Too scary!

Under such torture, a group of stewards quickly confessed. The escort team, like tigers and wolves, rushed to the steward's home and began to imprison the family members and count their property.

Houses, shops, land, gold and silver treasures, furnishings and toys.

Even the tables, chairs and benches in the house are recorded.

Each summary was reported to Jia Rong's house every day, making Jia Rong secretly excited and exclaimed happy.


Even though Jia Rong had expectations, she was also shocked by the wealth of the slaves.

Too much!

These servants were almost as old as the ancestor Ning Guo Gong Jia Yan, and they began to serve in the mansion.

Generation after generation, they have served for nearly a hundred years.

The accumulated furniture is simply dazzling, basically real estate, houses, land, shops, antiques, silks, gold and jade jewelry, etc.

The cash ratio is very small, but it also makes Jia Rong happy.


In the past few days, everything in Ningguo Mansion was complicated and there were dozens of minor disturbances.

However, Jia Rong, Youshi, and Qin Keqing were personally in charge, constantly promoting new people, suppressing and winning over old people, and were skilled in various ways of controlling people, and they quickly took control of the situation.

The chaos gradually subsided.

"Well, today's food tastes good." Jia Rong sat cross-legged on the couch and nodded with satisfaction.

In the past few days, I don't know if it was intentional or not. There was chaos in every room. Even the food in the kitchen was either bland or salty, and occasionally it was raw and undercooked.

Jia Rong will never tolerate this!

Whether you did it accidentally or intentionally, Jia Rong will deal with everything strictly.

In the Ningguo Mansion, there are many slaves who want to serve him, and there is no shortage of you.

What should be distributed, what should be dismissed, what should be fired, and the servants and servants confiscated from the houses of various stewards were also continuously added to the Ningguo Mansion, and they were continuously deployed to various posts, and the replenishment was completed.

For a time, people came and went, and the number of slaves and girls in Ningguo Mansion increased instead of decreasing.

Some of its former prosperity has been restored.

The number of maids serving each master and his girl has been restored to the old system, increasing from four to eight.

Every time I go out, there are stars shining over the moon, and the scene is grand.

Even the aloof and aloof Jia Xichun couldn't help but be happy when he saw Jia Rong's rectification and the dozen or so new little girls in the courtyard, and gave him a rare compliment.

It reached Jia Rong's ears and made him smile.

Since she caught him doing bad things last time, Jia Xichun ignored him for a long time, and her attitude gradually became cold.

Now, things are gradually getting better.

As the saying goes, a man is most attractive when he is doing his business!

As long as Jia Rong has a general direction in her heart and is willing to fight for it, even if she has some "dirty" flaws in private, women will turn a blind eye and turn a blind eye.

After all, in this era, women are the slaves of men.

After all, it is up to men to support the family and protect the family from wind and rain.

"How much money have you copied in the past few days?" Opposite Jia Rong, the gorgeously dressed Qin Keqing put down the bowl and chopsticks and asked curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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