Brother Rong of Red Mansion

Chapter 145: Master, do you want to go see the female convicts?

Chapter 145: Master, do you want to go see the female convicts?

"Six thousand taels of gold and forty-three thousand taels of silver." Speaking of the harvest from the house raid, Jia Rong smiled with satisfaction.

"Of course, the most valuable items are the house, land, shops, antiques, gold and silver jewelry, and silk and satin. It is conservatively estimated to be around 400,000 taels."

Qin Keqing was startled.

"Isn't that five hundred thousand taels?"

"Oh my God."

"Where do they get so much money?"

Jia Rong explained, "These slaves have been serving in the mansion since their ancestors moved to Shenjing City. Some of them have been in power for nearly a hundred years. It is normal for these families to have such wealth."

"Especially for the Lai family, the complete liquidation has not yet been completed."

"It is estimated that it can rise to tens of thousands more taels."

Qin Keqing's eyes widened and he couldn't help falling into silence.

No wonder the husband pretended to be sick and wanted to clean up the unruly slaves. It turned out that Lai Sheng and others had embezzled so much money.

"What about you, are you having a hard time these days?"

Jia Rong asked.

"Just scold me a few times and endure it for a while." Qin Keqing smiled sweetly, "Compared with my husband's gains, these grievances are nothing."

During this period, Aunt Lai went to Jia Mu to cry every day.

Lai Da was so preoccupied that he did not pay attention to the management of Rongguo Mansion. I heard that there were dozens of troubles.

Jia Zheng was unable to deal with it and was very confused.

Jia She wanted to help.

After hearing what happened in Ningguo Mansion, I couldn't help but become greedy.

But after all, he divided the government, and the servants in charge of Rongguo Mansion united together, making Jia She very embarrassed.


Jia Mu came directly to Ningguo Mansion to teach Jia Rong a lesson.

But Jia Rong pretended to be ill and delayed with Jia Mu.

Really unable to escape, he just flattered her and waited for Jia Mu to leave.

After learning about Jia Rong's behavior, even Jia's mother had no choice but to call You and Qin Keqing over every day and curse a few words in front of Grandma Lai to embarrass them.

"For an old godly woman, even the master scolded her. This old lady is really stupid!" Jia Rong complained.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Qin Keqing hurriedly advised, "Aunt Lai has been with Jia Mu since she was a child. The two of them are called master and servant, and they are actually sisters. As we get older, we always miss the past, so it doesn't hurt to curse a few times. Yes. But...what should I do with Lai Sheng and the others?"

"Ordinary stewards will be demoted to Zhuangzi. Lai Sheng and his family, let's see what Lai Da says and whether they are willing to pay for their lives." Speaking of this, Jia Rong smiled and said, "The Rong Mansion is richer than us. Lai Da The elder family is also richer than Lai Sheng. Even Grandma Lai lives in Lai Da's house. If you want to save Lai Er's family, how can you do it without paying money to redeem them? "


Qin Keqing laughed.

"You act like a mountain king. Wouldn't it be a joke to others?"

Jia Rong said: "Is my money so easy to get? They have to pay the price! I have thought about it. Counting the masters in Lai Sheng's family, they can get at least two hundred thousand taels!"

"Two hundred thousand?" Qin Keqing was startled, "Isn't it a bit too much?"

"How much?" Jia Rong sneered, "If they don't want to, I will kill them! I would like to see if Grandma Lai is willing to let her son and grandson die!"

Hearing Aunt Lai, Qin Keqing fell silent.

This method works!

Aunt Lai is in charge of it, so even if Lai Da doesn't want to, I'm afraid she still has to pay.

In this way, Jia Rong actually took out seven or eight hundred thousand taels of silver from Diao Nu in this operation, which was really scary!

You know, before Jia Rong took over the Ningguo Mansion, the family wealth in the bank was only about 300,000 taels, and Jia Rong spent more than 100,000 taels. Now it has been supplemented by 7.8 million taels, and the silver alone is 300,000. twice as much.

What a huge profit!

At this moment, a servant came to report that the accounting books in the accounting room had been cleaned up, and the accountant from the Camping and Maintenance Department was waiting in the front hall.


Jia Rong's eyes lit up, she quickly took a few mouthfuls of rice, and hurriedly left Ning'an Hall and headed to the South Hall.


In the south hall, four accountants were waiting respectfully, and then handed over an account book and said, "According to the Lord's instructions, all the account books accumulated by your house over the past century have been checked. This is a summary, please have a look at it!" "

This time, they were ordered to inspect the century-old account books of Ningguo Mansion. In addition to eating, sleeping, and checking accounts, everyone was exhausted after working hard for several days.

If Doctor Qin hadn't been their direct subordinate, and Ning Guofu was a hereditary noble, the screams would have been heard in the courtyard every day, making them work in fear.

I can't do this job!

too tired!

"Okay, okay, thank you for your hard work." Jia Rong nodded and acknowledged the contribution of the four accountants.

Then, he flipped through the account books, couldn't help but nod his head, and sneered, "I knew that these evil obstacles must still have reservations..."

After saying that, he closed the account book with a snap.

The orderer brought a few trays, covered with red silk cloth, and the eyes of the four accountants suddenly lit up.

The main event is coming!


The red silk cloth was uncovered, revealing a large silver spindle.

There are four trays in total, and each tray contains four silver ingots, all of which are large ingots worth fifty taels of silver.

"Thank you for your hard work, gentlemen, during this time. Please don't refuse!"

Jia Rong personally stuffed the silver ingots into the arms of the accountant one by one.

In an instant, the four accountants expressed their gratitude.

"Thank you Sir!"

Jia Rong gave too much.

200 taels of silver per person, plus the 20 taels of silver given before.

This time the hard work was totally worth it.

After the four accountants left, Jia Rong called Sun Rui and asked him to continue the execution and make sure to take out all the stewards' wealth.

"Trying with me like a cunning rabbit with three burrows, you really don't know how to live or die!"

After Sun Rui listened to the order, he also patted his chest and promised, turned around and strode away.

Sure enough, that afternoon.

Sun Rui came to report happily. As expected, these stewards had a secret account, and some of their property was still handed over to others for safekeeping and was not discovered by the government.

"Take the list to collect the bill. If someone is making excuses, take the post to Shuntian Mansion and give them 30%."

Jia Rong ordered.

This secret account is the secret cave of the stewards. The procedures are incomplete and it does not belong to them in name. It is difficult to recover it all, but if there is help and cooperation from Shuntian Mansion, it will be much smoother.

Unfortunately, you have to pay some handling fees.

However, compared to 30% of the handling fee, it is better to get 70% than to throw it away in vain.

As soon as Sun Rui left the hall, Grandma Sun came.

In the past few days, she had been managing the convicts' female relatives outside the house, and she had been very prestigious for a period of time. The "filial piety" she received in private was not a small amount, but Jia Rong turned a blind eye to it.

After all, we are "self-respecting", and the benefits that should be given should still be given.

However, Grandma Sun was not satisfied.

Sun Heng stood firm in the accounting room, and it was estimated that the accounting clerk would not be able to escape.

But Lai Sheng fell, and most of the upper four rooms were empty. Although there are people from the Jia clan helping now, they are not slaves in the mansion after all, and they will still have to return their power after a while.

Therefore, Grandma Sun was interested.

There is a greater desire in my heart to help Sun Rui to the position of the general manager of Ningguo Mansion.

When she thought of this, she felt eager.

When the time comes, she will be in the inner house, Brother Heng will be in the accounting room, and Brother Rui will be in the prime minister's room. Wouldn't their family want to have wind and rain?

Even the Lai family can't compare to their family's splendor!

"Master, we have almost taken care of the convicts and slave girls." Grandma Sun twisted her waist and walked up, served Jia Rong a cup of tea with a smile on her face, and said flatteringly, "I see there are some good ones in there. Do you want to go take a look tonight?"

At this point, she leaned down and said deliberately teasingly, "Don't you like to play tricks on those shady people? Most of the convict slave girls are sisters, mothers, daughters, mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law..."


Jia Rong was stunned for a moment and looked at Grandma Sun in disbelief.

Are you going to test me with this?

What man can't stand such a test!

"Go, go and have a look."

Jia Rong stood up righteously and wanted to challenge his weakness.

(End of this chapter)

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