Brother Rong of Red Mansion

Chapter 146: Redeeming someone with money

Chapter 146: Redeeming someone with money

There was an empty courtyard in Renshoufang in the south of the city. Jia Rong took a sedan chair and entered the courtyard at night.

The female relatives of the slaves were imprisoned in each room, and the doors were locked. They were eating, drinking, and having sex in the room, and were supervised by rough servants.

At this time, in the main hall of the back house, Grandma Sun was all ready, setting up a sumptuous banquet, lighting up red lanterns, like a wedding night, a festive and dim atmosphere, making Jia Rong nod with satisfaction.

Then, Grandma Sun asked Jia Rong to sit down and gave instructions.

Not long after, someone led a group of wives and girls in. Everyone was dressed up and dressed up.

"Master, I have made all arrangements, and they are all willing to serve you."

Grandma Sun smiled.

"Okay, okay." Jia Rong smiled and nodded, looking at the faces of the girls, she saw beautiful faces, graceful and graceful faces. Some were slightly older but still had charm; some had delicate features and youthful beauty.

"This is the wife of Accountant Xia, and this is his daughter..."

"This one belongs to Lai Sheng's family, and her two daughters-in-law. This is her granddaughter..."

"this is……"

After serving Jia Rong for so long, Jia Rong was fed with mouthfuls of milk.

Grandma Sun knows best what kind of character Jia Rong is.

Only the most beautiful daughters-in-law and girls were called to the main hall one after another for him to review. A few were ordered on the spot, and they were invited to sit on the stools and wait for Jia Rong to drink.

Even if they are slaves, they still have status. How have they ever served others like this?

Especially the younger ones, who were completely indifferent and only ate and drank around Jia Rong under the reminder of their elders.

Jia Rong smiled happily. Under the bright red candlelight, she hugged him left and right in the main hall, raised and lowered his hands, and soon he rushed to the brocade tent and started acting wildly and galloping.

From that night onwards, Jia Rong would come taking advantage of the darkness every night.

I had a lot of fun playing it for a few days.

However, after all, the fire could not be contained, and news still spread.

The female relatives of Ningguo Mansion were very calm.

Since Jia Rong didn't come home at night, the smart people in the yard had guessed three or four things.

The key thing is the people in Rongguo Mansion.

Jia She and Jia Lian came to the door one after another, showing their greedy appearance, overtly and covertly wanting to get a share of the pie.

"I bother!"

At that time, Jia Rong cursed secretly in her heart, pretended to be serious, and flatly refused.

That small courtyard is now his forbidden area, how can he let others get involved in it?

Are Jia She and Jia Lian worthy of each other?

The two of them looked very embarrassed when they were rejected, as if they had never expected to be rejected.

Because in their hearts, they are just a bunch of convicts and slave women. You, Brother Rong, can play with them, why can’t we?

But Jia Rong rejected him and became angry for a while.

Jia Rongli ignored this.

In terms of seniority, you are the elders; but if Jia Rong really wants to be serious, you are nothing!


When Wang Xifeng found out about this, she praised Qin Keqing openly and secretly, which made Qin Keqing neither praise nor scold, so she had no choice but to shake her head and sigh.

But when Wang Xifeng saw it, she didn't take it seriously. Instead, she sat with Qin Keqing and once again talked about her "method of taming husbands."

Qin Keqing interrupted after listening to half of it.

"My husband treats me very well, and I am grateful in my heart." She smiled sweetly, and said calmly, "As the saying goes, famous people have been romantic since ancient times. Who wouldn't praise my husband for his kindness in literature and martial arts? He is also responsible for running such a big business. It's hard for him. As long as he has me in his heart, don't stay up all night. It doesn't matter if he goes out to socialize occasionally. I just pretend that I don't know and turn a blind eye."

"But there is one thing that makes me worried."

As he spoke, Qin Keqing's face darkened, and he sighed: "My husband and I have been married for a year, and we still have no children. There is no one to inherit the huge Ningguo Mansion, but it will be shameful to worship our ancestors this year."

This is Qin Keqing's biggest worry.

Compared with this, Jia Rong going out to have fun is not a big deal.

Anyway, I can't marry him back. In a man's family, who is not romantic and likes the new but hates the old?

It's understandable to be greedy for pleasure occasionally.

When it comes to the issue of heirs, Wang Xifeng also looks helpless.

She has been married to Jia Lian for three years and still has only one eldest daughter, not even a boy.

Jia Lian already had opinions and complained to her.

Although the accumulated anger has not yet exploded, it has already frightened Wang Xifeng enough, fearing that Jia Lian would make some mistake and ask for a concubine.

To know.

Wang Xifeng could not tolerate this the most.

At the beginning, the two personal maids in Jia Lian's room, including her own four dowry girls, were killed and left by her overt and covert tactics, leaving only Ping'er.

This is because Ping'er has a docile personality, keeps a low profile and knows how to please her.

on the other hand.

Nor can anyone say that she is jealous.


Wang Xifeng sighed and said, "Who says it's not true? I don't have a brother, so I don't have the confidence to speak. The day before yesterday, Taoist Master Tianma came to do fasting. I asked her how many magic talismans she had asked for, but I didn't know if it would work."

With that said, he took out a purse and stuffed it into Qin Keqing's palm.

"No, there is one of you too."

Qin Keqing smiled and thanked him, put his purse away, and talked about the banquet in Huifang Garden.

Since Jia Rong allocated a special fund and allowed Qin Keqing to entertain guests in Huifang Garden, the daughters-in-law of Ning and Rong mansions have come diligently. They often hold banquets in Huifang Garden, listen to plays, cook wine and discuss poems, and have a good time. lively.

When Jia Rong came back from outside the customs, the banquet in Huifangyuan stopped.

In the past few days, the review of the Ning Mansion's slaves has made people panic and completely lost their focus.

Today, Jia Rong said that the accounting matter is coming to an end.

Qin Keqing just had the idea to hold a banquet in Huifang Garden. He asked Jia Mu to come back to the host and invite her to come and enjoy the flower appreciation party.

It’s considered... to apologize for Jia Rong!


Jia Mu sent people to call several times, but Jia Rong refused several times.

If you want to let outsiders listen, you still have to scold Jia Rong for being unfilial. This is a serious crime and will have a bad impact on Jia Rong's career.

This is entirely possible.

This time he offended someone so hard, so many pairs of eyes were watching him secretly, Qin Keqing had to think about it for Jia Rong.

"Brother Rong is really lucky that he married you!"

After hearing Qin Keqing's request, Wang Xifeng sighed with emotion, and immediately patted her chest and promised that she would help speak and invite Jia Mu to come to the banquet.

"Is the date set yet?"

Wang Xifeng said solemnly, "It's not me who said that there is so much evil in your house that even I feel scared when I look at it. Don't rush into the old ladies and girls again. Good things will turn into bad things."

"That's what Auntie said."

Qin Keqing nodded, "I have discussed this matter with my husband. Those slaves who committed crimes will be demoted to Zhuangzi in the next few days. If you are interested, you can also buy people with money and transfer the deeds to them. "

Wang Xifeng's eyes lit up.

"Oh? What kind of charter is this?"

Qin Keqing smiled slightly and spat out the words: "The men of the Lai family, according to the head count, are each twenty thousand. You ask him to get one hundred thousand taels, and I will transfer the contract today."


Wang Xifeng took a breath of cold air.

(End of this chapter)

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