Rome must fall.

Chapter 193 Medical Legal Kitchen and Newlyweds

Chapter 193 Medical Legal Kitchen and Newlyweds

"I understand." Maximus said simply: "The medical staff in the medical camp are the same as the craftsmen in the Ministry of Public Works and the teachers in the Ministry of Ethnic Education. The reserve tribesmen help cultivate their own land, and the tribe also pays them wages. "

"The leader has thought carefully about our medical staff!" Horace complimented, and then said: "I also have a suggestion. Every village in our tribe should build a clinic in the future, and these medical staff from the medical department can be stationed there. These clinics are responsible for treating the people, and the patients need to pay a certain fee. The money obtained is turned over to the tribe and used to purchase linens, herbs, instruments and other materials needed for medical treatment..."

"Well, that's a good idea." Maximus nodded and said, "But the name clinic sounds a bit stingy, let's call it a hospital. You can discuss building a hospital with Capito. But there is one thing to note. The village where the political hall is located is the center of the entire tribe, and it is also the center of all hospitals in the future. Therefore, the hospital here needs to be built, and the doctors with high medical skills and nurses with strong nursing skills from the original medical camp must be concentrated, so that they can mainly treat the disease. Complex patients, while constantly communicating and learning, thereby improving the medical level of our entire tribe.

Only doctors who study in this hospital, pass the assessment, and are judged to be qualified in medical skills can be sent to work in hospitals in other villages... The person in charge of this central hospital... Let your subordinate Ixchius be the one. . All hospitals must be under the jurisdiction of your medical department. If there is a problem in a hospital, the tribe will first look to your medical department to take responsibility.

Also... hospitals can charge fees, but the price of treating tribal patients cannot be high. Hospitals must be free of charge for treating soldiers injured in battles. "

"Chief, you should think more carefully. The medical department will follow these suggestions to formulate a more complete plan and implement it as soon as possible."

Maximus nodded and asked again: "Are there any other suggestions?"

Sidonius, who had been criticized before, had now regained his composure. He stood up and said: "Chief, the laws related to theft, debt, fighting, wounding, rape and adultery were previously submitted to the political hall and discussed and approved by everyone. , our Ministry of Justice will follow your request and engrave these ordinary laws on the lives of the ethnic groups on wooden boards as soon as possible within two days, and then stand them outside the main house for the ethnic groups to see and understand."

Maximus said sternly: "I heard that Rome once engraved its city-state laws on 12 copper pillars and erected them in the square for the public to understand. Our newly built tribe cannot afford such luxury. Engraving them on wooden boards is also not possible. The same effect can be achieved.

Aknis shouted dissatisfied: "Why are you so careless? You actually broke such an important big clay pot! Then when will every household have a good big clay pot and baking pan?" !”

We enact laws not because we like to punish people, but to maintain tribal order. Therefore, your Ministry of Justice not only has to engrave and erect wooden boards, but also often dispatch personnel to preach the laws to the illiterate people so that everyone knows the laws. If you understand the law, there will naturally be fewer people violating the law, the lives of the people will be more stable, and your Ministry of Justice will have an easier time. "

"Will you be paid or not?"

Maximus responded in a calm tone: "The reason why I asked you to attend today's political hall meeting is because I want to discuss this issue with you. Although most of the ethnic people have divided their houses, they currently lack things at home. There is no way to make food by yourself, so for a period of time, you will need your kitchen to cook for everyone, and then they will collect it in batches..."

"Since your former subordinates are working for everyone, their land can be temporarily cultivated by the reserve tribesmen." Maximus said.

"Yes, the leader is right," Sidonius responded.

There are no extra iron baking pans for baking bread, except for the dozen or so you have in your kitchen; the large clay pots for cooking soup, porridge, and stew were previously collected from every household in the two villages. , but some were damaged during the transportation back and forth, and now the quantity is not enough to distribute to each ethnic group..."

Capito took the initiative and said: "The pottery workshop makes clay pots, and the ironworks workshop makes baking pans. It will take four or five months to build these two workshops and be able to make good things. But I I can guarantee you that every ethnic minority household will have a new set of cooking utensils before next year’s autumn harvest.”

Akonis rolled her eyes a few times and said: "Since the tribe is in difficulty now, our kitchen is willing to continue making food for everyone, but they don't have time to cultivate the land anymore-"

"Unlike those teachers, doctors and craftsmen, their jobs are long-term. After a few months, they can go home and do their own things, so the issue of salary is not considered."

I have seen those houses. The Segostika people's stove is the fire pit in the center of the house. The tribesmen can use it after a little cleaning. The wood can be cut by themselves in the mountains, and the food can be distributed by the tribe every day until the next autumn harvest. ...None of these are problems, the only trouble is the cookware.

As soon as he sat down, Aconis stood up: "Chief, I also have a question here. Now everyone is divided into rooms and land, but our kitchen people are cooking for the people. How long will this continue? ?”

Maximus said, glanced at the agricultural officer, and Volenus immediately said: "The chief has discussed with me that if the people want to cook their own food, they must have stoves, firewood, and There are cooking utensils and ingredients.

"What about the preparatory people? They don't have their own houses, and they still need kitchens to cook food for them collectively for a long time. Will these cooks be paid?"

"We have considered this issue. After all, cooking is not that difficult. You can select some people from the reserve tribesmen to learn from your subordinates. After they become familiar with it, your subordinates can completely separate themselves and concentrate on their own affairs. ”

"Uh... I don't have any other questions." Arconis felt a little sad when she thought that the team she had led for more than a year would be disbanded soon, and she said covertly: "It's just that we are doing it in your courtyard, the leader. The food is full of fumes and smells bad, and so many people block the door every day to get food. It’s a mess... It will really affect your sleep and work, chief!" Maximus smiled: “Now that the tribe has just been established, every one of us is working hard to get the tribe up and running normally as soon as possible. As long as it is beneficial to the tribe, I don’t find it troublesome at all. On the contrary, I am very happy that this main house can make some contribution to the tribe. "

"Chief, with you here, our tribe will get better soon!" Akonis blurted out.

This sounds comfortable... Maximus coughed twice and asked, "Do you have any other suggestions?"

No one spoke anymore.

After so long discussions, it’s finally over! ...Maximus thought carefully for a while, and felt that all the aspects of the tribe that had been prepared for discussion and mention had been covered. Then he relaxed completely, and his stomach immediately began to growl.

"We have been discussing for so long. It's dark outside. I'm afraid everyone is hungry, right? Akonis, is there anything to eat?"

"Of course, I'll keep them all for you!" Arconis replied immediately.

"Look, you are very competent as the housekeeper!" Maximus's praise made Akonis feel much better.

After dinner, everyone dispersed. Only the housekeeper, Arconis, remained in the hall. She looked at Maximus, who was slumped on a wooden chair and burping nonstop. After hesitating for a moment, she whispered. He reminded: "Chief, Nesia is still waiting for you in the bedroom."

Oh, I have a wife now... Maximus suddenly remembered that he was nervous and looking forward to it. He stood up with support on the wooden table and took two steps outside. Only then did he remember that he had been busy with the tribe's relocation today. He didn't even have time to wander around his residence, so he turned around and asked, "Where is the bedroom?"

Arconis held a torch and led Maximus to the bedroom.

Light shone through the ajar door. Maximus swallowed and gently pushed the door open.

There is only one large wooden bed in the house, which looks very spacious. There were two red candles standing on the ground beside the bed. They were captured by the rebel army in Italy, and there were not many left. Nesia changed from her usual simple clothes and put on a colorful long skirt. She lay flat on the bed, highlighting the unevenness of her body curves...

Maximus swallowed and walked in.

Nesia may have fallen asleep because of the long wait, but she was still lying motionless. The dancing candlelight reflected her beautiful face, and her moist red lips were particularly delicate...

Maximus couldn't help but bend down, but he suddenly stopped, turned around and waved to Arconis who was standing at the door.

Aknis turned around and left a little unwillingly.

Maximus then continued his previous actions, but just when the alluring red lips were close at hand, Nesia suddenly opened her bright eyes, stared at him affectionately, and said softly: "Chief, You kept me waiting for a long time!"

These words seemed like a complaint, but more like a confession of love for Maximus for more than a year, which made ripples appear in his heart.

Before he could respond, Nesia quickly stretched out her arms, wrapped her arms around his neck, and took the initiative to greet him, her lips pressed together...


In the hall of the main house, Maximus stared at the young man in front of him: "Are you Rodginius, the second son of Chalsipempas?"

"My father has been floating at sea all year round, and my eldest brother is in charge of everything in the village. My father said that he would send someone trustworthy to both parties to live in your village for a long time, so he sent me here. Don't look at me. I'm young, but I can do it!" The boy puffed out his chest and emphasized in a loud voice.

(End of this chapter)

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