Rome must fall.

Chapter 194 Paper Making

Chapter 194 Paper Making
The face in front of him is quite similar to that of the Iberian pirate captain, but it has no vicissitudes of life and is unusually young and tender. Maximus blinked: "Of course I believe what you said, but it was just when your father took the initiative to bring it up." A month ago, was your village so far away from here?"

As soon as these words came out, the young man's high-spirited aura suddenly disappeared. He did not dare to look at Maximus anymore and stammered: "Actually... I set off long ago, but when I was about to arrive at your camp, it was just the right time. When the Pannoni army surrounded your camp, I... I lived in Uncle Budokaribas's village for a while.

After finally waiting for the Pannoni to retreat, I wanted to come to you, but Uncle Budokaribas said that you had gone through a long battle and had a lot to do, so I... I just waited a few more times. God, I didn’t expect you to move here soon, because moving will make you busier, so I..."

"Logimnisius, you are a very considerate boy! You are right to do this. If something goes wrong with you, I can't explain it to your father." Maximus asked kindly: "Your father Can you tell me what you came to me for?"

"My father asked me to stay with you forever. If you have any request for my father, ask me to go back to the village immediately and tell my brother." Loginnisius no longer felt guilty and immediately showed an eagerness to try: "You Don’t worry, I can walk quickly on the mountain road, and I can reach my village in 7 days. If you have anything, just tell me.”

"Don't worry, you'll be busy in the future." Maximus said with a smile, then turned around and said: "In Acre Country, Logimnisius has temporarily returned to the Secretariat. It's up to you to take him to familiarize himself with the tribe these days. Case."

"Yes, chief!" Akago responded loudly, leading Rodimnisius out of the hall.

Maximus fell into thinking: Was it for the purpose of training that Kalsipempas sent his unexperienced young son to the tribe? Or is there any other purpose? …

At this moment, Capito walked into the hall: "Chief, why did you come to me in such a hurry?"

Maximus put away his thoughts and said: "Oh, that's it. I forgot one thing at the political hall meeting the day before yesterday, and you also forgot it. Today I suddenly remembered it, so I came to discuss it with you quickly."

Maximus spoke extremely solemnly, which made Capito feel a lot of pressure, but he was excited in his heart: because the more Maximus showed that he attached great importance to this, the more it showed that he really had a way to make paper!

Maximus looked at him for a moment and said in a deep voice: "Very good, I will do as you say!"

"Paper, paper for writing! Whether it is working in various departments, working in various workshops, or children studying, if there is a lot of paper, it will become very convenient. Since we can no longer obtain papyrus, then we will make our own papermaking."

Capito also responded solemnly: "Chief, I understand. After I go back, I will immediately formulate a method to prevent the leakage of the papermaking process and submit it to you for review. If this thing really happens one day, what will the tribe do? Even if you punish me, I won’t complain!”

Maximus did not answer immediately. He looked around and said, "Cassius, Mainus, and Valles, you three should go out first."

"What is it?"

Then Maximus said solemnly: "According to my method, it should be faster and less laborious to produce a large amount of paper that is far better than papyrus. It will become the unique wealth of our tribe, so making paper The process will be the most important secret of our Knicks tribe!
Not only do you have to keep this secret to yourself, but you also have to ask the craftsmen who are selected to make paper to keep this secret. Once anyone violates it, the tribe will severely punish you. Can you do it? ! "

The three teenagers left the hall obediently.

Only then did Capito recall what he had mentioned before. Looking at the rather confident young leader, he asked doubtfully: "What do we need to do to make paper?"

Maximus asked Capito to sit down first, and then said: "The reason why I want to take precautions first is because the papermaking process is relatively simple, but no one has thought of it before..."

Capito sat upright and listened expectantly to Maximus's words. Having been educated since childhood, he realized how much convenience the leader's method would bring to the spread of knowledge in the tribe if it could succeed.

"The entire papermaking process is like this..." Maximus searched for the memories of his previous life in his mind and said slowly: "First collect the barks one by one, boil them in water, and then put the cooked barks on the Wash it in river water to remove the hard shell and impurities on the surface of the bark...then soak it in a pool filled with lime water for two or three days, then pick it up and wash the lime water in the bark with water, and then chop the bark into pieces. , and pound it into a paste... Then pour the pulp into a stone trough filled with water, and stir it repeatedly with a wooden stick to mix the pulp and water evenly... Then we will make some wooden frames to weave finely Stretch the linen cloth in the wooden frame. Put the linen frame into the stone trough and pick it up. The water will flow out automatically, and the pulp will be spread in the wooden frame... Next, lay felt on the wooden frame and press it hard for a period of time. , allowing the water in the tree pulp to be absorbed, and the tree pulp will be bonded more tightly... Finally, take the wooden frame to the sun to dry, and gently peel off the tree pulp from the wooden frame. At this time, it has It turned into a piece of paper that can be written on..."

Capito listened attentively while remembering. After listening, he recalled it carefully and said: "Chief, can you say it again? I don't remember some parts clearly."

Maximus patiently repeated it again, and after Capito said it was completely clear, he reminded: "There are several points that need to be paid attention to during the papermaking process... One is the choice of bark, here There are many kinds of trees in the mountains. Which trees are suitable for making paper and which are not suitable, you need to explore.

My suggestion is that the bark is white, slender, soft, and tough, and should be the best material for making paper. The other is that we need to add a binder to the tree pulp—"

"Adhesive?" Capito was confused by this unfamiliar term.

"'s a sticky liquid like snot. Mix it into the tree sap so that after the tree sap is mixed with water, it will not sink to the bottom of the water, but will float on the water surface, making it easier for us to pick it up with a wooden frame. And with this kind of adhesive, the texture of the paper will be tighter and less likely to break...

Uh... you can send people to search the mountains to see which grasses, flowers, shrubs and other plants have thicker sap and are easy to pick. Then you can extract it and use it as glue for paper making. mixture.

By the way, you can also ask Emmerich. He is a druid and is familiar with every plant and tree here. He should be able to tell you the correct answer...

In short, what I am talking about are the basic steps of papermaking. If you want to make paper and make good paper, the craftsmen responsible for papermaking need to work tirelessly to practice and explore! You can tell them that if they successfully create paper that can be written on, the tribe will promote them all to one level as recognition of their significant contributions! "

"Chief, don't worry, with these papermaking processes and suggestions you gave, I believe that the craftsmen will be able to make paper!" Capito was not complimenting, because after listening to Maximus's words, he felt that this The young leader was not just talking casually, but had very careful steps and very high feasibility, which made him very curious: "Chief, I would like to ask where did you learn this method of making paper? "

Maximus smiled mysteriously: "If I said that a god told me in my dream, would you believe it?"

Capito was stunned for a moment, but when he thought about it carefully, a storm surged in his heart...

After getting along day and night for more than a year, he knew the details of this young leader very well: he was a domestic slave of a Roman civilian noble, and later became a gladiator slave. He had never left Campania since he was a child, and There is no one in Italy who can make new paper. Rome has to import a large amount of papyrus from Egypt every year. Where did an ordinary young slave learn the papermaking technology? !

...If you think about it carefully, Maximus's life in the first nineteen years was no different from that of thousands of domestic slaves in Rome, but since he followed those gladiators to launch a riot, he has become completely different from other people. . When other leaders were plundering everywhere, he calmed down and reformed his troops; when other leaders were afraid of attacking the city, he repeatedly made clever plans to capture two cities in a row; when other leaders were dazzled by victory, At that time, he clearly saw the general trend and came here resolutely with his team; not to mention the political hall meeting, the twenty-nobility system... these unprecedented systems he created for the tribe!
Is this what a slave who has just grown up can do! Maybe he was really loved by the gods and taught by the gods? !

The way Capito looked at Maximus became different.


"Hi, my name is Akago, what's your name -" Akago asked enthusiastically as soon as he left the hall, but then he stopped because he realized that the other person could not understand Latin, and he had not yet He learned the Illyrian dialect, so he scratched his head in embarrassment.

Unexpectedly, the young man replied in a slightly stiff Latin: "Hello, Akago, my name is Logimnisius."

Seeing Akago's surprised look, he explained slightly complacently: "My mother is Latin, and I can speak Latin, otherwise my father wouldn't have sent me here."

(End of this chapter)

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