Rome must fall.

Chapter 35 Maximus’s Request

Chapter 35 Maximus’s Request
  "Why?" Altonix was a little puzzled: "It's so nice here. It's convenient for us to defend. When we really can't stand it, we can retreat to the mountains behind. Isn't it just this unique terrain that we relied on to defeat the Romans? Yes! This is a place blessed by Ares, the god of war! Why give up? Besides, you have to move to the farm in the north. The terrain there is flat and it is easy to be raided by the Roman army. Once defeated, it will not be easy to retreat. Let’s His legs couldn’t outrun the Roman cavalry.”

Cross immediately said loudly: "I agree with Spartacus's opinion, we should not stay on this mountain anymore! Yesterday's battle has told us that we cannot defeat the Romans by just defending and waiting, and this time we The method of defeating the Romans cannot be repeated a second time. The Romans will learn the entire battle from the mouths of the defeated soldiers. The next time they attack us, they will not make the same mistake again.

Defense requires skills, and recruits cannot learn it in a short time. Attack mainly requires courage, and brothers do not lack hatred for the Romans. Hatred will make them full of strength, so taking the initiative to attack is our best choice. There is no danger in building a camp on flat ground. We can only ensure safety by defeating the enemy, but on this mountain it is easy to soften our fighting spirit! "

"I also agree with Spartacus." Hamilcar nodded towards Altonix and said in a gentle tone: "Not to mention anything else, the Romans dug trenches and earthen walls around the farm in the north. In fact, the defense is better than our camp here. Moreover, our soldiers can be better trained on flat ground. When the team expands, it is easier for us to expand the camp outwards. Besides, on flat ground, it is easier for the baggage team to transport supplies... …”

"Hurry up and move the camp, what's so good here!" Enomui complained: "The area around the camp has been burned, and there is a smell of paste everywhere. There are also corpses in the pool. Although they have been cremated, I still can't think of them. It’s so uncomfortable, it’s better to move to a new place quickly.”

The proposal to move the camp was approved, and it was quickly decided to take action tomorrow.

After making this decision, the leaders had nothing to say. As usual, Spartacus finally asked: "Do you have any other suggestions?"

"I have." Maximus, who had been keeping quiet in the corner, said: "From yesterday to today, we have a total of more than 240 people injured to varying degrees. Judging from the recovery of the injured soldiers before, I am afraid that more than half of the people will die due to wound suppuration and high body fever. I learned some medical skills when I was a child. I think that for these wounded people, we only need to regularly change the cloths that wrap the wounds, keep the wounds clean, and let them get adequate rest. Provide them with good enough food... As long as the trauma is not very serious, the vast majority of them will eventually recover."

"But we don't take enough care of them now!" Maximus said very sadly: "As a result, the brothers who fought with us before (referring to the gladiators who were injured when escaping from the school) lacked adequate treatment. And death cannot continue like this! I suggest that all these wounded be handed over to our baggage team, and I will ask my men to take good care of them and do my best to allow them to recover and return to the team!"

"You know medical skills, why didn't you tell me earlier?!" Cross stared at him and complained loudly.

Maximus immediately retorted: "I have learned some medical skills, but I have never treated anyone, and taking care of the wounded is a very troublesome thing. If it weren't for this period of time, I noticed that our wounded were dying. It’s too much, and I have just become the baggage captain, so I have the conditions to do something, otherwise I don’t want to meddle in other people’s business!”


"Okay, okay, treating the wounded is indeed a very troublesome thing. We all know it in the Gladiator School. Maximus is willing to let the baggage team take care of the wounded. This is a great thing for us. We Everyone should express their gratitude to him! You are right!" Spartacus immediately affirmed Maximus's suggestion.

"Maximus, I really want to thank you. You helped me a lot this time!" Altonix expressed his gratitude sincerely. You must know that the current regulations of the rebel army are that the soldier of which team is injured must Which team should take care of it? There was a Thracian gladiator in the Altonix team. His chest was injured and suppurated. He had repeated high fevers and often uncontrollable wailing. The soldiers in the entire team almost suffered a mental breakdown. In the end, everyone strongly demanded to be given He was delighted.

You must know that the wounded man was a fellow villager of Altonix, and the two had a good relationship. In the end, he had to kill him, so he said loudly without hesitation: "I wholeheartedly agree that the baggage team will be responsible for taking care of the wounded." !"   Cross and Enomui both had similar experiences, and they both hurriedly agreed.

At this time, Hamilka said: "I remember when we were in school, the doctor named Valerius had very good medical skills. Many brothers were healed by him when they were injured. This may be because he has been responsible for treatment for a long time. Wounded gladiators have rich medical experience. This time we go to Capua, it is best to invite a doctor from the gladiator school and let him go to the baggage train to treat the wounded."

Maximus's eyes lit up: "This is a good idea! It's just that these doctors have good salaries, so I'm afraid they won't join us."

"They have to join even if they don't want to!" Cross said coldly, but no one objected, including Spartacus.

I thought you were as strict about the principle of voluntary membership for everyone as you were for farm slaves, but it turns out that you will resort to any means to those who really need it! ...Maximus looked at the four people and felt that he had learned another trick.

"I also agree that the baggage corps should take care of the wounded. But the baggage corps is responsible for providing food to the soldiers, transporting supplies, and managing the warehouse. The manpower is already tight, and now it has to take care of the wounded. Is there enough people?" Han said Milka raised her question with a serious face.

The teacher is really sleepy and gives me a pillow! ...Maximus was secretly happy and immediately answered: "There are indeed not enough people! There are more than 240 wounded soldiers now, and at least 30 or 40 people are needed to take care of the wounded throughout the day. And you should all know that the baggage team Most of the people are so weak that they can’t even lift wounded soldiers, so how can we possibly take care of them, so we not only need people, but also strong and strong men!”

Spartacus looked embarrassed: "But now the major teams are also short of people... let's do this. When someone joins in the future, we will try our best to allocate as many people as possible to the baggage team."

Maximus said with a slight complaint: "Of course this is good, it should have been done long ago. But now the water far away cannot quench the thirst nearby, and the wounded soldiers are in urgent need of care, and there is no way to delay it. I think it is better to take the prisoners A batch of slaves are assigned to our baggage train."

"That's not okay! These slaves are no better than the previous recruits who only know how to farm. They have undergone military training and have some combat experience. It is a complete waste to assign them to your baggage team!" Cross immediately objected.

The slaves they mentioned came from the recently defeated Roman army. According to the current Roman military system, the smallest unit of the Roman legion was a squad, with a total of 10 people. Two of them were slaves. They did not participate in combat, but were responsible for doing chores, such as carrying items for the other eight soldiers, cooking, Setting up tents, repairing weapons, caring for the wounded...,
  There were 560 such slaves in the Roman army that came to Mount Vesuvius this time. In the end, the rebel army raided the Roman camp and captured more than 200 slaves. They were all public slaves of Rome. Most of them were war prisoners and worked hard for Rome. Many years later, there was a chance to be freed and became freedmen, so not all slaves were willing to join the rebel army, but the massacre of all Roman prisoners by the rebel army frightened them, so they agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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