Rome must fall.

Chapter 36 Need for escort team

Chapter 36 Need for escort team
  "It is precisely because these newly joined slaves are familiar with military affairs that they should not be treated as ordinary soldiers." Maximus said confidently: "They can cook, which is needed for the kitchen of the baggage team; they can carry supplies, The transportation needs of the baggage corps; they will take care of the wounded and the needs of the wounded barracks that the baggage corps is about to build; they will also maintain and repair weapons, which is urgently needed by our team..."

"They also know how to conduct military training and how to build camps... We need them even more to teach our new recruits who know nothing!" Cross reminded not to be outdone.

"It seems that these new brothers are very popular." Spartacus looked at the two men and said seriously: "Each brigade needs them to improve their combat effectiveness, and the baggage team also needs them to better provide us with Help, I think we can transfer thirty people to the baggage team first, and then add more people to the baggage team later, and then give more people to the baggage team, what do you think?"

No one else objected to this, but Maximus looked aggrieved: "More than 200 talents are allocated to 30 people in our baggage team, which is too few! ... Well, for the sake of our entire team, I accept it."

He paused, then continued with a serious face: "I have another suggestion. I hope that the baggage train team can have its own escort team!"

As soon as these words came out, Cross immediately jumped out to object: "This is absolutely not possible! Your baggage team is not responsible for combat. Your safety is protected by us. There is no need to assign a escort team to you!"

"We thought the same way before. With your protection, we don't have to worry about our lives at all." Maximus looked regretful: "But because of this, when you were fighting at the foot of the mountain, our baggage team was in the camp. You put out the fire with all your strength, but in the end you were defeated. You threw away your weapons and armor and ran away desperately, thinking only of your own survival. Has anyone ever thought of blocking the pursuers for our baggage team?

While we were panicking, we were still thinking of driving the carriage to escape to the mountains so that you would not be hungry when you stick to the mountains in the future. As a result, time was wasted. Our baggage team was either old people or women and children. How could they outrun you? In the end, more than thirty people were overtaken by enemy soldiers and died in the thousand-man pit..."

Maximus sniffed and looked sad.

Cross didn't know how to retort for a moment.

Maximus emphasized his tone and continued: "We finally drove the carriage up the mountain. Because the mountain road is narrow, we stopped halfway up the mountain. I wanted to ask you to send troops to garrison to prevent it from being robbed by the enemy. But what did you say, 'No,' Brothers, you have just escaped from the pursuers, how can you still have the energy to guard your carriage'..."

Maximus sneered and said angrily: "Now that we have won the battle, everyone celebrates the victory, but don't forget that it was our baggage team who came up with a way to descend from the cliff when you were desperate! It was also us. The baggage team spent a long time twisting out a long rope that can help you go down the mountain smoothly! Our baggage team did our best to make enough food so that you have enough strength to fight the enemy! For your role in this war The baggage corps plays an important role, and I think it is entirely reasonable for it to have a convoy to defend itself!"

Cross' face was livid, Enomui and Altonix looked ashamed... The living room became silent for a while.

Spartacus looked around at everyone and said sincerely: "The baggage train is indeed very important to us, and it also made great contributions in this battle against the Romans. We have to lead our brothers to fight with all our strength, and sometimes we really don't have the energy to take care of it. Baggage corps, this is my fault! Now it seems that the baggage corps does need to command a guard team to ensure its own safety. The number of personnel is temporarily set at 100. When the baggage corps expands in the future, this guard team will be added. What do you think of the number of people?"

"I agree!" Maximus immediately responded loudly. Although he was a little regretful that the number of the escort team was too small, after the baggage team had its own weapons, some things would be easier to operate.

After being robbed by Maximus, Cross, Enomui, and Altonix were too embarrassed to object, and the matter was settled.

"I hope that this hundred-man escort will be commanded by Pheasalus." Maximus looked at Spartacus and made a further request, because Physalus is now under the command of Spartacus. First Brigade.

Spartacus felt that the reason Maximus made such a request was because he had a good relationship with Pheasalus, and only Physalus responded to Maximus's request and went to help him on the mountain yesterday. He guarded the carriage, so he asked Pheasalus to be the leader of the escort, and he should obey his orders. Spartacus was happy to see this, so he agreed without hesitation.

When the meeting was over, Maximus caught up with Hamilka and said softly: "Teacher, thank you for your help just now!"

Hamilka turned to look at him and said with concern: "Now there are more escorts in the baggage train, and we have to take care of the wounded. There are more things than before, and there will be more people than before. Can you manage it alone? And there are tens of millions of people. Don't make any problems, let others grasp the handle." Maximus understood who he was talking about, and immediately expressed his position: "Teacher, don't worry, I will do my best to manage the baggage team well and provide better help to our team. !”

Hamilka nodded: "Let's go, follow me now to select the thirty recruits."

More than 200 Roman legionnaire slaves had just joined the rebel army and had not yet been assigned to various brigades. They were temporarily under the jurisdiction of Hamilcar, who had just taken over the military affairs. Most of them were young men in their twenties and thirties, and only a few were over forty years old. All middle-aged and elderly people are in good health and have rosy complexions.

As public slaves of Rome, they were apparently treated well in the Roman army. But compared to other slaves who joined the rebel army, many of them seemed too cautious. When Hamilcar gathered them together, most of them had their heads lowered and looked listless.

Maximus saw this and said loudly: "I want to select thirty of you to join the baggage team. Those who join the baggage team do not have to go into battle to fight the Romans, and can eat well and have sex with women every day." Let’s get along, which one of you is willing to go?”

When these slaves heard this, they became energetic and shouted: "Me!...Me!...I am willing to go!..."

Although a few people did not speak, they all raised their heads.

Maximus frowned and said: "The baggage team only has thirty people. There are too many people you want to join, so I have to choose carefully. Among you...who is a good carpenter? It's best if you can Make siege engines.”

"Me!... Me!..." More than twenty slaves shouted at the same time.

"So many people?!" Maximus looked surprised, pointed to his right side, and said, "Then everyone come over here."

After these slaves came forward, he stared at them fiercely and said: "I will test your carpentry skills in a while. If someone lies and I find out, he will be ranked in the army the next time he fights the Romans." The forefront of the formation!——"

Hamilcar hesitated to speak because he saw that many of the slaves who came forward looked uneasy.

Maximus took the opportunity and said: "Now, I will give you another chance to correct your mistakes. If you feel that your carpentry skills are not good, you can return to the team."

Immediately, more than half of the people lowered their heads and rushed back to the team.

"Who among you knows best how to build camps? It's best if you also know how to build roads." Maximus finished. Then he looked at the slaves standing on his right: "If you think you are good at this, you can also come forward. The more you know, the easier it will be for me to choose."

Following the lessons learned from the last time, more than a dozen people spoke out this time, and some of those who stood up before also responded.

"Who among you knows better about maintaining and repairing weapons and armor? It is best to be able to use cannons skillfully. ...Who among you knows military training and troop formation? You even have rich battlefield experience. ...Which of you knows Who has rich experience in caring for wounded soldiers? It would be better if you know how to treat trauma.…"

(End of this chapter)

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