Rome must fall.

Chapter 37 Forming a Guard Team

Chapter 37 Forming a Guard Team

After Maximus asked these slaves one by one, it was of course impossible to test them to verify their authenticity, because he had to hurry up to avoid other leaders realizing it and coming to snatch people from him. Due to the limited quota, he chose slaves who responded to many of his questions, so the 30 people he selected were basically older.

Seeing this situation, Hamilka felt something was wrong and asked in a low voice: "These people you picked seem to have good abilities, but are they too old to take care of so many wounded soldiers?"

Maximus responded confidently: "Teacher, don't worry. Since I agreed, I will have a way to treat the wounded soldiers. But in the future, you have to allocate more young and strong people to our baggage team." of."

Hamilcar was doubtful, hesitated, and said: "In this way, you can choose five more younger ones to return to the main transport team."

Maximus reminded: "Teacher, thank you for your help, but if you do this, Cross and the others will-"

Hamilka waved his hand: "The people you took away were all old people who were not wanted by the various brigades. They were happy before it was too late, but you suffered a loss because of it. Of course, you should get more compensation, and Cross and the others should not do this either." Do you have any opinions?"

Seeing what Hamilcar said, Maximus was not polite anymore. He immediately called five more army slaves in their thirties who he thought were pretty good, and then took these thirty-five people out of the camp and returned to the winery. farm.

He went directly to the kitchen first and found Aconis who was busy inside.

As soon as Arconis saw him, she complained: "Captain, you informed me before that the leaders wanted to let the soldiers celebrate their victory tonight. Let us make the dinner more abundant, and try to have it in the sun." It will be done before sunset. Time is so tight, and we are still missing a lot of people here. Everyone is working hard, but I’m afraid it will be difficult to finish it all at dusk!”

"I know your difficulties, so I found helpers for you." Maximus led Aconis out of the kitchen, pointed at the thirty-five people he had just brought back, and said with a smile: "They were once They are slaves of the Roman army, and now they are brothers who have recently joined our baggage team. You are short of manpower in the kitchen, so I will let them help first. But they have just arrived, so there may be a little bit here-" Maximus pointed to his own Chest, quietly winked at Aconis.

After these days of getting along day and night, Arconis immediately understood Maximus' intentions, looked at them immediately, showed a smile, and said happily: "Oh, that's great! Our baggage team is finally here. Some decent men, you are welcome to join our baggage corps! Let me tell you, coming to our baggage corps is better than going to other brigades. You can eat well, sleep well here, and there are many girls. As long as you do it If you work hard, you will be favored by them! Come on, come to the kitchen and help them work!"

Arconis's words moved some of the younger slaves, and they immediately followed her into the kitchen.

The others did not act, but looked at the oldest slave.

The slave glanced at Maximus and said calmly: "Since we are all here, just do whatever you have to do. It's better to be here than to kill people outside." He said, and went straight Heading towards the kitchen, the other slaves followed closely behind.

Maximus did not leave, he stood quietly at the door, observing the performance of these new slaves.

"Maximus!" A voice rang in his ear. He looked back and smiled immediately: "Pheasalus, welcome, I have been looking forward to your coming!"

"I don't want to come, but this is Spartacus's order. He said that you named me to be the captain of the guard of this baggage team." Pheasalus said with some dissatisfaction.

Maximus said softly: "Don't worry, I didn't ask you to come here just to be a nanny for our baggage team. In the future, the guard team will inevitably fight." Pheasalus' eyes lit up and he asked hurriedly: "What do you mean? explain--"

"We will talk about these things in detail later." Maximus changed the subject and said jokingly: "At least you should thank me now for promoting you from a decathurion to a centurion, and as the captain of the guard, You don’t have to listen to that anymore… Anato—”

"It's Anatossian. When he heard that you were leaving me, he even cursed and said that he would look good on you in the future." Pheasalus smiled happily and sighed: "I don't have to listen to him now. I took command, but I won’t have to obey your orders in the future.”

"Don't worry, I won't be as domineering as Anatossian. We can discuss anything in the future." After a few words of comfort, Maximus turned to ask: "How many people did you bring? "

Maximus's promise made Pheasalus feel relieved, and he replied seriously: "The fifty people were personally selected by the leader Spartacus from the first group, and they were all those who had joined the team before. Slaves, there are no other gladiators, but they all participated in the two battles yesterday and will no longer be as afraid of the Romans as before. Leader Spartacus also asked me to tell you that there are only 600 soldiers in the first group now. There are many people, so he can’t allocate more, and the insufficient number of people will be made up as soon as possible in the future.”

"I can understand." Maximus said, but he was surprised in his heart: he knew the current situation of the rebel army, and he really didn't expect that Spartacus would send him so many people so quickly. His strong motivation and generosity in doing things make him very admired and worth learning!

"Where are all our escorts now?" Maximus asked, looking around.

"In the front yard."

Maximus soon met the members of the escort team. When facing them, he changed his words: "Brothers, welcome your arrival! Our baggage team has long been looking forward to having such a team of our own." Guards! And are you willing to get along with the elderly, children, and so many 'women' in our baggage team day and night, and protect them with all your strength?!"

"Yes! Yes!!..." the guardsmen shouted excitedly.

"Very good, from today on you are all members of the baggage team!" Maximus looked at them and his expression became serious: "The baggage team has the rules of the baggage team. You must strictly abide by them. If you violate them, you will be punished. Be punished! Those who conscientiously carry out orders and perform well will be rewarded by me, and those who usually perform poorly and do not carry out orders will be severely punished by me! Do you all understand?!"

"Listen...I understand." The soldiers' voices became much softer, and their eyes looked at Maximus with a bit of fear. They were different from the slaves in the Roman army and the gladiators in the army. When they were defeated on the mountain and felt desperate, they heard with their own ears that Maximus proposed to several leaders the magical idea that "you can descend from the cliff." Afterwards, most of them also followed Hamilka and Maximus to flank the camp from the gentle slope and witnessed with their own eyes the scene of him killing all the enemies in the front, so they could not help but feel awe in their hearts when they saw him again.

Maximus saw their expressions in his eyes and continued: "Brothers, the girls are busy in the kitchen now. Pheasalus will take you to the kitchen to help them."

The soldiers were excited again. They were all slaves, and working was a common thing for them. Even if they couldn't bake bread, they could still carry water, chop firewood, slaughter sheep, peel skins... they could still do it.

The best way to make Roman army slaves and escort soldiers familiar with and integrate into the baggage train as soon as possible is for everyone to work together. This is why Maximus stuffed them all into the kitchen.

Watching the escort soldiers heading to the kitchen behind under the leadership of Pheasalus, Maximus was secretly excited: as the captain of the baggage train, although he could participate in the meeting of military commanders of the rebel army, unlike Hamilcar, He only has the right to propose, but not to vote, and those gladiators have always recognized only Spartacus, Cross, Altonix, Enomui, and Hamilka as the leaders of the army. Of course, they are not the same as these five. It is related to the fact that he was the organizer of the initial uprising, but it can also be seen that he has little prestige among the officers of the entire rebel army. Now that he finally has a hundred-man team under his command, he may be able to do more things to improve his status in the rebel army!

(End of this chapter)

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