Rome must fall.

Chapter 63 The supply camp recruits new soldiers (continued from 2)

Chapter 63 The supply camp recruits new soldiers (continued )

"Oh, okay." Tinibazus picked up the stick and shield and followed the girl.

Nasuya led him into the inner courtyard, and Tinibazus couldn't help but ask: "Are you children also born as slaves?"

"Not all, there are also a few companions whose fathers are sailors who were born as freemen. Chief Maximus once said that whether we are slaves or freemen sailors, we are all children of poor families who have suffered." Nasuya was very happy. replied seriously.

Tinybazus was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Is our supply camp short of manpower? Let you children come and help."

"It's not because we have a small number of people in the supply camp!" Nasuya said proudly and loudly: "This is the training given by Chief Maximus to us. He believes that we can do it well!" "

"Exercise for you?"

"Yes, Chief Maximus is very kind to us children. Not only does he let us have enough to eat and wear clothes, but he also teaches us literacy and arithmetic. He also lets us help Grandpa Cornelius count the warehouse supplies and report to the escort. Conveying his orders... distributing supplies to the new arrivals, we are also responsible for this period. Today, there are just so many people joining us, so we all came together to help." Nasuya said proudly.

"It seems that Chief Maximus is really a good man!" Tinybazus was moved in his heart and asked intentionally or unintentionally: "Does he only teach you children to read and count?"

"Of course not!" Nasuya defended loudly: "When Chief Maximus first came to the supply camp, he taught us all how to read and count every night, and told us many interesting stories... Now because there are too many people He couldn't teach us, so he focused on teaching us children. Leader Maximus also said that when we learn well in the future, we can teach other people in the transport camp..."

After Nasuya finished speaking, Tinibazus immediately asked with some disappointment: "Does this mean that except for you, the leader will no longer teach others to read and count?"

Although Nasuya was young, she could observe what was happening and immediately explained: "The reason why Chief Maximus stopped teaching everyone knowledge at night is indeed because there were too many people, and it was also because many of them were unwilling to learn. Just messing around in there...

But for those who are willing to learn, Chief Maximus will never give up, so he makes Grandpa Vorenus and Uncle Capitol teach them literacy and arithmetic every night. If you want to learn, you can ask If you submit an application to the team officer, arrangements should be made for you at that time. "

"Oh, that's right." Tinibazus rolled his eyes a few times, and then asked: "Are the Grandpa Vorenus and Uncle Capitol you just mentioned also from our supply camp?"

"Of course, Grandpa Vorenus was appointed by Chief Maximus as... secretary... and Uncle Capitol is the director of military supplies. Both of them can write and do calculations, and they also know many things. It's us The most knowledgeable person in the supply camp besides Chief Maximus. "...

The two chatted. As we walked forward, we passed through a small gate in the backyard and entered the baggage camp.

Originally, the baggage battalion was stationed in the farm, but as the number of people increased, the farm could no longer accommodate them. Several brigades also happened to be divided into camps due to the large number of people. Except for the first brigade and the baggage battalion, which were still stationed at the headquarters, The remaining 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th brigades set up camps one or two miles away respectively. Therefore, the baggage battalion occupied the original station of the second and third brigade, close to the backyard of the farm, and adjacent to the medical team.

Under the advice of the military advisory group headed by Frontinus, Maximus led the baggage team members to remodel the new camp in the style of a Roman camp.

So when Tinibazus walked into the baggage camp, the first thing he saw was the two-meter-high earthen wall and the trench under the earthen wall, as well as the suspension bridge and the camp gate, as well as the unfinished sentry tower next to the camp gate. Behind the camp gate is a straight, flat dirt road that can accommodate five people walking side by side. On both sides of the road are multiple tents that have been set up. They are arranged in an orderly manner. About thirty steps away, there is a small road that separates the tents from the camp gate. The avenues are connected... Although there are many tents here, there are no people there. Further forward, there are no tents, but many people gather in the open spaces formed by the intersection of paths and avenues. A piece of wood is erected on the edge of these open spaces. Card……

"I heard from Chief Maximus that this camp was built according to the size of a Roman legion camp, but there were not so many soldiers in the supply camp before, so most of the camp was empty..." Nasuya explained .

There were about 6000 people in a Roman legion... As a former Pontic soldier, Tinibazus knew a little bit about the Roman army. He raised his eyes and looked ahead. There were still large open spaces there, and he suddenly muttered in his heart: This camp is pretty well built, but it looks like there aren't many people in this supply camp.

"The 500th team is here!" Nasuya, who had been silently looking at the wooden sign beside the road, stopped walking and turned to an open space where there were many people. "Uncle Tilks, this is Tinibazus, the soldier assigned to your team." Nasuya said, then turned to look at Tinibazus and introduced: "This is the 500th man. Uncle Tierkes, the tenth captain of the first squad."

Tinibazus immediately nodded to the strong, simple-looking man.

Tierkes smiled at him and said to Nasuya in a gentle tone: "Thank you for your hard work, little Suya!"

"It's not hard, this is my mission. Uncle Tierx, I have to pick up the next one quickly. Let's go first." Nasuya said, handed the bag to Tinibazus, turned around and went back Run.

"Thank you!" Tinibazus thanked loudly.

Nasuya waved in response.

"When this little girl first came here, she hid from people and was very timid. Now she has become so lively, thanks to Chief Maximus!" Tierkes looked at Nasuya's bouncing back and said, Said with sigh.

"Was he timid before?" Tinibazus asked curiously.

Tierkes glanced at him and his expression became serious: "You are the only one missing in our team. Hurry up and put your bags on the ground and come and gather."

Tinibazus saw that there were already a lot of luggage on the ground and said, "Put the things here. What if they get mixed up later? What if someone steals them?"

"Don't worry." Tierkes said disapprovingly: "Put the piece of wood you received on your luggage, so no one will take it by mistake, let alone steal it, unless he wants to be punished."

Tinibazus had no choice but to put down his bags and came to the crowd, only to see an acquaintance smiling honestly at him.

It turns out that this stupid cow was also assigned to the same team as me... Tinibazus was about to say a few words to him, but he heard Tierkes loudly say: "Everyone in our team is here, everyone, take it." Sword and shield in hand, follow me!"

What kind of sword and shield is this? ...Tinibazus looked down at the boards and sticks in his hands, cursing in his heart.

Tierkes led everyone onto the main road in the camp, and after walking forward for a while, another dirt road of the same width stretched across the front, perpendicular to the one they walked before, and a tent stood alone at the intersection.

"This is the military tent of Maximus, the leader of our supply camp!" Tierkes spoke with respect in his tone.

Tinibazus took a look and felt that it was no different from other military tents, and it was very quiet, as if there was no one inside.

Tierkes led everyone to another avenue in the camp and continued to move forward. Finally, he went out from the side door and came to an open space in front of the camp. There were many wooden stakes as high as one person in the open space, and some soldiers gathered there. At the same time, the team officers were giving lectures.

"Just right here." Tierkes stopped and asked the nine people following him to sit in a circle. Then he walked to the center and said with a smile: "Everyone, from today on, you are the escort battalion of the supply camp. Soldiers from the first squad of the 500th, according to the tradition of our supply camp, every new brother who joins must first talk about his past experience, I will set an example first."

(End of this chapter)

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