Rome must fall.

Chapter 64 The supply camp recruits new soldiers (continued from 3)

Chapter 64 The supply camp recruits new soldiers (continued )

"My name is Tierx. I was originally a mountain man in Iberia. I once lived a free life. But then some Romans launched a rebellion in Iberia, triggering a war. The war continued. Roman officials They began to increase taxes on various tribes in the mountainous areas. If they did not pay, they would be regarded as an accomplice of the rebels. Because the taxes were too high, if all our tribes paid, everyone would not be able to survive, so the chiefs kept trying to delay it. As a result, Rome One day, the army raided our village and killed most of the clan members. I was captured, made a slave, and sold to a farm here, where I have to work in the fields every day..."

Tierkes told the past events in a heavy tone, while lifting up his tunic, revealing the criss-cross scars on his chest and back: "I was very unwilling at first, thinking about running away every day, but this is the territory of the Romans, can you Where are you escaping to? Every time I was caught, I was beaten severely and was not given food... In order not to be beaten, in order to fill my stomach, I finally gave in and was beaten with whips every day like a cow or sheep. When I went to work, I felt like I was suffering at first, but then I gradually became numb. I felt like I was alive and dead. Maybe one day I would just fall into the field and be thrown into the weeds by the guards like garbage... …”

Everyone listened quietly. Tierx's experience made them feel the same, and some people gradually became red-rimmed.

"Later -" Tierkes's voice suddenly rose: "The team led by Spartacus came to Vesuvius, and the farm where I was was the first to be captured by them. After I was freed, I finally decided I joined the team and became one of them. After joining, I found that the decision I made was the right one! Because in our team we are all poor people and slaves who have suffered a lot, and there is no bullying of each other. , we are as close as brothers...

When the Romans first came to attack us, I was in the team led by the leader Spartacus. It was the first time we fought against the Romans. Everyone was inexperienced, and we suffered a defeat... But then Sparta Chief Kes listened to the advice of Chief Maximus and took advantage of the darkness to lead us to climb down from a cliff hundreds of meters high and raid the Roman camp. The Romans suffered a disastrous defeat! I was injured in the battle, but thanks to the careful care of the supply camp’s medical team, my injury healed, so I decided to stay in the supply camp—”

When Tilks said this, his face was full of gratitude, and at the same time there was a trace of shyness. He coughed a few times and said: "Last night, Centurion Tolerugo told us that the headquarters department They gave us more than 400 slaves in the supply camp. Chief Maximus planned to build a few more centurions, but he needed to transfer some people from the original team to serve as team officers. I thought this was a good thing, so I took the initiative to report I gained a reputation and became the tenth captain of your team. Okay, that’s it for my experience, who can tell me next.”

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" Tinibazus shouted first.

Led by Tinibazus, the recruits of the first team told their experiences one by one. Although they came from all over the world, some of them did not speak Latin fluently, such as Samoras, but there was no one present. People laugh at it, sighing for the narrator's suffering. After everyone finished speaking, they felt that the distance between each other had become much closer.

Then Tierkes said in a deep voice: "Leader Maximus once said that the reason why we became slaves and were oppressed is ultimately because of the greed and expansion of the Romans. Although we have gained freedom, this is just For the time being, as long as the Romans are not defeated, we may become slaves again and fall into darkness at any time. If we want to defeat the powerful Romans and live freely forever, we should do at least the following three things ——”

When Tierkes said this, he paused intentionally. Seeing that the recruits were listening attentively, he continued to say the words that Maximus repeatedly emphasized to the guards: "First point, we must be like We are as close as brothers and unite as one. Only by doing this can we get twice the result with half the effort, and only then will we burst out with powerful strength in battle! Can you do it?"

The recruits looked at each other and answered almost in unison: "Yes!"

"Okay!" Tierkes continued: "The second point is to abide by the laws of the baggage camp. Chief Maximus said that laws are used to regulate the behavior of everyone in the group and make the entire team more effective. Order, to avoid chaos and the inexplicable disintegration of our team. Can you do this?!"

"Yes!" the recruits responded in unison.

"What can you do! You don't even know what the decree is, so you just respond randomly!" Tilks laughed and cursed a few times, and then said seriously: "You all listen up! The first article of the transport camp decree is to obey your superiors. The order given. Chief Maximus is in charge of the entire supply camp. We must implement the order he gives and we must obey his command. Do you understand?!"


"This second article..." Tierkes explained the laws of the transport camp one by one. In order to impress the recruits, he also gave several examples of violations of the laws and punishments, which made the recruits all nervous. .

"Have you all memorized these laws?" "No... no!!" the recruits replied in unison.

"I'm sure you can't remember it once. It doesn't matter. I will tell you a few more times tonight, and then I will check them one by one tomorrow. If you don't remember it, you will have to accept punishment."

After hearing this, the recruits began to feel nervous again.

Tierkes saw this and didn't say much. He looked at the situation of other teams around him and then said loudly: "We just said two points. This third point is equally important to us. The Roman army is very powerful. We must If we want to fight against them and defeat them, we must carry out military training. Only when each of us trains hard and becomes a powerful soldier can the entire army become strong, don't you think so?"


"Very good. It seems that everyone is very enthusiastic. I won't waste any more time. Let's start training from now on." Tierkes said simply.

Ah, so fast? ! ...Only Tinybazus was a little surprised, and the other recruits followed Tierx to the wooden piles excitedly.

"First, let's practice cutting wood piles!" Tilks said loudly.


Maximus looked at the training ground. At this time, the number of soldiers on the training ground was far greater than before. Under the leadership of their team officers, they were training in full swing. There were shouts and shouts, and it was so lively...

Frantinus, the leader of the military advisory group next to him, was reporting to him: "This time, 456 soldiers were selected from the 365 slaves assigned to us. After screening, the total number of soldiers in our escort team now reaches 687. So four Centuries were added.”

When Maximus heard this, he replied: "It's just as we thought in advance."

"Yes, thanks to our urgent preparations last night, we were able to quickly organize them into the team today and pull them out for training immediately," Frontilus said.

"Thanks to our military training and daily teaching for more than two months, we were able to select so many soldiers with good performance from the original brigade to serve as team officers. I hope they can seize this opportunity well. You can get better training in it so that you can be promoted to centurion, captain, or even legion commander in the future..." Maximus said with high spirits as he looked at the bustling training ground.

Although the members of the military advisory group have been in the supply camp for more than two months and are very familiar with each other, there are still a few people who feel that the prospect described by Maximus is just a fantasy, so someone asked: "No Do you know if the army we left camp today has encountered the Roman army? I don’t know how the battle is going?"

(End of this chapter)

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