edge of pure land.

Chapter 293: News about the Bad Woman

Chapter 293: News about the Bad Woman
Edinburgh, Scotland.

The classical manor is located on a lush mountain, surrounded by towering red pines. There is a clear freshwater lake in the forest, reflecting the clouds and sky like a mirror.

Although the appearance of the Tree of Life ushered in an era of global evolution, most cities on Earth did not actually have places of rebirth. These places were far away from extraordinary disputes, and there would be no life disasters or natural disasters. People's lives were not much different from five hundred years ago.

But sometimes there are exceptions.

A helicopter flew over the mountainside like a bird and landed on the manor's helipad. The old prophet, wearing a neat suit, jumped out of the cabin and said to his oncoming subordinates, "I'm going to see the leader. Please help me arrange it immediately and tell her that something big has happened."

The subordinate hurriedly informed him via walkie-talkie and took him to the golf course on the back mountain. He saw a white robe fluttering in the wind in the shade of green, with an aura like a fluttering battle flag.

She was a white-haired woman. The lines of her profile were as cold and hard as iron, her eyebrows were as sharp as swords, and her white dress fluttered in the wind, giving her a sinister aura.

Her eyes were so cold and sharp, her gaze fell on the very center of the golf course, where there was a slender and delicate figure, who seemed to be resting with her eyes closed by the lake.

The most surprising thing was that there were countless black knives hovering in the sky, crisscrossing and whistling like a rainstorm, cutting through the strong wind at will, and the sound of the wind was like a dragon's roar.


The leader put his hands behind his back, looked at the black knife hovering in her sky with satisfaction, and said lightly: "She has been in very good condition recently, and has now been promoted to the sixth realm of mercy. That near-death experience has given her great benefits. After a while, she can try to impact the seventh realm of rationality. The immortal body and the order factor are combined very well by her."

The old prophet sighed and said, "Our ancestors were right. This is the heir that fate has bestowed upon us. Although Medanzo is a dishonest liar, he is still good at times..."

The leader gave him a cold look.

The old prophet immediately shut up. As expected, even after so many years, the leader still could not forget the betrayal and still hated the man to this day.

"What I appreciate most is this child's hatred for the Akasha Holy Church."

The leader said calmly, "Since I learned that Lu Zhe and An Xian's child had broken out of his cocoon, I have repeatedly considered whether to kill him, but at that time the Red Tyrant was guarding him, so I couldn't act rashly. After all, the Red Tyrant was injured, but a lame lion is still a lion. He has always been able to forcibly advance to the kingdom realm. The Great Red Lotus Infernal Hell is one of the strongest kingdoms I have ever seen, and I must admit that I am no match for him."

The old prophet thankfully said, "Fortunately you didn't do anything."

The leader sneered and said, "Yes, I thought this was a big problem that could not be solved, but who would have thought that the Akasha Holy Church would help me so much. Only when the child died in the hands of the Akasha Holy Church could he show his due value."

Suddenly, the trembling sound of the blade was like the buzzing of a bee, the strong wind was torn apart by the unparalleled sharpness, the fierce wind pressure lifted the woman's hair, and her pupils reflected the endless light of the blade.

In an instant, countless black knives came whistling.

Finally it stopped in front of her.

A golden barrier suddenly appeared in front of the leader, offsetting the kinetic energy of the black knife. "When you reach the Ninth Crown Realm, you will probably try to kill me. But don't bother trying now. I'm not the murderer of your boyfriend. Why are you taking it out on me?"

She showed an extremely evil and sarcastic smile on her lips, and her voice echoed in the wind of the golf course: "Besides, it seems that he is not your boyfriend, right?"

The old man kept silent out of curiosity.

"Have I ever told you that you are really suitable to play the role of Nun Miejue?" As the girl's clear and gentle voice echoed in the wind, countless black knives retreated like the tide.

Chen Jing raised her eyes, a fierce holy light flashing in the depths of her pupils. She sat on the green ground and looked up at the clear sky, but her eyes seemed to have crossed the distant time and space and fell into the distance.

Half a month had passed since the incident at the starting point, and she had truly welcomed her new life. Except for the fact that her consciousness was temporarily unstable, she was fine now.

Especially since that near-death experience brought her great benefits, now she has the qualifications to become the strongest and can even pursue the path to becoming a monarch.

But...why not be happy?
Perhaps it was because she was not used to her new freedom, or maybe it was because the Scottish diet made her feel uncomfortable, or maybe it was because the people in the Tianren organization were as boring as a group of robots, always making her feel like she was living in a medieval temple.

The whole wheat bread was too dry, the salmon was a bit greasy, the pancakes were not authentic, and the afternoon coffee was a bit bitter. In short, there were many reasons, but they had nothing to do with that person's death.

Because she really couldn't imagine a world without that person.

He must be alive and well somewhere in the world.

As arrogant as ever.

As arrogant as ever.

The ends of the earth, the green trees and flowers, when Chen Jing really finds that place, he will be waiting for her there.

It is difficult to accept someone's departure.

Chen Jing chose to escape.

"he died."

The leader said in a deep voice: "That is the Sword of Omega."

Chen Jing turned around and glared at her coldly, his dark red hair messing up his beautiful eyes. He bit his delicate lips and said unhappily, "If you can't talk, you can shut up."

"Who can't talk? I saved you, passed on my legacy to you, and was sincere to you, but you turned around and said I was Nun Miejue? Are you Zhou Zhiruo? You are not. You are a love-brained person. You are at most a Zhao Min. As the former young master of Babel Tower, your style of doing things is too soft. If you were as ruthless as Zhou Zhiruo, I would wake up laughing in my dreams."

The leader saw the holy light flashing under her snow-white skin again, and worried that her consciousness would go out of control again, so he changed the subject: "But I am very satisfied with you for these actions against the Akashic Holy Church. I hope that when you are promoted to the ninth realm, you can go and kill Yuan Ze first."

Chen Jing had no idea who that was and wasn't interested.

There is only one man in her world.

"Being in love is not a good thing, especially when he is the heir chosen by Medanzo. Even if he only learns half of Medanzo's essence, he is still a scumbag. Even if he survives, what will happen? Will he definitely choose you? Don't forget who your competitor is."

The leader sneered and said, "If you were really dead, she couldn't beat you. But if you are alive, how can you beat her? If Lu Zhe and An Xian's child is still alive, when he becomes more famous, I will organize an official vote. See whether the world supports you or her?" Chen Jing stopped talking.

The old prophet hurriedly tried to smooth things over and said, "Miss, here comes the opportunity. There is a civil strife within the Supreme Federation. This is a golden opportunity. Our next stop is Egypt."

The leader's eyes became sharp, and he said seriously: "The Supreme Federation is now controlling the branches of the Akasha Holy Church around the world, but the Holy High Priest is sitting on the sidelines. We must take this opportunity to take down the Cairo branch. Because in three days, there will be great turmoil in the third site, and the Corrupted Death God will usher in an unprecedented disintegration..."

Chen Jing turned around, her deep red hair fluttering in the wind, as if dancing. She tilted her snow-white, delicate neck and stared into the distance: "So what?"

The old prophet explained: "This is because Medanzo severely damaged the Corrupted Death God. The Corrupted Death God had no choice but to complete the reconstruction. At that time, the third site will also undergo changes and a large number of ghost skeletons will be born. As soon as the news is released, evolvers from all over the world will flock to fight for the ghost skeletons, hunt down the third evolutionary chain of white walkers, and search for the Book of Truth."

"This will be a global event, and we need to take this opportunity to expand the power of our organization. At present, all of us in the Tianren Organization are usurpers without exception. We control the power of the sacred tree, which is the alien magic called the Order Factor. Only you, Miss, are an exception. You are an extremely rare double alien magic owner in the world... But this is not enough."

He paused and said, "We still need to become stronger in order to complete our revenge five hundred years from now. Of course, there is another more important reason."

The leader showed a wistful smile and whispered, "The Corrupted Death God took away the Watcher's Lighthouse. That's a good thing..."

She changed the subject and said calmly, "As long as we control Egypt, the Akashic Church will not sit idly by. We respect the sacrifices and contributions of the human watch army, but the Akashic Church is not only my enemy, but also your enemy, right?"

The wind was howling violently.

Chen Jing gathered up her messy red hair, and her black dress fluttered in the wind. Her soft voice had a hint of coldness in it: "When is the flight?"

The leader smiled with satisfaction: "Tonight."

In the evening, Lu Buer went home, took a shower, washed away all his fatigue, and changed into a clean pair of pajamas. It must be said that his current ability is very strong. After experiencing a series of bloody battles, he recovered to full condition in less than a day.

He doesn't need to worry about recovering from injuries or hidden diseases.

If any other evolver had done this, he would have been ruined long ago.

And he could still count the spoils in the living room in high spirits.

This battle in the Ruins of Time was fruitful, mainly because we got a lot of spoils from Sasha and Elder, among which two were the most valuable.

The first is the Sacred Horn.

This is the most valuable thing, and it is said to be a divine weapon that can control and influence all possessors of divine power. However, the specific principle is still unknown and needs to be studied.

The sad thing is that this thing attacks indiscriminately.

It works on the enemy and on yourself as well.

"At present, we have not found a good way to resist this thing. It is not only effective against the Holy High Priests, but also against us usurpers. The only way is to disperse the divine power. We can target the Holy High Priests other than Madam, so let's play with it for now."

Lu Buer put down the sacred horn and picked up the second thing.

This is a box of wooden bullets with intricate patterns carved on the bullet heads. There is a faint flickering holy light, and just by touching it, one can feel a strong burning sensation.

The scientific name of this thing is the God Cinder Bomb. When the Akashian Holy Cult shot the bad woman at the starting point, it used this kind of bullet, but there are some differences.

The principle of the God Cinder Bomb seems to be that it can destroy all substances that contain divine power. Once hit, it will dissolve like a vampire exposed to the sun. The Omega Sword has the same function, but it is more powerful and can be aimed and launched at ultra-long distances.

However, the normal state of the God Cinder Bomb and the Omega Sword has no effect on people who possess the Omega Core, unless they are modified versions.

But that kind of transformation is extremely costly.

Even the Akashic Church cannot mass-produce it.

Lu Buer could vaguely feel that these divine ash bombs contained some strange divine power structure, which vaguely gave him a wonderful inspiration.

In the battle in the Ruins of Time, Lu Fuji was also pierced by the Omega Sword, but that was only a version specifically used against Usurpers and did not cause any substantial harm to him.

On the contrary, after he absorbed and released that power, he seemed to have a vague understanding of its structure, and one day he might be able to reproduce it without the help of external objects.

Lu Buer silently clenched the bullet, recalling the scene at the starting point. His heart began to ache again and he leaned on the sofa a little tiredly.

Orange jumped over from the coffee table and meowed at him.

Lu Bu Er patted its head and said softly, "How about I take you to see Grandma tomorrow? We probably have a few days' vacation before we go to Egypt to deal with the Corrupted Death."

Of course Orange didn't understand what he was saying, and he licked his paws leisurely on his leg. After all, he was just a cat, and he didn't care where his owner went.

Lu Buer stood up, took out the encrypted communicator he used before, carefully hid it in the bedside table, and then made a phone call.

"Xiaolu, don't worry. The office is ready. It's in the building next to your community. I've bought the whole building for him. It can be used as a base for secret activities after a simple renovation. Oh my god, I didn't expect that I would have the honor of participating in such a high-end special attack activity in my lifetime. If I become an evolver, can I join in?"

Lao Zhang sounded very excited on the phone.

It was as if he had become Agent 007.

"Why do you still want to be a spy when you're already a boss? I don't even have a normal identity right now. I'm still a dead man in the eyes of the law!"

Lu Buer was speechless: "Just take care of your daughter and help me settle Yuan Qing and Ai Yue. It's not safe to live in a hotel all the time. Oh, by the way, have you got the fake identities for Egypt? I need five in total, don't make any mistakes... I have to go out."

He muttered, "My wife is waiting for me at home."

(End of this chapter)

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