edge of pure land.

Chapter 294 Lies and Truth

Chapter 294 Lies and Truth

After Lu Buer hung up the phone, he took the elevator to the underground garage, walked straight to the dark red Porsche, pressed the car key skillfully and got in.

To be on the safe side, he also found the fake driver's license he had just issued yesterday from under the car seat. After all, there were many drunk driving checks in this coastal area. It would be troublesome if he was found to have no ID. In more serious cases, it might attract the attention of senior federal officials.

After all, as a defector from the military, especially after experiencing the events at the Starting Point and now mastering two kinds of White Walker magic, he must be sent to the headquarters for interrogation and investigation.

Once his two core permissions are exposed, everything will be over.

After all, the Federation is too large. To put it bluntly, it is a collection of countless evolutionary forces that are violently suppressed by the Holy Monarch System. It is not surprising that any kind of trouble will occur.

Just look at what the United Nations was like five hundred years ago and you’ll understand.

Nowadays, as the whole nation evolves, all kinds of monsters and demons emerge, and there are too many uncertain information factors. According to the law of increasing entropy, the world will only become more and more chaotic.

This is also one of the core reasons why Medanzo does not play with the Federation.

Boss Lu is now in a state of true social death. All his identity documents have been revoked as if he were dead. Even if someone knows he is still alive, it is useless. His current state is more suitable for being a non-existent ghost, wandering on the boundary between darkness and light.

He drove along the long, brightly lit street. The dim lights on the street changed crisscrossly, and the light and shadows were reflected on the windshield, making the night blurry.

It was already late at night when we arrived at Lianhuajia Luoshui Community.

"You're really getting more and more capable. You drive the car that another woman gave you to pick me up. " Lianhua had already dressed up and was waiting at the gate of the community. As soon as she got in the car, she started to speak in a sarcastic tone.

She always has no makeup on but is breathtakingly beautiful. She wears a black corseted dress, like a lotus bud about to bloom. When she walks on high heels, she has the grace and composure of a swan, with a hint of desire.

"Is Xiaoxian asleep?"

Lu Buer knew he was in the wrong and could only change the subject.


Lianhua sat in the passenger seat, her black hair like a waterfall scattered on her snow-white skin, her voice was cold and clear: "The car is nice, the house is also very good, no wonder you didn't go home these two days."

"It's mainly because I have a cat to feed at home... Well, isn't it because I'm afraid that you'll be angry and don't want to see me?" Lu Buer's eyes twitched slightly. Having a girlfriend who can read minds is really a headache. She always knows every little thought in your mind.

"Why should I be angry? Isn't it a good thing that she likes you? I would do the same as you did. I can't bear to see her die like this. Even now... I really hope she can come back to life." Lianhua glanced at him, her eyes still clear and cold.


"Because it's hard for a living person to defeat a dead person."

Lu Bu Er was driving the car and felt a little overwhelmed: "Is that so?"

Lianhua lowered her head and polished her clean and beautiful nails, and said intentionally or unintentionally: "And if she is still alive, when I am gone one day, I will feel relieved to have her take care of you."

Lu Buer frowned slightly: "What did you say?"

Lianhua raised her head and smiled: "Just kidding."

Lu Buer rarely saw this woman smile. Ever since she got rid of the shackles of the Holy High Priest, she became more and more lively. That kind of beauty rarely seen in the world was also released, just like the dark blue sea water after the glaciers melted, revealing a mysterious and profound beauty.

There are many reasons why Lianhua is not angry. In addition to gaining the most precious freedom in her life, she is also happy to be recognized by her parents in the Ruins of Time.

In the Ruins of Time, the two of them confirmed one thing.

That is Lu Zhe and An Xian, who seem to be able to see the future.

No one knew what kind of power that was, but it allowed the couple to travel through five hundred years of time and see their unfortunate son who had grown up and the cabbages he had gotten.

It's amazing.

After five hundred years of global evolution, humans have only touched the edge of the civilization of the gods, and there are too many unsolved mysteries that cannot find reasonable explanations.

Especially the death of the couple, they didn't even leave any bodies behind, but turned into crystal light particles in the sky and disappeared. This is very intriguing.

"Your parents have strong predictive abilities. They have predicted many systems of future evolvers, and even seem to have cooperated with Medanzo. This is very strange, just like someone suddenly telling you that Qin Shihuang and Tang Taizong once conspired to protect Ming Chengzu..."

Lianhua looked suspicious and fell into deep thought.

"Why waste time on this? Just go ask him directly."

Lu Bu Er shrugged: "If he doesn't answer, I won't give him any mana."

The Porsche stopped at the door of an old BJ Copper Hotpot restaurant on the side of the road. Through a transparent glass, one could see Medanzo and Yin Mai sitting opposite each other and eating hotpot.

Since Lianhua got rid of the shackles of the Holy High Priest, her appetite has recovered a lot. After entering the door, she took a quick look and complained, "Why is there no spicy hot pot?"

Lu Buer knew that she was a girl from Sichuan, so he asked the waiter to change the clear soup to spicy soup, and turned around and said, "Can you two eat spicy food? If not, let's switch to a double-flavored hotpot."

Medanzo burped and said, "I'm full. Please do as you please."

Yin Mai was so absorbed in showing off that he had no time to talk. After returning to modern civilization, he had lost interest in everything except eating.

Come to think of it, those overseas Chinese can't stand studying abroad for a year or two, and they burst into tears when they see the delicious food from their hometown after returning home. And this old man has been Robinson Crusoe on a desert island for hundreds of years, so he will definitely overeat after returning to society.

"Let's get down to business."

While waiting for the food, Medanzo drank beer and leaned back on his chair and said comfortably: "The Pope has been sent to the prison at the headquarters for interrogation... I don't trust those guys from the Federation, so I blew up his brain and let Professor Yin read part of his thoughts."

Yin Mae ate shabu-shabu and said vaguely, "It's too difficult to steal the memory of an evolver of Qi Xian's level. Medanzo's methods were too brutal, and I only captured some fragments. Most of what he said was true, but he lied about the divine intelligence body having consciousness, but I don't know which specific sentence he lied about."

He added: "Of course, I have deleted the memory of Lu Buer in Qi Xian's mind, and no one will get any results if they interrogate him. The only thing that makes me uneasy is that when Qi Xian was arrested, I felt that he was smiling. It was a very strange smile... It was fleeting, but it was inexplicably terrifying."

Lianhua looked at the old man carefully. When she thought that he was a member of the scientific expedition team of the divine civilization five hundred years ago, she couldn't help feeling a little surprised, as if she had seen a living fossil.

Lu Bu Er frowned slightly: "What is the reaction of the Akasha Holy Church?"

Lianhua shook her head and said, "No response."

Lu Bu Er was stunned: "Ah?"

When Lianhua saw the spicy hot pot and beef and mutton being served, she picked up the tongs and started to fry the meat: "If you were a high-ranking official of the Akasha Holy Church, and the nuclear weapons you created had spirits, could resist all orders, and beat up your elected representatives, what would you think?"

Lu Buer thought for a moment and said, "This is too damn embarrassing. We must block the news as much as possible, make some compromises, and finally lie dormant. During this period, we must use all our relationships and resources to mediate, avoid power being hollowed out, and look for opportunities to turn the tables."

"Yes, that's it."

Medanzo spread his hands and smiled. "Before regaining power, the Akasha Holy Church will not do anything, so this is a rare opportunity. The third site in Egypt is about to undergo a mutation, and the body of the corrupted god of death will collapse on its own. Evolvers from all over the world will flock to steal the power of the alien magic. If this matter can be resolved without the power of the Akasha Holy Church, then the prestige of the church will plummet, and the human rights faction will regain power."

After hearing this, Lu Buer finally raised his eyes to look at the man and asked with a hint of seriousness: "What about you? What is your position, Medanzo?"

Medanzo pointed at himself and said, "What position do I have? I am just a centenarian abandoned by the world. I don't have any desires anymore. Of course, I will do whatever the boss tells me to do. I just want to restore my strength. This feeling of weakness makes me a little uncomfortable."

Lu Buer suddenly grabbed his right hand, and lightning exploded between his fingers.

Medanzo watched him quietly, unharmed.

"Immortal body." Lu Buer stared at him and said seriously, "I should have thought of it earlier. If there was no great benefit, how could you risk your life to enter the Holy Mountain? You not only stole the power of Omega, but also the power of Alpha. You hid it very well. What Constantine couldn't do at the beginning, you did. Your ambition is bigger than his."

Medanzo was silent for a second, lowered his head and drank silently, and when he raised his head, he was still smiling: "Well, I do have an immortal body, and I have mastered the Order Factor. Oh, the so-called Order Factor is the name of the alien magic from the Tree of Life. Omega is a man-made god. Although he is also a god, he is somewhat special. If you want to integrate alien magic, you don't need ghost bones and the Book of Truth. And this alien magic strengthens your genes."

Lu Buer thought of something: "So my parents also have this power, because this is a special kind of alien magic, and it is also the only system they could master in their time."

Lianhua hummed, "The power of the Tree of Life does not need to be integrated with numerology. The existence of the Holy High Priest is a good example. This is also the reason why we are not good at fighting. Theoretically, those of you who have mastered the Order Factor are more creative in combat. It is even slightly different from the six major factions we control."

Medanzo didn't hide anything at this point, and said calmly: "I was supposed to be the one who was about to be crowned the Holy Monarch, but I disappeared from the public eye for more than a year. During that time, I actually felt a little uneasy."

Lianhua raised her beautiful eyes.

Lu Buer was also slightly stunned.

"I am the smartest person in the world. It is not a good thing to crown a Holy Monarch. Because what the Holy Monarch wants to do is actually... suppress the Tree of Life."

Medanzo said disdainfully: "Preventing the Tree of Life from developing self-awareness is like creating a robot. You have to be on guard every day against it suddenly awakening and strangling you to death. Every generation of divine monarchs must use their own kingdoms to restrict the Tree of Life. Not only to prevent the Tree of Life from developing self-awareness, but also to curb its power."

Lu Bu Er understood: "Is this to guard against the Akashic Holy Religion?"

Medanzo hummed, "Yes, that's why all the Holy Monarchs of all generations have short lives. According to their life span, living for 500 years is not a problem. So, the greatness of the Holy Monarchs is really multifaceted... They are really willing to sacrifice themselves for the world."

He pointed at himself: "But I don't want to."

In his opinion, sacrificing oneself for the world is a stupid thing to do.

Why should others enjoy themselves while I die?

And there aren't many people in this world worth saving.

Maybe after Medanzo really dies to save the world, there will still be keyboard warriors on the Internet who will criticize and scold him, so in his opinion this matter is nonsense.

"That was the year I broke a taboo."

Medanzo smiled and said, "As the Archbishop of the Akasha Holy Church, I found the hostile Celestial Organization and then discovered the Order Factor, a strange magic. How could I not have that kind of magical power? I was originally worrying about which strange magic to integrate, and just then, a suitable power came to my door. So I used some tricks to steal the technology from them."

He cleared his throat. "But it also offended them to death."

There was silence at the table.

"I admit that this was my mistake. Because at that time, I didn't expect that a person could possess two different alien magics. Otherwise, I would definitely not offend the Celestial Beings to death, but would want to get the Holy Word and then offend them to death. Of course, these two alien magics are limited to Alpha and Omega. The reason why I discovered this secret is that after my observation, I found that the ancestors of the Celestial Beings organization possessed a more advanced power."

Medanzo shrugged and said, "As both are Order Factors, his alien magic is more powerful. How can I tolerate this? How can the alien magic I master be a low-end version? So in order to steal his secrets, I used some tricks and learned the truth from his heir."

He gestured and explained, "The Tree of Life lost its core, and its instinct allowed it to condense a new one. The problem is that it can't. Over the past tens of millions of years, it has only condensed two cores, but neither can replace the real core. The first core was stolen by the ancestors of the Celestial Organization."

Lu Buer suddenly realized: "The core of the second condensation was at the North Pole, but you stole it. When you knew there was a second God-created core, you should have been ecstatic."

Medanzo smiled slightly: "You know me too well. When I learned the truth, I went directly to the North Pole. Who would use a low-end one when there is a high-end one? It was at that time that I met your parents in the Ruins of Time in the Arctic. How should I put it? That Ruins of Time seemed a little different. I could talk to your parents directly. It was from your parents that I learned that I could master both Alpha and Omega alien arts at the same time."

Lu Fuji was surprised.

But what Medanzo said next was even more shocking: "No, according to my later speculation, I must have traveled through time and space and arrived directly five hundred years ago... That time ruins was really strange. I didn't remember anything after I left there. It took me many years to slowly recall the truth. Otherwise, I would have discovered Constantine's abnormality a long time ago."

He reminded, "Your parents called that Ruins of Time the origin of everything. It was also the place where they found the Seed of the Gods and the Alpha Core. It was from then on that your parents were targeted by the Corrupted Death God, which directly led to the tragedy on the highway. The Pope may know what happened, but he deleted his memory."

Yin Ma also reminded: "When we first entered the North Pole, I was responsible for dealing with the Celestial Organization and was not present. The Pope does know something, but it is difficult to get the truth out of him. And I must say one thing, the Pope knows who betrayed your parents, but that memory has also been deleted, which means he is covering for someone."

Lu Buer fell into deep thought: "Is the Pope protecting someone?"

He turned to look.

Lianhua was concentrating on preparing the condiments and shook her head to indicate that she didn't know either. She picked up the hot pot meat and took a bite, revealing a satisfied expression.

Lu Buer withdrew his gaze.

Lianhua breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

In fact, she already had a guess about the answer to this question.

But she couldn't say.

Lianhua guessed who the Pope was protecting.

I also guessed which statement the Pope lied about.

The reason why Lianhua was able to guess this was because of the face she saw deep in her consciousness when the young man beside her was inputting the Creator's instructions to her.

That's Omega's face.

She had seen that face before.

Cairo, Egypt.

The Red Sea is calm tonight, with schools of fish surging on the dark sea. A cargo ship fully loaded with cargo is approaching from afar, as if smashing the night into pieces.

The crew member who got up for the night just wanted to go to the deck to get some fresh air when he heard the sound of someone vomiting. Thinking that someone might be seasick, he wanted to go over to help.

But at this moment, I saw the most horrifying scene in my life.

The man in the colorful shroud was leaning over the railing and vomiting, but what he vomited out was a dark substance with a strong smell of decay, as well as disgusting maggots and butterflies emerging from their cocoons.

He raised his head, revealing his rotten and weird face.

The crew member's eyes went dark and he fainted on the ground.

"Friendship is the most unreliable thing in this world. We've been good friends for so many years, but just because I'm a god, you beat me up so badly."

Gong Yu murmured softly: "It's about to disintegrate."

Next to him was a golden coffin, shining brightly in the dark night. In this country, it was inevitable that people would think that the person sleeping in the coffin was a mummy made of a pharaoh from a certain dynasty.

But what is even more terrifying is...

There is breathing and heartbeat in the coffin.

"In order to rescue you, I have put so much effort into it over the years. I have done so many things for you and killed so many people. I have finally repaid your kindness in releasing me, right?" Gong Yu stroked the golden coffin as if he was caressing his lover.

His voice was so gentle and nostalgic.

So sad again.

"I know, we are brother and sister."

Facing the wind from the Red Sea, Gong Yu lay on the golden coffin, listening to the breathing and heartbeat inside the coffin, and whispered, "Those people are coming to kill us. We will be together forever."

(End of this chapter)

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