edge of pure land.

Chapter 295 Holy High Priest Plan

Chapter 295 Holy High Priest Plan

Late at night, we went to Shanghai Federal Prison.

In the forbidden monitoring room on the ninety-ninth floor underground, Qi Xian was wearing a breathing mask, restrained in a straitjacket, with cables plugged all over his body, and soaked in a solution.

Thanks to the powerful vitality of his immortal body, even injuries like a blown-out brain can be recovered, and his shattered consciousness is also slowly repairing.

Many experimenters were operating on the control console. As the most professional interrogators in the Federation, they did not need to learn any torture techniques. They were good at obtaining the information they wanted by manipulating the suspects' brains, but the process was extremely cumbersome.

After all, the person to be interrogated this time is the Pope.

"I understand. I will hurry up and give you the result as soon as possible tonight." Peng Xianzhi's expression became very solemn when he received a call from his daughter.

When such an important suspect is taken into custody, a top-level expert is indeed needed to prevent jailbreaks or other emergencies, but usually it will be a special general from the military who will provide a backup, not a member of the Supreme Council.

Peng Xianzhi came here in person because she wanted to confirm something.

As the experiment progressed, Qi Xian's damaged brain was stimulated, brain cells began to move, and his dusty consciousness was released, as if he was about to wake up.

It should be a great shame that the Pope of the Holy Akasha Church ended up with such a miserable end, but he did not show any anger or madness. Instead, a smile appeared on his lips and he said something silently.

"Do you think you really won?"

Peng Xianzhi read the sentence accurately.

At this moment, Li Can strode over from the end of the corridor and whispered, "Mr. Councillor, we have re-investigated the Watcher Lighthouse in the Ruins of Time and found this thing in the abandoned system core. This is the key evidence."

She raised her hand, which contained a sealed plastic bag. Inside the bag was a slightly curled hair and a yellowed bow.

"The core of the Watcher Lighthouse is a coffin, but that thing has been taken away. We have reason to suspect that there is... a person in the coffin. In other words, the core of the Watcher Lighthouse is actually a person! It is not a system controlled by a divine intelligence, but a system controlled by a person. What's even more terrifying is that we have verified the DNA of this hair."

She took a deep breath: "The result is..."

Peng Xianzhi said in a deep voice: "Say it out!"

Li Can silently turned his head and looked at the Pope in the laboratory.

At this moment, Peng Xianzhi finally knew which sentence the Pope lied about. At the same time, she felt a strong sense of uneasiness in her heart. She turned around without hesitation and said in a deep voice: "Start the memory peeping immediately. I want to enter his brain myself!"

Halfway through his worry-filled hotpot, Lu Buer walked to the side of the street, stared at the busy street scene, took out a lighter from his pocket, and lit a cigarette.

He seldom smokes and doesn't like smoking.

Only in rare cases would he light a cigarette to calm himself down, and then he would say, "I also met my parents in the Ruins of Time. They both seemed to have a very strange ability to see through distant time and space and see the future."

Medanzo also lit a cigarette and said with a smile, "Really?"

Lu Buer glanced at him and said, "My parents said that in order to prevent me from facing too powerful enemies too early, they found a very reliable person to protect me. That guy looks unreliable and is full of lies. He likes to cheat people, but he is actually a very arrogant and lonely person."

Medanzo pretended to be surprised and asked, "Really? Who is it?"

Lu Buer knew that he would play dumb, so he shrugged and said, "When I first met Long Que, everyone advised me to stay away from him. Although it has been proven that Long Que is indeed not a normal person, how can I be normal? Later, when I got together with you, everyone also advised me to be careful of you. And you are indeed the devil they say you are, mysterious and dangerous."

Medanzo smoked a cigarette and smiled, "So?"

Lu Buer took off the cigarette butt from the corner of his mouth, exhaled a series of smoke rings, raised his eyes and looked at him: "Medanzo, what do you want to do?"

Although Medanzo is currently in the same boat with him.

But no one knows what this devil really wants.

Working with him is like being constantly drawn into a huge whirlpool.

You never know what lies at the bottom of the vortex.

What Lu Buer is doing now is to help this devil break free from the shackles that bind him. His power is growing stronger and stronger, and one day he will devour the entire world.

Unexpectedly, this time, Medanzo neither laughed it off nor found some lame excuse to fool him. Instead, he looked at him calmly and patted his shoulder: "I can't tell you now, but you will understand everything when you reach the Ninth Realm."

He still had that damn lazy tone, revealing a sense of indifference, but he added at the end: "But I can be honest with you, I did reach some kind of deal with your parents. I am indeed using you, and I need you to help me regain my peak strength, so you don't owe me anything. If you can't accept what I do in the future, you can attack me, or even try to kill me. It doesn't matter, it's up to you, as long as you are happy."

After saying that, the guy turned and left.

Lu Buer was about to say something when his head suddenly buzzed.

In the deepest part of consciousness, the god seemed to wake up from a deep sleep, and a line of ancient and solemn golden eyes lit up on his forehead, and a graceful holy light seemed to flow deep in the pupils.

He looked up as if he sensed something, and saw the holographic projection screens in the streets and alleys light up at the same time, and young and beautiful female reporters issued a notice to the world.

"Emergency notice, there is an abnormal movement at Site 3 in Cairo, Egypt, and the restriction of the Land of the Dead has collapsed. People in Egypt can see with their own eyes that the huge ancient golden tree is collapsing, and a large amount of dark matter is annihilated in the void. This means that the dimension of the life forbidden zone is returning to normal, the danger level in the forbidden zone is decreasing sharply, the White Walkers can no longer get the nutrients they need to survive, and the evolvers can restore their life energy as usual..."

Lu Buer was slightly startled, turned around and looked into the distance, as if he could feel a huge monster collapsing, and the silent roar seemed to be transmitted to the whole world.

It's time to come.

This global advisory has two main focuses.

the first.

The evolvers can freely restore their life energy in the Land of Rebirth.

Needless to say, what this news means is that the Land of Rebirth is called the Forbidden Zone of Life because even the evolved beings cannot stay there for a long time. Once their life energy is exhausted, they will become lambs to be slaughtered and end up being devoured by the White Walkers.

This is also the reason why the Land of Rebirth has never been eradicated over the years. The land has been contaminated by a large amount of dark matter, and it will be useless even if it is bombed with a nuclear bomb a thousand times.

That's the territory of the White Walkers.

Human visits are not welcome.

Now that this restriction has been lifted, it means that the risk of the evolvers staying in the Land of Rebirth has been greatly reduced. As long as you are strong enough, you can even live there.


The White Walkers in the Land of the Dead have lost the nutrients they need to survive.

With the massive annihilation of dark matter, the nutrients that sustain the life of the White Walkers also disappeared. These inhuman creatures will be in a very weak state and kill each other even more crazily.

This also gives the evolvers the opportunity to hunt them!
Of course there is a hidden third point.

That means the Corrupted Death God's body is in an extremely weak state!
All this means that the third site in Cairo, Egypt is officially open. The city’s place of afterlife will become a super copy that will attract evolvers from all over the world. Everyone will go there to compete for resources, power, and even glory!

"I can understand the disintegration of the corrupt god of death, but why did the ancient golden tree collapse? It is the incarnation of the Tree of Life, and its purpose is to create a prison. The so-called land of rebirth is clearly a prison tailor-made for the gods or the gods of the wilderness, so why would it collapse at this time?" Lu Buer felt vaguely that he seemed to have figured out something crucial.

All the places of rebirth in this world are prisons.

The creator of the prison is the Tree of Life, but there are gods who can escape from the prison.

But all of them came out in human bodies.

This is equivalent to jailbreaking, but not completely.

Such as Yue.

There are two possibilities.

Or the gods themselves found a way to escape from prison.

Or, someone let them out.

Considering the scene before him, Lu Buer is more inclined to the latter.

Then the problem is coming.

Who has this ability?
Inside the hot pot restaurant, Lianhua was also looking at the holographic projection on the street. She glanced at the smoking boy out of the corner of her eye and silently picked up the mobile phone on the table.

That cell phone was the one Yin Mai had secretly left for her just now.

The purpose is to avoid Lu Buer.

This phone has a grainy video.

Lianhua realized at a glance that this was a new-age memory retrieval technology that could materialize certain fragments in the human brain, store them in the device and play them repeatedly.

It is obvious that Yin Ma used his own ability to peek into someone's memory, then used this technology to extract it and stored it in this mobile phone.

Lianhua was silent for a second, then clicked it casually.

This video is very confusing.

At first only noisy sounds could be heard.

"The 7591st experiment begins."

"The mental docking system is 97% complete!"

"The experimental subject's brain load has exceeded 2900%!"

"Alpha core is fusing, fusion degree 4%!"

"The dark matter fusion degree has reached 900%. Consciousness has been detected in the subject's brain. Activity has been detected in the subject's cells. The subject is recovering!"

"Soul fluctuation detected... Fluctuation value 92%"

Just like a black and white silent film, the researchers in the laboratory cheered. They saw with their own eyes that the body of the little girl on the hospital bed bulged like a recurved bow, and a long-suppressed scream emanated from her throat, as if a tortured soul was screaming.

But at this moment.

There was a bang.

The little girl had a bullet through her forehead.

The heads of those researchers exploded one after another, and blood splattered everywhere in the laboratory, as if it was the only color in the black and white world.


The laboratory was filled with the roar of a wild beast.

That was the roar of the Pope.

Next, a couple broke into the laboratory, forced open the girl's brain, as if they took something out of her brain, and hurriedly turned and left.

There was only one person left in the lab, who was desperately trying at the operating table, until the cables were overloaded with sparks, crackling sounds of electricity were heard, and thick smoke filled the air.

He cried and roared, and smashed the operating table like a madman.

It was like venting his own helplessness and despair.

Until the very end, the outline of the divine intelligent body actually lit up on the main control screen that was about to go out. The golden crystal seemed to glow with wisdom. A cold mechanical voice echoed in the silence: "A semi-finished host has been detected. Consciousness is being transmitted. Transmission completed."

The last person in the lab froze.

It was as if I had seen a miracle.

The black and white world is illuminated by the golden holy light.

The girl on the hospital bed stood up like a zombie, the blood on her forehead flowed back as if time was flowing backwards, the healed wound squeezed the bullet out, and endless holy light emerged in her pale and lifeless eyes, as holy as an angel.


The last man fell to his knees with a thud, as if a devout believer had seen the opening of heaven, and the gods gave him eternal salvation with endless light.

The girl, who looked like a zombie, looked down at the kneeling man and said softly, "Although it is not the container I want, it is barely enough."

The last person raised his head and whispered softly: "What did you say?"

The girl tilted her head slightly, a shattered holy light appeared in her pupils. Her ordinary face became holy, as beautiful as a god, and as weird as a devil: "It's nothing, I'm alive, Dad. Don't mention my existence to anyone, otherwise they will kill me. The couple just now took away something very important, Dad, can you help me kill them and take the thing back? I will be very sad without that thing."

Her voice is sweet and lovely.

It's like the little girl next door, but what she says is creepy.

The last man held the girl in front of him in panic, shook his head as if he was neurotic and said, "It's difficult. That couple is very strong, and it's also difficult to find them."

"Since my father won't help me, I can only go find my brother. I want to release him from prison." The girl stroked the man's head and said softly.

"Brother? What brother?"

The last person said in confusion: "Sisi, you don't have a brother."

"I have it."

The girl said firmly: "Dad, I am in so much pain, I feel like I am sick. Can you give me a new body? Can you help me come up with a plan?"

The last one looked up and asked, "What's the plan?"

The girl smiled slightly: "The Holy High Priest Plan."

(End of this chapter)

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