edge of pure land.

Chapter 317: Good performance last night

Chapter 317: Good performance last night
At noon the next day, Lu Buer was awakened by the roar of the Quinjet. When he opened his eyes, he was almost blinded by the scorching sun outside the window, and the pillow was already empty.

He didn't find it strange.

Because I didn't go to bed until five in the morning last night.

"I used to look down on those tyrants who were addicted to beauty in TV dramas and novels, but I didn't expect that when it came to me, I would find out that they really can't control themselves." He yawned and got up. There were scattered clothes beside the bed. The black underwear straps of his white pajamas were vaguely visible, and there were also plaid shirts and linings scattered on the bed. They were obviously what the woman had left over when she got up early to change clothes.

They had originally agreed to just sleep, but Boss Lu could not resist the temptation of beauty, resulting in his wife not being able to sleep well that night. After dawn, she bit him and ran away.

Otherwise, with her personality, these clothes would definitely be kept neatly put away.

Iceberg beauties can also be cute.

Although Lu Buer had already maxed out his wife's favorability, his intimacy was still a little lacking. Fortunately, he made a major breakthrough last night, which was cause for celebration.

He got out of bed, changed his clothes, and helped her tidy up the scattered clothes. He inadvertently recalled what happened last night, and his heart was restless again.

This woman has a really good figure.

Just at this moment, Lu Buer found the note on the bedside table.

“Excellent service last night.”

There was a hundred dollars behind it.

The lady is quite strong-willed.

Although she was very embarrassed by the invasion last night, she was still the cool and arrogant lady when she woke up in the morning. She wanted to emphasize that she was not bullied, but enjoyed the service of her younger boyfriend.

"Okay, I look forward to seeing you next time."

Lu Buer muttered to himself, turned around and pushed the door.

In the living room, Lu Sixian was eating breakfast. There was no expression on her icy face. She just raised her eyes and glanced at him: "Brother looks very happy."

Lu Buer sat on the sofa, took a bite of bread, and asked, "Is it so obvious? How did you sleep last night? Did you hear any strange noises?"

Lu Sixian looked at him with a sad look and said calmly, "I didn't sleep all night and I heard all the noises you made. Although I can understand the private things between lovers, I can't understand...Brother, why do you want your sister-in-law to call you brother?"

She asked doubtfully, "I am your sister."

Lu Buer just took a sip of water and almost choked to death.

"Were you eavesdropping?"

"You guys made too much noise."

"Little kid, don't ask so many questions. Just eat your meal."


Lu Sixian lowered her head and drank her porridge. After a moment, she seemed to remember something and suddenly raised her head and said, "So you won't talk about the prophecy anymore?"

Lu Buer immediately became serious: "I still have to say this."

A mischievous smile flashed across Lu Sixian's pale eyes, and it was so fleeting that it seemed as if it had never appeared. "Sister-in-law's previous premonition was correct. I also dreamed that this city seemed to be shrouded in a shadow. In my dream, I could hear the wailing of the dead, and there was a power that made me extremely scared. The matter of the third site may not be that simple."

Lu Buer stared into the girl's eyes, but what he was thinking about was the origin of the ability she possessed. If their current speculation was correct, then the witch should have been an extremely special container prepared by the gods for themselves in ancient times.

Not in the form of a human body.

But it exists in another special form.

But no one knows what the witch is used for in the end.

The abilities that Lu Sixian currently possesses are extremely special.

It's so special that it makes people feel a little scared.

"I see."

Lu Buer stroked her head like he was petting a cat: "I will figure this out as soon as possible and find a way to get rid of this ability. If I can't get you to give up this ability, then I will make the world peaceful as soon as possible so that you won't have nightmares."

Lu Sixian lowered her head and drank her porridge without saying a word, but a hint of tenderness flashed in her lowered eyes. This is why she would follow her brother wholeheartedly.

Others covet her abilities.

Want to use her as a tool.

However, Lu Buer seldom asks her about the future. Instead, he is determined to help her become an ordinary person without any abilities and live a normal life.

The most amazing thing is that Lu Sixian never considered whether she would be abandoned as waste after losing her abilities, because her brother gave her enough sense of security.

Of course, there was a reason why Lu Buer usually didn't ask her about her future. It was mainly because he didn't believe in any predetermined fate in the world. Therefore, he would only ask her when she had frequent nightmares. After all, this girl was already ill, so it would be a waste not to ask. "Regarding the risk of promotion, strictly speaking, the mortality rate is 98.6%, and the probability of survival is less than 3%, so you have to be extra careful, brother. Just like my sister-in-law said, your body can no longer support it. Especially the Divine Ashes Technique, that kind of power puts a great burden on your body, so everyone hopes that you will not participate in this mission."

Lu Sixian said seriously: "Just stay in the hotel and rest."

Lu Fuji fell silent.

It seems that the reason why Lianhua slept in the same bed with him last night was more or less to make him happy, and she just hoped that he would stay there obediently.

I was afraid that if he continued to mess around, his fate would collapse.

Ai Yue and Yuan Qing from next door were no longer there. It was obvious that they were out on a mission. The only sound that could be heard through the wall was the cleaning lady cleaning the room.

The roar of fighter planes echoed outside the window.

People in downtown Cairo only need to look up to see Quinjet fighters flying across the city, heading into the depths of the endless desert, and disappearing at the end of the wind and sand.

The Human Overwatch is the most powerful violent organization in the world. When the military really decides to capture a place of rebirth, it must use thundering means. All the evolutionary organizations in the world are nothing but second-rate makeshift teams in front of them. This is an absolute crushing of strength and technology.

At the beginning of the attack, they didn't even need soldiers to fight in person, they just needed to use technological means to bomb the land of the dead.

Air raid sirens echoed throughout the city, and all major media outlets have issued notices to all evolvers that starting today, there will be indiscriminate bombing in the Land of the Rebirth around the clock.

Anyone who attempts to enter the land of the afterlife does so at their own risk of life and death.


Lu Bu Er asked: "Who around me will be in danger?"

Although his body couldn't hold on any longer, he didn't plan to just lie there in the hotel like a rich young man. After all, he still had a good brother waiting for him!
If the weapons of the Shenjin series are made...

He let people know what cruelty is!
Unexpectedly, after Lu Sixian's eyes briefly turned white, she whispered a name that he had never expected: "Professor Yin Mae."

The Quinjet was roaring through the clouds like an eagle. Below the plane was an endless desert, in which one could vaguely see a huge temple and a matrix made of huge stones.

There was a cold breeze in the cabin, and the weapons and equipment trembled slightly during the flight.

"I haven't worn a military uniform for more than 60 years. I'm not used to it." Medanzo looked at himself in the mirror. Now he was disguised as a soldier in the military. The black military uniform was a bit tight on his body, but his temperament was less playful and more solemn.

"If you hadn't told me, I would have almost forgotten that you were in the army."

Yin Mae sat in a chair with his eyes closed, his face seemed extremely pale, as if he was suppressing pain: "You don't have the temperament of a soldier at all, instead you look like a lunatic with an antisocial personality. All those years of military career didn't leave any trace on you."

Medanzo shrugged. "That's because I don't like being institutionalized. To this world, the existence of individual consciousness is not important at all. When I was in the first grade of elementary school, I stood on the school playground with other children. We wore the same clothes and stood in a row. We couldn't talk or move around. We just listened to the teacher quietly."

He paused. "At that time, I looked up at the way the teacher looked at us. I felt like she was looking at a group of monkeys. Who I am is not important. My last name or my name is not important either... I am just a student, a member of a group. We were not respected. In their eyes, we were just a group of monkeys that could cause trouble at any time."

Yin Ma didn't say anything.

“Do you know why? Because elementary school students are weak. You are just a child, so you have no say. If you cannot provide value, then you are just a monkey in the eyes of others.”

Medanzo smiled and said, "But as you grow up, no one will treat you like a monkey anymore... because they will treat you like a beast of burden. You have to create value for the company and for the world. It seems that you have gained self-esteem and personality, but in fact, no one cares about your name or your dream... When you tell your company manager that your dream is to do charity work in the Middle East, he will think you are an idiot and ask you not to forget to work overtime tonight. Similarly, I feel the same way in the military."

He paused and said, "I don't deny that I am a lunatic with an antisocial personality, because when I saw the look in that elementary school teacher's eyes, I really wanted to twist her head off. But now I am no longer that elementary school student, and now I still hate those who set up this world even more. This is why I will stand on your side."

Yin Ma understood what the man was saying and said with emotion, "Yes, this world is set. Although you are dangerous, there are some things that only you can do. People like us who follow the rules can only... use some stupid methods."

He suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood.

There is a deep darkness in the blood.

It also seemed to be shining with a golden glow.

"Are you really ready?"

Medanzo leaned on the back of the chair with his arms folded across his chest, and glanced at him lazily: "You are not qualified at all. Forcibly fusing the power of Alpha and Omega will only lead to your demise. I remember that you didn't like that child. Why did you do this?"

Yin Mae raised his dark face, his eyes seemed to penetrate the endless wind and sand, and he said softly: "No matter how much I dislike him, he is still the child of my student. He is capable and courageous, and I can see hope for the future in him. This is why I am willing to sacrifice for him. I can give up my dignity and even my life...but they can't. They are young people, they want to live."

He took a deep breath and suppressed the pain. "Lianhua is also a rare genius in a million years, and she is also chosen by fate. She must be strong, proud, and powerful. But the enemy this time is the Celestial Organization after all. I was once a member of the organization, and I know how powerful they are. It is impossible to get the Holy Word from them by force."

Medanzo's eyes flickered: "How sure are you?"

Yin Ma said calmly, "Seven points."

Medanzo asked calmly, "Do you need me to tell him?"

Yin Ma shook his head and said calmly, "No, I hope he will never know. Since we hate each other, it's better not to meet. If my old bones can pave the way for the most powerful sacred monarch in history, then I will die without regrets."

(End of this chapter)

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