edge of pure land.

Chapter 318: The Bad Woman

Chapter 318: The Bad Woman

The Quinjet dived towards the desert. The pilot struggled to control the console. There was a violent vibration in the cabin, and the violent push on the back pressed the person tightly against the back of the chair.

Lianhua ignored this acceleration and sat in the cabin looking at the projected screen. The Watcher system had been connected to the network. The map showed the outline of an endless desert. Countless red dots were hidden in the wind and sand. Without exception, they were all locked celestial beings.

Huge ripples appeared on the flat map from time to time, just like a huge rock falling into a lake, and each ripple represented the explosion of a tactical missile.

The human watch army is using biological and chemical weapons to drive out the Celestial Organization.

Yes, biological weapons.

This is the latest technology from the First Research and Development Bureau. It uses a deadly toxin extracted from the bodies of White Walkers. It can cause large-scale explosive damage and can also poison people. Not only that, when the toxin enters the human body, it can also breed an extremely terrible parasite. This worm can parasitize in the human brain and is very likely to cause people to become demented.

Originally, this kind of anti-human weapon was listed as a taboo, but considering the special situation of the third site, the military issued a ban and allowed indiscriminate bombing in the restricted area.

At present, more and more red dots are gathering together, retreating towards the depths of the desert like a tide. It is obvious that they are being forced back by the military's firepower coverage.

This is how Lianhua plays.

If you don't move, it's fine. But if you move, it will be as powerful as thunder and lightning.

Strong and domineering.

No chance for you.

"The Celestial Organization has not planned to resist yet? What are they thinking?" Lianhua murmured softly, inadvertently adjusting the buttons of her white shirt, covering her fair and delicate collarbone.

Even though she had used her divine power to erase the kiss mark, she still felt a little guilty deep down, especially in front of her students. If she revealed the flaw, she would be doomed.

To be on the safe side, she put on her suit jacket, crossed her long legs wrapped in wide-leg pants, and her high heels dangled, tapping the ground.

Ye Zilin yawned and adjusted the weapons and equipment on the operating table as if sleepwalking, muttering: "The Omega Sword is ready and can be deployed at any time."

"Savadikap, the Watcher Lighthouse system has entered precise aiming mode. Once it locks onto the Celestial Being Organization's main ship, it will immediately enter automatic search mode."

Si Yichen chattered on, "But this group of people obviously have no intention of confronting us head-on. In my opinion, we should use courtesy before force, lure this group of people out first, and then encircle and suppress them. In this way, as long as our evil plan succeeds, they will inevitably suffer heavy losses..."

He shut up before he could finish his words.

Military officers were busy in the cabin, directing operations at various scenes. Whenever an area on the map turned green, it meant that it had been occupied by the military.

Su Shi looked at the red dot on the map, turned around and said, "Based on our experience fighting the Celestial Beings, this group of people still has many tricks that they haven't used yet. We rely on technology, while they rely on ancient alchemy. The Celestial Beings have been in this position for a while, which is enough time for them to set up the alchemy matrix... What they have to do is to lure the enemy deeper."

As a special general of the military, the battle-hardened Su Shi saw through the enemy's thoughts at a glance, but for now they could only take advantage of the enemy's strategy and send their troops forward.

There is no better way.

Lianhua leaned on the back of the chair, holding her chin with her hand and staring at the projected map. Her slender white fingers tapped the table lightly and said coldly, "I can roughly guess the method of the Tianren Organization. It is nothing more than the turbulence of time and space. Since we can't break in from the air, we will attack from the ground."

She closed her eyes and anticipated the development of the situation, and began to deduce in her mind: "Admiral Sushi, change the combat missions of the Dawn Special Sequence and the Night Special Sequence. The Night Special Sequence will swim down the Nile River, and the Dawn Special Sequence will enter the Karnak Temple head-on."

Sushi frowned slightly: "Do you want to change?"

Lianhua said indifferently: "The Celestial Organization wanted to play the game of Tian Ji's horse racing, but I saw through it. The group of celestial beings on the Nile River obviously suppressed the life fluctuations through some means. There was no abnormality under the monitoring of the Watcher Lighthouse System, but it was a pity that it could not escape my eyes. We are the strong side, so naturally the strong will beat the strong, and the weak will beat the weak."

Su Shi nodded slightly: "I see, give the young people some experience? The Karnak Temple in the ancient city of Thebes has a history of more than 4,000 years. It is the center of worship of the sun god. It is also the religious worship place of the gods in ancient Egypt. It is very likely that the oldest alchemical matrix in the world is hidden here. It may not be as strong as the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor in the East, but its strength is definitely not low. The return of the Celestial Organization to the third site is like returning to their home."

No, that's not right.

Strictly speaking, this is the home of the Celestial Organization.

Thousands of years ago, the Celestials ruled ancient Egypt as gods, but because the gods kept expanding their territory, they were forced to move away from their homes.

Now all they have to do is go home.

But unfortunately, the human watch army chose to play the role of the unreasonable robber, driving the celestial beings and gods out of this land and returning freedom to mankind.

However, Lianhua's tactics are very dangerous, especially at this critical juncture. The theocracy are still watching closely and will surely pursue and attack relentlessly once they find any flaw.

Sushi was not worried about the Night Special Sequence.

What he was worried about was the Dawn Special Sequence.

After all, Ai Yue and Yuan Qing were the core combat force of the team, especially with the addition of Lu Buer, who made them even more powerful. But now that all three of them are gone, there is no reinforcement.

But judging from what the high priest said, the reorganized Unit Zero has most likely already followed, so there is no need to worry about that. We can just hope they can win.

The prerequisite is that you don’t encounter the old monster from the Tianren organization.

"It's ok."

Lianhua raised her cold eyes, with a faint and fierce holy light flowing deep in her pupils. Her voice became hoarse, "Although I have a bad feeling about the situation, war is never smooth sailing. When the time comes, I just happen to have something new that I want to try."

After a night of lingering, although she was bullied the whole time, she also plundered a lot of divine power. If she could use the magic of the Other Ghost, then her strength would be raised to a new level...

Thinking of this, Lianhua felt that this love story was really interesting.

As the sound of bombing echoed deep into the desert.

The Quinjet dropped poisonous fog bombs and disappeared in the wind and sand.

Everything went according to the pre-planned plan, but just fifteen minutes later an emergency alarm sounded in the cabin, and the dawn combat sequence issued a rescue signal!
Karnak Temple, Ancient Thebes.

Local Egyptian elders once mentioned that since the mysterious old tree appeared, this ancient city once named Thebes has become a forbidden zone for life. Some people have seen wandering souls of the dead in the desert, some have witnessed endless holy light bursting out of the ancient temple, and some have heard mysterious and ethereal hymns in the wind and sand.

Countless ancient visions appeared, mysterious and weird.

So far, human exploration of the land of the afterlife is still very limited, because the ecological environment in the forbidden area will change with the revival of gods and demons, and there are still many ancient ruins that have not been explored. There are too many unknowns and dangers hidden there, and it is not something that ordinary people can set foot on.

And today, the Dawn combat sequence arrived at the central area of ​​the third site, which is this ancient ruins, in armored vehicles.

The rising sun in the east enveloped the ancient temple. The huge sphinx and ram statue was trembling violently. The pharaoh sculpture under the ram's head seemed to come alive, with a fierce divine light bursting out of its pupils. Rays of golden light penetrated the wind and sand, forming a huge matrix.

The ancient giant pillars seemed to lead to the sky, the reliefs on the mottled pillars were filled with mysterious colors, and obscure languages ​​echoed in the whistling wind and sand, as if an ancient pharaoh had awakened from his tomb and angrily passed judgment on the world.

An ancient sun disk rose in the sky, surrounded by dilapidated obelisks, like ancient believers worshiping the true God, and ancient runes flickered in the air.

Like the rising sun, it is extremely brilliant.

Zong Si sat in a wheelchair and pressed the distress signal.

The sand and gravel gathered around him like a tide, like a winding dragon protecting him and blocking the rays of holy light head-on.

The heavy gravel was illuminated by the holy light, as if it was pierced by a laser, leaving behind burnt and bright marks, probably burned into glass. On both sides of the sacred road, the armored vehicles had been scrapped, the wreckage was burning in the flames, the thick smoke filled the wind, and the special forces hid behind the bunkers in the ruins, avoiding the piercing golden divine light, trying to find an opportunity to counterattack.

Each of them was panting, had some injuries on their bodies, were covered in dust and sweat, and had obviously been in a tough battle.

If Zong Si hadn't been the only one holding the front line, they would probably have been wiped out.

Zong Si's numerology is celestial sand and gravel.

And this is a desert.

This should have been his home ground.

But the problem is that this temple is weird everywhere. The walls made of huge stones are covered with golden lines, and the reliefs on the ancient pillars seem to reveal a strange demonic nature, especially the sun disk surrounded by obelisks, which seems to release tremendous pressure.

Those sculptures of pharaohs are high up, like gods and demons looking down.

Obviously, this place has been shrouded by a huge alchemical matrix.

"Can you still hold on?"

Zong Si coughed painfully, his face as pale as paper, like a dying patient who could pass out at any time and die on the spot.

In the winding gravel, Ai Yue wiped the blood from the corners of her eyes and said in a hoarse voice: "She can probably hold on for half an hour. If she can't escape... I'm afraid she won't be able to hold on. That thing is very lethal, and it broke a piece of her heart."

Someone was lying in her arms, with fire in his eyes.

She covered her chest in pain. There was a bloody hole in her heart. Blood was flowing out, almost dyeing her black military uniform red.

The huge iron bow was thrown aside.

That person was Yuan Qing.

"Pull me up, I'm going to kill them."

Blood was flowing from Yuan Qing's lips and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

Ai Yue's injuries were also serious. Four of her ribs were broken, but she managed to hold on without showing any signs of fatigue: "Don't be so stubborn. If you hadn't been treated in time, you would have died."

At this moment, the doctor of the Dawn Special Forces team was helping Yuan Qing heal her wounds. The turquoise light seemed to be performing photosynthesis, healing her fatal injuries.

Yuan Qing gritted her teeth, her eyes full of unwillingness.

A voice was faintly heard in the wind and sand.

"Has the Dawn Operation Order become so unbearable now? When you were searching for us all over the world, did you ever think that this day would come?"

Someone stood on the city wall and looked down from above, mockingly saying, "I remember that the chief of the Dawn Special Forces was Admiral Su Shi, right? Admiral Su has some connection with our Celestial Organization... It's a pity that the son of the traitors is dead, and I can't kill him myself to vent my hatred. Leaving you here seems to be a good choice."

The celestial beings in white robes stood up from the city wall, chanting ancient spells softly. The sun disk in the sky turned, and huge rays of sunlight fell on the sacred road.

"My name is Kant Duat. I come from the ancient Duat family. I responded to the call of my great ancestors and now return to the embrace of the Celestial Organization. Remember my name, I am the one who killed you. You should accept the nobility of this ending and embrace death calmly." The blond man stood on the top of the city wall, holding a relatively miniature sun disk in his hand, his white robe fluttering in the wind.

The white-robed men looked down at the Dawn Special Forces trapped on the Shinto Road, their eyes indifferently sweeping over the wreckage of the armored vehicles, as if it was the ancient civilization's merciless mockery of modern technology, or as if the ancient gods were mocking the ignorance and insignificance of mankind.


This is an ancient surname.

Although they declined hundreds of years ago and are no longer a member of the Holy Family, they are the oldest and most powerful family of evolvers in Egypt.

Unexpectedly, they have already joined the Tianren organization.

At the deepest part of the ancient temple there is a holy lake, which has never dried up despite thousands of years of turmoil. According to legend, the pharaoh would purify himself here when he came here to offer sacrifices.

Today, the surface of the Holy Lake is illuminated by brilliant divine light. The complex and ancient geometric matrix spreads across the ground, illuminating the slender shadows of the people by the lake.

The red-haired woman bent down and washed her hands with lake water. She raised her head and glanced at the unusually arrogant figure under the sun disk. Her eyes were so cold as if she was looking at a dead person.


A celestial being walked up to her and said respectfully, "Lord Kant is fending off the enemy. I hope you can order the matrix to be increased as soon as possible. Karnak Temple must not be lost."

Since coming to the Tianren Organization, Chen Jing realized that there were so many ancient secrets hidden in the ancient city of Thebes located at the third site. For thousands of years, neither the locals, invaders nor foreign tourists had ever discovered any clues.

It's like this temple.

Next to the holy lake are many obelisks.

In the very center of the obelisk is a sculpture of a scarab.

According to legend, the scarab is the incarnation of the sun god, and the people of ancient Egypt would circle around this sculpture to pay respect and loyalty to the great sun god.

But now Chen Jing, who is familiar with ancient history, knows that the ancients would never perform meaningless sacrifices, and everything they did was related to the extraordinary civilization.

This is a matrix.

A vast alchemical matrix.

"I see."

Chen Jing said indifferently: "You must be prepared. If nothing unexpected happens, the military will definitely send reinforcements. When I activate the Sun God Matrix, you will cooperate with me and make sure to capture them all in one fell swoop without leaving any alive."


The celestial being bowed and retreated.

The old celestial beings stood under the obelisk, their mysterious and deep backs seemed to come from that distant and glorious era. They knelt on the ground devoutly, singing obscure hymns.

The sun disk shone upon them.

It feels like a pilgrimage, and also like a prayer.

Chen Jing raised his charming eyes and examined this ancient and complicated alchemical matrix. He then glanced at the elders who were unable to kneel down and revealed a satisfied smile.

These people are very powerful.

Probably enough to help him understand the first volume of the Holy Word.

(End of this chapter)

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