edge of pure land.

Chapter 319 The charge sounded!

Chapter 319 The charge sounded!
Amid the whistling sand, Lu Buer, who was crawling on the sand dunes, put down his binoculars. Through the military communication channel connected to his headphones, he could hear real-time shared information from the command center.

"Strategic point 001 Storm Gorge has been conquered."

"Strategic point 003, the skeleton ruins, has been conquered."

"Heretics have appeared in the sandstorm wasteland at strategic point 006. The Falcon Squad is engaging in a fierce firefight with them. Requesting long-range fire support!"

"There is movement at the Karnak Temple, strategic point 007. The Dawn Special Forces have lost contact. Headquarters please send support immediately! Repeat, strategic point 007..."

The sound in the headphones became noisy.

Like being disturbed by an electric current.

The desolate ruins of the Karnak Temple complex seem to be shrouded in a mysterious and ethereal holy light. In a trance, it seems as if one has returned to the vast ancient times when the ancient Egyptians offered sacrifices to the gods.

"Brother Lu, it will take about 15 minutes for the military to support us. The Night Special Forces have completed their mission ahead of time and are rushing here from the middle reaches of the Nile River. But they have to pass through four strategic points on the way and are likely to be ambushed."

He Sai said excitedly: "We can start now."

Both brothers are non-combatants.

A mechanic.

A patient.

If Lu Sixian hadn't personally helped the two brothers to sneak into the logistics unit and get an armored vehicle, they would have had to walk or ride a camel.

You might even be bombarded indiscriminately by your own people.

However, they had no awareness of their lack of combat effectiveness. Instead, they believed that their firepower was sufficient. When they took the weapons boxes off the armored vehicles, they were so excited that they were shaking.

"I know."

Lu Buer turned his head and said, "Xiao Xian, what are you doing?"

He Sai turned around and said woodenly: "She is insulting us!"

Lu Sixian was seen wrapped up like a dumpling, hiding behind an armored vehicle with her hands covering her ears, like a little girl who was afraid of being blown up by firecrackers during the New Year.

It was obvious that the girl had no confidence in their weapons. She said seriously with a stern face, "The whole team cannot be wiped out here. If the two of you are killed by the weapons you developed, I can still collect your bodies if I survive."

He Sai felt like he was hit by an arrow in the chest.

The corner of Lu Buer's eye twitched slightly.

"Whether it's a mule or a horse, let's take it out for a walk!"

To be on the safe side, Lu Buer did not take out the weapons of mass destruction directly from the weapons box, but took out the parts of the anti-material sniper rifle and began to assemble them.

This anti-material sniper rifle is modified from Barrett and uses the most advanced alchemical technology. The most important thing is the bullet it is equipped with, the Shenjin sniper bullet!
"In that case, let's follow the old rules, just like when we played CS together back then, and count the money based on the kills. One hundred dollars per kill, and the loser is not allowed to deny paying." After Lu Buer said this, he was stunned, and his eyes twitched slightly.

Because He Sai took out the latest model of propulsion rocket launcher directly from the weapons box and started to assemble it, combined with the Shenjin howitzer that they had just developed yesterday, it was shocking to see.

"He Sai, isn't this thing still under testing?"

"So what are we doing now? Aren't we just testing?"

"What you said makes sense, but could you please stay away from me?"

"Brother Lu, are we still brothers? You don't believe me either, right?"

"Okay, even if I go to hell today, I will accompany you."

Lu Buer set up the Barrett sniper rifle and locked the broad sacred road in front of the Karnak Temple through the scope. He saw the familiar Dawn Special Forces sequence and the celestial beings in white robes.

He Sai was even more simple and brutal, he directly set up the rocket launcher.

A huge roar sounded, as if a meteor streaked across the sky.

In front of the Karnak Temple, the Dawn Special Forces had never been involved in such a hard battle. They seemed to be trapped on this wide sacred road. They could only lean over and move through the sand and gravel that spread like a tide, trying their best to dodge the brilliant holy light that fell from the sky, looking for any opportunity to counterattack.

At this moment, the white-robed people from the Tianren Organization had fallen from the wall, pulled out ancient bronze swords from their waists, and launched a surprise attack on them.

A special forces officer had just dodged a holy light that fell from the sky, and the next moment he saw a sharp blade whistling towards him. Even though he had put his sword in place to block it, he was still blown away.

So strong!

The special forces officer was shaken so much that his blood surged in his chest, and even the hand holding the knife was shaking uncontrollably, as if he had been hit hard by a huge siege tree.

"Everyone be careful, they are very strong in close combat!"

Another special forces member was blown away by a flaming fist. Fortunately, he had protected his vital parts with rock armor in advance, but he still fell to the ground like a burnt stone man.

The attack of the white-robed celestial beings was extremely fierce, and it was even impossible to figure out the fate and techniques of this group of guys, but their every strike contained tremendous power.

Even the newly appointed adjutant couldn't hold on. After barely using his wooden shield to block a ray of holy light that fell from the sky, he was unable to withstand the enemy's fierce close-range slashing attack and his right arm was nearly cut off by a sword. He could only use the wind and sand as a cover and roll backwards.

"All of you stay together, don't disperse."

Zong Si coughed painfully, and formed seals with his hands to control the endless sand to gather into a quicksand shield, which firmly protected the heads of every special sequence.

Blood flowed from Ai Yue's pupils again, and the wind, like the roaring undead, gathered together and mixed into the majestic sandstorm, greatly increasing its power.

Now that Hara Haru is seriously injured and needs treatment, the entire team needs to rely on the two of them to hold on. If any one of them can't hold on, the synchronization technique will collapse.

Then the whole team will suffer.

As the oldest celestial organization in the world, these people have never relied on the power of modern technology. For thousands of years, they have advocated close combat with blood. The fighting instinct honed by their generations has long been integrated into their bones and blood, which is far beyond the reach of these young soldiers.

"Can you hold on?"

While Zong Si was controlling the sandstorm, his already sickly face became even paler. His wheelchair could hardly withstand the pressure and was on the verge of breaking.

"If this goes on, there will always be a moment when I can't hold on any longer. If not, remember to cover me. I will try to materialize the dark matter body and kill one of you instantly." Ai Yue wiped the blood from the corner of his eyes, looked down at the woman in his arms who was on the verge of coma, and said softly.

This is the combat style of the Dawn Special Forces.

There was no retreat or surrender.

If I die, I will take my enemies with me.

At this moment, a man in a white robe rushed in like a ghost, and his cold voice echoed in their ears: "You are all evolvers produced by modern industrialization. You are naturally vulnerable when facing real celestial beings. The memory trials that we have passed down from generation to generation are imitated by you with crude memory chips. How can you cheat to learn what we have learned with great pain? Special sequence, just a joke."

There was a flash of horror in Zong Si's eyes. The mighty quicksand he controlled roared and whistled past, but for the first time he failed to capture any trace of the enemy.

The man in white robe actually shook off the whistling quicksand and grasped the bronze sword hidden in the scabbard. A sword sound rang out, like a dragon's roar.

It was a transparent sword.

The sword's edge was wrapped in violent wind pressure.

The bronze sword tore through the sandstorm the moment it was unsheathed, but it did not strike the sickly young man in the wheelchair. Instead, it fell towards the woman behind him at lightning speed.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the battle-hardened Zong Si, and the gravel covering his body disintegrated like weathering, floating lightly towards the girl behind him. Ai Yue's eyes turned a shocking scarlet.

She uttered an ancient syllable softly.


The right hand of the man in white robe holding the sword was rapidly decaying like rotten meat. The whistling sword was also entangled by the light sand and gravel, and there was a moment of stagnation.

But at this moment, Ai Yue and Zong Si were both stunned.

Because the transparent bronze sword was in a rage.

Violent wind pressure is gathering momentum.

But the target was... Haru Haru!
The target this guy was originally going to kill was Hara Haru!

In a fleeting moment, the rotten right hand of the man in white robe suddenly shattered into blood mist, and the bronze sword wrapped in wind pressure was also flown into the air, spinning lightly.

A deep and powerful roar rolled in.

It's like thunder!
"how is this possible?"

This incredible thought flashed through the mind of the man in white robe. He possessed the most noble and powerful order factor in the world. He had used wind pressure to protect his right arm in advance. In theory, it could block any attack from the same level. How could it be shattered by a sniper rifle?

"Sandstorm, destroy!"

A violent waterfall of gravel roared in and hit his chest like a tsunami. The huge pressure knocked him away and landed on the wide shrine road.

Countless rays of holy light descended from the sky, but they all avoided his body and accurately pierced through the violent gravel waterfall, helping him to disintegrate the opponent's attack.

"Watch out for snipers!"

The man in white robe growled calmly. His right hand had disappeared, and there was a burning pain in his broken arm where blood was gushing out, as if it was being burned by something.

He didn't have time to think about what was going on. He hurriedly raised his only remaining left hand and twisted it hard. A spiral hurricane spun up, emitting a holy glow.

In this way, the sniper rifle bullets will be blocked by wind pressure.

But the next moment, his expression suddenly froze.

Because a violent rocket fell from the sky and landed precisely on the wind pressure spiral he created. Accompanied by a huge explosion, a mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

The members of the Celestial Being organization were all stunned.

A charred corpse flew out from the thick smoke. His body was like brittle paper after being burned, turning into burning ashes and disappearing in the wind.

A celestial being died just like that.

And he is also a powerful celestial being.

The pupils of a celestial being in a white robe shrank violently, and in the next moment his head exploded like a watermelon, with a mixture of white brain matter and red blood flowing all over the ground.

His numerology is the steel attribute of the creation system.

He was shot in the head ten times by a sniper rifle on the battlefield and remained unscathed.

Today his invincible defense failed.

Accompanied by the roar of gunfire, he fell to the ground with a bang.


A celestial being rushed over in horror, but he didn't expect that he was also shot in the chest. As a shocking bloody hole appeared, he fell to the ground twitching like a dog whose spine had been pulled out.

The celestial beings all stood there in horror.

Because they all heard the roar.

The second burning howitzer streaked across the sky, but was pierced by countless blazing holy lights at the critical moment, and a huge mushroom cloud exploded in the air.

Flames rained down.

The celestial beings on the Shinto Road breathed in the thick and choking smoke and felt an unprecedented discomfort. They coughed painfully and coughed up golden blood.

Kant on the ancient city wall raised his head, a hint of fear flashed in his eyes, and he said in a cold voice: "My God, what on earth is this...?"


He felt fear.

Extreme fear.

He stroked the sun disk in his hand, feeling a lingering fear: "God Ashes? Could it be Elder is here? Isn't this guy dead? How could it be him?"

There was a golden light in Kant's eyes as he scanned the potential attackers in the wind and sand. Everywhere he looked were dilapidated ruins, bombed sand dunes and rubble.

The next moment, his pupils contracted violently.

Because a vague black shadow emerged from the wind and sand.

The guy was wearing tactical goggles and covered in steel armor. He used eight mechanical arms behind his back to assist him in walking. He carried a rocket launcher on his shoulder and a Gatling gun in his hand.

There was no doubt that the previous artillery fire was fired by that rocket launcher, and the Gatling gun was also spinning violently, with a strong golden light coming out of the barrel.

"The grandchildren of the Celestial Being Organization."

The guy yelled, "Here comes Mr. He!"

Accompanied by the sound of the charge horn, He Sai launched the assault.

Angry curses rang out in the wind and sand.

"He Sai, you are cheating!"

Another dark shadow emerged on the sand dune.

Another guy wearing combat goggles rushed out, with gold-painted grenades tied all over his body, an alchemically modified Thompson machine gun in his hands, two huge rocket launchers on his shoulders, and an ancient horn in his mouth.

"Everyone get down!"

A loud roar was directed to the Dawn Special Sequence.

On the ancient wall of the temple, Kant looked down at the two ants with an expression of uncontrollable anger. In the next instant, he suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood and felt dizzy.

"Wait, that's the Sacred Horn?"

He raised his head, his eyes shocked.

Zong Si and Ai Yue reacted immediately, turned around and threw themselves at their comrades behind them. Then they saw a burning fire streaking across the sky and falling towards the celestial beings in the temple.

(End of this chapter)

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