edge of pure land.

Chapter 368: Burning Heaven Bones, Order Factor

Chapter 368: Burning Heaven Bones, Order Factor

The reason why Lu Buer felt impatient was that the reinforcements from the Tianren Organization were about to arrive, and he didn't want the situation here to be exposed, which would lead to alerting the enemy too quickly.

The corridor of this underground ruins was very narrow and was artificially filled with surging wind pressure. The howling wind swept in like a tide. He moved forward with difficulty like a fish swimming upstream. Even his body condensed by energy was almost torn to pieces.

I have to say that the enemy this time is quite powerful. They have already reached the level of using order factors to integrate the system. The saint-level combat power is indeed well-deserved.

At the moment, Xia Zhu's rank is fluctuating around the seventh realm of rationality, but her fate fluctuations are actually far more than that. It is likely that injuries have limited her ability to exert her strength. Many powerful evolvers in this world suffer from this problem.

In fact, it was not just a problem of limited strength. The result of her high-intensity battle was a recurrence of injuries. The beautiful eyes under her forehead were full of red bloodshot, and the red blood vessels flowing under her fair skin were like flowing lava, which was shocking to see.

I always feel that it is more serious than the dragon bird incident.

"Have you usurped the authority of the young monarch? That's right, that thing itself is nothing great. The core of Omega can be copied, and the core of Alpha should be able to be copied as well. The so-called authority of the young monarch is nothing more than a lower-level pseudo-core." Xia Zhu glanced at him in surprise, and his casual muttering was almost drowned out by the whistling wind.

The speaker may not have intended it, but the listener may have taken it to heart. Lu Buer was very surprised. In fact, he had roughly guessed what the young prince's power was, but there was no solid evidence.

Instead, it was Xia Zhu, who had always stayed out of this matter, who spoke the truth.

Where does this woman come from?
"In that case, I'll leave my body to you. But... once I overdraw my strength, I have to stop and suppress myself, otherwise everyone will die. You must deal with that guy as soon as possible, and then rush back to save me as soon as possible."

In such an urgent situation, Xia Zhu agreed very readily. She bit a rubber band in her mouth, raised her hands and tied her long hair into a high ponytail, and said expressionlessly: "There is an exit at the deepest part of this underground ruins. At the speed of the opponent, it will only take one minute and twenty-four seconds to rush out. You can't catch up with him in an open area."

She paused, and her voice turned colder: "Further ahead is the Land of Falling Dragons. As long as we escape to the Land of Falling Dragons, this guy will be like a fish in the sea."

Lu Buer frowned. This woman was so arrogant.

It's as if she is not a human, but a human nuclear bomb.

"I see."

He chose to believe it for the time being and continued to ask: "Where is the Land of Falling Dragons?"

The fact that they were still chatting at this time was not intentional, but Xia Zhu was looking down for the small shoulder bag she carried with her while running in pursuit. The bag contained all kinds of cosmetics and bottles and jars of medicines. It took him a full ten seconds to find a packaged reagent.

"The third site is located in Upper Egypt with the ancient city of Thebes as its core. The restricted area covers many cities, and Qusayr is one of them. It is located on the west coast of the Red Sea. The most famous mine here is the lead and zinc mine, which exports apatite. Today, this city has been abandoned for five hundred years. The so-called Land of the Falling Dragon is near the city of Qusayr, but you can't see it under normal circumstances... You can only find that place at sunset."

Xia Zhu spoke quickly: "Don't be too surprised later."

Lu Buer suddenly realized that the cities in Egypt were basically distributed according to the flow of the Nile River, like a winding snake.

The richest place is the Nile Delta in the north. This area was historically called Lower Egypt, and the economy was basically concentrated here.

Most of Lower Egypt is desert, and all cities are close to the Nile River. This has been the same since ancient times. Even the ancient evolutionists would not build a city out of thin air in the deep desert without water, unless they were crazy.

Therefore, the location of the Land of Falling Dragons must be an ancient human gathering place.

Rather than those barren places deep in the desert where no one lives.

After all, the human body of the Candle Day Dragon is here to solve the corruption epidemic.

The vectors of the corruption epidemic are humans.

Just as Lu Buer was thinking, a horrifying scene appeared.

Xia Zhu injected the reagent into his carotid artery, and blood-red lines appeared under his snow-white skin, as if lava was flowing in his blood vessels, brewing violent power.

The sound of blood flowing is like a dragon's roar.

But this is not the most terrifying thing.

The most terrifying thing is Xia Zhu’s eyes.

A fierce holy light shone in her eyes!

This was a scene that completely overturned Lu Buer's cognition.

In his understanding, if the evolvers could possess two kinds of alien magic, they could only be the immortal body and the order factor, two homologous but contradictory forces.

But now this perception has been broken!
No, that's not right!

Lu Buer remembered that he had seen a similar situation in the underground underworld of the Karnak Temple. Those celestial beings, including Thoth and Horus, sealed the plague with their flesh and blood.

They themselves are celestial beings who have mastered the factor of order.

But he was infected with the disease again.

Regardless of whether these people are in a healthy state, it is certain that these two forces do coexist in their bodies, and with the assistance of the creation ritual, they can even temporarily return to normal.

"I told you not to be too surprised. You guys still know too little about the gods. Humans can possess two kinds of alien magic because alien magic and divine magic can indeed coexist. What do you think is the difference between the immortal body and the Burning Heaven Bones? In fact, they are all powers of the God of Origin. The Burning Heaven Bones were split from the immortal body."

The golden color in the depths of Xia Zhu's eyes was gradually replaced by a hint of dark red. He raised his white right hand against the strong wind, rubbing his white thumb and middle finger together. "Back then, Long Que also thought of using this method to treat illnesses, but he was too afraid of the power of the Tree of Life. He had already transformed his body, but he was hesitant to make up his mind... In fact, he was just too cautious. As long as the alien magic you practice is not immortal, it is safe."

She said something incomprehensible: "All the White Walker magic is like newly assembled machines, and divine magic is the only existing system. The difference is that the immortal body is the most suitable host, and other White Walker magic needs to bear the risk of being burned out if it wants to be compatible with this system." Lu Buer understood these words in shock.

All White Walker magic is machines.

Because they are all made of dark matter.

Theurgy is the only system.

Because the characteristic of divine power is that it can display infinite skills.

This is just like the internal and external power techniques in martial arts novels.

The magic of the otherworldly gives you inner strength.

Although there are some moves that can be used, they are very crude.

Compared to divine arts, it's too crude.

It’s completely a different realm!
The most important thing is the relationship between Immortality and the other four kinds of alien magic!

The God of Origin created the Four Heavenly Gods.

Therefore, to some extent, their dark matter also has the same origin!

Xia Zhu's Burning Sky Bones is also a powerful internal skill. Although it is not so suitable for the order factor, it can also assist with computing power while exerting force.

It was clear that her strength had been released, but her aura had completely subsided, like a dormant volcano. The wind that filled the corridor became hot and dry, and she felt as if she were in hell.

But before the snap of her fingers was complete, the girl hesitated.

"It's better to keep it to yourself."

Xia Zhu murmured in his heart: "Don't scare this kid."


A crisp snap of fingers.

The sound of blood rushing could be heard in Xia Zhu's body. The red blood vessels flowed to her fingertips like magma, flashing under her snow-white skin.

A cluster of flames ignited at her fingertips, but were blown out by the strong wind in an instant. The interweaving of light and darkness illuminated her eyes, and it seemed as if a giant dragon was roaring deep in her eyes!
The dragon's roar that reached the sky and earth echoed in the corridor!

The long and narrow corridor was engulfed by endless high temperature. The body of Lu Buer, the sixth-level overlord, was nearly shattered by the violent dragon roar. Thick dark matter flowed out of his seven orifices, and the sky was dark.

At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind.

"Fuck, doesn't this woman know how to hold back?"

With just a snap of the fingers, the two conceptual changes of the Burning Sky Bone appeared.

Not extinguished.

It is said to be able to cause endless destruction to all matter in the world.

Heat death.

It is not the heat death in physics, but it can make the energy that can sustain movement or life no longer exist within a certain range, and everything will be annihilated.

The divine power of the order factor perfectly integrated these two terrifying conceptual changes together. The fleeting flame released the most terrifying temperature in the world. The sound of high temperature expansion was like a dragon's roar that engulfed the strong wind that filled the corridor, and the rock wall was burned black.

If Xia Zhu did not have sufficient control over this power, even a sixth-level archangel would be instantly annihilated into ashes at such a close distance.

This shows how terrifying Xia Zhu’s strength is.

At least when it comes to micromanagement, even her grandfather is far behind her!

The strong wind suddenly died down, and Elder Sada, who was fleeing in the depths of darkness, turned around in shock, only to feel an extremely powerful dragon might rushing towards him, burning him like flames.

His technique was destroyed. He was clearly still trying to exhale, but the wind could no longer blow, as if it had been annihilated in the depths of the universe.

A dark golden gas shield appeared in front of Elder Sada, and golden chains were looming, binding him like a cage. He had used the concept change of Holy Prison in advance to protect himself. Otherwise, he would have been a charred corpse now.

But now the domain of the Holy Prison is also being annihilated, as if melting in the high temperature of the corridor.

Suddenly, the sound of thousands of birds singing rang out.

The burly and noble God of War rushed forward like thunder and grabbed his head.

(End of this chapter)

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