edge of pure land.

Chapter 369: The Secret of the Divine Ashes Technique

Chapter 369: The Secret of the Divine Ashes Technique
A loud noise was heard in the long and narrow corridor, and Elder Sada's head was smashed to the ground, rolling like a rag bag and hitting the stone steps heavily.

Lu Buer's sneak attack this time was very successful. His body of thunder, which was condensed from natural energy, also had an unpredictable speed. At the moment of physical contact, he had already poured a vast tide of plasma into the enemy's body, just like the initiation method of Tibetan Buddhism, except that what he poured was not Buddhist wisdom, but rolling thunder.

After evolving into a sixth-order archangel, his strength had a qualitative leap. After a strike, his thunder body seemed dim and silent, and it was obvious that his strength was exhausted.

However, in just a breath of time, he absorbed the powerful lightning again, and rushed forward like a flash of lightning, with dark clouds gathering on his raised right hand.

Elder Sada was convulsing all over from the electric shock; this was a perfect opportunity.

His fingers were as sharp as knives, and lightning flashed like a calamity, as if thousands of birds were singing together!

Just when the knife was about to pierce the enemy's heart.

A dim twilight suddenly illuminated the corridor. Elder Sada's eyes, which had turned white due to the electric shock, suddenly returned to normal. A dagger carved from rotten wood slipped out of his sleeve. When the blade stabbed out, there was a whistling wind, and the hot sunlight was faintly visible in the wind!
That's his soul blade!

And what he used was the Divine Ashes Technique!
The Golden Martial God was not afraid at all, and his right hand shone with scorching sunlight!

The sunlight illuminated Xia Zhu in the darkness. The girl was seen breathing heavily tiredly. When she saw the two sides fighting each other with the Divine Ashes Technique, she suddenly had a bad premonition.


The wind and thunder collided suddenly, and wind blades and thunder fragments exploded together.

Lu Buer's right hand was covered with dark lines like blood vessels. The two concepts of infinity and transcendence were merged into one. It seemed like only one attack, but it concealed countless overlapping attacks.

Elder Sada's advantage was that his rank was high enough, and his own strength was even stronger. In addition, his dagger was a tailor-made soul blade, and he was able to stab out countless overlapping thrusts.

Both sides have order factors.

Almost equal in technique.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to launch such a sophisticated and swift attack.

Lu Buer's target is the opponent's heart.

The goal of the Sadar elders is to protect their hearts.

At this moment, time seemed to have fallen into a quagmire-like silence. Lu Buer only felt that there was an airtight wind pressure net in front of him. Every attack of his would be pushed back by the surging wind. It was obvious that the sunlight he displayed was more powerful, but he could not make a breakthrough.

Although the sunlight cast by Elder Sada was weak, there was a mysterious rhythm in the rhythm of the flashing, and there was even a tendency of the weak defeating the strong.

"How is this going?"

Lu Buer raised his left hand in surprise.

There was a snap.

Elder Sadar grabbed his left hand.

The sunlight of the Divine Ashes lit up from their palms.

The two sides were caught in a stalemate.

The sunlight released from Lu Buer's palm was like the sun at dawn that was about to break through the darkness. In an instant, it illuminated the darkness behind the corridor and even seeped into the cracks in the wall.

Even the evening light that shone into the corridor was dimmed.

In contrast, the sunlight in Elder Sada's palm flickered like a short-circuited light bulb in the dark night, but it still flashed with that mysterious rhythm and never went out.

Chi Chi.

Lu Buer's left hand was actually burned!

There was a click.

His right hand was also torn by the blade!

In the battle of Divine Ashes, he actually lost!
"Even if a country bumpkin gets a crown, he can never become an emperor. In the eyes of a true noble, a country bumpkin can never hide his shabby appearance. In the eyes of a noble, a crown is a symbol of power and status, but in your hands, it can only be sold for money at best."

Elder Sada held the knife in his backhand and stabbed at his right palm. Although the blade did not penetrate, it completely neutralized his attack: "Why don't you hand over Omega's forged core? I can consider buying some anti-cancer drugs for you. What do you think?"

Naked ridicule.

Lu Buer ignored him completely. This time he changed his strategy and withdrew his hands without hesitation. His fists were wrapped in violent electric light and he blasted out in an alternating cycle.

This is the sun punch in Wing Chun!
The reason for using Wing Chun is that this ancient boxing style is most suitable for exerting force in a small space, and it is undoubtedly the best solution for the current situation.

Unexpectedly, Elder Sada remained calm and even used the sun-shaped punch from Wing Chun to fight back. Every punch was accompanied by a loud sound of wind.

The wind and thunder collided again.

The sunlight flickers.

This time, the frequency of punches from both sides was almost exactly the same.

Lu Buer has an absolute performance advantage in the Divine Ashes Technique, but during the confrontation he clearly felt something was wrong, as his thunder body was hit by the strong wind!
It was like he missed the opponent's punch and failed to block it!

Lu Buer forced himself to concentrate, using the sun-shaped punch to block the attacks while trying to see clearly every punch thrown by the opponent in order to find a solution.

It was obvious that the other party had used some method to crack his Divine Ashes Technique.

But he didn't know what this method was.

Bang bang bang!
The body of thunder was pierced by the punch carried by the gust of wind.

The sunlight penetrated the dark matter, causing unbearable pain.

Lu Buer endured the pain and became more and more shocked the more he was beaten.

On the contrary, the smile on Elder Sada's face continued to expand. He was no longer satisfied with the simple and rough "日" punch. Instead, he used his index finger to impact the joints of his hands. Even though the dark matter body has a human body structure similar to that of humans, this style of fighting was very effective.

There were several times when Lu Buer's eyes were nearly pierced by the oncoming gust of wind fingers, but he was unable to react at all and was completely caught up in the rhythm of his opponent.

The sound of vomiting blood was heard in the darkness.

Xia Zhu staggered against the wall, his flawless white face engulfed by dark red blood vessels. The bloody red light flickered in his body, like a bomb that could explode at any time.

"Sure enough, this Sada also mastered the formula... and this kid really doesn't know it. Wait, then how did he learn the Divine Ashes Technique?" A trace of surprise and nervousness flashed in her eyes. She wanted to go over to help but was unable to do so, and once again spat out a mouthful of hot blood.

She didn't lie. After overdrawing her strength, she had to do her best to suppress herself, otherwise it might lead to irreversible consequences.

"Hey, pay attention to the frequency!" Xia Zhu reminded in a weak voice.

Just as Lu Buer narrowly avoided a finger attack, he heard a weak voice from a young girl behind him: "When Sada casts the Divine Ashes Technique, there is a frequency that is calculated according to a certain formula. Only by following that formula can the Divine Ashes Technique exert its maximum power. Pay attention to the third and fourth attacks of each round of his offensive. Did you miss anything during this period? You have the Omega Core, so you should be able to notice it."

Elder Sada also heard the voice and suddenly thrust out a sharp move with his finger.

It was about to hit Lu Buer’s eyes.

It was at this moment that Lu Buer seemed to have an epiphany.

Initially he thought he was at a disadvantage because of his lack of skills.

But that turned out not to be the case.

The strength displayed by both sides is equal.

The skills are also comparable.

So what went wrong?
After Xia Zhu's reminder, he also discovered the problem.

It wasn't that Elder Sada could suppress him with every move. Instead, he would counterattack between the third and fourth moves of each round of attack, catching him off guard.

This is also true for the confrontation with the Divine Ashes Technique.

Every time the flickering light flashes between the third and fourth time, it can turn defeat into victory.

"Between the third and fourth moves, between three and four..."

Lu Buer suddenly thought of something, and distant memories came flooding back.

He was still a child at that time, playing in his parents' study, and accidentally found a magazine called "Science Fiction World". There was a photo in it that looked like a still from a movie.

Later, Dad and Mom explained that in 2010 they were invited to attend a lecture at the Savannah College of Art and Design in the United States, and participated in the film production of a group of young people.

The name of the movie is "The Hidden Number". It is about a mathematician who discovered a mysterious integer bleem between 3 and 4, but this number prevents humans from discovering it. Many people who have studied it in depth have encountered unexpected events. As long as someone can prove and discover this number, they can break through the limitations of multidimensional space and transcend life and death.

That memory is too vague.

Lu Buer only remembered the draft paper in the magazine. The paper was covered with densely packed formulas. The sunlight shone through the window onto the bookshelf, causing dust to fly.

"Mom and Dad, is there such a number in the world?"

"Perhaps there is, and we are also looking for it. It is very mysterious, and can only be approached through infinite computing power. It does have the power to change everything. Normally, it does not exist. It will only appear when your calculations get closer to it."

"If I find that number, will I be able to survive?"

"Silly child, we will let you live even if we can't find that number."

Originally, Lu Buer thought that it was just a joke his father and mother said to comfort him. However, after going through so many things along the way, he realized once again that any item left by his parents might be a crucial clue.

Why did his parents decide to make a science fiction movie?
You have to know that his parents were gods at that time.

For Tianren, making movies is really too boring.

Lu Buer knows his parents very well.

They never do anything meaningless.

By doing this, it was as if they had accidentally hidden the clues.

Hidden in such a small movie.

Lu Bu Er mastered the Divine Ashes Technique only after fusing with Omega's core, but the way he improved himself was very clever, because he made use of the God Curse System.

Forcibly usurping the cultivation results of others.

This approach has worked well in the past.

It greatly shortened his practice time and provided him with endless convenience.

But in the Divine Ashes Technique, something seems to be missing.

If the Divine Ashes Technique requires a certain formula to unleash its maximum power.

Then this statement is reasonable.

Because the essence of divine arts is infinite techniques and calculations!

"Between three and four, there's something you can't see."

“That is something that cannot be understood.”

"Just like the moves that Sadar used when he attacked."

“It’s like the obscured future!”

For a moment, the god in Lu Buer's mind suddenly woke up, his silent golden eyes lit up with graceful light, the power of the order factor was forcibly awakened, the depths of his consciousness were illuminated by the endless light of dawn, the sunlight reflected the old study, and the draft papers scattered all over the floor.

Lu Buer sat among these draft papers, holding a pencil in his hand.

The draft paper was filled with densely packed formulas.

Some of them I can understand, some of them I can’t.

it's fine.

His appearance gradually changed.

From a delicate young boy, he became a noble god.

Countless densely packed numbers seemed to come alive from the draft paper, floating in the air like billions of raindrops suspended in the air, and began to arrange and combine.

Shikafuji has the Omega core.

If the essence of divine magic is computing power.

Then he has the strongest computing power in the world!
At this moment, the gods began to calculate on his behalf!

(End of this chapter)

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