edge of pure land.

Chapter 370 Xia Zhu's True Body

Chapter 370 Xia Zhu's True Body

A surging stream of data flashed through Lu Buer's pupils. The flickering sunlight deep in his pupils seemed to contain a vast ocean of numbers, which were calculated according to the formula.

If he were the world's top mathematician, then perhaps he wouldn't need the help of the gods in his mind, and could try to find the hidden number himself.

But he is not.

Memory chips are not a panacea.

Even if one passes through the taboo-level memory chip, in fact, at most one can only have the level of a university professor, which is still a long way from being a top scholar. There is no way to affect the structure of numerology at all, not to mention that this level already requires the sacrifice of human lives.

Taboo-level memory chips were forcibly extracted at the cost of human lives.

More advanced memory chips simply cannot be made with existing technology.

But this is not a difficult thing for God.

Lu Buer's math skills were just at the level of a top-notch senior high school student. After breaking out of his cocoon, he did not use any related memory chips to cram. He relied entirely on the infinite computing power provided by the god deep in his consciousness, and mobilized all the formulas created since human civilization to deduce that number.

He couldn't understand most of the formulas, but they made him immersed in a wonderful experience, just like when he was in junior high school and studying mathematics at home, a familiar voice echoed in his ears: "There are six elements in cartography, and none of them can be missing. If the map is divided into ratios, all areas of the universe can be drawn on one foot. A five-level system is set up to resolve the collapse of the world..."

That is at this moment.

Elder Sada's finger poked towards his eyes with a whistling sound. It was such a simple action, but he analyzed it into extremely complex data.

The angle of the thrust, the shaking of the muscles, and the change in distance.

No, it's more than that.

In his eyes, the world seemed to have turned into a huge mathematical model. All the data of this mark were analyzed, including the power and speed, the surge of life energy and the amplitude of numerology fluctuations, as well as the degree of refinement of the technique.

Even environmental factors are included, no matter how big or small the matter is.

It’s like artificial intelligence is giving a comprehensive interpretation of an action.

But this is not what Lu Buer really wants to see.

But it is the sunlight that lights up at Elder Sadar’s fingertips.

To be precise, it is the frequency of sunlight flickering.

Time seemed to have slowed down countless times. Between the third and fourth flashes of sunlight, there was actually a ray of light that was faintly visible and fleeting.

This is a complete dimensionality reduction attack, just like an ant on its way forward, it has no idea that someone in the real world will raise their foot to step on it, so naturally it has no way to dodge.

But this divine ash technique is not unsolvable.

Ants are indeed unaware of human trampling.

But the wind created by humans raising their feet can blow it away.

If ants become intelligent one day, perhaps they will realize this.

Similarly, if Lu Buer had not relied on the god in his mind to deduce this number, he would never be able to realize this invisible attack, and naturally would have no way to dodge it.

This number, this attack.

It may not even really exist objectively.

It only exists objectively when you become aware of it.

Otherwise, in Lu Buer's perception, he was injured for no apparent reason.

It is an objective fact that he was injured.

But the means that caused him to be injured mysteriously disappeared.

It’s like, in the ant’s perception, it is dead.

Death is an objective fact.

But being trampled by humans is beyond its cognition.

There was a snap.

Elder Sadar's outstretched right hand was caught.

Lu Buer held his hand again, and the sunlight flashed in his palm.

Elder Sada tried to pull his hand away but failed, so he could only use the Divine Ashes Technique in the same way. However, he was obviously panicked this time because the previous attack missed.

Although in his opinion, it was impossible for this young man to understand so quickly.

But the fact is, Lu Buer avoided his previous attack!
It was still the battle of Divine Ashes, and wind and thunder collided again.

This time, Elder Sada let out a shrill scream, and his right hand, which was surrounded by strong winds, was engulfed by lightning and instantly burned into charcoal like a dead tree, shattered into pieces.

After so many setbacks and injuries, Lu Buer finally approached the hidden number in that wonderful state, as if he had opened the door to another dimension. In the same way, he blasted out the true meaning of the Divine Ashes Technique and defeated his opponent with one blow.

If everyone gets close to that number, then the battle is back to square one.

What is being competed at this time is the quality of the Divine Ashes Technique.

Lu Bu Er won completely.

"How can this be?"

Elder Sada suppressed the pain and swung the dagger in his hand again. The wind blade carved from rotten wood was accompanied by a whistling wind, like the scream of a dead soul.

If it was ten seconds ago, Lu Buer might have been hit, but at this moment he clearly sensed that this seemingly simple attack contained complex changes, whether it was the amplitude of the enemy's arm swing or the frequency of his wrist shaking, including the wind pressure wrapped around the dagger, there were subtle changes.

Like a swinging poisonous snake.

The murder lies between the third and fourth swings!
When Lu Buer realized this, the world seemed to fall into a quagmire-like silence again. He dodged the fatal blow and the Thunder Spear materialized in his hand!
There was a click.

Lu Buer hugged the enemy into his arms as if with great force, and pierced his heart with the Thunder Spear. Golden blood splashed out like ink.

"Lu Zhe and An Xian told you this secret a long time ago, right?"

Before he died, Elder Sada spit out blood and raised his eyes. His eyes were full of confusion and bewilderment. He said softly: "You have been hiding your incompetence, right? If you were not a top mathematician, you would never have been able to get to that number..."

Some people are unwilling to admit that they have been easily overtaken by latecomers in a field where they have worked hard for many years. They naturally suspect that the other party is not a novice, but a sniper who deliberately comes to attack them.

In response to this, Lu Buer responded indifferently.

“I’m not a mathematician.”

He said coldly: "But I like to play Pei Xiu."

"Pei Xiu?"

An absurd thought flashed through Elder Sada's mind. Those who could sit in his position were all elites among the celestial beings. The knowledge stored in his memory was vast. He could easily remember everything, whether it was useful or not, and thus understood what the other party was saying.

It was a mobile game called "Three Kingdoms" that had long been lost in history. Pei Xiu was a general in this game. The operation was a little difficult but not too much. At least he needed to know how to count.

But he is still the most brain-burning general.

"That's it?"

Elder Sada's head tilted and he died.

Lu Buer tried to stand up, but felt dazed.

It's not physical exhaustion.

But it's conscious.

It's like someone playing online games in an Internet cafe for seven days and seven nights.

It was like a computer that had been mining for a year. Lu Buer's battle took a total of 45 seconds. It seemed very short, but the process was extremely dangerous and difficult. It could even be considered the most dangerous battle in his life.

Of course, the danger also comes from Elder Sada, but if it cannot be resolved in a short period of time, this underground relic may be reduced to ashes by the Burning Sky Fire.

This woman Xia Zhu really didn't lie. God knows what her exact level is, but when she half-knelt on the ground and breathed, the breath she exhaled was as hot as lava. The temperature in the tunnel was as high as thousands of degrees Celsius, and even the rock walls were annihilated.

If Lu Buer had not appeared in the form of a dark matter body, he would not have survived at all.

"Hold on, don't explode!"

Lu Bu Er roared.

If Xia Zhu exploded at this moment, all the efforts made by everyone today would have been in vain.

Elder Sada's body must be preserved. Whether it is an autopsy or resurrection using the creation ritual, many valuable things can be obtained.

Because Lu Buer made a guess based on the number he had.

This hidden number might not be as simple as the mystery of the Divine Ashes Technique.

It is very likely related to that future!
Facing the burning wind that was blowing in his direction, the Golden Martial God rushed in headfirst.

Just as Xia Zhu coughed up a mouthful of blood that looked like lava, the Golden Martial God rushed over like thunder, and suddenly disintegrated in mid-air, and dark matter fell like heavy rain.

"Wait for me to come back and help you remove the curse of origin!"

The Golden Martial God's declaration echoed in the silence: "As it is above, so it is below, as it is inside, as it is outside. In this way, we can obtain the beginning of all things and complete the miracle of Taiyi."

Creation ceremony begins!
The Golden Martial God disintegrated.

It also announces death.

If it manifests itself again, it can only be next to the original body.

Xia Zhu was submerged in the darkness that fell like a rainstorm, as if her body was washed by a dark waterfall. She half-knelt on the ground with her head lowered, a trace of confusion and reminiscence flashed in her eyes.

"He is a man who keeps his promises, but it is better for him not to come back."

She covered her forehead, trying to endure the burning pain from her body. She knew that the creation ceremony had already started, but she couldn't help trembling. A relieved smile appeared on her lips: "This feeling is so familiar, just like going back many years ago when my sister treated me..."

The creation ceremony was indeed initiated, and a golden eye with blood-red magatama appeared in the void. Vigorous vitality flowed out from the nothingness and poured into her body.

But, there is more to it than that.

Xia Zhu's slender and graceful body was like a black hole, absorbing the collapsing and disintegrating dark matter, just like ink smudges on rice paper, eventually returning to formlessness.

She raised her eyes, but her pupils turned into majestic dark red vertical pupils. Dragon horns dripping with blood broke out from her head, and her snow-white skin was covered with blood-red dragon scales.

Xia Zhu screamed silently, and the dragon's might rolled in the darkness.

The ink-dyed long hair fluttered in the wind.

As for the Curse of Origin, it never appeared at all.

Not like Longque or Medanzo who used their own power to devour it.

But it never appeared from beginning to end.

The underground ruins were shaking violently, and floating dust mixed with rubble fell down.

"Logically speaking, this body cannot return to a state close to its original form, but I didn't expect that after swallowing his dark matter, it would have such a wonderful change. No wonder Constantine dreamed of creating such a dark matter body. It is very close to my sister's body structure." Xia Zhu gently wiped the blood flowing from the corner of his lips, raised his dark red eyes, and waited quietly.

The current development of things is within her calculations.

Lu Bu Er will come.

Lu Buer will also leave.

I just happened to be able to help her a little when I came.

Leaving can also provide her with an opportunity to fight again.

As for coming back...

If nothing unexpected happens, there is a high probability that he will not be able to come back.

Suddenly, a pitch-black door opened in the darkness.

A vortex like a black hole emerged.

Someone stood in front of Elder Sadar's body.

They were two celestial beings, one old and one young. The difference was that they were not wearing retro white robes, but black suits and expensive crocodile leather shoes.

The older Tianren bent down and forcibly pried off a finger from the corpse at his feet. He took off the bloody ring on the finger, wrapped it in a white handkerchief and put it in his pocket: "Not included in the sequence, the Ring of the Nibelung, the imitation has been recovered."

It is worth noting that he also wears the same ring on his finger.

"Task one, complete the settlement."

The young Tianren took out a black gun from his pocket and raised his eyes expressionlessly. The golden color in his pupils was so strong that it seemed to be burning: "Begin the elimination operation."

Debris and dust rained down.

They saw the figure in the darkness.

They all sensed the surge of dark matter.

I also felt the power of the Burning Sky Fire.

But this was not enough to scare them.

Because before the two celestial beings arrived at this underground ruins, they had already seen the relevant information about the other party, the hidden eldest daughter of the Xia family, the granddaughter of Vice Pope Xia Wei.

The one who breaks out of the cocoon among the evolvers.

Very strong.

But that's about it.

Until that arrogant voice sounded in the depths of darkness.

Xia Zhu whispered, "The celestial being from before the epoch?"

The two celestial beings in suits suddenly turned their heads and looked at each other. Their eyes, without any emotion, tried to create a feeling of confusion. After all, the other party's history of existence was not ancient, and they should not know their true identities.

"You may not recognize me, but I have been looking for you for many years."

Amid the falling dust and rubble like a rainstorm, Xia Zhu walked out from the darkness, his ferocious dragon horns dripping with blood, his ink-stained long hair rising and falling in the wind.

Those majestic eyes seemed to be ignited by a blazing fire.

The blood-stained red lips were bright red, and curled up in a sinister arc.

A huge fear exploded in the minds of the two celestial beings. They were indeed not familiar with the appearance of this woman, but this violent posture had appeared in some ancient murals.

"She has come back……"

"She's back for revenge..."

This was the last thought that appeared in the lives of the two celestial beings.

Their world fell into dead darkness.

The furious dragon's might devoured everything in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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