Chapter 228 Perfect Arrow Skill: Hit!

"It's actually a single target attack?"

Although the sword hit the ground and affected a range of thousands of meters, in Lin Qi's view, this attack method should be regarded as a single attack, and the only impact on the surrounding area was the spread of the thunder and lightning.

Of course, this complaint was not allowed to be heard, otherwise it would make a few people angry.

A clear space was cleared with one sword, but it did not block the attack of the mutant beasts. Soon a large number of mutant beasts rushed over and reoccupied the cleared space, but those mutant beasts wisely avoided Lin Qi's side.

An evolved bug rushed over carelessly. Just when Lin Qi was about to kill it with a sword, he suddenly thought of something, put away his sword, and slapped it.

The huge bug was whipped away and rolled several times on the ground before getting up unsteadily.

"It turns out that the faceless creatures refer to these bugs."

Kabuto's skill is also a little short of the requirements to advance. This insulting manual skill has never been given a chance to be used.

However, in this beast wave, Lin Qi can max out all his skills.

Immediately with a slap and a sword, he easily walked through the tide of beasts and quickly killed them from the center.

After slapping a hundred evolved bugs, Lin Qi had completed the two requirements to advance to the big cock pocket, leaving only the last ten gene crystals, so he quickly returned to the city wall.

Taking out ten gene crystals from the supplies, the skill template in front of him changed again in the next second.

[The powerful Kabuto has been upgraded to the mighty Kabuto. 】

[Be shameless: When you choose a target to use Big Fuck, the opponent will take the initiative to move their face towards you. 】

[Current skills can be advanced: Advanced requirements:
1: Use the big pocket to attack mutated creatures of level or above times.

2: Use the big pocket to attack the awakened one hundred times.

3: Consume fifty third-level gene crystals.

4: Consume fifty third-level evolutionary crystals. 】

The additional skills made Lin Qi a little confused, but he still couldn't help but try it.

So he took a look at a mutated bird flying in the sky and slapped it away.

The next second, the mutant bird, which was several hundred meters away from Lin Qi, appeared in front of him and received a solid slap.

"I'll rub it! Forced pulling!"

To people onlookers, it looked as if the mutated bird quickly swooped in and attacked, but was slapped away by Lin Qi.

But in fact, that's not the case at all.

If this perverted skill is used well, it can insult almost any mutant creature without causing any harm.

Unfortunately, it is still a single attack.

Most of his original skills have been advanced to the limit, but the most convenient bow and arrow are still far behind, so Lin Qi does not intend to rush into the mutant beasts again.

Instead, he stood at the center of the city wall, with a bow and arrow emerging from his hand.

"Spiral arrow! Youlong throws the world to pieces!"

The arrow separated three rotating moon blades and flew out with a whirlwind. After just a hundred meters, it formed a tornado across the sky!
It is tens of meters high, but the condensed whirlwind is almost touching the ground and is growing continuously.

Along the way, it seemed as if the screen had been cleared, plowing a gap directly into the battlefield!
Moreover, this wind tornado has no intention of stopping at all. It keeps flying into the distance and continues to grow!

"With one arrow, the vision ends!"

The mutant beast materials accumulated on the city wall were all condensed into thick arrows by the super armor. Every time an arrow was shot, a mutant beast was killed, and they were all of level three or above. The continuous shooting almost turned Lin Qi's hand into an afterimage, and the arrows kept flying like a machine gun.

The other two sides of the safe zone were also attacked by evolved bugs and mutated zombies. Although Zheng Hao's command was very good, the number of opponents was huge, and it was impossible to withstand the tide-like offensive with just these people defending.

Just as the scene was getting tense, several figures flew into the sky again, and dozens of Project Source soldiers landed on the city wall one by one.

Each armor is like a god, giving people an indescribable power.

These people are all strong men who participated in the hunt for the sixth-level mutated Qilin Bull last time. Their weakest armors are all integrated with part of the sixth-level Qilin armor, and the Source Project warriors in the four major bases are even more powerful.

"Hurricane Cut!"

Dongfang Cang still performed extremely well, controlling the power of the hurricane with one hand, disrupting the airflow of heaven and earth out of thin air.

The hurricane turned into a wind wheel, and the solid green wind blade was like a horizontal giant wheel, raging over the ruins!

Duan Ruoyun, who came with him, was currently suspended in the sky, surrounded by lightning on his armor, and streaks of thunder struck down and spread like a power grid.

As before, Mr. Zheng is in charge of the overall situation. He knows the abilities of these people best. Every area they deal with can just bring out their full strength.

On the frontal battlefield, Lin Qi fired arrow after arrow indiscriminately, and occasionally used a big move. With the range attack of the big move, he could easily reach 10,000 mission targets.

So Lin Qi quickly came to the place where the materials were stacked and stretched out his hand to press on it.

[The top level of archery has been advanced: perfect level of archery]

[Instant hit: When selecting a target, you can choose to hit it. 】

There is no complicated skill introduction, nor powerful skills, only a special entry.

But the moment he saw this entry, Lin Qi was shocked.

This ability, combined with the previous arrow skill, is a perfect match!

At this moment, the bionic evolutionary bugs released earlier had flown a hundred kilometers away, and in the ruins, they saw the white mutant beast surrounded by a group of high-level mutant beasts.

The moment the shared vision appeared in Lin Qi's eyes, he was really surprised.

"Sheep? White sheep?"

The huge white goat-like creature was more than thirty meters long, with a pair of wings on its back, and was surrounded by a group of mutant beasts. It was obviously a little different.

There was a unicorn cow before, and now a mutated white sheep appeared. Lin Qi could accept it. The level of this mutated white sheep had obviously reached level six, and was even stronger than the mutated unicorn cow.

"Just in time to test your arrow skills!"

This beast tide is probably caused by this mutated white sheep. As long as it is killed, the pressure of the beast tide may be easily relieved.

No matter how bad it is, it will be hit hard with one blow.

"Spiral arrow! Fulong soars to the sky!"

Lin Qi shot an arrow into the sky, and the rotating arrow quickly brought up a hurricane, turning into a flying dragon and soaring into the sky.

The arrows with the two skills attached will become more powerful the longer they fly. In the field of vision, the dragon in the sky keeps moving away. Although it looks smaller and smaller, the range it can affect is getting wider and wider. .

"It's a hit!"

With a thought in his mind, Lin Qi looked at the mutated Aries separated from the screen. The next second, the swimming dragon far away in the sky suddenly disappeared and suddenly appeared in front of the mutated Aries!

(End of this chapter)

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