Chapter 229 The beast tide retreats
The attack of the mutant beast wave stagnated, and it was obviously much more scattered than before. Some low-level mutant beasts even fled hastily, and the mutant birds hovering in the sky quickly flew into the distance.

Some small insects even got into the ruins, quickly burrowed and disappeared.

The mutated zombies and evolved bugs on the other sides were also quickly defeated and could no longer form an effective attack.

Without deliberate control, these mutated creatures will also flee when encountering an irresistible attack.

As the pressure dropped sharply, the beast tide's offensive weakened again and again, and was even gradually driven out of the ruins.

Since the arrow hit, the fluctuations in the spread have caused the bionic bug to lose control and completely lose the information about the mutated white sheep.

But the changes in the mutant beast tide also made Lin Qi understand that his arrow attack had already had an effect.

He immediately jumped up and flew quickly towards a direction hundreds of miles away.

Without the obstruction of mutated creatures and evolved bugs, Lin Qi quickly arrived at the place where he was hit by the arrow.

The original place of ruins has now completely turned into a large pit covering a kilometer in radius. Spiral cutting marks appear around the pit, as if cut by a sharp knife wheel.

In the center of the pit, a pool of blood had gathered. There were broken limbs and corpses everywhere, but there was no trace of the mutated white sheep.

"Sixth-level mutant beasts are indeed not that easy to kill."

However, the aura of the sixth-level mutant beast still remained in the pit, proving that the blow just now must have hurt the opponent.

After sensing with his mental power, Lin Qi collected the genetic crystals left in the pit before returning to the safe zone.

At this moment, the mutant beasts around the safe zone have basically been cleared away. Mr. Zheng has already begun to organize a team of awakeners to go out of the city to hunt mutant beasts in order to achieve more gains.

And there are still many support teams from the safety zone constantly arriving. After receiving the news of the battle victory, some people quickly formed a team and headed towards the Wucheng safety zone.

Normally, there is no chance to encounter such a huge herd of mutated beasts. How could one easily let go of the opportunity this time? Moreover, one can also make friends with some Source Project warriors and show some face.

In just one day, several aircraft were parked near the Wucheng safety zone. The engineers in the safety zone were all rare talents. After solving the energy problem, the aircraft produced were of all kinds, which Lin Qi could see for a while. Dazzled.

"That's pretty much it, it's time for us to leave."

On the city wall, a group of Project Source warriors gathered together. These were among the top forces of mankind. The main purpose of these people coming here was to wonder why Lin Qi had such strong personal strength.

In addition to the different awakening abilities of individuals, the power may be large or small, but source martial arts have only just become popular, and even developers are at the forefront of constant exploration. Why can this guy use large-scale attack skills?

Moreover, the painting style of the skills is obviously different from them.

Just like the giant thunder sword falling and the arrow disappearing through the air just now, it was beyond their understanding.

After pushing and shoving, a group of people finally plucked up the courage and came to the corner of the city wall.

"Brother Lin, long time no see!"

The armor worn by the visitor looked very powerful, but a smile appeared on his face, which made him look a little more flattering.

"Yeah, long time no see."

Lin Qi had no idea who the visitor was, but he should be a comrade he had worked with last time. Since he came to say hello, he didn't lose face and asked people to sit down immediately. However, there was no hospitality at all on the simple city wall.

"Brother Lin, what I saw just now is really shocking. I am a Yuan Project soldier in the Hongcheng Safe Zone. My name is Hong Feng. Although my strength is far inferior to Brother Lin, I can still show my skills in other aspects."

Hong Feng was a little incoherent. He had almost forgotten the words he had thought of before coming over. Especially when he saw that Lin Qi was unusually calm and seemed to be thinking about something, he did not dare to say anything unnutritious.

"Hong Feng, right? You are ranked 19th in the Yuan Plan. Your strength is already very good."

The opponent's gene lock has reached the third level, and the armor is mainly made of fifth-level materials, with some sixth-level materials. The strength is already at the top level in the normal source plan.

This kind of being has the confidence to negotiate even when facing the four major bases, but sitting in front of Lin Qi now, he feels timid.

"Not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning!"

Hong Feng waved his hands repeatedly. He had always believed in the ranking data of the Source Plan before, but after seeing Lin Qi's strength, he realized that everything on the ranking list was nonsense.

In the federal land, there are many talented people, and the hidden master must have disappeared. In the past, he just sat in the well and watched the sky.

The Source Project Center only counts the strength of those who wear Source Project armor. Those who do not wear Source Plan armor are also very strong, but they don't want to show it.

Hong Feng communicated quietly for a while, looking at Lin Qi expectantly, fearing that the other party would be unhappy.

But when he saw Lin Qi nodding slightly, his face instantly became excited.

He quickly stood up, thanked her profusely, and then left his seat.

After Hong Feng went back to talk to those people for a few words, the group slowly dispersed, but they still looked at Lin Qi from time to time with grateful eyes.

"What did he tell you?"

At this time, An Xin walked over, a little confused about the purpose of these people's visit.

"They hope that when they encounter an irresistible crisis in the future, they can let me help."

Beast tide attacks are a threat that all safe zones will face. The previous safe zones continued to fall because everyone was not prepared.

Moreover, other safe zones do not have the ability to provide support as soon as possible. Now that the four major bases have deployed everything and begun to form rescue arks, the remaining safe zones also have some self-protection capabilities.

Even the aircraft developed by some safe zones can transport combat effectiveness over long distances, which has led to the possibility of alliances in some safe zones.

Although joining the four major bases is a good choice, now that these people have become leaders of a safe zone, they will definitely not be happy if they are allowed to go back to their previous days of working for others.

"So you agreed so easily? Why don't you ask for benefits from them?"

An Xin was a little anxious. This kind of help must be related to interests. Only with interests can the relationship between the two parties be promoted.

"So, I asked them to come to our safe zone to negotiate if necessary, and then the task will be handed over to you."

How could Lin Qi not know their thoughts? It was better to leave troublesome matters like maximizing profits to professionals.

(End of this chapter)

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