Doomsday: My skills are becoming more and more abnormal

Chapter 247 News about Level 7 Mutated Creatures

"Is it an alien?"

Seeing the pictures collected by Jin Na, several people looked at each other. They didn't expect to find the body of an alien in the base, but they didn't know what kind of research this body brought to them.

Bai Su was very curious. After all, every biologist has the desire to study this kind of creature that does not belong to Blue Star.

"It's just a corpse. Even if we can research something, we don't have that much energy, so let's just sit back and enjoy the results."

Lin Qi controlled Weilan, constantly collecting data in the base, and downloaded most of the core technologies into Weilan's database.

After a night of continuous collection, almost all the data in the base was copied.

Many of these bases have obtained interstellar technology from alien spacecraft, but it is only at a superficial level and has not been fully developed at all.

But even those superficial technologies have greatly improved their technological level.

The five people stayed in the aircraft for a day without going out, but they could contact Mr. Zheng at any time to learn about the current situation of the base.

In the past few days, large arks have returned from outside from time to time, transporting many survivors from other safe zones. Those safe zones that are threatened by mutant beasts and are about to be destroyed have already developed the determination to join the four major bases.

This base is an area of ​​the Third Base. In terms of construction, it is not as good as the previous two large bases. However, because it is close to the Kunlun Mountains, there are a large number of Source Project soldiers inside to ensure the absolute safety of the base.

Before the doomsday, this place was an inaccessible no-man's land. Only important places had secret base buildings, but now it has become the last safe fortress of mankind.

"Lin Qi, Mr. Zheng has transmitted some information. Do you want to take a look at it now?"

An Xin has been responsible for negotiating with Mr. Zheng, and asked Lin Qi as soon as he received the information.

Lin Qi, who was busy sorting out the information, heard it and said without looking back.

"Transfer the data to Weilan and let him sort it out for me. You can take care of the unimportant things yourself."

Lin Qi was busy using his mechanical transformation ability to continuously record the advanced mechanical equipment in the base. Those new technologies obtained from the spacecraft were just enough for him to try experiments on his own aircraft.


An Xin replied, transferred the data, and left the cab.

As all the data unfolded, a video appeared in front of Lin Qi, and it also included Mr. Zheng's explanation.

The video lasted for more than an hour, but the shooting location was not in the federal territory, but in an unknown country in the west.

In the picture, the field of vision was locked on a mountain range. As time passed, the mountain range began to slowly squirm and began to walk.

As the screen kept getting closer, Lin Qi saw clearly that what seemed to be a mountain range turned out to be a giant mutant beast.

"This is? Mammoth?"

As early as in the safe zone, Lin Qi had read information about the mammoth. At that time, it was only a fifth-level mutant beast, and its size was not that exaggerated. But now it seems that the height of this mammoth is over one hundred meters. , and the level has reached level seven!

Mr. Zheng's voice was still introducing information about the mammoth, and revealed that five federations were preparing to work together to kill the mammoth and divide the precious seventh-level mutant materials. When the mammoth was at the sixth level, the federation to which that region belonged launched a hunting plan for this mutated beast. However, due to lack of preparation, the hunting failed at the beginning, and several sources were lost. Plan warrior.

The mammoth's revenge ensued, destroying several safe zones in a short period of time. After devouring a large number of survivors, its strength increased to level seven, making it even more difficult to deal with.

In order to preserve its final strength, that federation had to compromise with other federations and ask for help.

After fast forwarding through the information, Lin Qi pondered for a moment and connected the video to Mr. Zheng.

"Lin Qi, you should have read the information I sent you. Do you want to participate in the mission of hunting the seventh-level mutated mammoth?"

The environment that Mr. Zheng was in was in ruins. Apparently, only one day had passed, and he had left the safe zone again to perform a dangerous mission.

"I don't think it's necessary. After all, this is the first time to hunt a seventh-level mutant beast. No one knows how strong this level of mutant beast is. It's better to give up this mission."

Just looking at the size of the giant mammoth, you can feel a special suppressive force. Moreover, the seventh-level mutant beast has been improved by leaps and bounds, just like the one Lin Qi shot from a long distance during the previous wave of mutant beasts. Aries in white clothes have extremely special abilities.

If this mutated mammoth also has special abilities, ordinary Project Source soldiers really can't take it down.

"Don't you think about it again? With your strength, you should be somewhat sure, right?"

Mr. Zheng did not give up and persuaded him again. In his opinion, Lin Qi's strength was not at the same level as ordinary Yuan Project soldiers. If he could take action, the chance of killing the mutated mammoth would increase by several percent.

"When a seventh-level mutant beast appears in our federation, I will definitely take action. As for other people's beasts, let others deal with them."

At this stage, Lin Qi had more important things to do, especially after learning that there was a spaceship deep in the Kunlun Mountains, and it was very possible that there were even living alien life.

This indicates that mankind's biggest crisis has moved from zombies, mutant beasts and evolved bugs to another level.

Mr. Zheng did not continue to persuade, but the base had already formed a Project Source team, preparing to join the mission of hunting down the seventh-level mutated mammoth.

Based on the high-level decision, the demeanor of a great country cannot be lost.

"The base has decided to give you a nominal position and upgrade your identity card to legend. No matter which safe zone you go to in the future, you will have temporary command rights over the safe zone."

Mr. Zheng was a little embarrassed. After all, this useless position was the idea of ​​the base's senior management.

They neither want to give Lin real power nor offend others, so they can only exchange for the interests of others. As for whether other safe zones will recognize this identity, it has nothing to do with them.

"Haha, I will leave the base tomorrow, Mr. Zheng, take care."

Lin Qipi smiled and said that he still underestimated the senior management of the safe zone. Even if he showed his due value, he would not be treated with the same status.

Just like the Source Project warrior of Pangu Armor, although he is nominally the first person in the Source Plan rankings, he actually doesn't even deserve a name.

If the performance is not good, who knows whether the people in the armor will be replaced by others. (End of chapter)

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