Doomsday: My skills are becoming more and more abnormal

Chapter 248 Entering the Kunlun Mountains

Chapter 248 Entering the Kunlun Mountains
Mr. Zheng was silent for a while before sighing.

"The base cannot recruit you, which is their loss, but I still hope you can consider it. After all, the future of the entire human race must be guided by someone."

The hierarchical system that has been formed for a long time is not so easy to be destroyed. Although some people are not strong and are already old, the network of relationships firmly connects them. If one person moves, the whole body will be affected.

The description of a grasshopper on a rope is perfect. They must consider the overall interests.

"I will consider it. The future of mankind can only be in our own hands. This is the right that mankind should have."

Lin Qi turned off the video and let out a sigh of relief.

Before entering the base, he had an idea, and now this idea is even stronger.

"Get ready, let's leave the base."

Lin Qi quickly issued the order. As Wenxiu started the aircraft, a slight tremor was heard, and the aircraft that had been parked at the base for many days gradually flew into the sky.

With just this movement, several messages and calls came one after another.

Lin Qi directly opened all the information and displayed it on the screen.

There are Chen Feng, the Chu family brothers and sisters, as well as the small leader in charge of aircraft management, air communications department, and even the base.

This also shows that even without stepping out of the aircraft, there are still a lot of eyes locked on Lin Qi.

"Brother Lin, I saw your aircraft starting nearby. Where are you going?"

In the picture, Chu Qing scratched his head. It was obvious that contacting Lin Qi was not his original intention.

"Oh, I'm going back to the Central Plains Safe Zone. If you have a chance, come and sit in my safe zone."

Lin Qi explained with a smile, but ignored other people's inquiries.

As long as they hear their thoughts, as for whether they will let them go, with their current strength, they don't dare to have anyone stop them.

"Well, when our mission becomes easier, we will definitely visit Brother Lin."

Chu Qing nodded quickly and looked away, as if he was affirmed.

Lin Qi hung up several other communications and said goodbye to Chen Feng. The aircraft quickly took off and soared directly into the sky.

When driving out of the base, there is no need to take the secret passage. Although there are a large number of air defense measures on the outside, no one dares to block it.

"It turns out that the four major bases are located here."

Viewed from a high altitude, the facilities in the base can be seen at a glance, and the air defense fortresses scattered around the perimeter are like small hills.

"Wenxiu, circle the sky a few times and record all the topography of the four bases."

Since no one dared to stop him from flying in the sky, he simply became more unscrupulous and immediately commanded the aircraft to circle the sky several times, even visiting all the areas of the four bases.

The aircraft's communication kept ringing, but Lin Qi ignored it.

After collecting information about all areas, Wenxiu was allowed to control the aircraft and fly towards the Kunlun Mountains.

"All the area maps of the four major bases have been recorded, but what use do you need this for?"

An Xin was a little confused. Since he had already chosen to leave, why would he step on their faces. "Have you not noticed that the planning and design of the four bases are a bit strange, especially the first base is in the safest place, the second base is a key development plan, the third base is for combat deployment, and the fourth base is like It’s a civilian area.”

The safety zones in the outside world also have this kind of scale division, but that only occurs when the facilities are not perfect. However, the four major bases have planned such a layout from the beginning. It can almost be concluded that human beings have been divided into three types by default. Sixty-nine and so on.

"Natural selection, survival of the fittest, I think there is nothing wrong with this."

An Xin was silent for a moment. Under the new order of the apocalypse, the previous approach no longer works. As long as ordinary people can survive, it is already the greatest luxury. People with low genetic strength are destined to become cows and horses.

"You're right. Because of this, the order of the four major bases will definitely change. It seems that the person who originally planned the base has already figured this out. It's a pity that the senior officials are still kept in the dark."

Even if Lin Qi went not to participate, the base would eventually reach that point. When the strong can control the voice of a base, the division of power will change.

But since Lin Qi chose not to join the base, everything here has nothing to do with him.

The engine inside the aircraft had been modified by Lin Qi into a more advanced one, so it was faster than before. In less than an hour, it reached the sky above the Kunlun Mountains.

"The coordinates Mr. Zheng gave me before seem to be near this mountain range."

Lin Qi called up the coordinates and searched for the specific direction.

As the position is locked, the aircraft reduces its speed and slowly approaches the target position.

The Kunlun Mountains have long been covered by a dense layer of vegetation. After those plants mutated, they have extremely strong adaptability. Some even drilled out of the underground rock formations, opening a crack in the mountain.

The aircraft passed over a mountain, and a huge crack in the mountain suddenly appeared in front of it, leading directly to the depths of the ground!
"It's right here. I can already feel that there is a very strong source of power spreading inside."

Bai Su stood up, and she was already aware of it before she entered the crack.

While several people were watching, suddenly countless rays of blue light shot out from the cracks, locking the position of the aircraft.

Wenxiu's hands shook in fear, and she quickly controlled the aircraft to avoid it, but she still couldn't avoid the dense blue light and was hit squarely!

"Don't worry, the aircraft's material has been replaced with a fifth-level one. This kind of attack can't penetrate it yet."

Lin Qi said calmly, and at the same time took over the operation of the aircraft, and quickly drove away from the sky above the crack with countless source lasers.

After getting away from the attack, I could clearly see the densely packed mutant lizards crawling out of the cracks. Each one was more than three meters tall, with its body covered in scales and blue lasers constantly shooting out of its mouth.

"No wonder the base has been unable to get the spaceship out. It turns out there are such a group of things inside."

A single mutated lizard is not strong, but they can use source power to attack from a distance. Coupled with such a huge number, they create a qualitative change threat.

In addition, the base is concerned about the spacecraft inside and cannot use weapons of mass destruction, so a balance has always been maintained.

It's just that the source plan team is often sent to hunt mutant lizards and harvest their source power crystals.

The aircraft stopped on a nearby hill, but before it stabilized, several figures quickly approached and surrounded it.

But they maintained a certain degree of vigilance and did not dare to get too close.

Because just now, several people had received information and learned the identity of the owner of this aircraft, which they could not provoke at all.

(End of this chapter)

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