The eight people were silent for a while. Everyone had always thought that Blue Star's crisis might be a natural punishment or caused by evil forces.

Lin Qi had thought before that it might be caused by an attack by alien creatures, but he never expected that it turned out to be a pitiful charity.

"I'll fucking kill you!"

Number 4, who had been silent all this time, suddenly rushed forward with gritted teeth, took out the weapon in his hand, and stabbed the experimental subject.

Obviously, when the doomsday broke out, he must have been tortured very painfully, perhaps due to inhuman experiences or the death of a loved one.

Lin Qi did not stop them. Anyway, these two guys were not of much use. If they were left in his hands, someone would have to take care of them. If they were handed over to others, they would not be at ease. It would be better to deal with them directly to avoid trouble in the future.

The long knife penetrated the body, and a stream of blue liquid slowly flowed out from the wound. However, the vitality of the experimental subject was strong after all, and one knife was not enough to threaten his life.

"Don't kill me! I'm still useful. My genetic database contains a lot of the technology and evolutionary direction of our race, which will definitely be helpful to you!"

The pain from the wound made him feel the crisis of death. Although his dull face and words could not express the effect of surrender, his body began to tremble.

"Give people a good time, don't take your time."

Lin Qijian saw that No. 4 had regained his consciousness, and seemed to think that he had caused trouble. The long knife inserted into the body of the experimental subject could not go in or come out, so there was a stalemate.

But after hearing Lin Qi's words, he felt fierce in his heart, drew out his sword, and swung it down suddenly!
A head rolled down, but was stepped on by Cui Yuandong.

After killing this experimental subject, the remaining one suddenly became helpless and huddled up, with a trace of fear in his eyes.

"What should I do with this? Should I send it to the base?"

Cui Yuandong saw that Lin Qi didn't cherish this kind of alien life at all, so he thought about sending it to the base for research, and maybe he could gain something from it.

"Kill him too. If he is sent to the base, he might still be a scourge. Do you think humans can be smarter than this guy?"

Hearing Lin Qi's words, the experimental subject became more and more frightened and struggled to escape. Originally, it thought that if it stayed behind, it would be taken back for research or something, and maybe there would be a chance to escape, but it did not expect that the other party would be so determined.

Cui Yuandong walked over with the knife in hand, cut open the experimental subject's head with a knife, and took out a source of power crystal.

He handed all the two source power crystals to Lin Qi and sat silently waiting.

Not long after, the aircraft entered the underground space, passed through the passage, and came to the vicinity of the spaceship.

The five-hour wait was very long, but fortunately it was quite lively because of the crowd. Lin Qi asked An Xin to take out part of the supplies from the aircraft. After everyone ate some briefly, they began to search for the source power crystals of the mutated lizards in the underground space.

This kind of crystal has a similar effect to gene crystal, but after absorption, it can not only increase the strength of the gene, but also awaken the use of source power.

Lin Qi tried to absorb one, and sure enough he felt a weak source of power integrated into his body, not even much weaker than genetic crystals.

"This is really good stuff."

Lin Qi kept all the five most precious ones. Although they were small, the energy contained in them was not even lower than those of fourth-order gene crystals.

Everyone searched inside and out and collected all the source power crystals they could find. There were tens of thousands of them, filling several large boxes.

"Commander Lin, the people from the base are here!"

Cui Yuandong suddenly stopped his movements. He had received the message from the base just now. Several teams had already arrived near the Kunlun Mountains.

"Move quickly, leave the rest to them if it's too late, the time is almost up." Lin Qi glanced at the time, it was almost five hours ago, Lin Qi cared more about the universe than fighting for the scattered source power crystals with these people Ownership of the spaceship.

When everyone returned to the spaceship, there was only about one minute left in the countdown.

But this long minute makes people anxious.

"The five of you all share some source power crystals. Take as much as you can."

After all, Cui Yuandong and the others are Project Source fighters of the base. Lin Qi doesn't believe that they will follow him loyally, so he might as well just disband now.

Cui Yuandong was stunned for a moment, as if hesitating, but someone behind him pulled him before he reacted.

"Captain, we can pretend very well. We can pretend to be thousands of them. We will be prosperous when we go back!"

The temptation was ahead of them, and they didn't care about the options in the future. As soon as they gathered together, they separated the gaps in the source plan armor and stuffed a lot of source power crystals into it.

Cui Yuandong also followed suit, but his movements became slower and slower. He seemed to realize that his choice might be the most important in his life.

But looking at the source power crystals all over the ground, the last trace of hesitation was completely suppressed by the blue light in front of him.

One minute passed quickly, and Lin Qi could even hear the continuous noise coming from the cave. It was the team of Project Source warriors from the base, which had penetrated deep into the cracks, and was probably at the location of the lair.

"Sir, the spacecraft has been restarted, please give the order."

The blue voice reminded in time, and after an hour of long fusion, the spacecraft was finally completely controlled.

"Open the hatch!"

Lin Qi's voice was slightly trembling. After all, this was a spaceship larger than an aircraft carrier and a cosmic-level strategic weapon.

The smooth hull quickly opened the hatch, revealing the spacious space inside. Lin Qi's small spaceship drove directly in like a toy.

"You five, go back. If the base asks you anything, just tell them how you want to. There's no need to hide anything."

Looking at Cui Yuandong and the others who were stunned at the side, Lin Qi waved and said his final goodbyes.

After all, they had just met each other not long ago. Although they formed a temporary team, the performance of the five of them was pretty good. They were not the kind of people who knew everything about them, so there was no need for Lin Qi to recruit them to his base.

Watching the cabin door gradually closing, Cui Yuandong knew that he had lost a huge opportunity. He could only sigh and watch the figures of several people disappear.

Wei Lan guided the five people to the cockpit quickly. At this moment, the base team had arrived near the spaceship.

The leader was the owner of the Pangu armor who had been defeated by Lin Qi before. After seeing the flashing light on the spaceship, the picture in his eyes was also synchronized to the senior leaders of the base.

"Pangu War Armor must keep this spaceship no matter what. This is a task that must be completed. You must not be taken away by him!"

From Cui Yuandong's mouth, they have learned most of the information in the underground cracks. Without the entanglement of those mutated lizards, as long as they give enough time, maybe they can also develop a way to control this spacecraft.

This will be a huge change for the base!


A dull sound came from Pangu's armor, and he quickly flew forward and stopped in front of the spacecraft. (End of chapter)

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