Doomsday: My skills are becoming more and more abnormal

Chapter 255 Unknown Level Mutated Beast in the Sea

A small figure blocking the front could not hinder the spacecraft in the slightest.

"Is the mantis' arm used as a cart?"

How could Lin Qi not guess what the base was thinking, but this spaceship was already his private property.

"Blue, start automatic operation, target the Central Plains safe zone."

When he first entered the spacecraft, Lin Qi didn't know the specific operation method at all, but Wei Lan's control program could run automatically.

"Sir, we have locked the destination and are ready to start the engine and run it at the lowest power."

As soon as he finished speaking, the vision in front of him slowly lifted up. This was the movement of the spacecraft rising slowly.

But Lin Qi didn't feel any bumps in it, not even a hint of trembling.

“Is this a cosmic level of technological enjoyment?”

The spacecraft floated slowly, and no energy was detected at all. Instead, the entire spacecraft was filled with a unique energy.

After being activated, the energy in that layer suddenly changed, and the five-hundred-meter-long spacecraft instantly crashed through the rock formation and flew upward!

The entire underground cave trembled for an instant. The violent vibrations were like an earthquake. All the rocks above shattered and turned into powder after being touched by that special layer of energy.

The approaching Pangu armor had no time to stop it, and was directly knocked into the stone wall by the energy, completely burying its figure.

The peaceful Kunlun Mountains suddenly trembled violently, a mountaintop exploded, and the spaceship broke out of the mountain!

The spacecraft flew directly into the sky, turned into a blue light and disappeared from everyone's sight.

"It is indeed a spaceship, the speed is terrifying!"

In the cab, you can most intuitively feel the change of speed. From breaking out of the mountain to rushing into the sky, it only takes a few breaths!

"Husband, can we go to the universe and see it?"

Tuan Tuan excitedly studied the instruments in the cockpit, but after all, it was an alien battleship. The control facilities inside were completely different from human habits, and it was impossible to tell what their functions were.

"With this spaceship, it should be possible to travel in the universe, but it needs to be modified first."

Although Lin Qi has stored all the data of the spacecraft, it will take a lot of time to fully understand it. Fortunately, Weilan has synchronized the data of the spacecraft database. This step can save a lot of trouble.

"We don't need to go back to the base yet. Let's go around Blue Star a few times and see how the entire Blue Star has changed."

Sensing that the spacecraft was descending, Lin Qi changed his order, and the spacecraft quickly rose up again, flying in a straight line towards the edge of the sky.

New images are constantly being refreshed on the screen. Most of the buildings on Blue Star were originally covered by vegetation. Except for the locations of the safe zones, traces of human life can also be seen.

After a while, the picture turned into a deep blue sea. The endless waves of the sea seemed to be brewing with deep energy.

"Enlarge the light spots on the screen!"

Suddenly, strange light spots were marked on the screen, which caught Lin Qi's attention.

After the screen was zoomed in step by step, it was clear that it was a giant sea turtle swimming slowly on the sea surface.

The turtle was over a thousand meters in size, floating on the sea like a small island, with thick plants even growing on its carapace. "What level of mutant beast is this!"

The largest mutant beast on the ground is just the newly discovered seventh-level mutant mammoth, but its body is completely different from this giant turtle.

Although the resources in the sea are extremely rich, it is easy for huge animals to be born.

The spacecraft slowly lowered, but the mutated turtle seemed to have noticed something. It trembled and quickly sank to the bottom of the sea.

Only a whirlpool was left in place, and the sea could not calm down for a long time.

"The mutated beasts in the sea are far larger than those on land, but they will not threaten land creatures for the time being, but it is hard to say about this kind of amphibians."

Bai Su kept looking at the boiling sea. She was not at all curious about the appearance of such a giant turtle.

Originally, turtles were animals with extremely strong vitality. They appeared on Blue Star in ancient times, and the ancient genes hidden in their bodies far exceeded those of other species.

"If you have a chance, you must get one and try it."

Unable to detect the specific location of the giant turtle, Lin Qi also gave up his search. Such high-level mutant beasts have a strong sense of danger. They must have sensed the crisis in the air before escaping into the sea.

After a short stay, the spacecraft continued to move forward rapidly. Except for the mutant beasts that could be encountered on the sea, except for the occasional mutant birds that jumped out of the sea and flying in the air, there were no other things. But what was hidden in the deep sea? No one knows.

The spaceship quickly crossed the sea and arrived at another continent.

From the first sight, most of the continent is covered by vegetation, but there are still many safe zones dotted there. From a high altitude, traces of human existence can be clearly detected.

Wherever he went, Wei Lan recorded all the information, and even made detailed classifications of the types of mutant beasts and evolved bugs.

For a whole day, the spacecraft floated in the sky, flying over the major federations of Blue Star, recording all important safety zones and special bases.

Because of the unique technological level of the spacecraft, it can effectively block any information detection, so after turning around, no one or instrument noticed this huge spacecraft.

Unknowingly, he circled the Blue Star several times before returning to the Central Plains safety zone.

I haven't returned to the safe zone for a few days, and there haven't been many changes in the city. However, since Lin Qi drove the spaceship away, some uninvited guests have come to the safe zone.

Perhaps out of scruples, these people did not do anything extraordinary. Instead, they moved into the safe zone as guests in the name of the four major bases.

Moreover, after receiving the information from the base, several nearby safety zones also dispatched Project Source soldiers to visit the Central Plains Safety Zone. Under such circumstances, no one dared to take the initiative to cause trouble.

"Commander Lin hasn't returned yet?"

In the conference room of the safe zone, dozens of Project Source soldiers gathered together, and it was very lively.

The Yan family father and son looked nervous. So many big shots appeared together, making it impossible for the two of them to receive them, so they had to ignore many familiar people.

"I haven't been able to contact him, and we don't know where he went."

Yan Ming didn't know how many times he asked, and even he felt a little bored, but Lin Qi and the few people he took out have been in a state of lovelorn, and even the most familiar people in the base cannot be contacted.

The spacecraft has a special information shielding function. Due to harassment from the base, Lin Qi asked Wei Lan to take the initiative to open the shield. This resulted in no one being able to contact them. (End of chapter)

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