Chapter 256 Support Request
The spacecraft is suspended high in the sky in the safe zone, and the invisibility function has not been turned on. With the current human technology, it is impossible to detect this invisibility method.

Lin Qi detached from the spaceship in a small spaceship and flew slowly towards the base.

Without signal shielding, several people's communicators suddenly kept ringing. A quick glance revealed that there were already more than a thousand messages.

"Did something happen to the base?"

Lin Qi was so frightened that he quickly contacted Xiaoling. After learning about the current situation of the base, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The aircraft landed above the underground base, and the people around who had learned about Lin Qi's return in advance had all gathered together.

Some original Project Source soldiers from the base, as well as their original comrades, as well as those sent to visit by major security zones, and finally the teams sent by the four major bases.

"As soon as the front foot is gone, these people will come to the safe area. I'll leave it to you to deal with it. Don't worry."

Lin Qi no longer wanted to deal with people at the base, so it was more suitable to leave the negotiation to a professional like An Xin.

"Okay, I'll just find a way to send them away."

An Xin summoned a few Source Project soldiers, negotiated with them for a few words, and then led them to fly elsewhere.

After seeing Lin Qi, the remaining people gathered around him.

Now in the federation, they even think that the strongest person among humans is this legendary figure recognized by the four major bases. No matter how unconvinced they are, they must come and get acquainted with him.

Not only that, they also brought many valuable gifts, but more or less, they all had some purpose.

Naturally, Lin Qi would not neglect these people. He spent seven days in a row entertaining them, getting acquainted with them all, and discussing how to start forming an alliance.

As time goes by, the growth rate of mutant beasts has gradually accelerated. Powerful giant mutant beasts have appeared in various places, and many of them are already threatening some safe zones.

Many of the Source Project fighters among them were seeking help, hoping that Lin Qi could help their safe zone tide over the difficulties.

The other part has plans to join the Central Plains Security Zone, but the specific regulations require further consideration.

Lin Qi registered all these people, selected the safe areas with the greatest crisis, and marked them.

"Wenxiu, ask Wei Lan to check the current status of these safety zones and analyze the degree of crisis."

As the order was issued, Wei Lan quickly controlled the spacecraft, arrived at a safe zone, and monitored the environment below.

"Fifth-level mutant beasts and evolved insect swarms, no wonder this safe zone can't resist them."

Wei Lan quickly identified the crisis problem. Near the safe zone, a fifth-level mutant beast suddenly appeared, and a large number of insect swarms were approaching. There was even a city wall that had been mostly destroyed.

Although the tide of beasts brought by the fifth-level mutant beasts was far less powerful than before, the strength of this safe zone was simply not enough to withstand it.

Lin Qi quickly contacted his teammates who had fought before and joined a special channel.

"Jiang Tianqi, you have experience fighting against the tide of mutant beasts. This time you will lead the team and summon twenty Project Source soldiers to help this safe zone clean up the mutant beasts and tide over the difficulties." Lin Qi sent the message into the channel , all the collected data are clearly presented in front of everyone.

"Commander Lin, the personnel have been gathered and are ready to go at any time."

All twenty Project Source soldiers responded, but a few had already returned to their own safe zones, but they could reach the predetermined location in a short time.

At the same time, the four major bases also took the initiative to dispatch Project Source combat teams to help those safe zones tide over the difficulties. If it were before, if you wanted to get their help, you would definitely have to agree to a series of conditions, or become an affiliated force of the base.

But with the participation of third-party forces, this kind of assistance becomes an unconditional task.

In the underground base, Lin Qi sat in front of a huge display screen, observing the situation in the safe zone in the south.

The fifth-level mutant beasts no longer pose much of a threat to him. Even if the Source Project soldiers cooperate with each other, they can kill them. But the most troublesome thing is the number of mutant zombies and the rapid growth of those evolved bugs.

Most of the bugs encountered before were relatively small and not a big threat. However, as time passed, a large number of special evolved bugs gradually appeared, and their size and number continued to grow.

Just like in the picture, a big black flea is flashing in the ruins. If it weren't for the precise monitoring of the spacecraft, it would not be able to catch it.

This flea is as big as a basketball. Every time it jumps, you can barely see its shadow. It can appear hundreds of meters away in an instant. If an ordinary awakened person encounters it, there will be no one-in-one enemy!
And these fleas appear in groups!
In addition, a dense layer of black spreads on the ground, and the evolved ants are like an army passing through, eating away at everything they encounter.

The flying insects in the sky almost formed a dark cloud, circling in an orderly manner. Once they stopped, it would be a crisis for all living things.

"They should be able to handle it."

At this stage, the strength of most of the Source Project fighters has been greatly improved. Almost all of them use fifth-level armor. Some of them even have sixth-level materials on their armor, plus their own awakening. Ability, individual combat capability has reached an extremely strong level.

Even so, Lin Qi was a little worried. After all, mutant creatures have endless abilities. As the level of evolution increases, some of them may have special abilities.

"Azure, monitor the situation at all times and assist in attacking when necessary."

The spaceship is still suspended over the safety zone. As long as there is a situation that the Source Project soldiers cannot resist, they will definitely provide support.

Although this spaceship is not a battleship that focuses on combat, the weapons it carries are still not comparable to Blue Star's technology. They are just ordinary energy cannons that can easily kill fourth-order mutant beasts. If the main gun is used, only I'm afraid that seventh-level mutant beasts can easily injure them severely.

Lin Qi watched the surveillance footage with all his concentration, not daring to let go of the uncontrollable situation. However, as he continued to study the footage in depth, he gradually discovered some anomalies.

"There are so many mutated zombies?"

A hundred kilometers away from the safe zone, a ruined city was crowded with mutated zombies, slowly moving towards the safe zone.

The strange thing is that these mutated zombies are all bald and have exposed skin, with no trace of torn clothing at all.

You must know that even zombies that have been killed will still have some fragments of their former clothes hanging on them, or traces of their past can be seen.

"Is there another mother zombie appearing?"

(End of this chapter)

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