Doomsday: My skills are becoming more and more abnormal

Chapter 257 What posture do you usually use?

I saw the horror of the mother zombie last time. As long as it is given enough time to grow, it will become a nest that can continuously breed zombies.

Although the female zombie has been sterilized, there is no guarantee that it will still exist in the same way.

After observing for a long time and finding no obvious traces, Lin Qi could only tell Jiang Tianqi to be on guard.

Then another communication channel was opened, and it was the picture transmitted back by Mr. Zheng.

The other federations summoned hundreds of powerful Project Source warriors, as well as a variety of powerful new equipment, and began hunting and killing the seventh-level mutated mammoths.

The picture is very messy. The video passed back by Mr. Zheng was captured from the perspective of a Source Project soldier. The figure of a mammoth can be vaguely seen, like a big mountain, slowly moving among the ruins.

Every movement of a behemoth of this magnitude will cause the ground to tremble, and rhythmic vibrations can be clearly seen in the picture.

"With their current strength, it will be difficult to kill this seventh-level mutant beast."

Intuition told Lin Qi that even if these Source Project soldiers all possessed level six armor, they would not be able to cause effective damage to the mutated mammoth, and would most likely suffer heavy casualties.

Unless those federations have obtained the technology of alien spaceships like themselves, but now the only one who can break the intelligent program of the spacecraft is his intelligent life Wei Lan.

"There's no need to go and see this. Just let me know when the results come out. Let's go back and rest."

They have been busy for so many days, and few of them have had a good rest. Now that they have assigned all important tasks to others, they feel much more leisurely.

After leaving the operation of the basement to Wei Lan for maintenance, Lin Qi led everyone back to the villa through the underground tunnel.

Originally there were only Lin Qituan, Bai Su Xiaoling and a few people in the villa, but now it was already overcrowded. Wenxiu's addition did not surprise a few people, but An Xin also shamelessly moved into the villa.

In the evening, a sumptuous dinner was prepared. After eating and drinking, Lin Qi took out all the source power crystals and prepared to distribute them to everyone.

At this stage, most of the awakened people have begun to absorb third-level gene crystals, and those at the top of the strength have begun to absorb fourth-level or even fifth-level ones.

However, because of Lin Qi's lock-picking skills, the women in the villa were able to absorb enough genetic crystals at each stage to reach the most complete level of foundation.

Lin Qi is now almost at the second level and is absorbing the third level. It just so happens that part of the source power crystals obtained this time are of the third level.

After distributing the source power crystals needed by everyone, everyone returned to the room for easy absorption and use.

In the living room, An Xin was left playing with the source power crystal in his hand, but there were many doubts in his heart.

"You shouldn't be short of resources, right? Why is everyone's gene lock level still at the third level?"

An Xin's own gene lock level has already exceeded the third level, and now she has begun to take the fourth level gene fluid. After all, when she opened the gene lock at the first level, she only consumed eleven gene crystals, and her potential was not outstanding.

"Their gene lock consumes twenty-three gene crystals at each stage, which is different from ordinary people."

This is the greatest role of lock-picking skills. It allows a person with ordinary qualifications to reach heights that ordinary people cannot reach.

"Twenty-three? How is that possible? Isn't the limit of the gene lock eighteen?"

Only one person had reached the previously announced limit of fifteen gene locks. Later, someone set a new record, reaching as many as eighteen. However, the limit record of twenty-three has never been reached.

"That is the limit of ordinary people. It does not belong to me. It may not be visible in the early stage, but when they reach the third level, their strength is almost the same as that of ordinary people at the fifth level."

Lin Qi made a rough estimate. Although Tuantuan did not show fighting strength, he was not much different from the fighters at the top of the Source Plan rankings. An Xin was shocked for a long time, then suddenly reacted and sat down next to Lin Qi.

"If you can help them unleash their potential, you can certainly increase my potential, right? Help me! I also want to reach the potential of twenty-three!"

Although An Xin rarely had the chance to fight mutant beasts, how could he let it go if he had the chance to become stronger? He immediately held Lin Qi's hand and kept pleading.

Although the relationship between the two has not deepened, they have had a few superficial exchanges after all. When they are alone together, there will always be an atmosphere of ambiguity.

"It's not impossible to help you, but this ability requires in-depth communication to develop the other person's potential. You also know that my relationship with them must be close to a certain level before I can use that ability."

Lin Qi touched An Xin's elastic thigh, tapped it a few times, and moved his fingertips closer and closer.

"You want to fuck me?"

An Xin did not shrink his legs, and looked at Lin Qi with a hint of excitement in his eyes.

"How can you say that? This is a necessary step to develop abilities. They all came here this way."

Lin Qi didn't expect that An Xin would be so direct and not shy about such things at all, which made him a little surprised for a while.

"No wonder, even Bai Su?"

Aware of the secret, An Xin became curious. She had already known Tuantuan and Xiaoling before, but Bai Su was Tuantuan's teacher and looked so serious, so she never thought she would do such a thing.

In addition to fantasizing, my heart became more and more excited.

"Bai Suke is more proactive than you think. We usually play in the basement, but others don't know about this."

After chatting openly, Lin Qi didn't care whether Bai Su knew about it. On the contrary, it would be more interesting to bring the two of them together.

"Let's go! Let's go to the basement too!"

An Xin stood up directly, grabbed Lin Qi's arm and walked towards the basement.

Although most of the instruments in the basement were moved to the underground base, a few tables and some simple equipment were still retained.

As soon as he entered the basement, An Xin saw the flat table, and thoughts came to his mind.

"You must have done this on this table, I want to experience it too!"

After saying that, the armor on his body automatically opened and he walked out.

At this stage, all the clothes of Project Source soldiers are made of biological materials, so it is very convenient to take off clothes. As long as you want to, you can take them off cleanly.

An Xin's figure is maintained extremely perfectly. Even if there were some flaws before, when the genes are awakened to a certain extent and the genes are perfected, the body will be automatically reshaped to maintain the most perfect shape.

He has a tall body and slender thighs, like a golden ratio cut. Sitting sideways on the table, he lifts his legs slightly, and the hidden place is looming.

"What posture do you usually use?"

If you are determined, you should compare it with Bai Su. (End of chapter)

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