The sixth-level armor was even faster than before. When he arrived at the destination, Lin Qi didn't even feel how much time had passed.

This safe zone is called the King Kong Safe Zone, which means indestructible. It is located in the southern area and is considered a relatively large safe zone. Especially recently, it has accepted many groups of survivors from outside.

As a result, the original bombing isolation area was almost overcrowded. From a high altitude, a large number of simple houses were built in the ruins.

Although the base's city wall was not high, it was very generous. When Lin Qi landed on the city wall, several Source Project soldiers had already come to greet him.

Jiang Tianqi came up from a distance, and he was relieved that Lin Qi could come.

Xu Lan also participated in this operation and greeted Lin Qi from a distance, but did not come closer.

The owner of this safe zone is a sturdy man named Yu Shigang. As soon as he saw Lin Qi, he shook hands warmly and took out his cigarette.

Several grown men sat at a table on the city wall, and they became familiar with each other after just a few words.

"How's it going? Has anything changed in the past few days?"

The support team has been in the King Kong Safe Zone for a few days. They have experienced several mutant beast attacks, but they were all blocked. They can be considered to have some understanding of mutant creatures.

Based on Lin Qi's previous calculations, as long as the Source Project warriors cooperate with each other, they should be able to block most of the mutated creatures. Even if there are some missing, those awakened warriors are not vegetarians.

"It was a bit difficult at the beginning, but the four major bases sent some people to assist us, and it became much easier for us. In the past few days, the awakened people in the safe zone have gained experience, and their overall strength has improved a lot."

Jiang Tianqi reported the changes in the safe zone seriously. At this time, he had already realized why Lin Qi didn't take action immediately.

If every time we encounter this kind of situation, the strongest person has to take action to resolve the crisis quickly, then other people will not get experience at all, and the weak people will not have the opportunity to grow up, and eventually there will be a gap in strength.

"It's a pity that we didn't encounter a fifth-level mutant beast, otherwise we could have gained more."

Yu Shigang shook his head, but it was a pity. If it were just him, it might still be difficult to face the fifth-level mutant creatures, but now that there are many masters in the safe zone, he hopes that the fifth-level mutant creatures will appear so that they can gain more.

"Fifth-level mutant beasts are indispensable. With a beast tide of this size, there may even be sixth-level mutant beasts. Evolved bugs are also extremely dangerous and should not be taken lightly."

Sensing Yu Shigang's contemptuous attitude, Lin Qi couldn't help but remind him.

However, they were not informed of the special situation of the mutated zombies.

While they were chatting, a man wearing armor came from the distance of the city wall.

"Brother Yu, I heard that Commander Lin has come to the safe zone. Why don't you tell me so that I can come with you to welcome him!"

There was an inexplicable sense of familiarity in the voice, and the shape of the armor also had many impressions. When the person came closer, Lin Qi recognized who it was.

"Ren Xiangfeng?"

The visitor turned out to be Ren Xiangfeng, a soldier of Project Source from the four major bases. The two of them had dealt with mother zombies together before, so they had crossed paths.

Moreover, Ren Xiangfeng was a Project Source soldier at Base No. 1, which was not the same system as Base No. 3 that Lin Qi had visited before.

"Commander Lin, long time no see!"

Ren Xiangfeng had a look of admiration on his face. He had already been impressed by Lin Qi's strength in the last battle with the mother zombie. He didn't expect that the other party would have such a status and reputation just so long ago.

"It's been a long time, I didn't expect to see you here."

Ren Xiangfeng's strength is not weak, and he seems to have a good status. The Source Project fighters brought this time are all elite level. "I learned before that Commander Lin went to the Third Base. I planned to go back to entertain you, but I was busy with tasks and never had the chance."

His tone was somewhat humble, and when facing Lin Qi, he unconsciously lowered his attitude.

"When this matter is over, come to my safe area and I'll treat you to a few drinks."

It was fate to meet again. They sat together again and chatted passionately.

From the deployment of safe zones, to the allocation of Source Project fighters, as well as the defense of the Awakener team, etc.

Ren Xiangfeng, in particular, is more experienced in this area, and it was his command that allowed everyone to quickly adapt to the rhythm.

There was a team of Awakeners under the city clearing out small-scale mutated beasts and evolved bugs. Most of these missing ones were weak and had obvious physical disabilities, and were not their opponents at all.

At the same time, these awakened people also play a role in alerting the outside world. If there is any trouble, they will be aware of it immediately.

"Brother Ren, since you have been here for a few days, have you noticed the special characteristics of mutant zombies?"

Ren Xiangfeng was a sensible person. After hearing Lin Qi's words, he immediately became cautious.

He has fought against the mother zombie, so he naturally knows some information.

"I have sent people to investigate before, but they have never been able to penetrate deep into the mutant zombie group and cannot find the location of the mother zombie."

The last time we were able to target the target was because there were so few mutated zombies that we could find the source, but now the scale of the zombies is uncontrollable, with a rough estimate of more than 100,000.

Some of them are mutant zombies attracted by the mother zombie, and the other part are mutant zombies born inside the mother zombie. They are so entangled that it is impossible to tell them apart.

Moreover, these zombies will drive away mutated creatures in an orderly manner and send them to the mouth of the mother zombie to become nutrients for making zombies.

"Now that a trace has been found, there is a trace to follow. I will help search for it in the next few days and make sure to eliminate this hidden danger in advance."

Originally, the number of zombies had a certain limit. As long as humans continued to hunt, they would eventually kill all of them.

But the emergence of maternal zombies completely changed this possibility.

As long as this mother body that quickly breeds zombies exists for one day, the zombies cannot be eliminated.

Lin Qi shared the map of the area near King Kong's safe zone collected by Wei Lan with everyone, and everyone gasped when they saw it.

Unexpectedly, those mutated zombies surrounded the entire safe area.

"Don't tell other people about this news yet. Let's wait until the trouble is resolved before informing everyone."

Lin Qi also felt that the changes were a bit fast. When he checked before, the mutated zombies had not yet formed a siege.

"I understand, it's time for us to take the initiative!"

Jiang Tianqi knew very well that if these mutant zombie groups attacked at the same time, the combat power in the safe zone would never be able to fully defend, and the city would definitely be destroyed and people would die.

"Let the base's weapons carry out indiscriminate attacks on these locations, and I will find the location of the mother zombie as soon as possible."

Lin Qi marked the location where the mother zombies were most likely to appear on the map, and officially took over the command of the King Kong Safe Zone. (End of chapter)

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