Doomsday: My skills are becoming more and more abnormal

Chapter 260: Going deep into the mother zombie

A round of artillery fire attack quickly aroused the agitation of the mutant beast tide.

As the smoke dispersed, ferocious mutant beasts roared upwards and rushed towards the safe zone wall.

"Everyone prepares for battle!"

In this case, there is no need to command at all and allowing those Project Source soldiers to perform freely will better reflect their value.

The fire phoenix flew through the sky, and the scorching flames it brought with it almost burned out all the oxygen in the air, and even the void felt distorted.

Those flying evolved bugs were roasted on the outside and tender on the inside by the blazing wave of fire before they even got close, and they fell towards the ground in pieces.

Just by herself, she blocked half of the sky and blocked the attacks of flying creatures!

Other Project Source warriors showed off their magical powers. Some stood on the ground. The ruins in front of them squirmed quickly and gathered into a huge stone man, killing a large area with one punch.

Some people also triggered thunder and hurricanes, turning the battlefield into a place of complete chaos.

After Lin Qi took the time to shoot a few arrows at the place where the mutant beasts were densest, a picture flashed in front of his eyes.

"Huh? Did you find it?"

In the scene captured by Wei Lan during the focused bombing just now, there was an area that was quickly restored by mutant zombies, and there were many mutant zombies that were rapidly increasing in number.

"Ren Xiangfeng, I've found the location. I'll go there first."

After Lin Qi shared the coordinates with Ren Xiangfeng, the super armor turned into a black light and flew directly towards the coordinates.

After getting closer, I discovered that the location was a mine vein, and it was also a large deep coal mine.

"This is troublesome. The caves under the mineral veins are even more complicated. How do you find this thing?"

Last time in the basement of the building, the mother zombie escaped, let alone such a large mineral vein.

But if this guy is not stopped from continuing to give birth to babies, a steady stream of mutated zombies will inevitably appear. Once a super-scale beast tide forms, wherever they pass will be completely trampled to the ground!

A long sword condensed in his hand, and as Lin rose and fell, a huge sword shadow fell from the sky and plunged straight into the mine!

Smoke and dust scattered in all directions, mixed with lightning flashes, and the thunder spread like a snake, sticking to the ground.

Those mutated zombies were all shocked and flew into the sky, and were completely blown into powder by the thunder. Just one blow cleared the death zone hundreds of meters away!

At the location of the mine, a mass of bright red flesh squirmed slowly, with blood mixed with inexplicable liquid. Not only did it spurt out from the crack, but after being hit by the big health care, the entire big sarcoma was torn into pieces, but you can still feel the richness in it. vitality.

A zombie spurted directly out of the gap, still carrying viscous liquid when it landed.

It stood up tremblingly, its red flesh and muscles expanding rapidly, looking full of strength.

The mutated zombie roared in the sky, took a step forward, and rushed towards Lin Qi.

The two passed by each other, and the mutated zombie's entire body was cut in half. It slid on the ground for more than ten meters before hitting the rubble.

Looking at the disgusting organs of the still squirming mother zombie, Lin Qi felt like he was holding back.

Last time, the entire mother zombie was exploded before entering her body, but this time the mother zombie was obviously more powerful than the last one.

There was a violent tremor under the feet, and a huge arm stretched out from the squirming red piece of flesh. When it was raised more than ten meters, it fell heavily to the ground!
"Level 6 mutant zombie!"

This zombie seemed to be squeezed out of the red wriggling flesh. After all the hands were stretched out, a huge bald head also came out!

"Come in!" Only half of the body is exposed, and it is more than ten meters high. If it is completely drilled out, it will be more than thirty meters high.

The mutant zombies we have seen so far are only five or six meters tall, but this one is an alien!
So before it could fully come out, Lin Qi jumped up and slapped it on the forehead!

Taking advantage of the moment when the mutated zombie was briefly dazed, Lin Qi gathered a spear and flew up into the sky with a spear, hitting the mutated zombie's head!

He went straight down and used the Dragon Throw, and the spear turned into a dragon, and it poked directly at the head of the mutated zombie. The indestructible spear tip quickly rotated, and directly exploded its head, causing the brains to scatter in all directions!
Before the mutated zombie was completely born, its body had already collapsed, being pulled by the red wormy flesh and swallowed into the body.

At this time, Ren Xiangfeng arrived here, saw Lin Qi from a distance, and quickly landed.

"Commander Lin, have you found the nest of the mother zombie?"

He just saw an attack and the huge mutated zombie disappeared, but when he got closer, he also found squirming red flesh.

"Do you have any energy bombs? Let's blow this thing up and see."

After all, there is always an unacceptable feeling when you get into it from this position.

"I have a fourth-level one, but I don't know if it's powerful enough."

As Ren Xiangfeng spoke, he took out a cylindrical red device and activated the switch.

When I flew up to the mine, I saw that the hole was not completely closed, so I threw the energy bomb directly in!

The power of the explosion was enough, and the two quickly evacuated the place and hid behind a ruin.

A few seconds later, the ground trembled, a violent explosion sounded from deep underground, and a stream of rotten meat spurted out from the mine, falling like a rain of blood!

Lin Qi put on his dagger and waited until the blood rain completely dissipated before revealing his body and flying towards the location of the explosion.

The mine that was originally completely occupied by the mother zombies has now been completely exploded, revealing a spacious hole.

But there are still many sticky objects slowly flowing in the rotten meat that has been fried to char.

"If you don't enter the corpse cave, how can you kill it, right?"

To deal with this special kind of maternal zombie, the first step must be to sterilize it. Otherwise, once you get inside, you will not be able to kill all the zombies that will attack you in a steady stream.

The two of them entered the mine one after another. The first few hundred meters had been completely bombed, and no remains of the mother zombie could be seen. Only after they got deeper into the mine did they see the accumulation of rotten flesh.

All the rotten meat was blown to pieces by energy bombs, completely blocking the entrance and blocking the two people's passage deep inside.

"Do you want to blow it up again?"

Ren Xiangfeng looked at the disgusting thing and really didn't want to get in there.

"No, that's fine here."

Lin Qi took out the dagger and slowly lowered it. Although it had turned into rotten flesh, there was still a connection between the rotten flesh and the mother zombie, so he stabbed it with the dagger!

"Is the location wrong?"

I remember that the mother zombie she stabbed last time successfully triggered infertility deep inside her body, where the mutated zombies were conceived, but the current location was obviously not in the right place.

"It seems we have to go deeper. Please help us open the way."

After Lin Qi said that, he pushed back a certain distance. (End of chapter)

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