Ren Xiangfeng stepped forward reluctantly, turned on the energy laser with both arms, and continuously bombarded the rotten meat, gradually cutting a passage out.

But the strange thing is that the rotten meat seems to be devoured by something, and it is also decreasing rapidly.


Suddenly, all the rotten flesh shrank, revealing a spacious passage, deep and deep inside.

"It must have eaten the rotten meat to replenish itself, and the mutated zombie just now was also recovered!"

It's hard to imagine how much biological energy this mother zombie contained, how easily it gave birth to a sixth-level mutant zombie with such a huge body.

Ren Xiangfeng made a reasonable judgment. After all, he had done various studies on the mother zombie before.

"No matter what, this thing must be removed, otherwise hunting so many mutant beasts will end up taking advantage of it."

Deep underground, even if the missile explodes internally, it will be difficult to completely kill the mother zombie. As long as a piece of flesh remains, it can devour other flesh and grow rapidly.

Lin Qi took out the dagger and slid it all the way down, constantly cutting into the flesh wall, but it never triggered the killing effect with one blow.

Moreover, the way this thing obtains nutrients is not only to swallow flesh and blood, but also to absorb nutrients through the soil. The blood stains on the ground will seep into the ground, causing it to continue to grow.

Ren Xiangfeng opened the way in front, and unknowingly he had penetrated deep into the bottom of the mine, and there were several intersections in the passage.

There is a layer of viscous liquid on the ground that feels soft when stepped on, and it is also covered with a layer of silk-like tendons, which is quite permeable.

Former equipment can be vaguely seen on the flesh walls on both sides. Those protruding metal objects cannot be digested for a while, which is quite obvious.

Lin Qi kept poking with the dagger, and even cut off a few pieces of red and tender meat to study. It felt smooth and tender, and felt very good.

"Something is coming!"

Ren Xiangfeng in front instantly entered a state of alert, raised his arm, and adjusted the charge of the blue energy cannon.

A mutated zombie more than three meters high rushed out of the darkness, its sharp claws emitting cold light, but before it could raise its hand to attack, a blue energy cannon hit its head, blasting it into pieces. powder.

"Is this the Source Power Cannon?"

The familiar energy fluctuations made Lin Qi a little surprised. The base actually conducted such research on source power and produced weapons.

"Yes, it is an application of source energy. It is very effective against mutated creatures below level four."

Ren Xiangfeng shook his arm. It was obvious that this kind of attack put a heavy load on the body.

But he still didn't retreat and kept opening the way ahead.

After passing through the several hundred meters long passage, another fork suddenly appeared in front of us, but we could clearly see that there were squirming lumps of flesh on the flesh wall of the cave, which were breeding mutant zombies.

Seeing this, Lin Qi thrust a dagger into it, and with a piercing scream, all the surrounding flesh trembled and began to squirm crazily.


The blow seemed to have hit something remarkable. After triggering infertility, those raised fleshy masses trembled violently and gradually disappeared, as if they had merged into the mother zombie.

The flesh layer under the two people's feet was also shrinking rapidly, disappearing towards the depths of the mine!

"It's trying to escape! Chase after it!"

This change reminded Lin Qi of the mother zombie that disappeared through underground cracks. Now that there was such a good opportunity, how could he let it escape again. The two were very fast and quickly caught up with the fading layer of flesh, but no matter how they attacked, the effect was minimal.

"Get out of the way!"

Lin Qi condensed a long bow, drew an arrow and aimed it deep into the mine!

"Spiral arrow! Youlong throws the world to pieces!"

Reciting the skill silently in his mind, the arrow flew out and turned into a swimming dragon!
The mental power senses the distribution of the mines, and the arrows follow closely behind!

Along the way, the layers of flesh that had no time to retract were cut into pieces and scattered all over the floor!
Being hit so hard, the entire underground mine shook violently. Under the strong pressure, the mine collapsed instantly, and the steel beams supporting the roof of the cave fell down, completely blocking the path between the two.

"What should I do? Will it escape?"

Ren Xiangfeng anxiously wanted to step forward and open a passage, but it was blocked for hundreds of meters, so he could only stop.

Even if this passage is opened, I am afraid that the retracted body will not be found.

"No need, let's just wait for it up there."

Lin Qi has noticed the state of the mother zombie. After being unable to reproduce and mutate zombies, it has completely lost its function of gestation. Now its body has completely retracted, and it seems to have entered another state.

It is no longer suitable to stay in the underground mine now. If everything collapses, it will not be easy to get out.

The two of them had just turned around and were about to leave, when suddenly the entire mine shook violently, steel beams fell down, and the mine walls on both sides were slowly squeezed into the middle!


A layer of blue energy quickly appeared on the two of them, and their speed instantly increased several times!
The ground trembled violently, even oscillating in waves. Most of the flat land around the mine collapsed, and the dust rose straight into the sky!

After the huge roar, the surrounding area slowly returned to calm for thousands of meters.

Two figures flew out of the smoke and stayed suspended in the air.

"I almost got buried down there!"

Ren Xiangfeng breathed a sigh of relief. Although the Yuan Project armor had excellent defense, it would be extremely difficult to escape if it was buried deep underground.

The surrounding mutated zombies gradually gathered around. Although these mutated zombies have no ability to fly, when the number reaches a certain level, cleaning them up is also an extremely laborious task.

"Wei Lan, lock the area near me and provide remote support."

The mother zombie has not yet appeared, and may have been mixed into the zombie group at this moment. Even if the zombies can no longer be reproduced in the future, Lin Qi cannot let it escape.

After the order was given, the sky suddenly lit up with a dazzling blue light, and a beam of light fell straight down, turning into a blue barrier and slowly sweeping forward.

Those mutated zombies were instantly turned into ashes when they came into contact with the blue barrier. As one fell to the ground and shattered, the rest were like a chain reaction, turning into carbonized fragments one by one.

"What kind of attack is this?"

Ren Xiangfeng watched in horror as the barrier swept past him. The densely packed mutated zombies on the ground turned completely charcoal black and shattered into debris!

"Support from the sky."

Lin Qi was also a little surprised that the spaceship's attack was so terrifying and had such a miraculous effect on these low-level mutated zombies. (End of chapter)

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